#easy of use




Hello, I made a thing! This is a resource pack that changes all fonts in Minecraft to Open Dyslexic! I’m not dyslexic myself, but I am good at making resource packs, so I thought this could help some people out! (And if you are dyslexic, please give me feedback!)

According to my brief research, this font is the one dyslexic people generally seemed to prefer. Here are some screenshots of what it looks like!

[ID: Five Minecraft screenshots. They are the title screen, debug screen, an open book saying “Words! And other words! Punctuation!?!?! This is a font with lots of letters and I am definitely not making this up as I go. Look there are more characters in the english alphabet!”, a sign that says “The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog”, and the pause menu. end ID.]

Download the pack here if you want, and if you find it helpful, please reblog and share!

Hey everybody
