#egalmoth of the heavenly arch


  • Egalmoth isn’t really that protective, mainly since he always surrounds himself with people he can trust. But when he does get protective, he generally tries to keep it low key 
  • He’s a pretty touchy-feely person anyway so no one thinks anything of it when Egalmoth suddenly becomes glued to your side, an arm around your waist.
  • For the most part, he’ll discuss how much he dislikes a person or how on-edge he is by making jokes
  • He’s got a pretty dry sense of humour but it really goes up a notch. And because of his tone, no one can tell if he’s joking or being serious 
  • You’d probably know how to use a sword or a bow, but it’s unlikely you’d be an expert. Egalmoth would insist on you learning just enough so you’re not completely vulnerable 
  • But he also likes being your knight in shining armour so unless you’re already a warrior, expect to be taken care of 
  • But if you are already a warrior, seeing you being so badass is a massive turn on for him
  • If someone were to make a direct threat against you, Egalmoth would address it immediately, and possibly use violence if provoked 
  • “Excuse me kind Sir, but what the fuck did you just say to my partner?”
  • He’s a pretty big guy so not the kind of person you want squaring up to you and getting in your face 
  • For the most part, it’s Ecthelion that calms him down (surprising, i know - mainly because Glorfindel is also getting angry on your behalf)
  • After Gondolin’s fall, the safety and security you’d all grown so used to is ripped out from under your feet
  • Egalmoth becomes more protective and no longer puts the same effort into hiding it 
  • Although he’d never forbid you from going anywhere, expect to be questioned before going anywhere unfamiliar, and Egalmoth insisting you take at least three guards with you 
  • He’s generally a worry wart but was much better at hiding it in Gondolin. He fusses far too much and it’s actually quite endearing

  • Although Egalmoth is a good height for an elf, he still feels a little threatened by some of the other lords like Glorfindel and Penlod because they’re taller than him
  • And because of that, he’d love to have a short s/o so he gets to be the big person in the relationship 
  • He has his arm around your waist or your shoulders at all times, just to keep you close and show everyone that this cute person is his and his alone
  • Although he’s not that possessive, he might be a bit more protective over you since you’re small and easily knocked about. 
  • It avoid this, he always makes sure to make a loud entrance in crowds and keep you close to him so people move out of your way. It takes a while before you realise he’s doing this specifically for you and it’s not just part of his personality 
  • If he can, he’d rest his elbow on your head or shoulder to poke fun at you. He’d show you off to all his friends and make comments about how adorable you are
  • He doesn’t mind the fact that he has to bend down to kiss you, in fact, he kind of enjoys having more control over it. 
  • He loves it when you try and get him to bend down, and if he’s in a teasing mood he’d mock you for a while before he gives in. But it’s all for show and he loves kisses from his small partner 
  • “Aww you want a kiss? That’s so sweet baby, ask me again, and say please.”
  • The number of pet names he makes for you defies expectations. You’re called everything from Princess to Caterpillar to Dwarf
  • Since you’re a little more fragile, he’s a bit more gentle with you at first until he can get a good handle on your limits. It’s not his fault, you just look so cute and vulnerable 
  • He uses any excuse he can to pull you onto his lap. If he can’t find one, he’ll do it anyway. 
  • Everyone is used to his PDA so no one bats an eyelid when he cuddles up to you in public and starts nibbling at your ear
  • It could easily turn sexual and he’d have no shame about it