#elder care


About nine months after this really nice cutting board went AWOL in my folks house, it has been found!

When my sibling was visiting, she changed the sheets on mom’s bed, and found it under the mattress.





This new bill has been introduced in both the house and the Senate.

Among other things, it will:

  • Raise the monthly disability income by just over 30 percent - bringing it to poverty level.
  • Remove penalties for recieving financial help from friends and family.
  • Increase the amount of assets a disabled person may have from $2,000 to $10,000 (this hasn’t been updated since 1989)
  • Update outside income restrictions to allow disabled people to receive up to $399 a month without reducing their benefits.
  • REWARD, not penalize, people who want to receive additional income while on social security income.

For those unaware current regulations do a lot to oppress disabled people. In fact marriage equality doesn’t even extend to disbled people who risk having their benefits reduced or outright taken away if they marry someone. This means that in common law states disabled people can’t even live with their significant other or they risk losing their financial independence.

Current regulations mean that if you’re disbled you can’t have so much as one penny over $2,000 to your name. So buying a car and gaining more independence or freedom is largely out of the question for disabled people.

Current regulations penalize social security recipients who receive income from outside sources, even if those sources are reimbursement. Did you get paid to babysit for a few hours? That’s income, and you get your benefits reduced. Did you loan a friend $10 and they pay you back? The government considers that $10 income, and you get your benefits reduced.

These aren’t mere anecdotes - these are all examples of actual things that have happened to disbled people I know, and if you have any disabled friends in your life I’m sure they can tell you the same stories.

If you value marriage equality, if you value financial independence, if you value the rights of disbled people, please PLEASE support this bill! Contact your reps, vote, and make noise! This is a great thing!


Resistbot is hosting a petition for this! They will automatically send letters to your representatives for you!

The Resist Bot process is super easy and fast! Please do this!

Vacations are going on and I was sipping my coffee in the evening, thinking about how time has evolved. When we were small kids vacations used to be the best part and much awaited thing. Going to granny’s house was like a dream come true and preparations for us have started from the last time we visited her. She is the most serine beauty with pious love. Her love is like pixie dust sprinkled on me that always rejuvenate me. Visiting her was like no tension of the holiday’s homework, waking up late, tasty food served to you on silver platter and you are the crown bearers who are just ordering. Late night fairy tales were the best part, that time they used to be just stories but now the realization came they were filled with beautiful life lessons which had always guided us. I miss my Granny a lot. She was a mixture of a good parent, an efficient teacher and a true friend. The last word she uttered before resting in peace was my name.  I used to have a great fight with her and we used to fight like cats and dogs. My mother was one who always came as a rescue force to help us be friends again when we both stop talking to each other. She was the one to rescue me from Dad’s scolding and always has a tantrum to play to help me convince my parents. Those hand knitted sweaters in the cozy winters remind me of her love and dedication which she poured in every strand she knitted. Few months before she got ill I was sitting by her side gazing her. The realization of the thought that she will be leaving me made my eyes weepy. Her wrinkled cheeks, loose skin, grey hair and stooping body made me nostalgic but the beauty with which she embraced this waning phase of life made me elated. Time is a great teacher and no one is able to escape from it so as my granny. Grandparents play a crucial role in the development of their grandchildren. They hold our hands for a while but our hearts, forever.They teach some valuable lessons which remain with us for the lifetime. They are the best guardians who know all the tricks and hacks to make us  happy.They are the only ones who always have time for us and listen to our endless talks. They help in building a good character and ensure where ever we go, love and humbleness should be within us. They always make it sure that we grow up with good etiquette and moral values. Forgot to mention, they also become superman sometimes, as they are ready to fight with anyone who threatens us. Their love, motivation and dedication towards us ultimately make us a good citizen. In the nutshell, If nothing is going well, call your Granny. 
