#east asians





East Asian Skin Tones According to East Asians:

East Asian Skin Tones in the Eyes of Westerners:

My foreign friends - we do not have jaundice, or at least, most of us - we’d tell you if we had jaundice. Our skin has yellow undertones, it’s not bright yellow like a Simpsons character, or bright orange like Trump (he’s white to boot). Don’t even make our skin a tone of yellow in any sense. Look at a real-life East Asian before you draw. I don’t care if you look at Xinnie the Pooh or Curry Lamb as a skin tone reference, as long as you use an art reference for once. Thank you.

How isn’t this just reproducing stigma against people with brighter yellow undertones?

Bright yellow undertones are NOT necessarily indicative of disease or health problems. Stop perpetuating that idea.

You CAN push for greater diversity of complexions without just reproducing stigma against certain complexions and implying they shouldn’t be represented because they’re an embarrassing to your race.

Not only that, East Asians themselves portray their own skin is informed by colorism and the drive to make their skin as white as possible and WE sure as hell shouldn’t be reproducing that.

First of all… stop. I’m actually East Asian (I live in Hong Kong) and am backed by Asian friends on this reply, so please, listen to me on this:

I’m not against people with yellow undertones. Hell if I know, I have yellow undertones myself. But news flash, this isn’t the Simpsons, healthy, normal East Asians - nor anyone else for that matter - has bright yellow skin the colour of highlighter ink.

Iam trying to push for diversity in East Asian complexions - you see my Gacha models with pale and tan/dark skin (dark by East Asian standards, mind you). I’m not glamorizing having pale skin and promoting colorism, even if the cosmetics stores around me all sell products for lightening skin - I am well aware of colorism in my society. I am saying that no healthy East Asian has Yellow™️ skin like I have seen in many pieces of fan-art.

People who draw East Asians in Yellow™️ skin tones tend not to be East Asian. I am trying to raise awareness that Asian skin is not effing jaundice-yellow as many Westerners tend to perceive, as if they are using 1940s propaganda posters as art references.

You are a black guy (according to your profile) who primarily reblogs pictures of women in bikinis. You are not East Asian. You do not have a say in the matter.
