#eijirou smut


Friends … Have you ever thought about TechSupport!Kirishima, that’s too fucking hot to be a computer nerd? Like you were completely taken aback when you saw his massive cock muscles. And like-wouldn’t it be even crazier if y/n was kinda idk …. pervy

18+NSFW|MDNItw!AgedUp, dubcon?, pervyfem!reader, use of “spunk", pussy drunk Kirishima, breeding, overstimulation, spitting, Kiri is a good boy

Imagine spending hours researching and compiling data for a report that’s due in the morning and just when you’re about to submit it into the database, the screen goes blank. You’ve literally been staring at a screen for hours. Crunching numbers and gathering evidence just for all your hard work to disappear.

What do you even feel in this moment? Nausea? Dread? Disappointment?


Pure unadulterated anger that has you screaming at your monitor and throwing your stapler against the wall—which leaves at not-so-subtle hole that would definitely be coming out of your paycheck.

If I even still have a job in the morning.

Irritation bubbles underneath your skin in a way that has you fidgeting in your seat. Manicured fingers tap against the mahogany wood of your desk and the foot of your Louboutin pump digs into the carpet. Being the youngest executive at such an elite firm led to an overwhelming amount of pressure. Not to mention being the only woman on the board—that presented difficulties in itself. It’s like your male peers were just waiting for you to fuck up. Just prove yourself as the incompetent bimbo that’s no more than in office eye candy. Fuck—they were gonna have a field day with this.

You stared at the blank screen in utter defeat, thinking of how you’ll walk out of the boardroom carrying a box filled with office supplies and snacks in a dignified manner. Then, it hit you—a potential solution to your problem. The computer nerds in the IT department!

You nearly broke a nail lunging for your cellphone and placing the emergency order. The disinterested voice claiming to send someone “soon” had you a bit worried, but to your surprise there was a knock on your door five minutes later.

“Come in!” You chirped hopefully, praying that this scrawny little—

Wait a minute.

Is there a football tryout or something that you didn’t know about ?

“Hi there, I’m Kirishima. Nice to meet you. I hear you’re having some trouble with your laptop?”

Your jaw hit the floor when the 6’6 giant crouched over the threshold and into your office because there’s no way that this big brute of a man was some tech savant.

Well—brute might not be the right word. This guy had the sunniest disposition. Bright red hair pulled into a low ponytail. Radiant ruby eyes with flecks of blue that shimmered against the fluorescent lights. A gentle voice that was deep yet calming. And his smile–sharp pointy teeth that were perfectly aligned and sparkling white, framed by the plushest set of pink lips that you’ve ever seen. So, brute might not be the best word to describe this guy. At least not from the neck up. But from the neck down…

Well, that was a different story.

The man was MASSIVE. Everything about him was big. And I do mean everything.That thin light blue polo and tight khaki slacks held little to the imagination. The fabric was stretched so tight over the expanse of muscle it looked as if it was painted on. To make matters worse, you could make out the faintest lines of black ink peaking underneath his sleeve and slightly above his collar hinting at some ornate chest plate that made him impossibly more desirable.

You work in IT?” Kirishima winced at the accusatory tone and scratched the back of his head. “Heh-yeah. I know I’m a little young. I just started today but I promise I can get the job done!” He chuckled nervously, completely oblivious to the fact that you weren’t confused by his age. Hell—he looked to be about the same age of you and you’d never discriminate on someone based on their age. Or anything at all for that matter. It just that—he’s so hot.

Oh fuck, well now I’m no better than the assholes I work with.

“No. No. I was just a little taken aback is all.” You threw your hands up and smiled, which made him visibly relax, “I’m sure you’ll do fine. I’m kind of counting on it”. Kirishima nodded with a bright smile plastered on his face and headed towards your workstation.

The redhead had the issue resolved in a matter of minutes. Saving you from corporate humiliation and help wanted ads. You were so happy you could kiss him—which is exactly what you said and turned him into a flustered mess. “I- Me- No- that’s just my job!” His voice cracked and he flushed a deeper shade of red that crawled up his neck and covered his cheeks and ears. He was so embarrassed. Is blushing considered manly? But what man in their right mind wouldn’t get nervous around such a gorgeous woman.

Everything about you was perfect. First and foremost, you were this powerful exec who had to be some sort of genius because there’s no way that you were older than him. Then all the other stuff. Beautiful face. Angelic voice. Sweet laugh. Kind smile. A plush body that looked so soft—

“Kirishima?” your bubbly voice yanked him from his brief, and slightly inappropriate, departure from reality. It’s not okay for him to think of his higher ups like that. No matter how sweet your perfume smells or how tiny you are compared to him. He just got this job and there’s no way he could fuck it up by being unprofessional. So, he cleared his throat and said his goodbyes. Hoping to keep his interactions with you to a minimum, lest he be tempted…

But you had other plans.

You see it’s hard being a successful businesswoman and finding a guy that checks all your boxes. The guys you worked with were all arrogant assholes who made jokes about you being their housewife. But Kirishima was so different! He revered you and always treated you with the upmost respect. A perfect gentleman that never stepped out of line no matter how hard you pushed him.

All those urgent calls that you sent in requesting him specifically because “he was such a good worker”. When actually all you wanted was to watch his red brows furrow when he scratched his head trying to figure out how you managed to get 17 different malware prompts that each lead to some dead end. Little did he know, you asked your best friend Mina to send some codes your way that would give you a chance to ogle the redhead cutie. Pushing up against him while you peered over his shoulder and pretended to be interested in how he was fixing something you’d purposely broken.

It was fun too.

He always got so nervous and flustered. He’d avert his eyes and not so discreetly adjust himself when your soft breasts pushed against his skin. Sometimes he’d audibly gulp when you’d run your French tipped nails down his toned arm. His attraction was obvious, but he never made any moves. So, one day you decided to take matters into your own hands.

“Wow—I’ve never seen anything like this. Your motherboard is completely fried. We might need to get you a whole new set up”. A theatrical gasp sounded from your chest. “Oh no, That’s awful!” You exclaimed, as if you didn’t disassemble the whole thing and drench it in iced coffee before you called him over. “Yeah—he shook his head, “but it’s not too big of a deal. I’ll just run over to the tech department grab everything”. You hummed, biting your lip, and chewing on the tip of a pen in a way that shouldn’t have made his pants tight. God—he hoped you didn’t notice, but of course you did.

“Hey, Kirishima… Why don’t I come with you? I can help you carry everything”. His eyes widened comically, completely taken aback at the thought of your tiny self lifting more than a finger. “Oh no! It’s fine. I wouldn’t want you to get hurt”. You pouted, fingers twirling around a tendril of hair and took a step closer to him, so that the two of you were standing chest to chest. “Well at least let me keep you company”.

The wet squelching of your sopping cunt reverberated off the walls lewdly paired by your sultry moans and Kirishima’s muffled grunts. Saliva spilled between your fingers from where your hand was pressed against his mouth that hung open in ecstasy. Big hands found purchase on the globes of your ass, not so much guiding—more like holding on for dear life while rode his dick. Bodies pressed together like the pieces of a puzzle in the cramped space of the equipment room.

Vermillion stands fell freely against his tanned skin and clung to the sweat beading against his flesh. Slowly—you whined your waist, drawing circles against the meaty cock that was bruising your cervix. A shudder ran down the redhead’s spine and his hips spasmed up into your heat, making your core clench around him. Slick saturated his thighs, pooling in the tufts of curly black pubes nestled above his engorged balls.

Leaning back slightly—you rolled your hips at a new angle that pushed and pulled Kirishima’s dick simultaneously. He whimpered loudly against your hand. Too pussy drunk to care about getting caught fucking his superior in the middle of the day. “Shh-“ you cooed, tightening the hand against his mouth. “You have to be quiet, baby. You can be a good boy for me, yeah?”. He nodded immediately, fighting the intense urge to scream your name because he was so willing to prove his obedience. Be your good boy. You chuckled, cunt spasming at the desperation in his red eyes. You’d never felt so desired. The way Kirishima gazed upon your face made you feel like some masterfully crafted work of art. It was like you were the only girl in the world. The only thing that mattered to him was your beautiful face and angelic cunt, milking his balls dry and bouncing on his dick to the point of overstimulation.

Tears fell from his eyes and his heart beat in time with each wet slap of your cunt. Even though your pussy was so filled with spunk that it dribbled down your legs—you never stopped bouncing. Cupping his balls with your free hand to squeeze him dry. You moved your hand just in time to hear his pornographic moan as his hips stuttered, shooting blanks into your gushy center.

He looked so pretty. Eyes rolled to the back of his head and mouth hung open with drool on the sides. Never one to miss out on a great opportunity—you leaned forward and slowly dribbled saliva down his throat, which he swallowed hungrily. It was enough to send you tumbling over the edge. Moaning and whispering words of praise while Kirishima whined and whimpered your name.

You clung to one another for what felt like hours before the red head broke the silence by clearing his throat.

“So umm—would you like to maybe go on a date?”


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