

As a school bus driver and someone that was bullied by my neighborhood kids, I need to tell everyone something.

The way you get to and from school, whether it is walking, bus, or public transport, when you are on your way to and from school, that IS SCHOOL PROPERTY and bullying/ harassment can be turned into the principal and THEY WILL GET PUNISHED AS IF THEY DID IT IN SCHOOL.

Example: You are on the bus and someone hits you, tell the bus driver so they can pull the video (yes, they DO work) and write a report, then tell your principal. The bus is SCHOOL PROPERTY.

Example: your bus driver is texting while driving or making you feel unsafe or harassing you, tell the principal. The bus is SCHOOL PROPERTY. (Even on a field trip or after school events).

Example: I walk home from school and another person I walk with grabs my ass. Tell the principal. Your way home is SCHOOL PROPERTY.

Example: while waiting for the bus in the morning, someone steals your backpack, tell the principal and bus driver. Your bus stop is SCHOOL PROPERTY.

Example: you are on a public transport on the way to school, subway or trolley, and something happens, tell your principal. I have to admit, I dont know enough about this transportation too much, but it would NEVER hurt to tell the principal and driver (if there is one)

YOUR WAY TO AND FROM SCHOOL IS SCHOOL BUSINESS, SCHOOL PROPERTY, AND THE SCHOOL MUST ACT. If they dont, tell the police. School property is government property, police are public servants. If they cant do anything, they can at least help point you in the right direction.

There was a shit head that always made fun of me. I’m a bit weird, so it happened. He used to throw rocks and sticks and anything he could at me because he knew I wouldnt fight back. After I showed my excitement about a new DS game I got, almost everyone at the bus stop started making fun of me. Walking home from the last day of school before Christmas break, him and maybe two other people started throwing wet snowballs at me. If you wet a snowball and pack it, it’s basically ice. They kept pelting me and I usually walked faster than them to avoid them. I got hit on the back of the head and on the back of my thigh. I had a bump on the head and a welt on my thigh.

My mother wanted to call the cops, I convinced her not to because I knew that the guy doing it was ‘one step away from juvie’ as he put it and I didnt want to be the reason. I should have. The only way they stopped was me telling them that my mother was ready to call, and I was too if he didnt stop. He did stop, but I should have reported him. I should have spoke up. If not to the police than the school.












The way that most of Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories’ most horrible villains are rich dudes that are abusive to women, in a time such as the 1880’s, compels me.

There’s a whole subset of Sherlock Holmes stories that could be labeled Asshole Guys Try to Control Women’s Money.

Yup, there’s a huge number of times where Sherlock Holmes is the ONLY person to take a young woman’s complaint or worry seriously and finds out someone is up to some serious evil.  Holmes also shows a lot of compassion and empathy with the victims over and over again.  (This is why I find “Secretly a woman” or “Trans” Holmes headcanons much more convincing than “sociopath” Holmes.)

I am never going to shut up about how much I specifically love The Adventure of The Copper Beechesbecause it is literally Sherlock Holmes listening to a young lady he does not know except as a potential client, agreeing with her that a potential job she has interviewed for that she thinks is SUPER SKETCHY is, indeed, sketchy as fuck and when she says she’s probably gonna take the job anyways because the money is good and she needs it going “OKAY I GUESS but for the love of god please write to us so we know you’re okay we will literally drop everything and jump on a train if you want us to”.

The job turns out to indeed be sketchy as fuck, she writes to them, Holmes and Watson drop everything and jump on a train when she asks them to. I read this story for the first time when I was twelve and it made a HUGE impression.

This is also the basis for a lot of speculation about Holmes’ family life.  The idea that he has been a victim of abuse, or his mother was abused (or even murdered by his father.)  There’s definitely SOMETHING that makes him very aware of how dangerous isolated families can be, and the dark things that can happen behind closed doors.  Plus, of course, the motivation to devote himself to stopping crime.  And yes, so much of it is of the personal type. 

dude see this is one aspect of the original books i NEVER understand why modern remakes (cough cough) don’t go all in on. Like, in the 21th c we HAVE all the dumb forensic shit that made Victorian Holmes stand out, but we STILL DON’T HAVE uh….you know, compassion for women and minorities, or the willingness to believe them, adequate community support for domestic violence or hate crimes, etc. etc. which you’d think is exactly where a renegade consulting detective would come in handy. A good modern day Sherlock Holmes remake, instead of trying to convince us that Holmes is some super genius for being better than fingerprint analysis or whatever, could have him just be…a good person who helps out people the police can’t and won’t help. There you go. That’s how to write a relevant modern Holmes.

One thing that annoys me is how much the BBC version of Sherlock (and the fandom around it) focus on police cases or cold cases.  In the stories, Holmes’ bread and butter cases had fuck-all to do with the police and in a few stories, he actively works around/against them, or outright lies to them.  Of the many, many things I wish that show had done differently, this is one is particularly obnoxious since it’s such a gimme.

There were very few actual murder cases in the Canon, and Holmes handled them either one of two ways:

Option one: The murder victim was innocent while the killer was an abusive bastard, see Speckled Band. Conclusion, arrest and have the killer charged (Or in the case of Speckled Band, indirectly murder him yourself then shrug and go home)

Option two: The victim was murdered to protect someone that the victim was abusing, or for vengeance, see Boscombe Valley, Devil’s Foot, Abbey Grange. Conclusion, Oops, I don’t know who the killer is, I am suddenly incompetent, oh look a pheasant.

See this is exactly why “Elementary” is the superior modern Holmes adaptation.

I was gonna say, Elementary is so much better at capturing that essence of Holmes. I think about this scene in particular a lot:


Shout out/reminder that CBS’s Elementary exists and is one of the best shows ever, one of the best Sherlock Holmes adaptations ever.

Especially because it never ever tries to ship the two lead characters. It doesn’t even tease it. This is a show that says friendship matters, and friendship can be just as strong and intense and fulfilling as anything else in your life.

Day 23 - Joan Watson from Elementary(Someone call for a doctor?)

Day 23 - Joan Watson from Elementary

(Someone call for a doctor?)

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Dipping into the Sherlock Holmes fandom on Tumblr as someone who didn’t particularly get into BBC Sherlock (I think I saw the first couple of series when they aired) is so funny because occasionally I’ll stumble into BBC Sherlock content, and I often have absolutely no idea what is canon and what is fanon. +

Do Sherlock and John actually end up looking after a little girl called Rosie together?

Do they have a dog called Gladstone?

Are Moriarty and Sebastian Moran lovers?

Do Sherlock and Mycroft actually have a mother that they call “Mummy”? Is she an actual character in the show?

Absolutely no idea.

Part of me doesn’t even want to know at this point.

Just to make it more complicated, at least one of those facts is actually about the Robert Downey/Jude Law movies.

OOH. I had not factored the RDJ Movies in the equation…

I know that all of these are easily googleable but I’m enjoying my ignorance and I want to make some guesses.

  • I am very sure that Sherlock and John do not actually end up co-parenting a child called Rosie, but I see the name used SO MUCH that I feel like it must have some basis. Perhaps she’s John’s daughter with Mary, and only appears as a baby? Or she could be transplanted from the RDJ movies? If ‘Rosie’ doesn’t appear at all in the show then I’m in awe (and a bit scared) of the Sherlock fan hive-mind for collectively agreeing on her existence.
  • I think Gladstone must be from the Robert Downey/Jude Law movies. I’m a bit sad about that because I was entirely prepared to believe that Dorothy L Sayers invented him in the 1930s or something. It’s such a good name for Watson’s mentioned-once-and-forgotten-about bull pup.
  • Moriarty and Moran are definitely not canonically lovers, but I think perhaps queer-coded Moriarty is flirty with Moran in the two sentences they exchange and everyone lost their minds over it in 2011.
  • I think Mummy is talked about but never seen. In fact she’s probably dead? Perhaps there is a huge tragic backstory surrounding her.

The story of the Sherlock version of Moran is actually kind of interesting, speaking of the Sherlock fan hive-mind collectively agreeing on someone’s existence. It began with Moriarty being introduced in the final episode of a season, which meant that the fandom had a lot of free time before the next episode to speculate about what the show’s version of Moran would be like when he showed up. By the time the next season started airing, fandom had collectively agreed on a set of parameters and hundreds if not thousands of words of fic had been written about him. And, fandom being fandom, a lot of it was shipping the criminal mastermind with his loyal lieutenant.

All of this before there’d been a single second of Moran in the actual series.

In fact, what makes it really interesting is that in the end, Moran never showed up in the series at all.

There was a Moran in Elementarythough, wasn’t there? Yes, I did a search to refresh my memory. Perhaps OP’s getting bleed from that fandom too

rejamart: I’m Sherlock Holmes. I am a temporarily suspended consultant for the NYPD. This is Joan Wa


I’m Sherlock Holmes. I am a temporarily suspended consultant for the NYPD. This is Joan Watson, and she keeps me from doing heroin.

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