
You’re right. I am being obstinate. If the best thing I can do for this town is to stand down, then You’re right. I am being obstinate. If the best thing I can do for this town is to stand down, then

You’re right. I am being obstinate. If the best thing I can do for this town is to stand down, then stand down I shall.

A fun bit of dialogue that can be easy to miss. To get this exchange, Max needs to be in your party when you confront Reed Tobson after diverting power to Edgewater and after telling Adelaide that you’ll attempt to get Tobson to step down. Ideally, you need to recruit Max to your crew *after* you retrieve the power regulator, which will allow him to join the active party immediately, and you then can go directly to Tobson. However, if Max is recruited *before* you obtain the regulator, he’ll simply wait to meet you on the Unreliable, and he can’t be added to the party in Edgewater until you depart to the Groundbreaker and then come back, all before confronting Tobson.

Also, for those curious: Max will have this dialogue regardless of if/how his companion quest is resolved.

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