#ed edd n eddy


Edd and Eddy wander back into the Kanker’s room taunting them. Okay, Edd is really tracking down his inner rebel today. He really wants the Kankers out of his life. 

Does anyone feel that this is out of character or the true character that he is repressing? Edd was obviously a very different person when we first met him in season 1. He was forced to grow up for the sake of his parents. He wants to be a kid for his friend’s sake but then he wants his parents to think of him as a grown-up and forget about the incident.

Right when Ed walks into the room, Lee slams the door, ensnaring them in a trap. Time for a little revenge.

I like Eddy grasping his face in fright.

“Uh, oh. Looks like we’re trapped. Prisoners of love.”

I love Lee. She is never afraid to be herself. 

What are you looking at, Edd?

Now, something seems strange.

Eddy steps his friends aside. He is going to take this one.

This is one of my favorite screenshots. And it describes how Ed and Edd are viewed from Eddy’s perspective and fans. While Eddy does view Ed and Edd as his closest friends they are his lackeys. Ed and Edd always look to Eddy for his opinion. That’s what Eddy has been doing since season 1. 

Fans have deciphered whether Eddy would have been better off without Ed and Edd, especially how they immaturely act at the part in Pop Goes the Ed. They mean more to Eddy because Ed and Edd understand him.

Eddy tries to entice Lee. Lee acts along with the charade begging for Eddy to leave them alone.

I honestly think that Eddy and Lee could make good friends in the future. They have similar personality treats and they are both the leaders of their groups. 

“Glick! Glick!” (I think this is what Ed says)

He’s noting to Eddy that he is doing a good job. Ed relies on Eddy. Since he is the only person that he can look up to, Ed has always looked up to Eddy getting his social cues from him.

I love how Ed has his arm around Edd. Out of context, it looks like they are out on a date somewhere. Or they’re taking a picture together!

Just then May drags Ed over to her hiding spot. Now it is her turn.

“Oops, you found me! Don’t come any closer!”

“You are a sneaky bunny!”

This has become a pet name with Ed and May in my fics about them. They would make a cute couple!

But then, May turns on Ed, pulling him behind the curtains and doing away with him! Alert, Ed yells out, ‘Holy Schmoly!’

Edd is the only one left. What happened? Edd rips through the pages of his psych book trying to find the answers. You can’t believe everything from a book, Edd. 

I notice that Edd starts to go more by his own instincts instead of source material from books. That’s because he is experiencing more of the world. Edd has basically been a prisoner to his own room. Because of being inside, Edd lost his ability to interact with the world. He learned that there is so much more, even paying attention to Eddy’s instincts. 

“Don’t kiss me, Double D!” Marie begs. 

“They’ve turned the tables on us, Eddy! It’s a reverse-reverse psychology!!” 

Good expression, Edd!

Now the Kankers have the Eds trapped going to kiss them. Now, they have the upper hand again. Though, they didn’t seem to understand what was going on at first and were very scared, cowering for their lives. 

I don’t like how fans blame everything on Eddy. He didn’t want to be a part of the plan in the first place! Edd should have just let him be. Would the plan have worked either way? That is up in the air. 

The Kanker’s motivations change in later seasons. It’s not until Eddy stands up to their ruthless behavior in A Fistful of Ed when they start to mellow down. It was also a wake-up call. 

And that was A Twist of Ed!

I am planning to analyze Every Which Way but Ed next. It is one of my favorite season 5 episodes! Again, sorry that I have not been active much. I work some nights at my theater job and I have been busy watching movies at night. I write a lot of movie reviews! For anyone curious, I very much recommend Vocal.media. It is a great site for writers and you can write about anything!

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I am sorry if I have not been active on this blog. I will still continue to analyze eene episodes! I work at night and I have been busy with other things throughout the month. 

I hope to finish Twist of Ed tonight and then I will analyze Every Which Way but Ed, one of my favorite eene season 5 episodes!


IT’S OCTOBER!!!!!!! Do you need a spooky gift for a friend? My commissions are open for an entire month! Here are my prices for drawings and stories.

Art Commissions Prices

Sketch $5

Inked and Color Sketch $10

Sketch Comic $15

Inked and Color Sketch Comic $20

If you would like a story Prices vary between $2-10+ depending on word length of 100-1000+ words!


Message me and we can talk.

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It is midnight! Welcome to EENE Season 4 Appreciation Month! We have a lot to discuss! So, I will finish up this episode analysis and then I am going to stream season 4 episodes on some nights and post theories, facts or questions! I think that will be fun! Right now, let’s enjoy the last of A Twist of Ed!

“I haven’t had this much fun since father let me disassemble his shaver!” An ecstatic Edd exclaims to a quivering Eddy. 

Wait, what? When did Edd’s dad let him disassemble his shaver? That was more fun than all his adventures with Ed and Eddy? Why did his father let Edd disassemble his shaver? Edd could have taken this as a gesture of appreciation while his father might have been trying to get Edd out of his hair.

I love when we get to see Edd’s repressed wild side. So much is trapped. He wants to be the person who we saw having fun with his friends in season 1 but Edd wants so badly to impress his parents. 

BTW, Edd is so cute!


Forcefully pushing Eddy towards the Kankers trying to make him scare them off, Edd is becoming more reminiscent of Eddy’s brother by the second. 

I feel bad for Eddy in this episode. He didn’t want to be a part of this plan to begin with but since he and his friends are considered to be one person, he can’t getaway. I think the plan would have worked if it were just Ed and Edd. The Kanker’s were too scared to notice that Eddy wasn’t contributing. 

Arguably, it’s Edd’s fault. It’s true that Eddy’s influences have rubbed off on him. And he put them to good use trying to make Eddy understand that he is more than just his lackey/smart guy of the group. 

The poor Kanker’s are still cowering in fear. I forget how I felt about them when this episode first aired. Do you feel bad for them or was this what they deserved? Yes, it is a taste of their just desserts but their reactions are offputting. They’re alone. They’re not sure of what is going on. And the girls have had a dark past. 

Very good use of shots in this scene. 


“Go on, Eddy, show them no mercy!” Edd whispers into a fearful shaking Eddy’s ear.

Edd’s expression has Bro written all over it. And I have a feeling that Eddy is experiencing a repressed traumatic memory. Eddy didn’t understand his relationship about Bro until this very summer that the series takes place. The memories have bothered him to the point where he can’t be himself. Remember how laid back Eddy is in the first season and then he gradually becomes angrier and aggressive towards his friends. He is at his worse in the school season.

I have pointed out in theories that Eddy hides under his Bro mask for most of the series. This expression right here is Eddy. My headcanon is that he is a shy boy with low self-esteem who doesn’t know what to believe in.


His entire body shaking Eddy stutters trying to make conversation with the girls.

I like May’s reaction with her tongue sticking out in disgust. 


Sweat drips off his face which is a dead give away to the Kanker’s. 

Or just Lee who has to physically get her sisters to see the droplet of sweat on the ground.


Lee is the oldest. Her mother left her in charge. In a way, she also has to be a mother to Marie and May who look up to her.


What a strange screen-cap.

May’s expression reminds me of an expression that Ed would make.

The jig is up!


Now fully aware of what is really going on the girls run away beginning to set their revenge plan on the Eds.

“Oh, you scare us!”


“You’re so gross!”


“Eek!” That is my favorite of the reactions!


Believing that he actually scared the Kanker’s off, Eddy regains his courage and his Bro mask. Puffing out his chest he gloats about himself and how even he cannot handle his own charm. (Because it’s his brother’s charm).

I love Ed’s celebratory fist in the air. He looks up to Eddy!

Oh, and Edd has a celebratory fist, too! Aw, he’s so proud of Eddy for conquering his fear! I never noticed that! Even though this wasn’t the best episode to highlight the Eds friendship (forcing one to do something they didn’t want to do) the Eds are always supportive of each other.


Ed adds, “You’re Eddy! Babe magnet to the… uh… babes!”

I like how Ed slips up trying to think of the word that is in Eddy’s vocabulary. Has Ed used the word babe before? No, I don’t think so. And he is reminding Eddy that he has all the power. Ed looks up to Eddy. He always follows through with his actions whether right or wrong. If you think about it this way, Ed doesn’t have anyone else to look up to considering that his own family is against him.


Eddy declares that they hit on them again for one final round of torture.

The Kanker’s feel so unsafe that Lee is actually about to call the police!!

They are the only Kanker’s on the show who have threatened to call the police. Twice in season 4, in fact!

As the Eds and the other kids have dealt with their situations on their own, the Kankers are alone. Think about their past.  Since their mother is implied to get around most of the men may have been bad influences including a couple of the dads.

Lee is only doing what she believes their mother would do. And I think she has witnessed or had to call the police, for her mother’s sake. 

Ed has taken over the phone. “Dial me for love!”

Wow, look at Marie’s expression! That’s a similar frightened expression that Edd would make.

The girls react in horror. Someone is trying to kiss them without their consent. Doesn’t that remind them of their own actions?

I love Lee’s frantic hair! Too bad we can’t see her eyes!

Eyes show a lot. I have a headcanon that Lee hides her eyes because she is hiding all the pain that she does not want the world to find out. That and there is the possibility that she may have three eyes due to a frame in Big Picture Show. To me, either theory is possible. Out of the Kanker’s, we know less about Lee.

The girls run for their lives stealing Eddy’s run cycle. 

They fight over who is going to open the door. A subtle, but dark, callback to when they were fighting over who would open the door back in season 1 when they had a visitor.

Edd is at the door picking off pedals to a flower poetically lamenting, “She loves me. She loves me also.”

I still don’t want to know where Edd picked up this behavior from. Although he is on a role, it’s unsettling.

The girls run into Eddy.

Aw, look! Marie is protecting May again! That is so sweet1

Wow, Lee is tall.

I love this screenshot!

The girls run frantically crashing through a wall. What is on the other side of this wall anyway? 

It turns out, Ed was one step ahead of them. I love the outline that Ed created. He also points out how dark it is in this room the Kanker’s have run into. I wonder if this is the Kanker’s mom’s room. She has made a door for herself. 

“Care to snuggle under my blanket of amour?”

I have to wonder if an incident like this has ever happened to the Kanker’s. They are confused about what is going on but it also seems like these events are triggering frightening memories from the past. 

Honestly, I feel bad for the Kanker’s. The Eds don’t know what they have been through. The girls are not who they make themselves out to be. They put on unlikeable masks to keep people away from them so others won’t find out about their secrets. 

The girls finally made it home locking the door behind them.

I really like that shot of Lee locking the door. It’s so suspenseful. And it also makes me fear that the girls have been in this situation before. Tat and they’re realizing how true their mother’s words are. 

And this shot of the Kanker’s is well-directed. It just goes to show you how small the Kankers feel. They don’t want to let anyone in. That’s why they are closed off. 

May shudders. She has no clue what just happened.

Lee barks, “Mom was right. Throw a man a bone and he’ll mess up the carpet!”

Our of all the offscreen parents on Ed, Edd n Eddy the Kankers mother is my favorite. It’s implied that some of the parents are home in the cul-de-sac. Whenever the Kanker’s are home I get an instant vibe that they are alone. Their mother has to work a lot. She is trying to give her daughters the best life. 

Whether or not the Kanker’s are the same in age or they’re a year apart, there have been a couple or a few different birth fathers. My headcanon that one of them (May’s dad) is still around. But he and the Kanker’s mother are not on good terms.

Lee is the oldest. She has witnessed her mother’s actions with men longer than Marie and May. Even though the girls catch on to the Ed’s scheme, I notice that they don’t invade the cul-de-sac as much. 

That’s when Edd appears welcoming his ‘dainty, Douty darlings’ home.

I’m not sure whether I find this Edd face adorable, funny or creepy. It’s a mixture of all three. 

He offers a sock to each Kanker. Actually, he only has two. Whose socks are those? I’ve never seen Edd where any other sock beside his red ones. 

Edd also refers to the Kankers as his contemptuous cupcakes. Is Edd copying his behavior from Eddy? He’s very laid back in this episode and he knows what he is doing.

What if Edd is tracking down his inner kid and aggressive behavior like how it was implied during the dodgeball incident. I also believe that Edd is hiding his true person. He’s trying to escape from his parents who forced him to become an adult too early. 

And Ed has made pancakes with ketchup for the Kanker’s. 

I love Ed’s unique way of spelling.

The Kanker’s are terrified and announce that they are going to hide in their room.

Marie calls out to her sisters to ‘wait up!’

In the very first episode where they are introduced, as the Kankers are running off to the kitchen, Marie playfully tells her sisters to ‘wait for her.’

That is an interesting detail about Marie’s character. She is a loner but does not want to be left behind. She’s always tagging along with one of her sisters.

Meanwhile, Eddy is trying to stay out of this chaos keeping a safe distance. It’s sad how he is dragged into this considering that Bro has dragged him into countless situations that he never wanted to be involved in.

Lee’s pose is my favorite in this screenshot. It’s like she’s saying, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me!’

I wonder who put up the poster of ‘Moby Dick’. It’s very subtle but in one episode of season 5, it was shown in the background that Marie likes to read. However, it’s likely that the poster belongs to May as she is quite the nerd. 

The Kanker’s room is a mixture of all three of the girl’s personalities. This is the only bedroom in the house. I think their mother sleeps on the couch so her daughters can be more comfortable. Though they don’t show it, the sisters are very close. The girls protect each other at all costs. 

Edd has already tampered with their room labeling everything. He even calls the room ‘their love nest’.

While parents aren’t the best example, I wonder where Edd learned this phrase. We have seen Edd’s parents bedroom once. While his parents don’t label everything in the room, they don’t sleep together. Does Edd have a different opinion about love that he wants to invest more into?

Oh, look, there’s a pair of dice hanging around the bed! Eddy has a pair of dice!

Objects in Kanker’s Room

- Two bags of Oats                  - Fan

- Crutch                                   - Plant                        

- Posters                                  - Tree Scent

- Magazines

- Clothes

And then Edd reveals this diagram on how they are going to organize the room in his eyes.

Not going to lie, but this a little unsettling. Edd feels very controlling as a boyfriend/husband. Again, that is due to his parents who have their bedroom set up in a strict diagram and have rules laid out for Edd. Edd isn’t even allowed to go inside their bedroom which is cruel if you ask me. 

YAY! Analysis has returned! I have missed doing these! 

The Kankers become more creeped out as Ed flirts with them. Nobody had ever flirted with them before. Did their mother ever talk about that? Or did she only complain about how worthless men are?

I like how Marie puts her hand against May’s shoulder. That is so sweet! I know there are theories about May and Marie being fraternal twins. The more I have thought about it, it makes sense. The two have a similar facial structure. Lee is the oldest, I think she is around 13 or 14. Since their mother was very poor she couldn’t afford to send the girls, especially Lee to school. So, Lee is one to two grades behind her peer group.

While the girls were terrified in throughout this episode they most definitely got a learning lesson out of all this. They have to read the signs. 

Lee pushes Ed away. Nobody is going to hurt her sisters. 

Lee has to play the mother figure whenever their mother is not around. And I believe that their mother assigned her that role. Due to their upbringing, I don’t think the girls ever experienced childhood. They’re not social so they never had any friends to play with. And it’s likely that they had to move around a lot. 

The Kanker’s don’t care that they’re poor. They’re not searching for help. Knowing that they are different from everyone else is not the reason why they bug people. 

Edd points out that the plan is starting to work.

Eddy can’t even watch anymore. But then, he sports his mask and agrees that Edd’s plan was going to work all along.

This image. This image right here has Bro and little Eddy written all over it. We all know that Eddy’s brother manipulated Eddy thus causing him to have trust issues. Eddy even tries to manipulate others but he pulls back. 

Although he masks his brother Eddy is afraid to become his brother.

I love Edd’s confidence. And he gets that from Eddy. Edd’s parents destroyed all the confidence that he had. Ed and Edd have a lot to thank Eddy for. 

Next, Ed tries to offer the girls candy and mud inside of a hat. And then afterward they can make-out.

The Kankers are repulsed. And this is their technique!

Marie begs for Lee to do something.

Marie and May look up to Lee. 

With quick thinking, Lee uses May as a boat and Marie as the paddle to get them across the stream and through the woods. 


I love when Eddy is physically affectionate! 

Eddy considers that they should go do the reverse psychology on the candy shop to get a free jawbreaker. That would be a nice little end to the episode. The boys are free from the Kankers. And they deserve a jawbreaker.

But Edd has something else in mind.

To ensure that they fully have a Kanker-free history they need to make one more strike. 

I am not sure if I agree with Edd or not. The Kankers appear to understand what just happened and look as if they’ll back off, but maybe not forever.

I think Edd is going a little too far. 

Eddy decides that he’s had enough and he’ll wait for the movie. 

You mean Big Picture Show? That’s not for another six years, Eddy! 

A Twist of Ed was released in 2003 while Big Picture Show came out in 2009.

Insisting that all three of them need to carry out this plan Edd asks Ed to NOT get Eddy.

To which Ed obeys and chases after Eddy who begs for Ed to leave him alone.

Now, this is sad seeing what Eddy had to go through in his past. He obviously doesn’t want to be a part of the matter. Ed and Edd would have been just fine on their own.

Since they’re known as the Eds, everyone thinks that they are one person. Even the Eds do. However, in season 5 they start to spend less time together. While they are on the rocks, that’s okay. It’s healthy for friends to spend time apart to be independent and seek their own passion and ideas. 

Edd is dependent on Eddy. He still isn’t consistent. Notice how he always asks for Eddy’s opinion even in later episodes. Edd was close to leaving in season 5 but he doesn’t know how to fully interact socially with other people. 



Thanks Sercom_KC for recording this sign on.

i got to work on this short! will post work in a bit

A never-before-seen Steven Universe storyboard from 2013!!!wait a minute… that’s not how “Serious StA never-before-seen Steven Universe storyboard from 2013!!!wait a minute… that’s not how “Serious StA never-before-seen Steven Universe storyboard from 2013!!!wait a minute… that’s not how “Serious StA never-before-seen Steven Universe storyboard from 2013!!!wait a minute… that’s not how “Serious StA never-before-seen Steven Universe storyboard from 2013!!!wait a minute… that’s not how “Serious StA never-before-seen Steven Universe storyboard from 2013!!!wait a minute… that’s not how “Serious StA never-before-seen Steven Universe storyboard from 2013!!!wait a minute… that’s not how “Serious StA never-before-seen Steven Universe storyboard from 2013!!!wait a minute… that’s not how “Serious StA never-before-seen Steven Universe storyboard from 2013!!!wait a minute… that’s not how “Serious St

A never-before-seen Steven Universe storyboard from 2013!!!

wait a minute… that’s not how “Serious Steven” goes! Full context under the cut:

VERY early in the production of Steven Universe, we had to do storyboard pitches to the higher-ups at Cartoon Network. Basically, these are very important meetings attended by the executives so they can check in on the tone of the show and storytelling and give us notes on how to proceed.

We were preparing the pitch of Serious Steven when i noticed the date: April 1, 2013! We couldn’t just let this opportunity slip through our fingers! I very quickly whipped together this board in the half-hour before the pitch. I showed it to Rebecca and she thought it was crazy but agreed to pitch it in the meeting right before we pitched Serious Steven.

Rebecca introduced this board in full seriousness and then did a full pitch, including all of the character voices. First it confused everyone, but then the whole room got into it. Uncle GrandpaandClarence are kind of the “sister” shows to SU because they were developed and greenlit around the same time. Eddy got the biggest laugh. I included him because Ed Edd n Eddy was one of Rebecca’s biggest inspirations and we have a former EE&E storyboarder (Raven M. Molisee) on staff. 

A good thing that came out of this board was that it pushed Pearl’s potential as a comedy straightman to the limit(At the time, anyway. We’ve definitely gone way further at this point). When Rebecca later pitched the idea of “Say Uncle”, we recalled this board when thinking of the chemistry Pearl might have with an interloper from another universe.

Post link


RIP Eddy.

Should’ve listened to Double D before getting on the motherfucking robot plane.
