#tw racism

racqthebelle:daniellemertina:the-perks-of-being-black:The excerpt referenced by Jonathan Frandracqthebelle:daniellemertina:the-perks-of-being-black:The excerpt referenced by Jonathan Frandracqthebelle:daniellemertina:the-perks-of-being-black:The excerpt referenced by Jonathan Frandracqthebelle:daniellemertina:the-perks-of-being-black:The excerpt referenced by Jonathan Frandracqthebelle:daniellemertina:the-perks-of-being-black:The excerpt referenced by Jonathan Frandracqthebelle:daniellemertina:the-perks-of-being-black:The excerpt referenced by Jonathan Frandracqthebelle:daniellemertina:the-perks-of-being-black:The excerpt referenced by Jonathan Frandracqthebelle:daniellemertina:the-perks-of-being-black:The excerpt referenced by Jonathan Frandracqthebelle:daniellemertina:the-perks-of-being-black:The excerpt referenced by Jonathan Frandracqthebelle:daniellemertina:the-perks-of-being-black:The excerpt referenced by Jonathan Frand




The excerpt referenced by Jonathan Frandzone containing the quote by Emmeline Pankhurst (the role played by Meryl Streep in the feature film Suffragette) is from the book The Women’s Movements in the United States and Britain from the 1790s to the 1920s by Christine Bolt, The University of Massachusetts Press, 1993.

Practically every big name white feminist has a history of hyperbolically comparing their struggle to that of Black ppl–who they render gender-less. Just the other day I was reading Naomi Wolf’s book where she compares white women getting plastic surgery in the 1980s to the forced scarification of Black ppl during slavery.

Like they’re not even subtle with this bullshit. As if the confederates weren’t called rebels and the confederate flag wasn’t called the rebel flag.

Post link


So, we all knew that the police were a racist institution rooted in legalized slave trafficking to serve a profit-based prison system. I guess now they’re finally admitting it.

I know that “not every cop is a bad cop” and we need law enforcement, but frankly I can’t call any cop a good cop until they’re willing to cross the thin blue line, and so far, I’m still waiting on that to ever happen… Ever. And the fact that we need law enforcement and protection of the public are shitty reasons to try to excuse the violence and racism inherent in the current system.

I also feel like it’s worth mentioning that this year has been a very safe year to be a cop. You don’t have to look far to find that work related police deaths and injuries are on a downward trend. But please, by all means, keep going on about this imaginary “war on cops”.

The funniest part to me is just how clearly this moves shows the police and their supporters actively positioning themselves as enemies of black America.

When someone says “black lives matter” the only appropriate response is agreement. Anything else clearly shows that you consider black lives to be inferior. No one ever said other lives don’t matter. All we said is that black lives do. There is nothing which needs to be added to that. You can agree, or you can be a racist fuck.

There are other times when it is appropriate to mention that a group of people’s lives matter: when that group of people are also specifically being murdered en mass for the way they were born. That is the only time, because those are the lives that society needs a reminder for. Not people who are just butt-hurt that it’s not about them. Be thankful it isn’t about you.

That’s not what’s going on when the police start saying that blue lives matter. It’s a clear us vs them move aimed at the black community.

Seriously, what is this, the 1960s? I would have seriously hoped that the majority of people would have been able to learn by now how not to be racist assholes. Instead I get to watch and learn more and more every day just how many people are racist as hell and just don’t seem to know it.


The fact that I reported a puppet account for saying Black people deserved slavery and was given a bullshit “that’s their opinion” response yet staff has deleted 3 of my Black mutuals on the same fucking day tells my that @staff is racist and that Black Excellence banner is only for fucking show. Y'all will let Black bloggers be harassed, but God forbid one of them says fucking white women. With fucking full blown pedos and white supremacists on your fucking site too. Hope your building blows up




Boost the demands #PrisonStrike

On instagram, qtpoc_medicine posted graphics explaining why they’re striking! #PrisonStrike

Chattel slavery never went away. It’s just evolved

slavery isn’t even illegal in the USA. it’s in the 13th Amendment to the Constitution (wiki link – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution ) – if you’ve been convicted of a crime, you can do hard labor without payment, ie. slavery.

prison has been a defacto replacement for plantation slavery since, well, about 1865.

Outlawing prison slavery will require a constitutional amendment, which we’re unlikely to get with who we currently have in DC.

#signal boost    #tw slavery    #tw racism    

We all know why certain people in society refuse to show Meghan any kindness by treating her like a human being!!!!



the statements “the south & appalachia can be and is an unsafe place for a lot of minorities in some places, especially for BIPOC & lgbt people and a lot of aspects of southern culture can be bigoted.” and “the south is the most racially diverse region and has the highest concentration of lgbt people in the country, is not inherently racist or unsafe, and claiming the entire south are uneducated, bigoted hicks is racist & classist and ignores the disenfranchisement of minorities in the south.” can coexist.

there is soooooooooo much nuance to this and i’m begging people who don’t live in the south to listen to people who live here. no one’s claiming the south is free from criticism and is a safe haven for minorities. but some people are far, far too comfortable calling everyone in the south uneducated hicks and refusing to understand the duality of there being poor, disenfranchised people in the south who are being exploited while refusing to acknowledge the racism anywhere else.


ok so this has been bothering me for like the longest time so sit down and please stop appropriating japanese culture. u may not realize ur doing it, so just take a second to listen. if any other japanese wanna add on to this post, feel free to do so. if u are not japanese, please do not try to defend ur ignorance or racism, rather listen and change ur behavior.

  • stop saying the word “jap” as a substitute for japanese. jap is a racial slur that was popularized in america after pearl harbor and all through the japanese internment. it’s not a shortened version of the word japanese like brits are to british. we are japanese, not japs.
  • acknowledge japanese imperialism. do not defend it. what the japanese did in ww2 was horrible, so make sure u know about it and use that knowledge to think critically about any japanese media u may consume.
  • stop japancore. japan is a country with a deep culture. my culture is not ur aesthetic.
  • on the same note of japancore, do not use shinto shrines as part of ur moodbaord. that is a religion still practiced to this day in japan. it’s not ur aesthetic. also realize that shintoism has been used as means to empower the emperor during japanese imperialism in ww2. they forced people into that religion and locked up those who didn’t comply. (it’s ok if u practice it ofc, just research and know what u are following)
  • again with moodboards, this is slightly more forgivable, but please don’t use japanese language for ur aesthetic. while i encourage anyone who wants to learn it to try and learn it, it’s not there for ur aesthetic. i can explain more on this if anyone would like, but i’ll just leave it at that for now.
  • do not self id as a weeb. being a weeb is incredibly harmful, as it dismisses many of the horrible things japan has done to asia. please read this post for more (i agree with the original post of this, but not with the op’s response. i added it here because i wanted to use it as means for thinking critically about it).
  • please do not support hetalia or aot. hetalia sort of glorifies japanese imperialism as well as nazism and makes it into this cutesy lil thing that makes u go “awww ” at ww2. aot has antisemitic themes within it and again glorifies japanese imperialism.
  • if u are going thru with a name change, do not choose a japanese name that u found online after a google search. names in japan are more than just names, there’s a whole process that involves it that is dependent on ur time of birth as well as stroke count for the written name. additionally, it further appropriates the culture when a non japanese person uses a japanese name simply bc they found it cute. this also applies to online aliases. a name from ur own culture or language is good enough.
  • do not fetishize us. this goes for every culture and race but just stop. we are not “babies” and we are not here for ur entertainment. we are people too.
  • do not say “i wish i was japanese.” don’t say that for any culture at all unless u are also prepared to face the years of oppression and racism that comes with it.
  • do not say we have white privilege simply because japanese tend to have lighter skin to other poc. this can be said about many east asians countries as well. asia isn’t just pale skin, it comes in a multitude of shades as well as cultures from other countries. we do not have white privilege because we do not benefit from the system like white people do.

i’m just done with racism going unnoticed because of ignorance. if u did/do any of these things, whatever. just realize how ur behavior has added to japanese racism and learn from it. further, please help stop anti-asian violence. i live near where an attack was done to an elder. please use these links to help asian lives.

stop aapi hate

post with resources, petitions, and donation links

news source about anti-asian crimes within recent times

twitter post about anti-asian hate crime with graphics

how to support asians

a post about comparing blm and protect asian lives and why it’s harmful to both movements

google doc with a full list of many resources on aapi


As we start getting into AAPI heritage month, here are some things to remember:

  • “Asians” includes EVERYONE with heritage tracing back to Asia (this includes East, West, Northern, Central, South, and Southeast Asians!)
  • Just as there is immense diversity just within Asians, there is tons of diversity in different groups of Pacific Islanders!
  • There is even diversity WITHIN specific ethnicities and countries!
  • Mixed-race Asians can identify as Asian just as much as they can identify with their other race(s)
  • Mixed-Asian Asians also exist and don’t have to be constrained to just one of their heritage cultures
  • Asians (and Pacific Islanders) exist in all skintones, hair colors, etc.! It all depends on genetics and geographic location
  • AAPI exist everywhere.
  • Not every AAPI speaks their heritage language.
  • AAPI likely play a role in their home country’s history whether or not it’s actually taught in school (see: US History)
  • Don’t ask “What are you?” or “Where are you from?” if you’re wondering about someone’s ethnicity. Just ask what their ethnicity or background is!
  • The model minority myth is called a MYTH for a reason and harms individuals in many different ways (YES, even the Asians that it’s “supposed to benefit”)
  • Racism and xenophobia against AAPI exists no matter the immigrant, social, or economic status (this is why we need to #Stop AAPI Hate!)
  • Anti-Asian hate crimes are happening every day as a result of anti-Asian racism, and it’s up to us to stop it by shutting down anti-Asian sentiment when we see it
  • No one is perfect, BUT it is everyone’s responsibility to treat others with respect and make efforts to be aware and inclusive regardless of our own backgrounds.

Tw: mass shooting, racism, hate crime, racially motivated murder

My heart breaks for those in Buffalo right now.

I’m in America, so mass shootings are often just another day to me. It’s incredibly sad but true. This one got me though, and I think it’s because it was a hate crime that was so premeditated. He drove 200 miles to find a black majority town after buying tactical gear, a head camera, and just… dude. What the fuck.If there’s one thing I can’t wrap my head around it’s hating people so much who have no effect on you because of their race or any other status.

Imagine being so twisted that you drive 200 miles to murder people who don’t know you and have never hurt you because of the color of their skin. Imagine being his mother who gave him a gun on his 16th birthday. Imagine being a family of radical white supremacists and not having your kids taken away when you post gifting them firearms on social goddamn media. Imagine being the dumb fuck who says “only a good guy with a gun…” when the good guy with a gun got murdered because he couldn’t pierce the bad guy with a gun’s tactical gear.

I’m not usually pessimistic and I still believe in doing all you can to better things, but I sincerely believe the United States is beyond repair.

Please keep your eyes out for verified charities and fundraisers to help those impacted by this horrible tragedy. And please get out and vote in all your local elections if we ever have a prayer of ridding the US of this gun pandemic.


I think one of the things that always gets me in particular is how often “dark” writers say they’re just trying to “explore the topic / themes” whenever theyre criticized for writing absolutely vile things.

And I always want to know what the hell that’s supposed to mean in the context of these fics.

I DO think some dark topics can be explored in a reasonable manor, I obviously know someone who writes a murder mystery novel is not condoning murder. But the way you engage with a topic matters. Yes you can write a murder mystery, but if you exclusively write only graphic, detailed murder scenes and literally nothing else BUT the murder scenes themselves, I’m absolutely going to assume something is just deeply fucking wrong with you.

And I feel like that’s exactly how some of y'all approach this shit.

(tw for the rest of this post for discussing themes of sexual assault, racism, fetishization, abuse)

If you claim to be exploring sexual assault as a dark topic, to understand the themes of it and explore an understanding of it and the mental impact of it – but then exclusively only write violent, graphic sexual assault scenes and literally nothing else, I’m going to assume something is just deeply wrong with you.

You are not “exploring” a topic by writing a graphically disturbing oneshot. You just have a kink for writing noncon and abuse that you’re trying to pass off any responsibility for, and excusing it in the most pretentious way imagineable.

Ihave seen fics address the mental toll of sexual assault, and seen them do it respectfully, without showing graphic detail. Again I’m not against the exploration of these things. But when you’re writing 60k words of intense brutalization and that’s just… it. That’s the entire story. And then you write it again. And again. And again

What exploration are you doing? What themes are you analyzing? What message are you attempting to send? If this truly is an exploration, you have an end goal to it, yes? What would be the point to it all if there wasn’t?

So besides you just… having a completely obvious kink for Din mentally, physically, and sexually abusing the shit out of Luke for no discernable reason other than you think its hot, go ahead and tell me what the purpose of your literary exploration was.

Go ahead and tell me what, in your analysis of the available canon media, led you to these character decisions. Go ahead and explain to me why you would assume these characters would perform these acts and why. Give me your whole reasoning. Give me examples. Cite your sources.

Oh it’s an AU? It doesn’t follow canon? So as someone with even more control over this universe now, explain to me what led you to these decisions as an author. Why you picked these specific characters for these specific scenarios. Do you even have a solid reason? If this truly is just a harmless fictional exploration of a fictional universe, why do you always seem to draw on and enforce such real-world prejudices?

(This is all rhetorical I don’t want to hear your shitty fucking explanations, but I’m encouraging you guys to ask this shit of yourselves. Be cognizant of your decisions and their implications.)

If the grand majority of your writing is based around Latino and Māori men brutalizing, assaulting, torturing, and abusing other characters, you are not fucking “exploring dark themes” in any way. You’re just fucking racist, and completely unaware of the way in which you fetishize characters. Stop making excuses for yourself.

Stop hiding under the guise of being some dark visionary for the Star Wars writing scene. You’re not ‘pushing boundaries.’ You’re just reinforcing harmful stereotypes for the sake of an irresponsibly handled kink.

I do not fucking trust people that grab at dark topics with both hands and claim it’s fine because they’re not condoning it, or they’re just exploring it. I don’t care what you think you’re doing. If your first thought upon consuming new media is about how much you’d like to write the characters grahically sexually assaulting each other and post it on the internet to share, you need to fucking seek help, not praise.

Anyways I’m so incredibly tired of my trauma being used as a casual kink for shitty racist people. 'Dark’ fic writers go choke challenge✌️

[text ID: Cesare Lombroso “proved” in 1876 that non-White men loved to kill, “mutilate the corpse, tear its flesh and drink its blood.” His Criminal Man gave birth to the discipline of criminology in 1876. Criminals were born, not bred, Lombroso said. He believed that born criminals emitted physical signs that could be studied, measured, and quantified, and that the “inability to blush” - and therefore, dark skin - had “always been considered the accompaniment of crime.” Black women, in their close “degree of differentiation from the male,” he claimed in The Female Offender in 1895, were the prototypical female criminals. As White terrorists brutalized, raped, and killed people in communities around the Black world, the first crop of Western criminologists were intent on giving criminals a Black face and the well-behaved citizen a White face. /end ID]

interesting passage about the origins of the field of criminology from Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi


while trying to flee ukraine, poc (asians, africans, middle easterners) are reporting actively being pulled off of escape transportation to make room for more white people at the polish border. poland is refusing to accept poc as refugees period to, again, make room for more white people. it’s also being reported that Ukrainian policeman are becoming physicallyviolent with black people trying to flee. all of this needs to be recognized as a war crime and i’m so, deeply serious.

that being said, this doesn’t mean you should stop caring about the war, because how would that help the poc who are still stuck in ukraine? ukrainian gov’t officials are supposedly channeling new resources into helping poc specifically. and putin is still the prime enemy here for starting the war in the first place.

source 1source 2source 3(originally provided by @wheresthewater) + additional sources & videos in the rbs.


Okay. So I went to see John Mulaney at Red Rocks. There was a surprise opener.

It was Dave Fucking Chapelle.

The second he came on stage, I was scared. By the time he was done, I thought I was going to throw up. My sister actually left and had a breakdown.

I don’t have a video (phone locks) but here’s as exact a transcript as I can manage:

TW AHEAD: transphobia, ableism, implied rape, implied bestiality, racism, sexual topics

* I had a special come out a little while ago.

* The people who got upset by it, I guess they didn’t listen all the way until the end. Because I didn’t have a problem with trans people. I really didn’t.

* But I do now!! (Cue uproarious laughter)

* And there was such a backlash. I mean, an uproar. And now I can’t tell jokes about transgender people ever again. And I won’t…ON TV

* If I were to tell my producers “hey, I identify as Chinese”

* And then I came in [offensive Ching Chong impression] and the one Chinese guy there was like, this isn’t right.

* Or what if I were sent to prison. And I’d say, no, man. I’m a woman. I identify as a woman. Im going to woman’s prison. And guess the first thing I’d do when I got in there??

* “Yeah, you bitches better do my laundry or I’m gonna…”

* To a disabled girl in the front row:

* So does that dog actually help with anything or just keep you company?

* Do you think if you put a little peanut butter down there he’d…yeah, I bet he would. He’d help you out. You ever put a little peanut butter down there? You ever done that?

* Can he pick stuff up? Like, can he up pick beer bottles? He can? I’ll give you 700 dollars for that dog. Right now.

* Later, to 2 girls in the audience: hey, you girls? Boys? Does it even matter anymore?

This transcript does not include jokes comparing Ukraine to Vietnam, jokes about Russia’s ineffectiveness (like he wants them to succeed??) or John Mulaney’s post-set comments about Dave being one of his best friends.

Tl;dr: I was forced to see Dave Chapelle. His jokes included comparing transgender people to racists and rapists. He also encouraged a disabled person in the audience to force her service dog to perform oral sex on her.

Please reblog this if you can, for evidence of his continued transphobia. I’d really hate my Chapelle nightmare to be for nothing.


I want to say, also, that violence against Asian Americans is a real thing (especially in the wake of covid) but especially towards Southeast Asian and dark-skinned Asian women, as well as working class Asian women and sex workers. Your support for Asian people must extend towards them, which includes donating to them when there isn’t an awful tragedy happening.



For no particular reason at all….. just a reminder that john lennon was racist and abused his ex wife and good fucking riddance

I keep seeing people bring up in the main tag how Lennon tried to be a better man even throughout his history of abuse but like. Can we acknowledge the racism? Can we acknowledge his creepy feelings for his mother? He was horrible on many levels! If you’re gonna defend him then please don’t leave out this shit.

This wasn’t on tumblr, but I saw a post talking about Pathologic’s supposed ‘plot holes’ and one of them was basically

“The town assumes Artemy is guilty of heinous crimes with zero evidence, and that makes no logical sense!”

And I’m just sitting there like, bow howdy, just wait until you learn what racism is





This has been getting a lot of notes but if you can reblog the version with the link to donate that would be appreciated!

“I wish people would stop making everything about race whenever they see a dark skinned character li

“I wish people would stop making everything about race whenever they see a dark skinned character like Noe.“

Post link
Some fifty years after the infamous Salem Witch Trials, the British colonial city of New York was it

Some fifty years after the infamous Salem Witch Trials, the British colonial city of New York was itself subject to a period of murderous mass hysteria in what became known as the Conspiracy of 1741.

In the spring of 1741, thirteen fires sprung up around Lower Manhattan, with no official culprit found, rumours began to swirl around that it was a result of Catholic saboteurs, born of the then contemporary war between Britain and Spain, as well as supposed competition between enslaved people and poor white settlers. Combined with a particularly harsh winter, tensions were high in what was, at the time, the second largest hub of the slave trade outside of Charleston, South Carolina, with New York City becoming a power keg awaiting a reason to explode…

The metaphorical match for this powder keg being a 16 year old indentured servant Irish girl by the name of Mary Burton, who when arrested while in possession of stolen goods, immediately accused others of being part of a conspiracy by slaves and poor white people to burn down the city, kill all the wealthy white men, and form their own government (complete with a king).

Just as with Salem, the hundreds of people arrested under the suspicion of being part of the conspiracy (a conspiracy that historians claim likely never existed), with many of the slaves, freed black people, and lower class white people absolving to save themselves by accusing others as “also” being involved.

In all, 34 people were executed in relation to this possibly fictional potential uprising, including 17 black men, two white men, two white women were hanged, and with an additional 13 black people who were burnt at the stake as, again, being suspects in an uprising that likely didn’t exist. The two supposed ringleaders, a white cobbler and tavern owner called John Hughson and a slave named Caesar, where gibbeted and left out to rot as an example to other potential revolutionaries in the future.

An additional 84 men and women were transported to the Caribbean to be sold into slavery for their part in the “conspiracy“, while 72 men where spared death with the lighter sentence of just getting exiled from the colony.

Again, all of these deaths came about over a fear of an revolt against slavery that historically probably was never real in the first place. Unlike the Salem Trials, which were less about actual witchcraft and more about paranoid superstition (possibly combined with ergot poisoning) being used by locals as an excuse to settle grudges against their neighbours, the 1741 “conspiracy“ was itself likely a product of those with an investment in the status quo violently protecting their wealth against even the suggestion of emancipated slaves and lower class white people. There was no conspiracy, but the authorities demonstrated in no uncertain terms what they would do to those who dared to seek freedom on their own terms.

Post link



Leaders who made an unannounced visit to a border Patrol Center in El-Paso found 950 immigrants smashed into a facility that only has a capacity for 125 people. 

This is evil. Beyond evil. Completely monstrous! Heartbreaking. 


This is uncomfortably reminiscent of depictions of how people were packed into slave ships


PSA - Delete any asks you receive about “joyofsatan.org!”

We’ve been through the “Gold Star Lesbian” spam asks, as well as the amegaotaku/rekka007 ones, and it seems that the new copypasta spam ask everyone is receiving is one where people are asked what they think of Joyofsatan.org, claiming them to be “the largest Satanist organization in the world.”

These asks are mostly sent to users who frequently talk about the occult and/or witchcraft, feminist bloggers, and Jewish users, with the message slightly altered for each person it’s sent to. Here are the two most common variations of the ask:

“What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Pagan Goddess Lilith/Lalitha, they’re pro-choice and they’re the largest Satanist group in the world.” <- This one also occasionally includes “they support women’s rights” after “they’re pro-choice.” This also seems to be the most commonly sent ask.

“What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Sumerian God Enki-Satan and they’ve become the largest Satanist group in the world.”

Although these asks are usually sent on anon, they’re also sent by the burner account 88643468, presumably to bypass anyone who has anon asks turned off, so I suggest blocking that account, especially if you have anon asks turned off.

Now, the reason you should delete these asks, instead of engaging, is because the Joy of Satan Ministries in question is a Neo-Nazi group, as detailed on the Wikipedia page I just linked, and these asks appear to be a recruiting tactic, going by the types of users most commonly spammed with the asks, and how the asks are re-worded depending on who they’re sent to; instead of a singular copypasta that gets sent to everyone, it’s variations of the copypasta that are each targeted towards a different demographic.

The people sending these asks want you and your followers to go to the Joy of Satan website, so that it gains more traffic and, of course, to suck people into their white supremacist cult.

So please, please, don’t engage, just delete the asks and block the 88643468 account, and if someone you follow answers one of these asks, urge them to delete their post and to block the 88643468 account for extra measure. Right now is also a good time to disable anonymous asks, or even take it a step further and only allow asks from people you follow, just in case 88643468 isn’t the only burner account.

Please share this.

Edit: They do in fact have another burner account; please block jezebel-tarot. Also, as many people have pointed out and I myself noticed while typing this out, the other burner account’s URL starts with “88” which is a Neo-Nazi dogwhistle.

They are also targeting the following groups:

  • Hindu users, now claiming that JoS is “the largest Hindu group” and claiming to follow Shiva in an attempt to attract them.
  • Black users, attempting to attract them to the site by talking about Blacks for Satan and ATRs.
  • Catholic users and Christian users, unsurprisingly, no doubt to get hateclicks as traffic to their website, and “debate” from the person receiving the ask.
  • Atheist users, probably with the same intent of getting hateclicks and “debate.”
  • In general, they seem to target anyone who follows any religion, again no doubt to get “debate” out of them.

Speaking of how these people are trying to bait others into “debating” them, here is one of the four lovely asks I received just this morning, which I’ve noticed other people also receive this specific ask after telling these bastards to fuck off for being white supremacists:

“Joyofsatan.org are not white supremacists.Joyofsatan.org (JoS) is ran by people of color. JoS follows non-white Pagan Gods and gay Gods. JoS has a black high priestess, Asian high priest, Hispanic High Priestess, etc. Josafrica.com was created by Shannon Outlaw whom is a black woman and the high priestess of JoS.The JoS websites have repeatedly stated that people of any race can join them. According to ancient-forums.com which is the official JoS forums, there’s thousands upon thousands of non-white and mixed race JoS members that have their own spaces on the forum. I’m a mixed race person of color.The Abrahamic religions are anti-Satanic, anti-Pagan, anti-women and anti-gay so why can’t JoS be anti-Abrahamic? JoS supports women’s rights and gay rights. JoS was founded by a woman and worships Pagan Goddesses.”

The fact I and others have received this ask, and variations of it making similar claims that JoS is “ran by people of color” and isn’t actually racist, all after pointing out that they’re a white supremacist cult, is EXACTLY why I am urging people to delete the asks they receive instead of engaging. As I said before, they WANT people to “debate” them as it gets them more attention.

I know this post has over 8.5k notes at the time of me making this edit, but I urge people to reblog this edit instead.




The entire population of Sweden getting collectively called out on twitter is funny as hell so far because every single tweet by a Swedish person is either like “first of all being racist is my cultural heritage…” or it’s “god, finally, I’ve been trying to tell everyone for years that my country is full of assholes”

Oh I guess this didn’t spill over enough to tumblr so this is what happened:

  • There was a twitter thread asking people about their weirdest encounters with someone else’s cultural practices.
  • Someone said that when they were just a child, they visited with a Swedish family who made them stay in another room while they ate meals and didn’t offer them any food or snacks.
  • This picked up lots of responses like “wait, what? That happened to me too but I just thought this one family were freaks???”
  • I don’t need to tell most people why most reactions to this were positively aghast that anyone anywhere expects guests to either bring their own food or just suffer.
  • The thread truly exploded only when some Swedes not only admitted to it but got defensive about it, calling it selfish and childish to expect food as a guest. Yes even from personal friends and yes even as children, because you should apparently actually be grateful enough that you’re even allowed in someone else’s home at all.
  • Other Swedish citizens chimed in to say they feel like they’re in the minority for having any concept of sharing or giving in general and that their other Swedish friends keep track of every cent they owe them for every little thing.
  • Immigrant and racial minority Swedes began to add that the whole “be grateful you’re even allowed here” attitude is how they’re treated everywhere they go just for existing.
  • From there, a whole lot of discussion, again mostly from people living there, about how Sweden has a cutesy, harmless image to most of the world only because its leadership and media work so hard to downplay its true prevalence of active white supremacy and hardcore nationalism.
  • “#swedengate” starts trending.
  • Sweden is being cancelled like it’s a celebrity and every Swede who gets upset about it just immediately demonstrates exactly what was being criticized in the first place:

Actually this part in itself is not funny at all. It’s just funny how many of them had to lock or delete their accounts like they genuinely thought these were normal things to say.

I just wanna point out that it actually started on reddit but it somehow spilled over to twitter.

but yeah this is wild



[Trigger warning]

Our friend Niara, a black trans woman imprisoned in Pennsylvania, is in desperate need of money. For the past few months, she has been economically supported by another inmate, who she began a romantic relationship with. She is now attempting to escape the relationship, but he is using his support of her as leverage to pressure her into sex with him. She desperately needs money in order to get this man to cease his coercion and abuse.

Words are not enough, and if we claim to be against white supremacy, against homophobia, against transmisogyny, we must act in solidarity with those who suffer under these systems of power.

PLEASE give whatever you can to help Niara!

To donate:
1. Go to https://jpay.com/
2. Type state and inmate ID: Pennsylvania, KU1265
3. Click the name of the prisoner: Herman Burton
4. Register an account
5. Send money, stamps, digital mail, etc
