


More ms paint stuff!

My most recent MS paint art.

Art I did as a little thing to add to my transformers fic (If there’s interest in seeing said fic, I might post it down the line, or create a separate blog, who knows.)

LV-426 from Alien/Aliens, done in MS Paint.

More ms paint stuff, this time it’s one of the Halo rings from Halo.

S’more ms paint art.

Some art I did of a novella I enjoyed a while back, “Who Goes There?” By John W. Campbell. I’d definitely recommend the novella itself for those who enjoyed its film adaptation, The Thing, and just in general, if you enjoy horror.

Some of my earlier ms paint art.

Tarn, from DELTA 84, my original continuity. While D84 is far from presentable in its current state, I do have enough built up for a character synopsis.


Tarn is a disciple of Megatronus, dedicated, devout, and deadly. While his true age is unknown, he is speculated to have been forged several millennia before the Great Cybertronian Revolution broke out. Sworn to serve Megatronus for eternity, Tarn joined the Decepticons as a means to an end, seeking to restore Megatronus into a new body, hosting the spirit of the fallen prime in the meantime. Due to sharing a mind with Megatronus, Tarn is incredibly unstable, gaining infamy for horrific violence and effectively brutal tactics, which earned him a high ranking among the Decepticons. Feared by all three factions, Tarn is a force to be reckoned with.
