#mha x black reader


BakuSquad Driving Headcannons


Katsuki Bakugo

  • Katsuki is the proud owner of a 2022 Mercedes G-Wagon. Painted matte black with black rims and orange leather interior.
  • His car is super clean and always smells good.
  • Permanent new car smell — fresh leather and wealth
  • Keeps a an emergency preparedness bag in the trunk.
  • He never lets you drive his vehicle — don’t even ask.
  • The one time you hinted at wanting to get behind the wheel he looked at you like you grew an extra head.
  • Hah? You think I’d let your dumbass drive my baby ?”
  • Doesn’t matter how much you pout he won’t budge but he smirk at you cause your lips look cute all poked out and shiny with glass.
  • Excellent driver — does that thing where he looks at you instead of the road.

Ya nervous ?” He’d ask , grinning ferally as he grips the back of your neck with his free hand. Confident as ever as he stares you down, daring you to doubt his abilities. His heart jumps a little when you smile back and say “No , I trust you Katsuki”.

  • He loves getting head while driving. It makes him feel powerful.
  • He’ll be cruising down the highway, seat back and legs spread while he pushes you further down his shaft.
  • Will come without warning and expect you to swallow everything.
  • If you spill even a drop he’ll be punishing you severely at home.

Eijiro Kirishima❤️

  • I know for a fact that this man drives a Jeep Wrangler with the doors removed— FIGHT ME.
  • His car is clean enough.
  • Lots of empty water bottles and protein bar wrappers.
  • Keeps extra shirts (sleeveless of course) in case he rips his from his quirk.
  • His car smells like his cologne.
  • Never let’s you drive but not in a condescending way , it’s because he’s a gentleman!
  • “Baby— it wouldn’t be manly to let you drive. You’re my Princess !”
  • Holds the door open for you to get in and comes around to open it when you get out.
  • His truck is lifted pretty high so he has to pick you and place you on the seat
  • Very concerned with your safety so he keeps both hands on the wheels at all times.
  • He’d never touch you while he was driving but that doesn’t mean you can’t touch yourself.

Spread your legs wider baby. Just like that — fuckkkk~” His knuckles turn white from his harsh grip on the wheel. Erection pressing uncomfortably against the denim of his jeans. He can’t help but bite his lip while listening to your sultry moans. “Come on baby. Two more fingers. No no , don’t whine. You can do it. Wanna be ready for me , yeah ? Wanna be able to take all daddy’s dick?”

  • Drives home as quickly as possible and encourages you to cum as many times as you want. Pretending to be nice but he really wants you to overstimulate yourself so you can be nice and stupid while he pounds your cunt.

Denki Kaminari

  • Don’t quote me on this but I can see Denki driving a black mustang with a yellow lightning bolt on the hood.
  • The car has to be extremely loud and out there. A direct reflection of his personality.
  • Upon first glance this vehicle is impeccable.
  • All shiny and bright. Not a scratch or scuff on the paint.
  • But open the door and I guarantee you’ll find that one sneaker he’s been missing for like a month.
  • Clothes , shoes , candy , condom wrappers — ALLADAT just on the floor and the backseat.
  • “Don’t worry about it babe. It adds character!”
  • No sir , it adds to your chances of getting a ringworm but I digress.
  • He’ll definitely let you drive if you ask.
  • Likes to take the time to admire your profile when you’re focused on the rode.
  • Will push your hair behind your ear and tell you how beautiful you look.
  • Definitely loves to feed you while you drive.
  • Most of the candy wrappers are from lollipops that he’d shoved into your cunt two blocks ago then pulled it out at the stoplight and started to fuck your throat.
  • It’s a fun time.

Sero Hanta

  • You can’t tell me that Pro Hero Cellophane doesn’t drive a black on black Hummer. ☹️
  • Fuck the environment— he’s rich and wants to enjoy the fruits of his labor.
  • Much like Bakubro , he keeps his car spotless.
  • Gets it maintenanced regularly.
  • Very serious about his vehicle it’s his baby.
  • Definitely keeps several packs of gum and cologne in his console to mask the smell of
  • Always hotboxing.
  • Never lets you drive but loves to rest his hand on your upper thigh while he drives.
  • Glancing at you out of the corner of his low red eyes and pinching your flesh whenever he turns a corner.

“Somethin’ wrong, mi amor? You keep squirming.” Grinning he squeezes the soft flesh of your upper thigh, skirting dangerously close to the crotch. “Hanta~” you whine, trying to position his hand closer to your heat. The two of you’d been driving for 25 minutes and you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter from just watching him. The pure neediness in your voice had his dick stirring in his pants. “Okay baby I know what you need.”

  • Deft fingers would slide underneath the thin fabric to move though your damp folds.
  • Several Spanish words intermix with r&b music and your soft moans.
  • You were so wet that he just couldn’t control himself anymore.
  • So he pulled into a nearby parking tower and drove to the top floor.
  • Sero kisses you sensually, sucking on your tongue and lips until your mouth feels bruise.
  • He groans when he sees the line of Saliva connecting you.
  • Quickly he rids himself of the seatbelt and exits then vehicle and like a gentlemen he comes to open your door ass well.
  • The hood of the car is still pretty warm from driving so it’s not a problem when he lays you on your back and dives face first into your pretty little pussy.
  • Doesn’t give a fuck who sees him.
  • Will suck on your clit until your legs are trembling.
  • When he feels like you’ve had enough he’ll flip you on your stomach to pound you under the sunset.

Bonus!Hitoshi Shinsou

  • In my mind Shinny Pooh is an honorary member of the Bakusquad.
  • Yeah he’s friends with Deku nem but oddly he finds comfort in the rowdiness of this friend group.
  • So to keep things simple we’re gonna have Toshi driving a motorcycle.
  • Idk what kind but maybe something like a Harley with low seats the would all him to sit behind you and rest his chin on your shoulder.
  • Likes to let you hold one of the bars so he run his big hand underneath your shirt and squeeze your tummy.
  • He’ll whisper in your ear that he can’t wait to fill you up and put a baby in here.
  • Says he loves seeing your tummy bulge when you’re full of dick and cum.
  • Smirks against your skin when he hears how heavy you’re breathing — knowing that you’re just as desperate for him as he is for you.
  • Waits until you’re at a stoplight surrounded by cars to pull your earlobe between his teeth and whisper “cum”.
  • Now all these innocent bystanders have witness the girlfriend of ProHero Mindbreak cum untouched.
  • You Whore.

For you ;@xogabbiexo,@yo-nn,@plussizeficchick,@38riku,@m00nchildthings,@rinhoes,@simpliheavenli,@not-your-damsel,@bunnxie,@blkchxrryblyss,@tsukihime25,@prettylittlepixi,@7inaa,@nasty-quillz,@namjoonswifeyy,@bookwormsenpai,@erenyeagerswhore,@hhawkz,@luna-indigoduh,@po3ticb3auty,@tenyaiidasslut

Friends … Have you ever thought about TechSupport!Kirishima, that’s too fucking hot to be a computer nerd? Like you were completely taken aback when you saw his massive cock muscles. And like-wouldn’t it be even crazier if y/n was kinda idk …. pervy

18+NSFW|MDNItw!AgedUp, dubcon?, pervyfem!reader, use of “spunk", pussy drunk Kirishima, breeding, overstimulation, spitting, Kiri is a good boy

Imagine spending hours researching and compiling data for a report that’s due in the morning and just when you’re about to submit it into the database, the screen goes blank. You’ve literally been staring at a screen for hours. Crunching numbers and gathering evidence just for all your hard work to disappear.

What do you even feel in this moment? Nausea? Dread? Disappointment?


Pure unadulterated anger that has you screaming at your monitor and throwing your stapler against the wall—which leaves at not-so-subtle hole that would definitely be coming out of your paycheck.

If I even still have a job in the morning.

Irritation bubbles underneath your skin in a way that has you fidgeting in your seat. Manicured fingers tap against the mahogany wood of your desk and the foot of your Louboutin pump digs into the carpet. Being the youngest executive at such an elite firm led to an overwhelming amount of pressure. Not to mention being the only woman on the board—that presented difficulties in itself. It’s like your male peers were just waiting for you to fuck up. Just prove yourself as the incompetent bimbo that’s no more than in office eye candy. Fuck—they were gonna have a field day with this.

You stared at the blank screen in utter defeat, thinking of how you’ll walk out of the boardroom carrying a box filled with office supplies and snacks in a dignified manner. Then, it hit you—a potential solution to your problem. The computer nerds in the IT department!

You nearly broke a nail lunging for your cellphone and placing the emergency order. The disinterested voice claiming to send someone “soon” had you a bit worried, but to your surprise there was a knock on your door five minutes later.

“Come in!” You chirped hopefully, praying that this scrawny little—

Wait a minute.

Is there a football tryout or something that you didn’t know about ?

“Hi there, I’m Kirishima. Nice to meet you. I hear you’re having some trouble with your laptop?”

Your jaw hit the floor when the 6’6 giant crouched over the threshold and into your office because there’s no way that this big brute of a man was some tech savant.

Well—brute might not be the right word. This guy had the sunniest disposition. Bright red hair pulled into a low ponytail. Radiant ruby eyes with flecks of blue that shimmered against the fluorescent lights. A gentle voice that was deep yet calming. And his smile–sharp pointy teeth that were perfectly aligned and sparkling white, framed by the plushest set of pink lips that you’ve ever seen. So, brute might not be the best word to describe this guy. At least not from the neck up. But from the neck down…

Well, that was a different story.

The man was MASSIVE. Everything about him was big. And I do mean everything.That thin light blue polo and tight khaki slacks held little to the imagination. The fabric was stretched so tight over the expanse of muscle it looked as if it was painted on. To make matters worse, you could make out the faintest lines of black ink peaking underneath his sleeve and slightly above his collar hinting at some ornate chest plate that made him impossibly more desirable.

You work in IT?” Kirishima winced at the accusatory tone and scratched the back of his head. “Heh-yeah. I know I’m a little young. I just started today but I promise I can get the job done!” He chuckled nervously, completely oblivious to the fact that you weren’t confused by his age. Hell—he looked to be about the same age of you and you’d never discriminate on someone based on their age. Or anything at all for that matter. It just that—he’s so hot.

Oh fuck, well now I’m no better than the assholes I work with.

“No. No. I was just a little taken aback is all.” You threw your hands up and smiled, which made him visibly relax, “I’m sure you’ll do fine. I’m kind of counting on it”. Kirishima nodded with a bright smile plastered on his face and headed towards your workstation.

The redhead had the issue resolved in a matter of minutes. Saving you from corporate humiliation and help wanted ads. You were so happy you could kiss him—which is exactly what you said and turned him into a flustered mess. “I- Me- No- that’s just my job!” His voice cracked and he flushed a deeper shade of red that crawled up his neck and covered his cheeks and ears. He was so embarrassed. Is blushing considered manly? But what man in their right mind wouldn’t get nervous around such a gorgeous woman.

Everything about you was perfect. First and foremost, you were this powerful exec who had to be some sort of genius because there’s no way that you were older than him. Then all the other stuff. Beautiful face. Angelic voice. Sweet laugh. Kind smile. A plush body that looked so soft—

“Kirishima?” your bubbly voice yanked him from his brief, and slightly inappropriate, departure from reality. It’s not okay for him to think of his higher ups like that. No matter how sweet your perfume smells or how tiny you are compared to him. He just got this job and there’s no way he could fuck it up by being unprofessional. So, he cleared his throat and said his goodbyes. Hoping to keep his interactions with you to a minimum, lest he be tempted…

But you had other plans.

You see it’s hard being a successful businesswoman and finding a guy that checks all your boxes. The guys you worked with were all arrogant assholes who made jokes about you being their housewife. But Kirishima was so different! He revered you and always treated you with the upmost respect. A perfect gentleman that never stepped out of line no matter how hard you pushed him.

All those urgent calls that you sent in requesting him specifically because “he was such a good worker”. When actually all you wanted was to watch his red brows furrow when he scratched his head trying to figure out how you managed to get 17 different malware prompts that each lead to some dead end. Little did he know, you asked your best friend Mina to send some codes your way that would give you a chance to ogle the redhead cutie. Pushing up against him while you peered over his shoulder and pretended to be interested in how he was fixing something you’d purposely broken.

It was fun too.

He always got so nervous and flustered. He’d avert his eyes and not so discreetly adjust himself when your soft breasts pushed against his skin. Sometimes he’d audibly gulp when you’d run your French tipped nails down his toned arm. His attraction was obvious, but he never made any moves. So, one day you decided to take matters into your own hands.

“Wow—I’ve never seen anything like this. Your motherboard is completely fried. We might need to get you a whole new set up”. A theatrical gasp sounded from your chest. “Oh no, That’s awful!” You exclaimed, as if you didn’t disassemble the whole thing and drench it in iced coffee before you called him over. “Yeah—he shook his head, “but it’s not too big of a deal. I’ll just run over to the tech department grab everything”. You hummed, biting your lip, and chewing on the tip of a pen in a way that shouldn’t have made his pants tight. God—he hoped you didn’t notice, but of course you did.

“Hey, Kirishima… Why don’t I come with you? I can help you carry everything”. His eyes widened comically, completely taken aback at the thought of your tiny self lifting more than a finger. “Oh no! It’s fine. I wouldn’t want you to get hurt”. You pouted, fingers twirling around a tendril of hair and took a step closer to him, so that the two of you were standing chest to chest. “Well at least let me keep you company”.

The wet squelching of your sopping cunt reverberated off the walls lewdly paired by your sultry moans and Kirishima’s muffled grunts. Saliva spilled between your fingers from where your hand was pressed against his mouth that hung open in ecstasy. Big hands found purchase on the globes of your ass, not so much guiding—more like holding on for dear life while rode his dick. Bodies pressed together like the pieces of a puzzle in the cramped space of the equipment room.

Vermillion stands fell freely against his tanned skin and clung to the sweat beading against his flesh. Slowly—you whined your waist, drawing circles against the meaty cock that was bruising your cervix. A shudder ran down the redhead’s spine and his hips spasmed up into your heat, making your core clench around him. Slick saturated his thighs, pooling in the tufts of curly black pubes nestled above his engorged balls.

Leaning back slightly—you rolled your hips at a new angle that pushed and pulled Kirishima’s dick simultaneously. He whimpered loudly against your hand. Too pussy drunk to care about getting caught fucking his superior in the middle of the day. “Shh-“ you cooed, tightening the hand against his mouth. “You have to be quiet, baby. You can be a good boy for me, yeah?”. He nodded immediately, fighting the intense urge to scream your name because he was so willing to prove his obedience. Be your good boy. You chuckled, cunt spasming at the desperation in his red eyes. You’d never felt so desired. The way Kirishima gazed upon your face made you feel like some masterfully crafted work of art. It was like you were the only girl in the world. The only thing that mattered to him was your beautiful face and angelic cunt, milking his balls dry and bouncing on his dick to the point of overstimulation.

Tears fell from his eyes and his heart beat in time with each wet slap of your cunt. Even though your pussy was so filled with spunk that it dribbled down your legs—you never stopped bouncing. Cupping his balls with your free hand to squeeze him dry. You moved your hand just in time to hear his pornographic moan as his hips stuttered, shooting blanks into your gushy center.

He looked so pretty. Eyes rolled to the back of his head and mouth hung open with drool on the sides. Never one to miss out on a great opportunity—you leaned forward and slowly dribbled saliva down his throat, which he swallowed hungrily. It was enough to send you tumbling over the edge. Moaning and whispering words of praise while Kirishima whined and whimpered your name.

You clung to one another for what felt like hours before the red head broke the silence by clearing his throat.

“So umm—would you like to maybe go on a date?”


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sweethearts ; bakugou katsuki

warnings shy!reader, shy!katsuki, mutual pining, and not edited

genre fluff, f2ls

word count2.5k


synopsis in which you and the rest of the bakusquad are apart of the candygram committee and you take the opportunity to make a move on one stubborn katsuki

“This is so stupid.” Katsuki sighed, feet hiked up onto his desk. It was around the umpteenth time that he had mentioned how useless or well— stupid this whole thing is.

You frowned, tying another ribbon around a baggie. “Aw, c'mon, Kat. It’s the day of love, be more cheerful.” You said, tossing him a chocolate.

He scoffed. “No. And stop calling me Kat.” The following demand was mumbled as Katsuki turned his attention to opening the candy.

“Sure thing, Kat.” You whipped around, imagining the irritated expression he was channeling because of your antics.

“C'mon Mina! How many do I have!” Denki whined, trying his best to juke the clipboard of names from Mina’s hands. Something he’s been doing all morning.

From the left of you, Kirishima let out a breath of laughter. “Dude, just wait and see.” He assured Denki.

“Exactly. The surprise is the most fun part about this thing.” Mina added on while she gently shoved Denki away from her.

“Not if dunceface doesn’t get any.” Katsuki sneered, sending Denki into a further sulk.

You sucked you teeth, preparing to reprimand Katsuki but Sero interjected first. “I wonder if you’re getting anything today, Bakugou.”

Almost on cue, the smug smirk on Katsuki’s face simmers down into a scowl. He scoffed, “I could care less if I got one of those pathetic bags today! I can buy my own damn candy!” As he was getting chewed out, Sero could only chuckle.

Sending a sneaky glance towards you. You sighed, tuning out Katsuki’s continous speech about how candygrams were pointless and how he didn’t even want any.

In the corner of your eye you could see a sympathic smile on Kirishima’s lips. He nudged your arm, “Nonetheless, you should still give it to him,” He whispered into your ear.

Tossing another baggie into the box next to Jirou, you nodded.

“It’ll make his day, I promise.”


“Woah… seventeen for Yaomomo,” Jirou blinked a couple times as your class erupted in a wave of teasing while Momo shuffled her way up to the front.

“Just take the whole damn box.” Denki bitterly jutted it out her. He doubled over suddenly when Mina took said box and hit him in the stomach.

“Sorry, he’s being very negative today.” She handed Yaomomo her designated number of bags, making Denki help her to her desk.

You giggled softly. Your class was the last one for today, thankfully. Somehow, you had already grown sick to the smell of chalky sweets, even if your name hasn’t been called yet.

“Twelve for Todoroki,” Shoto came up to the front as dazed as ever while Denki muttered a very distasteful shocker under his breath.

Katsuki scoffed from his spot next you, leaning his back against the classroom chalk board. “Can’t I go back to my desk?” He groaned.

Sero sucked his teeth, forming a conversation while Jirou’s monotonous call continued. “Seeing as you didn’t lift a finger all day I think you should be able to.”

He prepared a smug smirk for Katsuki’s explosive comeback but before he could speak through his gritted teeth, Aizawa had already shushed them.

“Two for Denki,” A giggle that she covered up immediately with her hand fell from Jirou’s lips and the classroom followed suit with a fit of snickers.

You could’ve sworn you say Denki’s eye twitch before being handed two baggies by a grinning Mina. “Hey! That’s two more than last year, right buddy?” Kirishima smacked Denki on the back in attempt to comfort.

“I don’t think he wants words from someone who got seven more than him, Kiri.” You whispered, noticing the way Denki borderline shook under Kirishima’s hand.

“Four for ___.” Your laughing fit with Kirishima was interrupted by your own name being called and Mina handing you your treats.

“Tch. What four imbeciles went out of their way to buy one of those for you?” Katsuki mused before you could speak yourself.

“You smell that,” you sniffed around, Katsuki’s eyes narrowed at you. “I smell pure jealousy.” Your bags were waved in Katsuki’s face for a moment before he was swatting your hands away.

“And last but certainly not least, one for Katsuki.” Your heart skipped a beat. Not just at the mention of his name like it usually did but because you knew that one bag was purchased by you for him.

You were eager to look over and see the confused look on Katsuki’s face you knew he was wearing but your heart was already beating in your ears so loud that you were in a stand still.

The thoughts you’ve had that always followed since you even got the idea to give him one started to roam freely.

Would he be grossed out? Would he be curious? What if he already suspects you because you’re being obvious? And what if, miraculously, Kirishima’s right and it makes his day?

But instead of laying any of those raging questions to rest, Katsuki accepts his bag from Mina silently. No snarky comment, no anger, just a soft tint of pink layering his cheeks as he looked at the packaging he had seen a hundred times already.

“Alright, thanks for finally wrapping that up, Jirou. Don’t get those candy wrappers on my floor, I’m taking a nap.” Mister Aizawa waved you all off like he always did and found home in that yellow sleeping bag.

While your committee cleaned up the boxes, the classroom fluttered with chatter. The spectrum of conversation being who they think would get them one and who they think bought something for the other person.

The cleanup was quick, so you all headed to the front where all the seats were open and gathered.

“Two. I only got two.” Denki finally awoke from his daze to the realization.

You laughed, taking one from your bunch and leaning over to Denki. “I can share one of mine. Not really a fan of sweethearts.”

But Denki still proved to be bitter, slapping your bag away. “I don’t need your pity candy, ___.”

You snorted. “Okay, suit yourself.”

“So, it turns out Kat actually got one. You owe me twenty bucks Jirou.” Sero made grabby hands at the girl who scoffed and immediately went into her bag.

You expected the usual antics to come from Katsuki who sat in his usual desk, one ahead of you. But again, there was no yelling, or anger, just a scoff and a glare.

“You idiots bet on me?” He asked.

“Hey, I thought it was easy money since I know exactly who would’ve got you one. Thankfully, they pulled through.” Sero collected his cash with glee while you broke out into a cold sweat. Your eyes darted to Sero, a threatening message within them that you’re sure he understood.

“Who?” Katsuki tried to make it seem like he didn’t really care with the tone he used. But he was genuinely curious, you could tell. Which made you sweat more.

Katsuki sucked his teeth. “It was probably you, so you could get the money.” The breath of relief you took was like no other, you visibly relaxed.

Sero chuckled. “No sir, I spent no money on candygrams. So, keep on guessing.”

Fortunately, the bell rang, signaling that class and school as a whole was over. Your class flooded out, all walking to your dorm together in the usual group. Kirishima found his way to you in the crowd, bumping your hip.

“See, I told you.” He pointed to a couple feet away where Katsuki walked ahead, bag still in hand as he stared down at it.

You felt your face start to heat up, nudging him with your elbow. “Maybe he’s weirded out.”

Kirishima scoffed. “If you told him it was from you, I assure you then you’ll know it made his day.”

A sigh had your body slumping. “I don’t know, Kiri. I’ve managed to keep a good friendship with Kat. It’s risky enough that I bought him one but confessing is another thing.”

Even though you’ve managed to get through Katsuki’s tough exterior ( kind of ), you still couldn’t read him that well. How were you supposed to know when the right time to tell him was? Or if a right time even existed.

“Do it, trust me.” Kirishima placed a hand on your shoulder, you gulped and darted your attention again to Katsuki’s back.


You spent the rest of the day wallowing in your room with your inner conflict. Even ignoring the invites from your friends to spend the day watching d—list romance movies to sulk. It wasn’t until later on in the evening that you came out of your room.

The dorms were less lively, almost everyone going away to their rooms to do whatever. You were convinced you were the only one in the main area until you saw Katsuki in the kitchen, unfortunately.

Your feet were ready to take you back upstairs to hide from him. But he must’ve heard the creaking that happened under your feet and caught you. His maroon eyes piercing right through you.

Damn it.

“Hey, Kat.” You greeted awkwardly, hesitantly shuffling into the kitchen.

He nodded at you in acknowledgement, continuing to watch whatever he had in the microwave go round. The kitchen fell silent while the cogs in your head worked together to find yourself an excuse as to why you were even in here.

You shuffled through cabinets, pretending you were looking for something in particular.

“Hey,” Katsuki beckoned your attention. His eyes were still trained on the microwave but obviously he was listening and waiting for your response. You hummed in answer, halting your pretend scavenging and leaning on the counter next to the fridge.

“You have any clue who bought me that baggie thing?” As he continued, his head turned to you. Your eyes enlarged at the sudden question that was accompanied by Katsuki staring you down. You felt like you were under an intense spotlight and there was no way out other than to a) lie or b) spill the beans.

Your brain was telling you to just get it over with and do the former, admit it to him confidently like Kiri had been urging you to do. Face the consequences as they came and stop hiding. So, you inhaled deeply and exhaled.

“I— uh— well, I— uh…” If you had the willpower to face palm you would, but apparently none of the signals your brain was sending were making it through to your body. Because your mouth kept opening and closing, no confession or accountability flowing out like you had hoped.

The only you could do was heat up and start sweating. The spotlight was getting hotter and more blinding.

The urge to face plant into the island ahead of you increased when Katsuki narrowed his eyes at you. The intimidating look sending chills up your spine.

You coughed. Putting an end to your stuttering and stammering. Your eyes fell to the tiles of the kitchen, hoping they’d loosen up one by one and swallow you whole.

“If there’s something you want to tell me, idiot, spit it out,” The microwave went off but now Katsuki could care less. He was edging towards you, arms crossed and curious to why it seemed like you were being interrogated for murder when he asked what he thought was a simple question.

Just do it.

The phrase chanted repeatedly in your head. And with the last of your dignity, you finally fulfilled your brain’s request.

“I did it. I’m the one who bought the candygram…, Kat.” You started off strong, but moving onto the second sentence your voice began to mellow.

You wanted to look anywhere except Katsuki but the shocked look on his face, accompanied by the tint of red covering his cheeks kept you drawn in. This time around he was staring down at the tiles, probably wishing the same thing that you were just seconds ago.

“If you did it as a joke, id—” Katsuki was about to threaten you, ready to build his walls back up but your adrenaline from fessing up was obviously still surging through you.

“No! It wasn’t to prank you or anything, I did it because I like you, Kat. A lot.” You paused, inhaling.

“A—and I’ve been meaning to tell you but I didn’t know how you’d react because you’re not really open. But then Kirishima told me it was a good idea, so I—” Your real self snapped back to reality in the middle of your confession, and it was apparent as you began to ramble and scratch the nape of your neck.

“Alright, enough. You sound like damn Deku.” Katsuki, thankfully, put an end to your tangent that you silently agreed did sound like Izuku.

You laughed awkwardly, hoping it’d ease the tension not only in the air but in you. It felt nice to get that weight off your shoulders but oh boy did you have a lot to face. Like for example, how did Katsuki feel? Did he even reciprocate feelings? What would your friendship look like after this?

You had to know. You were dying to know. “So?” You mumbled, now fiddling with your fingers.

Katsuki’s hand was at his nape like yours was moments ago. He huffed, obviously looking for the words. “You know, if you’re going to confess to someone you should be more up front about it.” Katsuki took short steps towards you.

You just hoped he couldn’t hear your heart banging against your ribcage, because that’s basically all you could focus on.

“I know.” You answered.

“Tch. And I guess in saying that I should be taking my own advice.” He grumbled, moving his gaze to the tile again. Your body basically perked up at the sound of that.

“Katsuki, did you send me a candygram?” Your assumption aloud make Katsuki scoff, his face heating up more and his gaze wandering even further. Now that the tables seemed to be turned, you suppressed your laughter. You had been psyching yourself out this whole time but Katsuki was basically in the same boat as you.

“So, what do we do now, Kat?” You asked, you crossed your arms. A hopeful thought that since he reciprocated your feelings a relationship would come of it.

Katsuki scoffed, dropping his arm into having them crossed again. “What did I tell you about that stupid nickname, dumbass?”

You laughed at his scowl. Thankful that even after the sudden confession between you to didn’t actually tint your dynamic like you theorized it would.

Katsuki huffed, not seeking to bicker with you anymore. “Are you free this Saturday?”

“Uh, yea—”

“Alright, then. Be ready by three.” That’s what you were left with as Katsuki turned on his heel and left the kitchen with whatever he had in the microwave.

Your mind was still registering what had just happened, but all you could do was thank your luck and Kirishima.

without a word ; bnha big 3

warningsi kinda aged them up for this
word count
inspiration inspired by this bag i’m never going to be able to afford *cue tiny violin* but a girl can imagine :)
synopsis basically just the big three spoiling their s/o’s
author’s note also is the big 3 made up of nejire, tamaki, and mirio or is it these three? i don’t know. also if you couldn’t tell i had one person in mind for this but i figured adding the others would be cute too :)

katsuki bakugou;

  • bakugou is definitely one to get you things without making a big deal of it. he cares about you and he lets you know that, it might not be in huge, emotional gestures but he lets it be known. this man loves you
  • “isn’t this bag cute, katsu?” you gasped, shuffling in bed to show your fiancé
  • bakugou scoffed. “that shit’s fucking ugly.” he deadpanned. diverting his attention back to his own phone
  • “tch. i think it’s cute,” you grumbled, taking your phone away from his face. “too bad it’s fucking two grand.”
  • bakugou peaked over for one last glimpse, already knowing that bag was going to be yours
  • you came home the next day, completely clueless to the present that awaited you on your bed
  • you knew bakugou was out doing hero work so he wouldn’t be home for a while
  • “what the-” was the first thought you were able to muster. a small smile grew on your face, while you rid yourself of your outerwear
  • the card on top of the box read, don’t forget i’m a pro hero, dumbass. of course, being signed off with his name
  • “cocky bastard,” you mumbled

shoto todoroki;

  • we been knew todoroki’s rich and he got money to spend. and he lovesspending it on you
  • honestly, he doesn’t see it as a big deal. he loves you and he just simply gets you what you want. that’s all it is
  • todoroki, wha—”
  • “is this not the pair you wanted? i can take them back and get-” todoroki stitched his eyebrows. pulling back the designer shoe box
  • “no! no! they’re perfect, honey. it’s just— i didn’t expect to get them.”
  • sometimes tou need to put a leash on him. he legit swipes his cards on wants without blinking, and it’ll all literally be just for you
  • “___, do you want the regular or mini sized?”
  • todoroki, enough.”

izuku midoriya;

  • king of spoiling his significant other
  • anything you want, he’s getting it for sure
  • purse? got it. brand new shoes from your favorite store? getting it. you breathe around a ring for too long? it’s going through shipping as we speak
  • izuku is so enamored with you he doesn’t even care
  • “do you like it, ___?” always asks after gifting to you
  • wants to make sure you’re satisfied. that’s all he wants. so, he doesn’t really care how much he spends, as long as it’s on you it doesn’t matter to him

⤷ quiet introvert x loud introvert!

⤷ friends to lovers!

⤷ overprotective enby x timid boy!

⤷ the two met in their first year after tamaki walked in on nejire calming down jupiter who was seething. jupiter almost threw a chair in his direction before realizing he was there and became embarrassed. they quickly said goodbye to both nejire and tamaki before running to their dorm room.

⤷ tamaki liked them first because of how much their personality could differ depending on the social setting. sometimes, they were the center of attention and other times, they preferred to keep to themselves while everyone else talked.

⤷ it was jupiter who confessed first after a bit of getting to know tamaki as a friend. mirio was a first hand witness to jupiter stuttering and tamaki’s blush as jupiter kind of ambushed tamaki when they confessed.

⤷ the two ended up dating after nejire grew tired of their obvious mutual pinning and had the two go on a date.

⤷ summer rain — leon bridges ft. jazmine sullivan!

⤷ altar — kehlani!

⤷ better — jeremy passion!

⤷ steady love — india.arie!

⤷ gonna love me — teyana taylor!

⤷ jupiter calls him ‘pretty boy’ & he calls them ‘darling’!

⤷ tamaki began to figure out methods to calm down jupiter once they became angry or aggressive & jupiter tries not to let their temper get out of control around tamaki.

⤷ jupiter and tamaki spent a lot of memorizing things about each other, even little habits like how tamaki hugs himself when he becomes overwhelmed and jupiter always rocks when they laugh too hard.

⤷ they eat at least one meal together everyday to ensure that the other remembers to eat since they have packed schedules.

⤷ jupiter becomes a big softie whenever tamaki is around.

⤷ tamaki is an artist [idc idc i make the rules] so he spends a lot of time either painting jupiter or creating pieces that are inspired by them.

⤷ they don’t eat foods that the other doesn’t like.

⤷ they help each other with their self-esteem issues.

© yuzuhablvd—do not repost, plagiarized, or falsely claim my work. likes, comments, and reblogs are welcome!


prompt:what the mha students from 1-a go to soul food dish would be in my opinion.

pairing: none! but it will include various mha characters

a/n:this would be more for black readers because it’s literally about african american culture but anyone could read? i guess.

Fried Chicken Lovers. I said what I said. They like to bite the chicken and rip it right off the bone. They’ll, especially like eating the chicken that is spicy, They’ll probably eat Popeyes. They love the crunchy tenderness of the chicken.

⤷ BAKUGO, midoriya, KIRISHIMA, mina

Mac and Cheese Lovers. They are lactose I don’t care what none of y’all say they are literally lactose and eat all the dairy products they want to. Extra Cheese, Baked, and everything. Their plate is full of mac and cheese, literally half of the plate.

⤷DENKI, sero, momo, AOYAMA

Banana Pudding. Even though I don’t like it personally, They’ll love it because of its sweet taste and fruity kinda taste. Especially with the vanilla cookies and wafers.


They like yams. Just because.

⤷uraraka, koda, OIJIRO, jiro

Cornbread. Probably the only thing they’ll eat.

⤷tokoyami, hagakure

Chitterlings. Cause they nasty.

⤷ mineta

Collard Greens. Cause they think it’s healthy.


have a request? they are open :)


taglist form

©2022 reejiku ━ all rights reserved. comments, likes, and reblog are highly appreciated. plagiarism is strictly prohibited.


— He Need a Hot Girl!


TW: Swearing, possibly suggestive (playful innuendoes), a bit of Enemies to lovers tone to it, a little ooc? Bakugo is very flirty in this

Reader is gn despite the title! They/them pronouns used

Note: First fic for what is hopefully my summer comeback

This was originally for multiple characters but I got carried away with bakugos so I cut the others out because I didn’t want a long hc for one character and small ones for the others


⇶ Cocky as the explosive blonde may seem, he has no idea how he pulled you.

⇶ The two of you had a rocky start, naturally due to his rough exterior

⇶ But you absolutely did not take a drop of the shit he’d say to you, always having a comeback to everything and anything

⇶ This caused you two to argue almost constantly, with you coming out victorious a majority of times

⇶ And honestly, he both loved and hated it

Keep reading

— He Need a Hot Girl!


TW: Swearing, possibly suggestive (playful innuendoes), a bit of Enemies to lovers tone to it, a little ooc? Bakugo is very flirty in this

Reader is gn despite the title! They/them pronouns used

Note: First fic for what is hopefully my summer comeback

This was originally for multiple characters but I got carried away with bakugos so I cut the others out because I didn’t want a long hc for one character and small ones for the others


⇶ Cocky as the explosive blonde may seem, he has no idea how he pulled you.

⇶ The two of you had a rocky start, naturally due to his rough exterior

⇶ But you absolutely did not take a drop of the shit he’d say to you, always having a comeback to everything and anything

⇶ This caused you two to argue almost constantly, with you coming out victorious a majority of times

⇶ And honestly, he both loved and hated it

⇶ Always barking out insults and eating yours up with a shit eating grin

⇶ Call him crazy, but there was something he found both oddly and extremely attractive about someone that was actually willing to fight with him, especially as consistently as you did

⇶ And to top it off, he’s always found you as a whole attractive

⇶ They way you carried yourself in such a self assured and confident way, thinking and knowing you’re honestly the shit, not to mention that you knew how good you looked all the time without even saying it

⇶ You did and said as you pleased, and didn’t care about outside opinions. You wore what you wanted, even if some people said it wasn’t setting or wheater appropriate. You said what you wanted, even if others said it was unnecessary or “not that serious”. And Bakugo loved that.

⇶ And the way you had him feeling some type of way was something everyone had lowkey picked up on from the get, but decided to keep quiet about

⇶ Gradually, your back and forth bickering turned into flirting

⇶ You started it, actually. Because why not?

⇶ And surprisingly, Bakugo entertained it

⇶ But what really surprised everyone, was when he asked you out, and you actually said yes

⇶ He played it off as a joke, but you both knew it wasnt

You were just trying to make yourself some instant ramen in the dorm kitchen microwave, when you felt a pair of eyes burning holes into in the back of your head. Turning around, your gaze met a red hot stare from Katsuki.

You raised an eyebrow at him, but in the language the two of you spoke to each other that just meant ‘got a problem?’ In a silent way. He smiled and let out what what sounded like a scoff and laugh mixed together, but never broke eye contact.

You smiled back before asking, “See something you like, pretty boy?” As you turned to face him fully.

“Nah, I’m just trying to see when you’ll be done with the shitty microwave, fuckface.” Katsuki said sarcastically.

You kissed your teeth.

“Then how 'bout you go back to your lame ass room and wait, 'cause I ain’t done, bitch nigga.” You retorted, a smile still etched onto your features.

“What fun would that be? I wouldn’t get to be with you that way.” He told you, walking around to your side of the kitchen island.

“Oh? Be with me? Wasn’t I 'fuckface’ minute ago?” You questioned, your eyebrow playfully shooting up once again.

“So?” Katsuki said, trapping you against the island with his arms on either side of you. “You don’t seem too mad about being with me, so what’s the problem, doll?” He asked, leaning in close to your face.

Honestly, Katsuki kind of took you by surprise in this moment. Usually, it was you that took your moments to this dangerously flirty extent. So the switch flip actually had you at a near loss for words

“I– I never said I had problem—”

“Oh really? Then what do you think about being with me for real then?”

Your eyes widened as you looked at him.

His expression was his usual mischievous grin, but his eyes were dead serious.

You gave a short laugh before taking a sharp breath in to regain your composure.

“I’m all yours then, Katsu.”

His facade cracked, face dropping in surprise as he blinked.

“Wait- really? Like you’re serio—”

You gave him a peck on the lips, leaving a glossy mark from your lip gloss on him.

“Yes, I’m serious, baby.” You laughed, emphasizing the 'baby’, just to watch him squirm more as he turned as red as his own eyes. Placing your palm to his chest, you gently moved him away from you and to the side.

“Now move, my noodles are done.”

⇶ And that’s how the two of you began dating!

⇶ From there on it’s been a ride for both of you

⇶ On the surface level, not much has changed. You have your playful banter as usual, but more often than not it’ll be when you’re embracing each other, and having a cute little moment while exchanging not so cute words.

⇶ And instead of them ending in one of you kissing your teeth before storming off or a near fist fight, it ends with laughs and a kiss

⇶ The more romantic side of your relationship was something you both eased into naturally as your relationship progressed

⇶ It started with little gestures, like quick pecks whenever you saw each other, hugging each other good morning and goodnight, and hanging around each other whenever you had free time, but it was usually in a group

⇶ And then, it turned into more intimate and private things

⇶ You found yourselves having little movie nights together, falling asleep in each other’s dorms (which led to having actual planned sleepovers together), and him helping you do things like pick out your outfit and matching/color coordinating your outfits together

⇶ You of course got on his ass like there was no tomorrow when you realize he has absolutely no style, despite his own parents being designers

“Boyyy, ain’t no fuckin’ way you actually leave the house looking like that. I’m assuming your mother don’t know about this, because from what you’ve told me about her she wouldn’t allow… that. If I knew her I sure would have went and told her 'bout her own son by now.”

⇶ But being the amazing s/o you are with great style, you fixed him up nicely and the two of you had a little shopping date

⇶ And if you’re someone who’s a shopaholic or just enjoys shopping, Katsuki actually makes a good shopping partner, and on late nights he likes to go through online stores looking at clothes with you

⇶ Katsuki is your personal photographer for your Instagram

⇶ The first time he offered to take your pictures you were a bit skeptical, but let him do it… and honestly he really did his thing

⇶ Not an angle was missed!

⇶ Due to the two of you (especially him) being a bit famous from the sports festival, you actually do get quite a bit of questions about your relationship

⇶ The first time you posted each other on your socials, your DMs nearly broke

⇶ Katsuki especially was bombarded with many questions about you, and it didn’t help that he had so many fangirls

⇶ You were known to be very outspoken, and someone who does whatever they please with no regards for what the next person has to say, and if they have anything to say you’ll shut them up real fast

⇶ Some of the things he was asked mainly entailed of “You let them dress that way?”, “What about all their attitude?”, “Why don’t you start controlling them so they learn how to act?”

⇶ And honestly, your attitude isn’t much far off from his, so you better believe the two of you were out there telling people off left and right

“My fuckin’ s/o can do whatever the hell they want, and if you have a problem with that, you need to be worried about actually getting some bitches first.” (Bakugo)

“The fuck you mean 'he let’s me out of the house like that’? Do I look like a dog to you, nigga? I go out in whatever I want, bitch.” (You)

⇶ Katsuki takes immense pride in having you as his s/o, and he’ll be damned if anybody has anything to say about it

⇶ And more than he likes to admit it, you make Katsuki lose all types of composure

⇶ He’ll just look at you and start blushing

⇶ And don’t even get him started on when he’s helping you pick and outfit or send him a a fit pic because he’s not there

⇶ And if you enjoy wearing dresses, Katsuki is a goner. Not to mention when you wear a sundress, you’ll have him thinking up wedding vows

⇶ Katsuki actually introduced you to his parents earlier than either of you anticipated, and it was totally by accident

⇶ He needed to swing by his house to pick something up, and he thought that his parents weren’t home so he brought you inside while he went upstairs and grabbed what he needed really fast

⇶ Only to come back down and see you having a full conversation with his mother

“Oh! Katsuki, you should’ve told me you were stopping by with your s/o today, I would’ve prepared better.” Mitsuki said.

“Ha, yeah maybe next time gottagomom–” Katsuki tried escape, only for Mitsuki to grab him bye the ear and pull him back into the house as you laughed at him.

It’s not that he didn’t want you to meet his parents, he just imagine it going differently than it was, and he wasn’t happy that it was on accident.

“Come and make yourself at home sweetie, I’ll make you some tea. And this little shit can show you around the house while I do that.” She spoke politely, though she was twisting Katsukis ear as he yelped in pain.

He showed you around his childhood home until Mitsuki called you into the living room for the tea she made, you spent the evening talking with each other, and eventually Katsuki was more okay with how the meeting went than he expected by the end of it.

You went back to the campus around 6:30 because it was getting late, and Aizawa had already called for the two of you to come back.

Before leaving, you briefly met Katsukis dad, Masaru, who gave Katsuki an approving pat on the back after greeting you.

Mitsuki gave you both tight hugs, and as she hugged Katsuki you heard her whisper to him.

“I really like them, this is a good one sweetie.”

⇶ Despite the rocky start the two of you had together, and the slightly odd way your relationship began, and again, how he has no clue how you got with him, Katsuki cherishes every moment that he spends having you as his s/o


*Feel free to reblog this*

Hey y’all!

Me,@lxstfulbeans@skepticalkoi-catastropheand@kalopsiaologist have decided to come together to create a HUGE Ao3 and Wattpad account exclusively for black/poc readers. We know how upsetting it is to read a fic/book/one-shot where it’s literally x wh*te reader in a nutshell and no representation for POCS whatsoever. And because of that, we decided to take one for the team and do this cuz chile…it’s been getting way outta hand and me personally,I’msick of it.

It would mean a lot of us if y’all could support us by following us on both accounts, and we promise you, that we’ll go above and beyond to write the best fics for y’all to enjoy.

We’re currently planning our first fic! Stay tune for that

Here’s the links that’ll take u straight to the accounts!:

Melaninology (wattpad)

Melaninology (Ao3)




okay but aizawaordabi would be a little breathless watching you dance to bump, bump, bump by b2k. soon enough standing up behind you, big hands on your waist as you rolled your hips to the music, singing the lyrics in your ear

Today we’re thinking about Bakugou falling in love with his polar opposite

Summary- (Oh my god this concept is so cute to me ) Headcanons / drabbles of Katsuki meeting, dating and falling in love with a s/o whose the opposite of him (Behavior and personality wise.)

Cw- Tooth rotting fluff, no smut, Black reader, no body descriptions, Gender neutral reader.

Bakugou with a shy, quiet s/o.

The first time Bakugou met you was while patrolling around your neighborhood.

You were being held up by some street slime and as the Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, he had to step in. He dealt with the low life pretty easily and turned around to see if you were ok, but all he saw was a flash of brown as you made some type of speed dash away from him. Of course he followed you because who the fuck do you think you’re running away from, after he just made your life fucking easier?

“Come back here and say thank you -you little shit!” He screamed turning the corner, hot on your trail.

You were panicking and out of breath , fumbling with your keys by the time he finally caught up to you. “Hey, did you fucking -

He stopped mid sentence seeing how distraught you were, you were shaking like you had seen a ghost and he was pretty sure you were about to cry.

"Hey, Hey calm down, I -I wanted to see if you were okay” He half lied. “You also didn’t say thankyou” He added.

“Yeah -I-Um did”

For a second Katsuki’s not sure you said anything at all, You’re like a fucking church mouse.

A cute church mouse, He notes.

“No the fuck you didn’t, don’t fucking lie to me extra!” He growls.

That seems to push you over the edge, the tears you were so poorly holding back now freely streaming down.

“I- I’m sorry, I- youre-Ive never seen a pro hero so-so close and - and you trailed off, choking on the knot no doubt forming in your throat.

Now he felt like shit.

Typically Bakugou fucking hated crybaby’s, but making you cry actually made him feel as if he really fucked up.

” its fine -Just -Just be careful.“ Bakugou said, already backing away from your house.

He ran into you a lot after that since his Agency had him stationed in your neighborhood for patrols. It totally isn’t because He’s been purposely swapping patrols shift with shitty hair so he can stay close to you.

He managed to get your name out of you after like the third time he bumped into you and offered to take you out for coffee as a way to apologize for

"Being such an asshole to you before.”

He would never admit it but when you gave him a faint “Sure” his heart did that fluttering shit that he thought only happened in movies.

Since the coffee shop date apology Katsuki found himself warming up to you.

You were so fucking small. Not exactly in physical stature -but in presence. People seemed to walk over you, fuck you over, and try to pull shit on you because of how reserved you were. It also didn’t help that you were a foreigner living in a shittier part of Musutafu.

He had an urge to fucking protect you or something.

And He was thinking you were starting to at warm up to him too, instead of flinching away from him and avoiding eye contact you would greet him with a energetic “Katsuki-kun” and a friendly hug.

He kind of wished things weren’t just friendly, but he knew if he approached you dead on he would probably scare you off or some shit, so he tries to ease into it slowly.

Giving you his hoodies.

Volunteering to spend the night at your place so you could sleep without the fear of a thug breaking down your door.

Spending most of his time away from the agency with you.

You were oblivious as fuck though , which he kinda expected , so after a while he just flat out ask you.

He didn’t think it was possible for you to stutter over your words more than you already did, but he was pleased to receive a shaky “Yes of course” In response.

Katsuki thinks of himself as your protector and your boyfriend once you guys start officially dating.

He knows its probably corny as fuck, but he cant help it. The contrast between you too makes him soft. -not that he’d ever admit that to anyone.

No one tries to swindle you out of shit when He’s around, which makes things like running errands so much easier and its been months since a mugger has even looked your way.

Eventually He brings up the idea of you moving in with him, despite your cries about “Not wanting to be trouble for him.”

But he assures you that “You wouldn’t be fucking trouble and he wouldn’t have fucking asked you if he didn’t want you to.”

After you move in with him I, he tries to adjust his lifestyle for you. He attempts to take curse words out of his vocabulary, well as much as he can, and tone down his explosive attitude for your sake, to avoid any more occurrences like the first time you met.

The honeymoon phase has him floating. Both Denki and shitty hair have commented on how clear his skins gotten-which is thanks to your shae butter-and how much nicer he seems now. He cant remember the last time he’s threatened to kill someone, and he feels like hemighteven be able to do a press conference with shitty Deku without cursing him out.

ok maybe that’s stretching it-but still.

Even after the honey moon phase ends he’s still ecstatic to be with you. Its kinda confusing as to why someone so soft and gentle as yourself could put up with a thunderous son of a bitch like him, but instead of questioning it he chooses to just be thankful.

and Hes very thankful.

Notes and reblogs are always welcome babes!

Everything is x Black reader, unless specified otherwise.

Jujutsu Kaisen

Earned it- As his sugar baby you like to tease Gojo .You find it exhilarating. Unluckily for you, Gojo thinks its quite exhilarating to punish you.

All night long-When a cute little virgin shows up at your doorstop looking for your services,you figure he’s quick money, but Yuji Itadori is going to prove that there’s nothingLittle about him.

Thinking about The Jujutsu Kaisen men and their kinks-Headcanons to drabbles of things I think get the jjk men off.


Deku and his stundere wife-Drabble of Midoriya simping for his mean wife.

The bnha boys and their love languages-Fluff piece of how the Bnha boys show their black Gn s/o affection.

Bakugou falling in love with his polar opposite-Fluff of Bakugou with a black s/o who has an opposite personality to him.

The hills- As long as you’ve known Katsuki Bakugou , He’s never been the type for commitment. you were ok with that at first - but after a while his fuck and dip lifestyle started to leave you feeling used and drained .You were thinking today you’d finally have the strength to break things off with him , but as usual Bakugou seems to have different plans - follow up ask

Soft service dom Bakugou with a girl boss wife-Headcanons to drabbles of house husband Bakugou and his girl boss wife.

Sadistic pervert denki- Headcanons/drabbles of sadistic pervert Kaminari and his black girlfriend.

Mean Jock Kiribaku and their favorite geek- drabbles of mean jock Kiribaku tormenting a poor little nerd.

A humbling Experience - You always seem to get off on tormenting Katsuki, And he’s always found himself being the bigger person . But when you go too far during a group project he decides he’s done being the bigger person, He’ll have to knock you off your high horse.

Unpleasent suprise-You home alone on a Saturday night, bored out of your mind -unluckily for you someone’s about to make it a lot more interesting .

What A Time- You and Izuku Midoriya had betrothed yourselves to each other as young lovers before he left U. A . Upon Your estranged lover’s return he discovers that you’ve moved on.

Sub readerx Dom bakugou squad-

Tokyo Revengers

The sounds of toman-Headcanons to drabbles of what the Tokyo manji men sound like in bed.

Helping hand -You’re Angry’s first serious girlfriend, and He just cant seem to figure out how to get you off, but luckily for him His big brother has his back.

Slow night-You reluctantly accept a private dance from a strange man to make a little extra money during a slow night at your club. You have no idea that he’s one of the most wanted men In Osaka…or that he’s taking a liking to the cute little foreign dancer at his favorite club.
