#edging kink



i think m gonna put my baggy sweats on and rest my dildo up against my cunnie and see how long I can last till I have to play with my princess parts >///<

come chat wit me while I try not to touch !! wickr is babiegirlangel or just dm me here on this account <3

I did dis earlier (around 3-4 pm) and now it’s nighttime and imma do it again! I officially edged like a good girl earlier :3

always remember how disappointing it is that my fingers aren’t the ones touching you. always remember how much better it would feel if it were me, grip strong against your throat, forcing your whines out in a strained little voice while i keep you on the edge until i’m bored of denying you.

watching you pull against the fabric of my shirt as you do your best to beg with limited breath, saving all your strength for a single, “please,”only able to hope i might be merciful and let you release the tension i’ve made you bear.

but they aren’t my hands, are they? they’re yours. tell me this, pet, do you pretend your fingers are mine?
