#denial kink



The Final Chapter:

Christmas Eve with Hans


Warnings: MAJOR lemon , brief mention of suicide, plot twist ending

Norah was shaking. She didn’t know she was capable of this much fury. This much fear. And as much as she loathed it, this much sexual tension. The confidence, the dominant personality, the infuriating patronization…she couldn’t deny that it was incalculably evil and sexy.

“Come on,” hissed Holly as she grabbed Norah’s hand. Hans had already spun on his heels and was briskly walking in the opposite direction. “What an asshole. I hope John gets him soon. My husband is onto him,” whispered Holly when they were back in the lobby. Norah didn’t dare to speak.

Norah walked carefully- for fear she might burst- back to her corner and paced back and forth. Tears began to fall more freely this time. As much of a turn-on as his commanding presence had been, she also truly didn’t know what she was going to do. Her need was growing stronger by the second and she knew that by the end of the evening she would either die or piss herself. Truthfully, she was beginning to prefer the first option. She was crying, walking, shifting uncomfortably, and trying to distract herself when she heard a “psssstttt.”

Norah stopped in her tracks. She inched closer to the door.

“You didn’t really think I was going to let you suffer, did you?” For the first time of the night, Norah truly felt relief. Trying to speak without moving her lips, she responded “It seemed that way.”

“When the coast is clear, come back here,” Hans ordered. Norah looked across the room, awkwardly half-smiling at anyone who glanced her way. Finally, when everyone was preoccupied, she discreetly slid through the door.

The conference room had been completely transformed. There were couches, pillows, beverages, and snacks and the long conference table had been removed.

“What do you think?” Hans asked sheepishly. Norah was stunned.

“You…did this for me?” she stuttered. Hans nodded.

“I wanted you to be comfortable. Hopefully this won’t last much longer. Oh…and there is a bathroom to your left.”

Norah emitted a quick “thank you!” and made a run for it. When she returned, Hans was sitting on the couch waiting for her. He patted the cushion beside him, signaling her to sit. Norah did as she was asked.

“I do apologize for the discomfort…but you understand that I couldn’t show favoritism in front of another. It would look far too suspicious. Although I must admit, the panic in your eyes was…what’s the American word…adorable?” The eyes that had sent her into sheer terror only half an hour before were now glimmering with kindness. Norah felt herself blush again.

“I’m sure glad you thought it was. I was afraid I said something wrong earlier,” Norah admitted. Hans took her hand and slid his fingers between hers.

“It was…very right.”

Norah turned to face him and asked the question which answer she feared greatly.

“Why me, Hans? I’m certainly nothing special. I’m rarely noticed and yet you picked me out of a crowd. You’re out here doing…unspeakable things, and yet you want to save my life?”

Hans paused for a moment.

“In a way, I’ve been asking myself the same question, Ms. Freeman. Let’s just call it intuition. You’re wrong to say that you aren’t special…you are incredibly so. And beautiful. In one way, I want to shower you with praise and gently show you how stunning you are. In another way, I want to tease you and whisper filthy things in your ear. In one way, I love and even envy your demure innocence…in another way, I want to corrupt you as only I can.”

Norah was startled- then skeptical- and finally, ready to submit to what she has dreamed of since she met Hans.

She whispered softly in his ear,

“Corrupt me.”

Hans cocked his head as if to ask if she was sure. Norah nodded. His soft, but taut lips met hers in a slow, gentle kiss. Without warning, the kisses became rough and passionate. His tongue penetrated her mouth and they took turns flickering them back and forth. They needed to breathe, but could hardly be bothered to come up for air. Their hands explored each other’s bodies frantically and desperately as if they could disappear at any moment. Hans gently bit Norah’s lip and began suckling on her neck: not enough to hurt, but certainly enough to leave a mark. Norah’s breathing sped up as she enjoyed the warmth of his mouth on her cool skin. When Norah fell limp with pleasure and submission, Hans grabbed her by the arms and led her to sit atop his body and straddle him.

“Oh my GOD,” she exclaimed, pleasantly shocked by the massive erection underneath her. He half laughed, half growled and caressed her firm buttocks with both hands. Norah began to rock back and forth on his cock and he let out an involuntary moan. He breathed hotly in her ear,

“I knew it. Deep down, you’re a dirty little thing, aren’t you?” He used the leverage of his hands to bring her womanhood into even closer and harder grinds against him.

“Only for you,” she replied while peppering kisses from his chin down to his sternum.

Hans grabbed at her shirt and grunted, “How attached are you to this shirt?” Her lips never leaving his chest, she responded, “not very”.

Hans stopped all movement and looked up at her.

“Good,” he snarled. Hans ripped Norah’s button-up blouse apart and threw it on the floor with one fluid motion. Something in Norah seemed to snap. She hastily removed Hans’ suit jacket and tossed it carelessly behind her. Norah loosened his tie and began to undo his shirt buttons one by one as he simultaneously undid the clasp of her bra and threw it behind him. Hans’ shirt and tie were crumpled on the floor and she gazed on his bare chest. It was exactly as she had imagined it. Sparse, dark hair in the center of his chest contrasted the complete smoothness elsewhere until the trail of hair leading downward….

Before she could do anything else, Hans drew one of Norah’s swollen breasts to his mouth. He began with smooth, gentle licks, allowing the hotness of his mouth to contrast with the chilly air of the room. Norah’s nipples stood hardened and erect, begging for pleasure. Hans picked the pace, even gently biting her nipples, sending Norah into temporary ecstasy. Her clitoris was nearly painful as it craved sweet relief and attention. Hans very deliberately kissed all the way down Norah’s breasts to her belly button, to the edge of her skirt. He slid his fingers inside the waistband and slid the skirt to the floor. Norah kicked off her heels as Hans removed his own footwear.

“Now stand,” Hans commanded. Norah froze. Everything had been unbelievably hot and now surely everything would halt if he got a good look at her body. However, as she liked to do for him only- she did what she was told. Norah could feel Hans’ eyes deliberately taking in every inch of her- up and down, up-and down. With a cool half-smile, he moved toward her body - an enormous erection tenting his grey, John Phillips trousers. Hans slid his hands down her shoulders to her arms and then intentionally traced his fingers down the curves of her waist. Norah wasn’t like some of the bimbos he had slept with along the way…they were far too skinny and often left a literal residue of fake tan in his mouth. Norah was all real. He savored the curve of her hips, pulling his groin as close into her as possible so she could feel just how much he wanted all of her. He adored the realness of her body…the love handles and stretch marks somehow made her that much more alluring. His hands went back up to the swell of her breasts and massaged every inch of them. Norah wasn’t sure how much longer she could ask under his prowess.

“Please, Hans, please….” she gasped.

Hans let out a sexy, low chuckle. He inched closer, pushing his protruding erection even harder against her hip bone.


“Oh god….” she moaned as his hands reached the curve of her hips and entwined his fingers in the small patch of pubic hair near her sex. “Please…sir. I beg you.” Hans’ met her eyes.

“Well, since you asked nicely….” he ran his fingers from her pubic hair to her throbbing clitoris and she gasped. Laughing, he began to gently circle her sensitivity.

“Hans…more…please more…” she whined.

Instead he began to slow down.

“Oh, not just yet, impatient girl.” He took a finger and made its way inside of her. Norah gasped even louder. As he began to manipulate her from inside, he whispered,

“Now, now, you must have more control than that, Ms. Freeman. After all, we wouldn’t want anyone to hear us, would we?” he raised an eyebrow. God, she hated him but she LOVED him. He slid in another finger and Norah cupped her hand to prevent a moan from escaping. Norah could feel the tension mounting inside her. Release was coming…building……on the verge………..and then Hans slid his fingers out of her. Norah couldn’t help but whimper out of arousal and frustration. Hans examined his fingers and sucked her juices off of them.

“Ms. Freeman, we’ve only just begun and already you’re absolutely soaked. Tell me, who did this to you?”

“You did, sir.”

“Am I the only one who can make you wet like this, Ms. Freeman?”

“Yes sir…and no one else. Sometimes in the lobby, I soaked myself just daydreaming about you.” Norah bit her lip for an innocent, yet seductive effect.

With this admission, Hans hastily removed his trousers and boxer briefs, his significant manhood springing forth. Norah eyed it carefully and hungrily.

“And this, Ms. Freeman, is what you do to me, naughty girl.” The corners of his lips were curled into an unmistakable smile.

“I believe you dropped something, sir…” observed Norah, and bent to the ground, folding his expensive, grey pants. To his surprise, Norah remained on her knees and put her warm mouth around the tip of his cock. She pushed the entirety of his member into her mouth.

At this, Hans’ full body shuddered and his hips bucked involuntarily.

“Scheisse,” he hissed. Norah bobbed her head back and forth, her tongue occasionally swirling erotically at his tip. Norah cradled a testicle in each hand, caressing them as she sucked- enjoying the hitches in his breathing. Hans grabbed a handful of hair and began to pull her closer and then away from him.

“Norah, Norah, oh God…oh…fuck, yes…” he gasped. With one strong yank of her hair, Hans pulled her away from him. He took her hand and led her to the couch where he laid down in front of her.

Norah began to lay down on him when Hans stopped her.

“Norah are…are you okay with this? Are you ready?” Norah nearly broke down in tears. In that moment, it didn’t matter that he had killed others. He had made sure she was comfortable. And that was all that mattered.

In as sexy of a tone as Norah could manage, she sighed,

“I’ve been ready since you walked in the door tonight.”

Hans was surprisingly gentle as he inserted himself into her depths. Immediately, he moaned,

“Fuck, Norah. You’re so tight. Ahhh, you’re already so wet.” The praise only made Norah grind harder. She was still close to the edge from before and she knew it wouldn’t be long now. They thrusted together, their hips moving in rhythm, the pace accelerating from slow to rapid. Once again, Norah felt the pressure building.

“I’m close, I’m so close….” she cried.

“Cum for me, Norah. Cum for me. I don’t care who hears now. Scream my name, Norah.” In just a few more thrusts she was gone and moaned in his ear,

“Hans…oh Hans….oh my God, baby. Fuck!” Her affirmation was more than enough to send him over the edge and she finished her orgasm, his began and he cried out Norah’s name at his release.

When they had finished, the two sat up, not quite ready to look at each other. They panted heavily, desperately trying to catch their breath. Hans ran his hands through his now messy and sweaty hair. Norah noted how cute he looked with his hair mussed up. Though he was trying his best to hide it, Norah could tell he was shaking. She placed a hand on his hair said nothing. Hans turned to her and grinned weakly. He stood up and began to re-dress. Norah followed suit before holding up her ripped blouse and dangling it in front of Hans’ face.

“Now how am I supposed to put this back on?” she teased. Hans flashed his most charming smile.

“My apologies, I think I got a little carried away.” Norah laughed and did her best to wrap it around her torso. Norah made her way to a cabinet in the corner and after searching a few drawers, found safety pins and pinned the blouse together as best she could.

As wonderful at this has been, Norah couldn’t ignore the gnawing feeling in the pit of her stomach. It was guilt. She sat on the couch and Hans wordlessly sat beside her. Norah grabbed his hand and after a few moments of silence, she inquired,

“Why are you doing this?”

Hans laughed and answered,

“You asked me this already! You’re special to me, Norah.” Despite the flattery, Norah shook her head and jerker her thumb in the direction of the lobby.

“No. Why are you doing…THIS?”

It was a long time before Hans responded.

“You could never understand.”

With a kiss on the cheek, Norah grabbed his face and turned it towards hers.

“Try me.”

Hans didn’t want to begin. He wasn’t even sure if he could. How could he articulate this in words when he didn’t fully understand himself?

“When I was a kid…my father headed a business with Takagi Sr. Yes, your boss’s father. My father was a shrewd business man and one day, he and Takagi had a huge disagreement. Takagi told him he refused to work with him anymore. Because the business wasn’t in my dad’s name, he was left with nothing. Worse than that, Takagi slandered his name everyone. He was blacklisted. Unhireable. My mom left…and who could blame her? I never saw her again. We had nothing. NOTHING. After a couple years of stealing and trying to scrounge food from trash cans….” he paused as Norah physically recoiled. “We moved to the United States on my 13th birthday. It was a massive mistake. Even though the war was long over, people were still prejudiced against Germans and Takagi still had contacts in the States. We lived in my father’s car for a while. When the police found out, we had to move around from place to place. I hated it but my father hated it more. He couldn’t take the change of being wealthy to having nothing. But he kept telling me that he would find a job and things would be fine again.”

Hans was silent for a few moments.

“And did he?” Norah inquired impatiently.

Hans looked her in the eyes and she noticed that they seemed more watery than usual.

“My father committed suicide 6 months after we moved to America.”

“Oh Hans!” cried out Norah and enveloped him with an hug that he didn’t ask for. Once again, she could feel him shaking- this time in rage.

“I swore that I would never, EVER live in poverty again. I swore that I would get revenge on the man who forced my father into it. I worked hard in school and plotted tirelessly. I returned to Germany after college. When I heard that Takagi Sr. had passed, I still wasn’t satisfied…he still hadn’t paid for what he did. Takagi Jr. became my new target. I knew with him gone, I could access the fortune…”

Norah turned her head sharply and studied him quizzically.

“So you’re…you’re not a terrorist? You’re just here to pay for what Takagi Sr. did to your dad? To steal money?” Norah shrieked.

Hans hung his head but nodded.

“I’m nothing more than a common thief,” he admitted dejectedly. “To be honest with you, I don’t even really want to do this. But after planning it for years…down to every last detail…after getting my men involved…I just felt like I had to. I wanted to leave after I killed Takagi, but then John McClane kept trying to get in my way. That’s why I had to kill Ellis. Then John had to set the building on fire….”

Norah couldn’t even begin to process all of the information she was given. She was enraged that he would kill innocent people for revenge. Heartbroken by the trauma of his past. Relieved that he hadn’t committed arson as well as murderer. Frustrated that he still went through with a plan he no longer believed in.

“I don’t know what to say, Hans. I’m sorry for everything you went through. It’s unfair. I’m a bit more relaxed knowing that you aren’t a terrorist. But…for FUCK’S SAKE what were you thinking???”

Choked with emotion, Hans replied:

“I was thinking money and revenge would get my childhood back. Would repay my father.” He paused. “It didn’t.”

Norah could have never been prepared for what he could say next.

“Norah, as soon as I leave this room, I’m taking our jet back to Germany. I’m not causing any more damage. When I get there, I’m turning myself in. Because the crimes were committed in America and because I’m pleading innocent, I’ll get much less time than you Americans would think. Especially if I reveal the names of my accomplices. Norah, I would never ask you to wait for me or stay with me while I serve my time. But please know that the memory of you tonight is what I will hold on to as long as I’m in there.”

Norah began to weep. She knew he deserved his punishment. She knew it was right for him to admit to his wrongdoings, but this knowledge did little to numb the pain. She knew she couldn’t just pick up her life and move to Germany, could she?

Hans sauntered over to Norah and wiped the tears from her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her into a long, sensual kiss that neither ever wanted to end.

With a deep breath, Hans walked to the door. He turned around.

“And Norah…I won’t ever expect you to follow me. But please know that if you ever find yourself in Germany…my heart will forever belong to you. Merry Christmas, my love.”


How about that surprise ending???


He was so gentle with her when they made love. God, it was so beautiful. I love how caring he was. God I just have no words. None what would ever come close to expressing how amazing this ending was.

I love you and I love this fic! Thank you so much for writing this for me. I’m forever grateful

awh, you’re whining. isn’t that pathetic? i haven’t even done anything. i could watch you beg and squirm in my lap all day, stuffed full of my cock, pinned against my lap.

oh, that isn’t what you want?

that’s right, cry for me. so handsome. i’ll consider fucking you, if you beg loud enough.

always remember how disappointing it is that my fingers aren’t the ones touching you. always remember how much better it would feel if it were me, grip strong against your throat, forcing your whines out in a strained little voice while i keep you on the edge until i’m bored of denying you.

watching you pull against the fabric of my shirt as you do your best to beg with limited breath, saving all your strength for a single, “please,”only able to hope i might be merciful and let you release the tension i’ve made you bear.

but they aren’t my hands, are they? they’re yours. tell me this, pet, do you pretend your fingers are mine?


i just love training myself soooo much. like i just want to teach myself how to deepthroat and stretch my ass and cunt and keep myself edged & drippy so whoever takes my virginity has a perfect little whore to use however they want!
