#eddie munson headcanons



Being in a relationship with Eddie Munson…

Gender neutral

  • You weren’t the most popular person in school, many people heard your name, but, nothing major. The Hellfire club was voiced into your ear many times, you never joined, you just heard about the game they’d play.
  • You and Eddie began playing when you met outside the school as a pep rally started up. It seemed that the both of you preferred to stay out of the building when those events happened.
  • The two of you hit it off with humorous conversation filled with questions about the other’s hobbies, home-life, favorite movies, etc.
  • Eddie seems like an intimidating guy to several of those who won’t get to know him. To you, he’s the most gentle significant other out there. He’s got a blasting personality but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t show you unlimited sweetness.
  • You’ve stayed several days and nights in his trailer. Many adorable little dates have happened here, along with your first kiss with him.
  • The inside of his home doesn’t have the most pleasing effect to the eye, so, he makes efforts to make it presentable for you when you make your way over to him.
  • When he kisses you, he leans in gently while looking over your face to check off signs of hesitance or plain hints go to stop.
  • “you’re okay with this, right? Alright.” He asks and says with whispered caution.
  • His kisses are smooth and addicting, you feel his hands and the metal on his arms. It’s comforting. His being is comforting.
  • You knew about his work relations with drugs, you didn’t mind since he never pressured you on joining in on selling or using.
  • When the tragic news about what had happened to Chrissy came out and the fact that Eddie was an unspoken suspect to the public. You have never panicked so much.
  • Eddie may have looked like a violent person but he truly wasn’t. Unless it was for defense, he wouldn’t hurt anyone unprovoked. You knew this clear and well but others didn’t and wouldn’t wait to listen.
  • You went along with the others to find him and Eddie questioned as to why you were also wanting to help him.
  • “I know you wouldn’t do something this horrid, I’ll stick by you, no matter what they say.” Eddie smiled at your heart felt words because he was undeniably glad that he had found someone like you. So understanding and reliable.
  • You made deliveries of food and alcohol to his location and stayed hours and even a couple of days with him.
  • When the time came to venture inside the Upside Down, he wouldn’t leave your sight as you wouldn’t let him. You kept your body right next to his and made sure he was more than okay as monsters came towards the group from all directions.
  • This isn’t the end of the dangerous events the two of you would experience together, but no matter what was thrown at You and Eddie. The two of you were always together.


Dating Eddie Munson HC [part 2]

can’t get this boy outta my head, so, here’s a few other headcanons about boyfriend!Eddie Munson.

warnings: cursing, female descriptions / pronouns (i think), this one’s pretty tame. still proceed with maturity


• you cannot convince me this boy doesn’t, like, do everything in his power to put a smile on your face. cracking a (bad) joke, pulling a funny face, or acting like a klutz just to see that smile on your face.

• Eddie writes poems for you. maybe not full songs (even though a few have been about you) but he likes to write you actual poetry. it was the one unit he excelled in during English because he had an array of poems at his disposal.

• some poems were left in a journal, some on scrap pieces of paper then taped on his dresser’s mirror, others written to you and sent in a letter.

• this man is big on hand-written letters. you like to read? he likes to write? it fucking works for you!! he’ll write you a letter for anything, too.

• bullies got him fucked up? he was writing a letter to you that he might not send for weeks because he’s still adding to it. it’s therapeutic. and it’s not that he’s not telling you when things happen but it’s sometimes hard to verbalize everything. so, he writes and one day, he’ll slip it to you, “you don’t have to respond to it, but I want you to know these things.”

• and later that evening after you’ve read the letter, you’re at his trailer, and crawling into his lap. he might be sitting on the couch because Wayne’s at work already, hands holding your thighs and up to your hips as your hands smooth his hair back, off his face.

• and you’d tell him, “I love it when you’re open with me. and I want you to know, your feelings are safe with me, however you need to express them.” and all sorts of reassuring things, because you didn’t want to offer too much sympathy because he didn’t want pity, but instead assurance that his feelings are valid, and safe.

• but he sends you letters for other reasons, too! he doesn’t need much of a reason to pick up a pen.

• you save each one. i don’t need to explain this, right?

• he gifts you a silver ring of your own; maybe gets you one for every year you’re together. but that doesn’t stop you from stealing his on the occasion, let’s be clear on that.

• because in my head, Eddie doesn’t do short-term. he’s in it for the long term, so, he likes to go all out for anniversary’s. hence the rings.

• and he loves seeing your style and his meshed together in your outfits, remember? seeing you in some ripped jeans, one of his shirts? hair done, make-up poppin’, nails manicured, with - oh - what’s those? shining silver rings he got you? he might swoon a little.

• and holding hands when you’re wearing your rings isn’t 100% comfortable at first but you both get used to it. and he even might start to fiddle with your rings sometimes, too; either when anxious or just lost in thought, he’ll gently spin one of your rings around your finger.

• skin to skin contact is still a must, but laying face-to-face while gently petting over his face as if to map out his features is just soul-soothing for the both of you. “everything’s quiet when I’m with you,” you tell him softly, voice barely above a whisper.

• and he smiles lightly, “what do you mean, quiet, sweetheart?”

• “everything in my head, all the bullshit going on in the world,” you sigh as you trace over his chest tattoo, “it’s quiet when I’m with you. everything’s just… so much better with you, baby.”

• ah, man - he melts. you hear me? he melts. he can’t help but bring you in closer to press an excited kiss to your lips. and when he pulls back, he takes only a nano-second before he’s kissing you again, and again.

• because he’s elated to hear those words. and you make note of that by making it a habit to reassure him of his place in your life. his insecurities run deep but he’s making real progress on that because you take deep satisfaction in assuring him of your love.

• I know I said stoner!boyfriend Eddie lets you paint his nails, but can we agree that boyfriend!Eddie in general will do that? great - so, you like to paint your nails, right? and sometimes, you can’t choose a color and Eddie thinks it’s really cute when you get that concentrated look on your face while trying to get an even coat.

• so, he doesn’tmind you painting his fingernails. he’ll often have to decide the color for you because you “just can’t!”

• he might try his hand out with painting your nails, too. look, Eddie can get a few tattoo sketches down, why can’t he master nail art?

• don’t tell anyone but he definitely has a shoe box full of photos of you guys. he got a polaroid camera when you started dating and he tries to take at least one photo every date. it’s a nice homage to your relationship.

• he leaves the camera in his car so he doesn’t forget it. plus, he has his own personal collection of pictures of you in his passenger seat, so, win-win. oh, there goes my heart.

• when he’s missing you or after you guys have a fight, he looks through that photo box. and oh, look! he’s writing you another letter! he’s a simp and my mind can’t be changed.

• your heart gets warm when he calls you sweetheart. you’re used to him calling you baby, and don’t get me wrong, it’s adorable. but when he drops sweetheart in lieu of your name, you’re the one melting a little.

• and you’re both always holding hands or your arm’s around the others shoulders. like, constantly. he’s not overly adamant on PDA but that boy doesn’t feel right if you’re close by and he’s not touching you.

• there’s a height difference. and he likes to pick on you for that. he’s lanky, so let’s say he’s taller than you; and he never, ever lets you forget it. you’ll try to reach something in the cabinet above the stove while you’re cooking at your house, and here comes Eddie!

• he’d let one hand move around your waist to squeeze you into his side while the other grabbed whatever you needed, “woah there, small fry, careful! you might knock yourself over stretchin’ like that.”

• “you think you’re funny, don’t you?”

• but he is funny, the little shit. his jokes are mostly corny but because you guys have history, there’s a lot of inside jokes that make you both go lightheaded from laughter.

• Eddie has social anxiety that’s hidden behind this macho bravado but you can tell when he’s feeling uneasy.

• it’s sometimes easier to just slid your hand into his and mutter quietly, “squeeze my hand if you wanna go.”

• you were always quick to come up with some excuse for your abrupt departure the moment you felt him squeeze your hand. it ranged from some excuse over dinner with your mom, maybe you have a sibling that needs picked up somewhere, or there’s some extended family member coming into town. no matter what, when he squeezes, you’re getting him out of there.

• when the anxiety passes, he’s realizing he’s dating his best friend and silently thanks God because you both just read each other. you both just get it.

• he calls you his little problem solver because it doesn’t matter what’s going on or what he’s feeling, he can turn to you. confide in you. and you know it goes both ways because he’s there for you no matter what.

• when you’re sick, good luck getting Eddie to go to school. you’ll phone him early in the morning and tell him your symptoms before insisting you’d just stay in bed; but he’s already packing a bag to hang with you for the day.

• he’d come over with snacks and Gatorade (or something) because your parents already left for work. he doesn’t care if he’ll get sick, too; he’ll crawl in bed with you and gently massage your scalp.

• Eddie doesn’t like going to school if you’re not there, so, he doesn’t mind playing hookie. and he gets you anything you need because he’s a sweetheart like that.

• yeah, you like forehead kisses - but he likes kissing your forehead.

• mixtapes! mixtapes! mixtapes! Eddie makes you mixtapes! just imagine he’s out somewhere and finds himself bobbing his head along to some song, specifically asks for the name, so later, he adds it to a mixtape ‘cause he thinks you’ll like it, too.

• look, sometimes his emotions get the better of him and he communicates through music.

• so, sometimes, after a fight, you’ll find a cassette tape left in your mailbox when you collect the mail that day. you know it’s from him without a signature, but there’s usually a scribbled note on the front of the case.

I’m sorry for what I said. I hope this can help?

• and you listen to it all night. he’ll come to pick you up in the morning for school and feel anxious you wouldn’t want to see him, but just as he comes to a halt, you’re heading out your door.

• you spend the morning talking about whatever upset the both of you before telling him how the music made you feel. he’ll tell you what the songs made him feel, and that’s how you sort through your feelings over certain fights.

• we know he kills the spiders but let’s face it - you probably kill therest of the creepy crawlies. you just don’t do spiders… so, he’s brave for the both of you, so as long as you’re brave the other times and handle other bugs.

• Eddie stops to pet dogs. (so, you both stop when you’re together).

• you like to bake. and Eddie likes your creations, so, he sometimes lets you rope him into helping if you promise him the first few bites of baked goods. he can burn water but under your eye, he actually kinda likes being in the kitchen - but he likes making you sweat, so, he’ll continue to give you a hard time.

younger siblings adore him. they think Eddie’s funny, and he does those goofy voices when playing with them or reading them some story. Eddie doesn’t mind getting down in the dirt with them. they want him to sit next to them at dinner.

older siblings don’t approve at first but they come around because let’s face it, he tries to charm them since he’s intimidated by them. and they think his efforts are cute that they cut him some slack.

• does Eddie let you braid his hair? only after a joint.

• maybe you first meet 'cause you’re looking for a dealer.

• maybe you meet in middle school.

• maybe you meet his first senior year.

• maybe because it’s both of your favorite holiday, you meet at a halloween event wearing either accidental matching costumes (so you kinda have to hang out all night and get to know the cutie) or you’re wearing perfectlyopposite costumes. so, again, how can you not hang out with him all night? it was fate, you were sure of it.

• or maybe you meet because you used to babysit Mike and / or Dustin, promising to give them a ride home after Hellfire and there’s Eddie, waiting to make sure the newest members get in their ride. looking too cool for school as he leans on the side of the building, and he’s not as smooth talking as he wants to be but you think he’s still endearing.

• look, how common was it for Eddie to find you in his hoodie? pretty freaking common. they smelled like him and he started using that fabric softener you told him about that made the material soft, so, he was used to you entering his room, dropping your belongings, and snuggling your way into a hoodie.

• Eddie is the type of boyfriend that when you pass by in the lunch room, he’s wrapping his arms around your waist to tug you into his lap; greeting you with kisses on the cheek. no matter if he saw you that morning, or an hour ago, he’s just happy to see you.

• all right, so, about his smell. Eddie is overly conscious about his smell - so, daily showers. and he uses that cologne you complimented because his clothes smell like cigarette and weed smoke, and together, you think it smells kinda like home. when your nose is pressed to his skin, you don’t really notice the smoke smell.

• you like both coffee and tea, so, Eddie learns how to make your favorite of both. he’s cute. very, very cute.

• okay, so, he likes scary movies. he jumps at all the jump scares but he laughs after. you don’t mind scary movies because it’s an excuse to sit in Eddie’s lap and press your nose into his neck.

• man, throw a blanket across across you fools and you’ll actually fall asleep during a horror movie.

• okay, when you go out to eat, you both take turns ordering something neither of you have tried before. it’s a simple way for you both to try new things and push your comfort bounds.

• he goes with you when you get your first tattoo, too. holds your hand, reassures you that you’re doing great, has an opened bottle of water for you, and takes peaks as the tattoo progresses. he’d make cute jokes to distract you when you’d wince in annoyed pain.

• oh, man, the dates are just cute. they’re not always conventional but you both look for any excuse to hang out.

• he likes to pinch your jaw and lift your attention up to your eyes (that height difference, man). then he’d kiss you and mutter, “don’t know what I did to deserve you, but good job me.”

• and yeah, I mentioned it before, but he’s close with your family. like, to the point when you need an extra team member for family game night, Eddie’s rolling in with more flowers for your Mom and maybe a pack of candy for your sibling(s).

• let’s just imagine Eddie at family meals please. he’s offering to fill your plate when the peas come your way, refilling your Mom’s wine glass, and teasingly taking your Dad’s side during arguments.

• he’d be invited to the Christmas vacation! and he’d blush because wow - your family really accepts him. he has heart eyes the whole time.

• he’s the type that takes whatever is in your hands to hold for you, too. backpack, binders, shopping bags, (sometimes) your purse, that one time he came into your job and saw you moving an inventory box - he swooped in and took it from you.

• “what’re you doin’ movin’ something this heavy, princess? I got it, I got it.”

• this boy melts when your nails rake over his back, shoulders, and obviously his scalp.

• and Eddie’s the type to kiss you at any given opportunity. we know he reminds you he loves you constantly but he also looks for any opening to kiss you.

• when he gets angry, he worries that he’s scared you. you never are, and you tell him as such, but he still knows that he can get intense. so, he’d take some time to just be in your presence (usually with his hands somewhere on you) before he’s trying to explain why he had the kind of reaction he did.

• you appreciated the communication, so, you listened and tried to understand, empathize. your job isn’t to judge him.

• he often uses his fingers to press into your cheeks. he likes to poke and hold them, sometimes squeezing to pucker your lips. oh, man, this boy is almost always touching you - it’s so cute. damn it.

Eddie’s perfect, okay? cool.


Eddie Munson HC’s

18+ Minors DNI

Warnings/ Tags: Weed, Alcohol, mentions of sex, can’t think of anything else but tell me and I’ll add it!

  •  he smells like weed, tobacco, and cheap cologne (sometimes sweat he’s kinda gross)
  • he lives in his pants until they rip all over and his uncle makes him get rid of them
  • like he’s for sure rocked thigh rips before
  • his uncle bought him his first black sabbath shirt and that’s what started it all
  • speaking of his uncle he took him in when Eddie’s mom kicked him out
  • he started selling drugs to help with the bills but she was having none of that and threw him out
  • his uncle is too tired most of the time to discipline him but when he does he never yells 
  • their serious conversations always end with his uncle telling him if he wants to get out of Hawkins he has to get his shit together 
  • deep deep deepdown he knows he’s flunking on purpose
  • he’s quite intelligent, he’s just scared of what the world will think of him if Hawkins hates him why wouldn’t the world?
  • he’s an amazing writer i mean come on that campaign? the details? he’s incredible 
  • he didn’t really like being the “King of the Freaks”, but soon he embraced it found other like-minded people 
  • he’s not nearly as confident in himself as he projects, but his life motto is “Fake it til you Make it” and its worked thus far 
  • he’s not really a prepper unless it comes to DnD 
  • I’d like to say right now I do not think he is straight although I imagine his first time would be with an AFAB person because of the time period and the surrounding homophobia 
  • despite the the fact that I enjoy the absolute filth everyone has been writing I don’t think he’s the sex god everyone is portraying him to be…yet?
  • he’s only had sex once before and it was a college girl he met at the bar 
  • he doesn’t know how he managed to picked her up but they ended up in the back of the van 
  • they weren’t drunk (he is a consent king)
  • but they were tipsy and itdefinitelydid not last long 
  • it was just a mess of limbs, whispered apologies and clashing of teeth
  • he felt kinda dirty after but he was just glad it was over with 
  • we have all agreed he adores his partner wearing his clothes 
  • he’s a thigh man for sure and hips and ass honestly if you’ve got them he wants ‘em
  • he doesn’t have a type if he’s interested you’re his type 
  • he finds something attractive about everyone he’s just that type of softy
  • he’s whiny and needy for sure 
  • once sex becomes more regular in his life he likes to explore 
  • he’s a horny little bastard you’ll have to beat him off of you to get anything done but you love him 
  • he likes making out a lot like its almost better than sex to him 
  • he likes shotgunning (blowing smoke in your mouth) with you when ya’ll smoke

A/N this is my first time writing anything like this publicly idk if you like it please tell me i want to write more 


Jealous Headcanons

Eddie Munson x F!Reader

Warnings : suggestive (?) behavior

→ I feel like Eddie doesn’t have perfect and impenetrable confidence. (though it may seem like he does) he just likes to pretend that he does.

→ i can see him being loyal n committed to you, i most definitely don’t see him as a fuckboy or a player.

→ he may not have the biggest external reaction, but if he seesanother guy talking to you he’ll def tense up and his mind will start racing.

“what if she thinks he’s attractive? why hasn’t she walked away yet? does she think of other people? what if i’m not good enough for her?”

→ he’d constantly ask himself those questions and simply over think.

→ But if things start to get out of hand he won’t hesitate to call that person out

“why the fuck are you staring at my girlfriend?”

the poor guy would shit himself on the spot

→ Nah but especially if they get too close to you. like maybe touch your shoulder or any body part. That would send him over the edge

→ I don’t think he’s the type to use violence in these situations, he’d simply confront the other guy by yelling at him.

→ if he notices guys staring at the two of you’d he’d be extra touchy

→ like extra extra

→ He’d wrap his arm around your waist and whisper dirty nothings into your ear while staring at the person dead in the eyes.

→ or maybe just rest his hand on your ass while giving the others dirty ass looks.

→ But for real, he’s somewhat confident in his strength of course, but he wonders of if he’s able to depend on someone else in such an intimate manner of if he’s just strong or if his personality and heart is enough….. he mulls over it more than you realize.


Eddie having some tummy under his shirt.

Eddie being partially insecure about it until he meets you.

Eddie being ticklish in said area and you take advantage when you’re both feeling playful.

Eddie being more confident because you love all of him ☺️

Eddie having some tummy under his shirt.

Eddie being partially insecure about it until he meets you.

Eddie being ticklish in said area and you take advantage when you’re both feeling playful.

Eddie being more confident because you love all of him ☺️

Making out with Eddie would include: slightly spicy

He’s a bit lazy, so he’ll pull you on top while he lays down on the couch

Starts off with small peppering kisses all along your face

Holding you close to him and doing the little affection shake on your back

Lots of cute and silly remarks from him. Especially after he’s baked..boy’s a talker and you love it

Definitely has his band’s music playing in the background and will stop to explain when his sick solo is coming up

Lightly pulling and twirling on his curls. Letting the bounce back into their tight coils

Him sliding his hands up and down your backside as it gets more heated

Also him grabbing the meat of your stomach and feeling the cool metal of his rings dig in gently

The moaning…GOD his deep voice moaning into yours is so hot

Every so often his likes to nip your nose playfully before jumping back to full sloppy lip sucking

Talk about how much you love his music and he’s giggling and blushing madly

Nibble or bit his lip and his grip is tighter and….you hear a growl erupt from him

That’s when he uses one hand to pull you in deeper along your neck

His hand lightly scratching the skin making you shiver

You take initiative to start adding some tongue, licking along his bottom lip

Eddie tastes like weed and a bit of cinnamon which makes for an interesting taste

His tongue knows how to lick inside your mouth. Makes you wonder what else his tongue can do

You start kissing down his body, removing his jacket and shirt beforehand

His chest is smooth, but as you keep going down you notice some curlies right below his navel

He’s starting to sound breathy, moaning with every little nip and lick down his chest and stomach, following his curly happy trail

Eddie runs his hands along your head, gently, but firmly grabbing your face and pulling you up for another deep kiss before letting you continue

Eep!!…I’m gonna continue this in a more spicy headcanons post so look out for that :3

Tagging for friends @oneshot-one-kill@in-the-crosshairs@neon-junkie
