#middle earth imagine


  • Egalmoth isn’t really that protective, mainly since he always surrounds himself with people he can trust. But when he does get protective, he generally tries to keep it low key 
  • He’s a pretty touchy-feely person anyway so no one thinks anything of it when Egalmoth suddenly becomes glued to your side, an arm around your waist.
  • For the most part, he’ll discuss how much he dislikes a person or how on-edge he is by making jokes
  • He’s got a pretty dry sense of humour but it really goes up a notch. And because of his tone, no one can tell if he’s joking or being serious 
  • You’d probably know how to use a sword or a bow, but it’s unlikely you’d be an expert. Egalmoth would insist on you learning just enough so you’re not completely vulnerable 
  • But he also likes being your knight in shining armour so unless you’re already a warrior, expect to be taken care of 
  • But if you are already a warrior, seeing you being so badass is a massive turn on for him
  • If someone were to make a direct threat against you, Egalmoth would address it immediately, and possibly use violence if provoked 
  • “Excuse me kind Sir, but what the fuck did you just say to my partner?”
  • He’s a pretty big guy so not the kind of person you want squaring up to you and getting in your face 
  • For the most part, it’s Ecthelion that calms him down (surprising, i know - mainly because Glorfindel is also getting angry on your behalf)
  • After Gondolin’s fall, the safety and security you’d all grown so used to is ripped out from under your feet
  • Egalmoth becomes more protective and no longer puts the same effort into hiding it 
  • Although he’d never forbid you from going anywhere, expect to be questioned before going anywhere unfamiliar, and Egalmoth insisting you take at least three guards with you 
  • He’s generally a worry wart but was much better at hiding it in Gondolin. He fusses far too much and it’s actually quite endearing

  • Although Egalmoth is a good height for an elf, he still feels a little threatened by some of the other lords like Glorfindel and Penlod because they’re taller than him
  • And because of that, he’d love to have a short s/o so he gets to be the big person in the relationship 
  • He has his arm around your waist or your shoulders at all times, just to keep you close and show everyone that this cute person is his and his alone
  • Although he’s not that possessive, he might be a bit more protective over you since you’re small and easily knocked about. 
  • It avoid this, he always makes sure to make a loud entrance in crowds and keep you close to him so people move out of your way. It takes a while before you realise he’s doing this specifically for you and it’s not just part of his personality 
  • If he can, he’d rest his elbow on your head or shoulder to poke fun at you. He’d show you off to all his friends and make comments about how adorable you are
  • He doesn’t mind the fact that he has to bend down to kiss you, in fact, he kind of enjoys having more control over it. 
  • He loves it when you try and get him to bend down, and if he’s in a teasing mood he’d mock you for a while before he gives in. But it’s all for show and he loves kisses from his small partner 
  • “Aww you want a kiss? That’s so sweet baby, ask me again, and say please.”
  • The number of pet names he makes for you defies expectations. You’re called everything from Princess to Caterpillar to Dwarf
  • Since you’re a little more fragile, he’s a bit more gentle with you at first until he can get a good handle on your limits. It’s not his fault, you just look so cute and vulnerable 
  • He uses any excuse he can to pull you onto his lap. If he can’t find one, he’ll do it anyway. 
  • Everyone is used to his PDA so no one bats an eyelid when he cuddles up to you in public and starts nibbling at your ear
  • It could easily turn sexual and he’d have no shame about it

  • For the most part, Celebrimbor is a pretty heavy sleeper and doesn’t tend to move around a lot. Nightmares are pretty rare
  • They usually only occur when he’s been stressed or worried about something. It’ll play on his mind and remind him of things in the past that haven’t gone to plan either 
  • The poor boy gets nightmares about a whole range of things - even in the first age alone he went through quite a bit of shit 
  • Most of them involve the last time he saw his parents, his father before renouncing him at Nargothrond, the look of betrayal on his face, and his mother on the shores of Valindor before he made the worst decision of his life
  • Celebrimbor gets very clammy when he has nightmares, it’s not very glamorous. He’ll toss and turn as well to the point where it might wake you up
  • If it doesn’t and you continue to sleep, Celebrimbor won’t usually wake you up for comfort. In fact, he’d prefer it if you stayed asleep. 
  • That way he can watch you sleeping peacefully as he calms himself down, trying to match his hyperventilation with your own steady breathing 
  • It’s rare that just being next to you isn’t enough to lull him back to sleep. If the nightmare is really bad, he’ll cuddle into you a little more 
  • Even if you stay sleeping, it’s pretty easy to tell the next day if he’s had a restless night. He’ll have dark shadows beneath his eyes and be considerably more withdrawn 
  • You don’t even need to be awake but at this point it would help if you were. All Celebrimbor wants to do is rest his head on your chest and have you run your fingers through his hair 
  • He doesn’t really need much verbal reassurance from you, and doesn’t like having a conversation about what the nightmare was about 
  • There’s nothing you can say that will right the wrongs of the past so there’s really not much point in trying 
  • You just have to hold him close and love him in spite of all the darkness

  • Physical contact and affection isn’t something Caranthir excels at, so it’ll take him quite a while to get used to having such an affectionate partner
  • In the beginning, he’s awfully stiff and blushes so much you’re sure his head must hurt. It’s all pretty overwhelming for him so you’ll need to ease him into it 
  • At first, he’ll probably shy away and try to make you stop, sometimes even snapping at you since his nervousness is embarrassing 
  • But if you get upset, Caranthir practically dies on the spot and will be on his knees trying to make it up to you - he’s soft for the people he loves, he just doesn’t know it yet 
  • When he becomes more comfortable with it, Caranthir turns out to really enjoy cuddling with you in private
  • He latches onto you in his sleep and has an alarmingly strong grip. Even if you need to get up in the night to use the toilet, you can’t
  • He also really likes having you on his lap and watching what you’re doing over your shoulder. The two of you have read several books together like that 
  • At times, he can actually be quite clingy for your attention, practically plastering himself over your back in an effort to be close to you
  • Caranthir really does prefer to keep affections behind closed doors but depending on how long you’ve been together, he might begrudgingly accept affection in front of close family members 
  • It still annoys him a little but not enough for him to be genuinely angry. Sometimes you like to push how far he’ll go in front of his family, just because its fun 
  • As long as you pay attention to his boundaries and what makes him genuinely uncomfortable, you should be fine

  • Even as subtle as the elves are, it’s unlikely your relationship with Glorfindel would stay secret for long
  • People definitely know something’s up since he’s always by your side and smiles constantly
  • He’ll stare at you from across the room, ignoring whoever’s speaking to him with hearts in his eyes
  • Glorfindel will find any excuse to come over and talk to you, standing slightly closer than is considered appropriate
  • He’s much happier than usual, even if that was possible
  • Although he does his best not to touch you and give away the nature of your relationship, he can’t always help himself
  • It’s mostly small subtle touches like brushing up against you as he passes or having a hand on your knee under the table during dinner
  • He gets extremely jealous if someone flirts with you but will restrain himself since the two of you aren’t public yet
  • But he’ll glare at them from across the room or be slightly less kind to the other person in future, taking an instant dislike to them
  • Erestor finally gets a chance to tease Glorfindel about his sour mood since normally it’s the other way around
  • Elrond definitely knows, even if he doesn’t say anything
  • The two of you often go for long walks through the gardens of Rivendell together, your hand on the crook of his elbow
  • You often catch other elves staring at the two of you, giggling. They love to gossip and probably already think the two of you are dating, even though there has yet to be an announcement
  • Glorfindel doesn’t seem to notice as much as you do, happy and content in his own little bubble with you for company
  • The two of you sneak into each other’s chambers in the evenings where you can be as affectionate as you like
  • He likes to make up for all the times he’s wanted to touch you during the day
  • It’s likely that as soon as you’re together, you’ll be pulled onto his lap with him nuzzling at your neck
  • It’s not exactly the worst way to end your day, wrapped up in sheets with a beautiful elf cuddling you

  • Despite the emphasis Curufin places on being composed and keeping up appearances, there are times when he’s anything but that
  • For the most part, it’s the complete control and trust you place in him that turns Curufin on the most. He loves how you’ve given yourself over so completely 
  • Adding to that, he likes being the one to do most of the work, putting the muscles he’s developed over years in the forge to good use
  • His grip is usually tight, not enough to hurt you but enough to keep you from squirming as he pounds into you or lifts you up and down on his cock
  • That isn’t to say he doesn’t like giving the control over to you every once in a while, although this isn’t done nearly as often
  • Curufin appreciates the trust you place in him, but finds it difficult to let go in the same way. There are times when it’ll get him embarrassed, as does being overly affectionate,  and he reacts with anger and defensiveness
  • Instead, Curufin prefers to be wrestled into submission, partly to save face. It might seem like he’s unwilling, but before hand he assures you that he is (His safeword is probably Finrod or something like that)
  • Hair pulling is a big hit with him, both having his own hair pulled and pulling yours. It’s not about causing pain, it’s more about control and being able to maneuver his partner exactly as he wants 
  •  As well as that, Curufin is a possessive fucker and enjoys leaving marks on you. For the most part though, he’ll do them in places that can be easily concealed
  • It’s like a dirty little secret between the two of you, the slight pain as you go about your day a pleasant reminder of the night before 
  • He doesn’t mind if you leave your own marks on him and finds the sensation of having his back scratched up to be actually quite pleasant 
  • Curufin isn’t particularly loud, the most you’ll hear from him is a small moan or grunt if you clench just right
  • He knows he’s good with words so dirty talk comes pretty naturally. It’ll be soft, whispered against your skin despite the harshness in what he’s saying 
  • You’re pretty sure if he had you just right, on the edge, and asked you to kill someone in that lovely voice of his, you’d agree to it without a second thought

  • Height has never really been that important for Curufin and it’s not something that often comes into play in your relationship
  • He’s got no issues dating someone taller than him - he grew up with giants for brothers so he’s used to it 
  • Don’t confuse who’s in charge here. Just because you’re taller than Curufin, that doesn’t mean you’re the one in control
  • He’s more than strong enough to manhandle you, whatever your height - although it can be quite comical when he picks you up
  • “Why are your limbs so long? It shouldn’t be allowed”
  • Curufin doesn’t mind jokes about his height when it comes to close family members, as long as they don’t cross any boundaries. There’s nothing wrong with good-natured teasing
  • But when the jokes come from other people, either regarding his short stature or you being strangely tall, Curufin doesn’t put up with any bullshit
  • He’ll happily threaten people in public if he needs to, going out of his way to make their life miserable for teasing you
  • Curufin loves seeing you in heels, even if it makes the height difference even bigger. He just loves how long and beautiful your legs are
  • And what he loves almost as much is seeing the longing looks other people give you when you wear them - knowing he’s the only one that gets to take you home at the end of the evening

  • When Curufin first develops a crush on you, it’ll actually take him quite a while to notice. He’s not very in touch with his feelings so it’ll come as a shock to him too
  • The feeling unsettles him to his core. Loving someone means admitting vulnerability and taking the chance that you won’t like him back. 
  • He also despises the notion of a ‘crush’ because it seems so stupid and juvanile to him. Because of that, expect him to ignore or avoid his feelings for the longest time 
  • That being said, his feelings for you would be impossible to ignore completely and would be expressed whether he meant them to or not
  • For the most part he’s just… less horrible to you. But as he begins to come to terms with his feelings, his behaviour changes
  • Once you’ve caught Curufin’s eye, it’s impossible not to notice. 
  • He spends a lot of time watching you from afar, much like a predator stalking their prey. It won’t take long to notice how he trails after you like a shadow
  • It could be easy to mistake that for hopeless pining, but trust me, it’s not. Curufin is just… researching. Before making his move, he wants to check you’re not spoken for and learn your likes and dislikes
  • If you have your eye on someone else, or there’s someone else vying for your attention, Curufin will do his best to publicly and privately discredit them, making himself the only available candidate 
  • And then he moves in for the kill
  • Curufin can be really fucking suave when he wants to be. He’s made a life for himself simply with the art of persuasion so you’re not gonna stand a chance
  • Compliments from someone as stone faced as Curufin are pretty unexpected but still nice. He has a tendency to walk over quietly, always making you jump as he appears seemingly out of thin air 
  • Once you get over the shock, he can be pretty fucking suave so it won’t take long before you’re a blushing mess 

  • If you’re the kind of person that gets woken up in the night by their partner tossing and turning, sleeping with Caranthir is a dream
  • He barely moves at night and is a pretty heavy sleeper. It’d take an orc attack to wake him, even at the best of times
  • He looks so much less intimidating when he sleeps, the usual permanent blush almost gone from his cheeks and his face uncommonly relaxed. It’s a vulnerability few outside his family get to see 
  • Although he’s a heavy sleeper, Caranthir is very particular about his nightly environment. The room has to be pitch black, the blanket has to be a thick one, and he has to be laying on his side
  • This generally makes him a pretty good big spoon. He’s got less reservations about affection in the evening so doesn’t mind holding you close, even if he gets a mouthful of hair 
  • His grip on you is strong though, slightly alarmingly so. He’ll keep an arm around you at all times and it’s bloody hard to break out of if you need to get up
  • Despite being a heavy sleeper, if Caranthir can feel you struggling in his grip, he’ll pet your hair clumsily, garbling out some kind of ineligible reassurance in his sleep-addled state 
  • Caranthir secretly likes being the little spoon, but it takes a bit of prodding to actually get him into that position. 
  • He’s most likely to relent if you keep mentioning how you prefer to be the big spoon, that way he has the excuse of only doing it to appease you
  • His face will be so red but at least you can’t really see it, although he does go quiet since he’s a little shy about being the little spoon haha
  • Once he allows himself to relax, he’ll fall asleep like that and stay there for the whole night
  • You might think it’s easier for you to escape like this but you’d be wrong. Caranthir will hug your arm to his chest so you’re still trapped with him
  • When he’s asleep, it seems like his inhibitions are finally laid to rest and he can be as clingy as he feels during the day

  • Maglor is extremely caring and would go to the ends of the earth for you at the best of times, so when he knows you’re on your period, it’s only magnified 
  • I don’t imagine elves have periods so it’d be quite a shock for Maglor that you experience them in the first place. 
  • Naturally, he’d want to learn more about why you have them and your experience but wouldn’t pry - he understands it’s private and would be mindful not to push too much
  • Since he’s never experienced one himself, Maglor doesn’t really understand the intricacies of it all and the pain, but he still knows it’s bad and you’re hurting so expect him to be extra doting 
  • He’s more than happy to bring you a hot drink and rub your stomach, trying to get you to relax and help soothe the pain. As a healer, i’m sure he could recommend some pain relievers as well 
  • If it’s bad enough that you don’t want to have any visitors, Maglor doesn’t mind turning them away. And if they’re rude or insist, he’s not afraid to use a firm hand when needed
  • He generally tries to stop you moping around too much though, he doesn’t want you to spiral and make yourself upset
  • He’ll suggest a fun or relaxing activity together, even if it’s only reading or helping him write a song, at least it gets you out of your own head for a bit and focused on something else 
  • If the pain is keeping you up at night, you can bet Maglor will stroke your hair and sing to you. It doesn’t even have to be the evening, he’ll do it even if you’re only the slightest bit stressed 
  • He’s a very calming presence so it’s unlikely you’ll get too irritable and wound up. 
  • And if you do, Maglor doesn’t mind being your emotional punching bad. He grew up with six brothers - he can take some insults. 
  • What Maglor hates most though is when you get over-emotional and start crying over something trivial, he just hates seeing you upset and knowing there’s nothing he can do to help
  • (Lol this was me the other week - i legit cried because the shop on animal crossing was closed and i wanted to sell a fish)
  • After a few months, Maglor will more or less know what to expect with you so outbursts don’t bother him as much. And he knows just what works the best to help you too

  • Your stubbornness is a trait that Curufin both admires and loathes, for the same reasons 
  • He loves the fact that you don’t back down when you’re trying to get your point across, not taking shit from anyone
  • For the most part, he’s content to sit back and let you win arguments and make points by yourself, knowing you don’t need any assistance 
  • However when that stubbornness is directed at him, it’s a totally different story 
  • Curufin himself can be a stubborn fuck and doesn’t often comprimise on things. Having a s/o who’s the same in this regard can mean arguments last a long time 
  • If there’s something you can’t agree on, even after days of petty silent treatment and bickering, the two of you will just agree to never address it again
  • There are several topics that are avoided completely and just swept under the rug, the most prominent being Curufin’s role in his oath and the demise of his cousin.
  • It’s not the healthiest way of dealing with disagreements in a couple, i grant you, but Curufin doesn’t have a healthy relationship with anyone, including his brothers
  • If your stubbornness translates into an inability to ask for help with things, Curufin’s frustration will only grow
  • He doesn’t like seeing you floundering and struggling with things and gets the urge to sweep you aside and do it all for you
  • It’s not really about control, more about wanting to wrap you up and keep you safe from the world
  • Possessiveness is something Curufin definitely struggles with, especially as his list of allies grows thin. So a stubborn s/o that insists on doing things themselves will definitely test his limits

  • As I’ve said before, Fingon is a pretty adventurous guy so it’s very likely he’s accumulated a large bank of kinks over the years 
  • First of all, bondage is a missive turn on for him, whether it’s just tying your wrists to the bed or if it becomes some kind of art form
  • He loves to take his sweet time teasing you while you squirm, powerless to fight back or get some pleasure for yourself. 
  • One of his favourite things to do is get you tied on the bed, facing him, and then jerk himself off just out of reach. It’s immensely frustrating but he just loves to listen to the little disgruntled, desperate noises you make 
  • Dry humping is another kink of Fingon’s that gets discovered relatively quickly. When he’s submissive there’s nothing better than trying his hands to the arms of a chair and then grinding all over him, a few dirty kisses thrown in for good measure 
  • It’s a big bonus if he’s naked and you grind on him just in your panties, he won’t be able to stop squirming and bucking up against you. He could probably cum like that with enough patience 
  • But don’t expect to try anything on Fingon and not have him return the favour. For teasing him like that he’ll get you back just as well
  • He’s probably someone that really enjoys anal sex and would want to try it more out of curiosity at first provided you’re also willing 
  • It opens up a whole realm of possibilities relating to toys and threesome that he loves to exploit whenever he can 
  • Semi public sex is thrilling to him, provided he can do it somewhere relatively comfortable where the consequences of being caught aren’t too dire
  • When he’s feeling submissive, I can see Fingon completely willing to be pegged, or fucked by someone else if you’re having a threesome. He’s completely unashamed of it and is loud and proud like always 
  • There has definitely been a situation in the past involving you riding Fingon’s face while Maedhros takes his ass.
  • And another situation in which you rode Fingon while Maedhros fucked his ass (again)
  • If spanking wasn’t considered a kink before, Fingon could definitely make it one. He fucking loves it and the sight of your ass spanked red for him makes him wild
  • He’ll take you from behind roughly, one hand in your hair forcing you to arch your back while the other slaps your ass harshly. I’m that position he can moan in your ear to his hearts content and it definitely helps you along 
  • Fingon has a real thing for hearing you moan so all his dirty tall is geared towards getting you to use your voice. If you let out a specific sound, he might just blow his load right then and there 