#ed robertson


A proper behind-the-scenes look at the new ‘Lookin’ Up’ video! (3:40-8:10)

I think we can tell what it’s about now! Check out those desert-island instruments at 5:10. And there’s a blow-up sex doll hanging around too if you can spot it - A life raft maybe?

Oh, and a really cool bit about Jim’s charity work in Tanzania.

“You mean I’ve gotta follow that comedy gold?”

How does Kevin manage to win an entire 6 minute video with just one line?

‘Bringing It Home’ Live!

Okay, this song was good enough on the studio version but it’s even better live!

Ed busts mimes better than he busts rhymes.

Some soundcheckin’ from back in Portland in July.

“Now we’re talking turkey!”

BNL performing ‘If I Had $1,000,000′ with Commander Chris Hadfield for WE Day Canada in Ottawa yesterday.
