#eighties movies


That’s the name Bastian gave the Childlike Empress in The Neverending Story in both the book and the movie. 

The film version of the story doesn’t caption this moment, and it’s hard to make out in the film, but in interviews, actor Barrett Oliver said that was the name he screamed out on set.

Both the book and movie said that Bastian gave the Childlike Empress his mother’s name. Moonchild is a deeply unusual name, but the book has a line that could be interpreted that it is actually a nickname or other term of address.

“Paradise” (1982), a Blue Lagoon knockoff starring Pheobe Cates and Willie Aames, the future Biblema

“Paradise” (1982), a Blue Lagoon knockoff starring Pheobe Cates and Willie Aames, the future Bibleman. 

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