

Sex should never be something you “give in to”. Actually, ANY physical intimacy shouldn’t be something you give into. No matter how “gentle” the pressure, if you at all feel like you are “giving in” when you participate in a physical act, it is wrong. Sexuality is a gift. It’s beautiful when you give it to someone and they should be amazed by the fact that you are trusting them with something so precious. Pressure for sex is like someone coming up to you and pressuring you to give them a gift. It’s evidence that they care more about what you can give them than you yourself. It takes all the joy out of giving it and turns sexuality into a conquest instead of mutual joy.

You know
I don’t post or try to mention anything about that #devil in the White
But for the life of me
How is it with all the #antics,#mismanagement,#racism and overall #unqualifications of this man
You have all of these women’s accounts of blatant sexual #harassment bordering on #RAPE
Isn’t this persons #head not cut off and put on a stick so the #crows can #pluck out his #eyes.

WTF is going on
#ireallycant #areyouserious #impeachtrump #notmypresident () #pocketpussy #rapeisnotfunny

Israelli settlers shileded by IOF soldiers shouting “Nakba” and “Abu Khdeir” at Palestinians getting kicked out of Al Aqsa by those same soldiers. “Al Nakba” refers to our genocide and the mass displacement in 1948. “Abu Khdeir” refers to the East Jerusalem Palestinian boy who was kidnapped, beaten, force-fed gasoline by Israeli settlers in East Jerusalem and then burned alive. This event sparked the 2014 invasion and bombings of Gaza.

They’re calling for our genocide again, and for the murders of our children.

This is the abuse Ashley Judd gets online.

In her powerful, unrelenting TED Talk, the actress and activist says enough. Enough with online hate speech. Enough with sexual harassment. Enough with threats of violence against women, people of color and members of the LGBTQ community. Now is the time to take the global crisis of online abuse seriously and to recognize the offline harm of online violence. 

Watch Ashley’s full TED Talk here. Viewer discretion is advised.

#ashley judd    #hate speech    #harassment    #feminism    


I was a bit amazed yesterday at how quickly word spread of the comments on a LifeSiteNews article on the firebomb left at a Wisconsin Planned Parenthood. 

Obviously, as word spread in the pro-choice community, the anti-choice folks caught wind.  Some of the comments, essentially the most openly criminal, have disappeared from the site. Either lifesite took luke-warm action (many comments still exist, included below) or the worst of the commenters, Isaiah541, decided to to try and cover up his/her attempts to incite violence in the anti-choice community. 

Below is various screen shots of remaining comments (not nearly as inflamitory as the deleted comments) as well as screen captures showing the official comment count of the story at “29” and the actual comment count in the comment section at “21” indicating that comments have been removed or deleted. 

Keep in mind LifeSite has any pro-choice comments deleted within hours of their appearance on the site. LifeSite heavily moderates their comments and they knowingly let the now deleted comments stay posted on their site, visibile to  the several people who viewed the page. The story was shared on facebook over 360 times, imagine if each of those shares had a minimum of 50 friends? Easily over 18000 people could have read comments that encouraged violence against abortion care facilities and providers. 

I fear for escorts, volunteers, patients, staff, and physicians at facilities around the country (and now more and more abroad in countries where abortion was previously not contested) if the current culture of violence against abortion care goes unchecked and unnoticed. 

To see original post: Disturbing Trend…

Below is image showing the official comment count associated with this article. 

Now, look at the actual count of comments that are visible. Comments have been either removed from the site or deleted by the author. The count is 21. 

Now, a sample of the remaining posts. While they are in no way as incriminating as the original posts, they still suggest that it might be OK to use violence to prevent women from obtaining abortion care. 

This last one upsets me, especially when you read the responses One of the commenters shared a story of a female family member who had an abortion under coercion (an unwanted, forced pregnancy choice is a tragedy. Coercion in any form is a tragedy). How is it I, an evil pro-choicer, can feel more sympathy and empathy for than woman than a “loving” anti-choicer?

AGAIN: If you ever witness any sort of comment or discussion where violence against clinics and clinic staff is being encouraged, please take a screen shot and submit an FBI tip. Print a copy of your screen shot or submit it to our blog for a permanent record. 


The cutscenes in Story of Seasons are usually fun little moments, but this was a complete tonal shifThe cutscenes in Story of Seasons are usually fun little moments, but this was a complete tonal shifThe cutscenes in Story of Seasons are usually fun little moments, but this was a complete tonal shifThe cutscenes in Story of Seasons are usually fun little moments, but this was a complete tonal shifThe cutscenes in Story of Seasons are usually fun little moments, but this was a complete tonal shifThe cutscenes in Story of Seasons are usually fun little moments, but this was a complete tonal shifThe cutscenes in Story of Seasons are usually fun little moments, but this was a complete tonal shifThe cutscenes in Story of Seasons are usually fun little moments, but this was a complete tonal shifThe cutscenes in Story of Seasons are usually fun little moments, but this was a complete tonal shifThe cutscenes in Story of Seasons are usually fun little moments, but this was a complete tonal shif

The cutscenes in Story of Seasons are usually fun little moments, but this was a complete tonal shift from the rest of the game. I don’t know why this was in the game at all.

There’s additional dialogue that pretends to dress it up and put a lighthearted spin on it, but this still felt like a dude creeping on his daughter’s friend, and both conclusions are upsetting.

Post link


I strongly question the morals of anyone who’s willing to assign guilt to someone based on an accusation alone with absolutely no supporting evidence.



I am assuming this is about me being proship and deciding to speak up about it because like… I’ve not really made any other intense declarations about anything other than buying a new car recently.

Unless this is about my cat barfing.

Since I’m going with the proship thing, I’m gonna post this pretty much as evidence #1 that this is how antis behave. This is what they think is okay to say to people. This is something they are 100% alright with sending to someone and thinking is acceptable to say because they, like… are deranged or whatever.

Unlucky for them I’ve never been the type of person to give any manner of a shit about anon hate because what is this gray-faced little prick gonna do to me? Yell at me more? Oh no.

And here’s a thing I think is interesting about this: this person who sent this is British. That is not how “check” is spelled in America. And not to speculate with no evidence, but there was someone recently namedropped as a bully that has me on a DNI when I 100% wasn’t interacting with them in the first place.

Who is British.

I don’t know and I never will. And I’m fine with not knowing. Because if this is what a person feels like they need to do to feel good about themselves, or to make themselves feel powerful?

Then I don’t want to know that person. What a sad life you live, anonymous troll.


That is certainly… a message.





So, the “Emerald City Tabletop Coalition,” run by Chance Daniels, which apparently organizes tabletop gaming events in Seattle, removed/screened a post about OrcaCon from their Facebook group

Their explanation? 

For reference, here’s OrcaCon’s mission statement:

OrcaCon is a games and geek convention, focusing on analog games. This includes: board and card games, role-playing games, and miniature games. OrcaCon is focused on creating a safe and welcoming space for promoting the tabletop games hobby, supporting diversity in tabletop games, and building a community of both novice and experience game players.

Hey, Chance Daniels & associates:

My existence is not political. Neither is my presence in the hobby or the industry.

Neither is that of people of color, non-male people, LGBTQ people, disabled people, or anyone else. 

Our love of gaming is just as authentic as yours–moreso, I’d say, given that we’re trying to bring people in rather than keep them out. 

Moreover, it’s not your call. Games don’t belong to you and other white cis men. Your attempt at gatekeeping is a presumptuous grab for authority you don’t have, that you’re not qualified to have. We’re here, we’ve always been here, and your attempt to enshrine your bigotry as apolitical and our existence as something that has to be covered up is a pathetic attempt at relevance and importance you lack.

Holy crap, I’m pretty pissed to see this bullshit. A well-branded 3-day political statement that *happens* to have games?! Straight up lies right there, my brothers and sisters.

I backed the funding Kickstarter for OrcaCon. I attended the inaugural convention, I participated in the seminar track, and when I wanted to run a pick-up game of Blue Rose and needed space because *all the available gaming space was booked* the con organizers found space for me! For my game! Because people were gaming! Hell, there was even an icebreaker party game happening in the BAR, donated by one of the game company sponsors.

I have been to A LOT of cons in my 28 year career in the tabletop games biz and I have rarely enjoyed myself, or felt as comfortable and welcome at a convention as I did at OrcaCon. Certainly I have never had that experience at a first year convention. Anyone who thinks that achievement is addressing something that “exists on a negligible scale” is full of their own privilege or full of shit, possibly both.

Also, what the fuck problem is there with political statements? I don’t think I need to expand on that, I just want to put it out there.

I’d like to point out for anyone who’s unaware (since a lot of my followers aren’t in the Pacific Northwest,) as someone who has worked for GeekGirlCon and knows many of the organizers of OrcaCon personally, that the “political statements” in question are statements of inclusion for women, for people of non-white races and non-european cultures, for marginalized genders and sexual orientations, for the disabled, and for the neurodiverse.

By coding inclusivity as “proselytizing” or “political statement,” Chance Daniels reveals himself and his Emerald City Tabletop Coalition as an unmitigated pile of elitist dickbags upset that their hobby might be open to people they think of as less-than. He’s a whiny pissbaby pissed off about “political correctness.”

Oh, look! Chance Daniels messaged me. 

Welcome to video games, where you get this crap in prep for a conference at which women are regularly sexually assaulted:

And you get this crap if you say you’re uncomfortable with it.



Abortion clinics nationwide face significant threats of harassment, intimidation, and violence, according to a new report showing that threats of violence against abortion providers have doubled since 2010.

The survey of 242 abortion providers in the United States found that there has been significantly higher levels of threats and targeted intimidation of doctors and staff in recent years. The report comes as widespread intimidation tactics were deployed against clinics during the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision affirming a woman’s right to choose an abortion.

More than 500 plastic handcuffs placed inside “care packages” were reportedly delivered to abortion clinics throughout the country last week, according to The Christian Post. The packages were sent by the anti-choice organization Pro-Life Action League.

continue reading

Trust Women is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing abortion access by opening clinics Trust Women is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing abortion access by opening clinics Trust Women is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing abortion access by opening clinics Trust Women is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing abortion access by opening clinics

Trust Women is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing abortion access by opening clinics in underserved areas. They recently opened a clinic in the building where Dr. George Tiller, a doctor murdered by an anti-choice fanatic, worked.

These pictures were taken by Julie Burkhart from her front window.

Post link
mediamattersforamerica:prochoiceamerica: The Supreme Court justices will issue a decision on a



The Supreme Court justices will issue a decision on a 35-foot clinic buffer zone in Massachusetts soon, from safely behind their own buffer zone. 

Today the Supreme Court decided to strike down buffer zones around women’s health clinics in Massachusetts, which have protected women and clinic workers from threats and violence from anti-choice protesters for years now. Oh, the hypocrisy…

Post link

TRIGER WARNINGS: TERFS, depression physical abuse, sexual abuse, suicide, death, sexual harrassment, sexual harrassment from a family member, abusive relationship, abusive boyfriend, toxic relationship, unaccepting family, rape, toxic family, family

as everyone knows i have quit tumblr. i originally joined when I was closeted as an escape from my family who are not open minded. i had posted my early transition progress frequently including when I found out that I’m intersex. when i started this blog i had short blonde hair and walked around naked constantly because all of my male clothes made me super dysphoric. a year after i joined engaged to a guy named Luke who i never ever showed pics of or even introduced to any of my irl friends, mainly because he was physically and sexually abusive and i didn’t want pics of someone who i was terrified of on my blog. i used to make a bunch of awful jokes and even made a joke blog about not wiping my ass under the name of Mark Skidz as a coping mechanism with all the bullshit in my life. then my house caught on fire and shortly after i started getting sexually harrased by a distant relative on facebook then after that tumblr started to become toxic to me when i got cyberbullied by over 500 TERFs, i also got sexually harrased on tumblr in my anons (many of which i was stupid enough to answer instead of just deleting them). then i found out Luke was cheating on me constantly and that was basically the final straw for me which caused me to post a bunch of suicidal posts on here and basically caused my life to go completely downhill since, i did have a girlfriend for a brief period she was cute and supportive but it just didn’t work out because we had too many problems of our own. after that break up i decided to take a break from social media. but shortly after i quit without warning because i couldn’t post on here anymore because it was too painful for me. long story short this post is my final goodbye. thank you to everyone who supported me over the years until we meet again

- Princess River




It was a normal day and I was bored. My back hurt, my feet hurt, basically every body part hurt but I couldn’t leave, obviously, I needed the money.

This relatively unassuming man comes in, in a suit, the kind I see every single day. He opened with “you’re gorgeous,” I smiled and asked what I could do for him. He ignored that and told me he’d always loved Black women and if I wanted to hang out off the clock. Again, I smiled and asked what I could do for him. 

He leaned in, and put his hand on my arm. “Do you have a boyfriend?” I asked him why it mattered, he asked why I was being so mean. I told him “I’m just trying to work, dear, what can I do for you?” He said “you can go out with me.” I smiled and shook my head, wondering why he wouldn’t just tell me what he wanted and go. There was no one around and I knew if I said something to anyone, they wouldn’t do anything, anyway.

I finally got him what he wanted and he left, but not before letting me know he’d be back tomorrow. And he did come back. Every day for weeks. And every time, he made me feel uncomfortable, touching me when I said don’t, or otherwise looking at me in the most disgusting way. As I predicted, no one I told would do anything. No one cared. This guy was harassing me every single day and I had no recourse. In fact, some told me I should be grateful, since he was a good tipper. 

Anyway, that’s why I quit working at Starbucks.

The point of this post is to illustrate that women get harassed in every industry, not just sex work, by baiting you with what you think is a story about a client mistreating me, when really it was a customer at a coffee shop. This is super good writing here, I’m just saying.

This is so fucking important

So I was on the bus today, and some arsewipe had the nerve to come up and ask me out because he was “lonely” and “wanted someone to spend time with him”. Well, too bad, you imbecile! If you weren’t so annoying around women, maybe you would have some friends!!! I told him in no uncertain terms to buzz off and he actually looked sad. He thought he had the right to be SAD. He wasn’t the one being oppressed for his color or gender! He doesn’t know what it’s like! He’s a terrible person for being white andmale! Then he did something absolutely heinous.






So I had no choice but to call 911 on this creep, and get this? The dispatcher said they couldn’t do anything, and that this line was “for emergencies only”!

THIS BOILS MY BLOOD! This is just another example of how THE ENTIRE WORLD IS A MALE-DOMINATED POWER STRUCTURE, even to the point where the FEMALE dispatcher was an INTERNALIZED MISOGYNISTBEAST.

No one cares anything about women. I feel like a slave, being beaten to death because they aren’t picking the cotton fast enough. White men have had too much of an advantage in this world, to the point where sexual assault and harassment is brushed off as nothing. NOTHING. It has gotten to the point where I have to look down everywhere to avoid being spoken to by men. I hate all white men and wish they would be put to death. Life’s not fair for POC women!


The Patreon Mafia/Cowbuild Gate/Tracking/Doxxing Summary and Links

We’re seeing a lot of people confused or just catching up about the situation so here are some helpful links:

The rundown is some big creators like Cowbuild, Bergdorf, Hermajesty Builds, and Anto had a list of their’s leaked where they were exchanging private information of suspected leakers. In violation of Patreon TOS, EU law & UK Law privacy laws.

Anto has since apologized and confirmed the existence of this list and that some members of this group were tracking their cc. His apology has been deleted.

The methods used to track is the warehouse tab in sims file share, baking user info into blender files and by monitoring download links. This is why so many permanent paywallers make their patrons beg for links, so they can track each piece of cc.

Last week we also released a post that documented more information that Cowbuild has been committing Copyright Infringement and Intellectual property theft, this has been confirmed by one furniture brand. Thats all for now.

Helpful links:

Full receipts, we try to update these as they become available:

Have any tips for us? Send us an anon or:

Email us at littleblackbooksims@protonmail.com

Full story of what happened: http://hchano.tumblr.com/post/163464860656/artists-beware This revoking

Full story of what happened: http://hchano.tumblr.com/post/163464860656/artists-beware 

This revoking does not apply to the animation of the Teaser of City of Lies! Which means Lia-Brisa also has permission to use my comic and to animate it! (her and another artist, no one else is allowed to animate it). 

Lia-Brisa Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvGe1aahabLXEc1S17AmySw

Her Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHKkpS48z28&lc=z12didygxlyly1dh204cc1pp4tqxxdrjzd4

Post link


Avoid collaborations with dubious monetized YouTube channel GeekyComTV 


I’ve held my tongue about this channel for almost a month and I can’t frickin’ do it anymore. This is a call out post.

To make a long story short, this user has been posting videos for over a year now, using miraculous art. Although in some cases he has asked permission to repost, he began monetizing [making money off of] his videos at some point without notifying any of the artists. 

None of the artists agreed to monetization.

@maristoryart is only one of many artists that reported him upon finding the monetization, but for some reason, Geeky has focused on her as the reason his channel is being reported [for a second time at least, since this isn’t the first account he has lost]…

GeekyComTV’s creator has resorted to blackmail, to defamation, to actual threats, and finally to identity theft, in an attempt to bully mari and others into complying with his wishes. 

It’s gross and it is NOT okay.

[^^^ just 20 of the 200+ videos being monetized]

[WHY? part 2: the long version]
And now the entire thing. Strap in and get ready to get real damn mad. And apologies in advance for the lack of a read more, but I need to avoid censorship of this post. So yes, this post is VERY LONG, but this needs to be seen.

For ease of reading, I will do a bullet list+screenshot setup.

  • July 9th, GeekyComTV’s channel is linked amidst 4 others by a discord user on a small ml server. 
  • Geeky’s is shown to be directly monetizing most of the videos.
  • Maristoryart is the only one active at the time whose art is on there, so she reports the videos using her content.



[censoring names for protection from this creep]

  • A few days later [the 13th], the owner of the channel begins to message Mari via her social media and email
  • He reminds her she gave him permission to post the artwork on his channel and asks why she reported him; he reveals her reports put two strikes on his account
  • He says he will remove the videos if she retracts her claims
  • ^^^ to explain: He has 2 strikes on his account. He counterclaims them, which means he is disputing the strikes and youtube cancels the deletion of the videos. If he deletes the videos now, the strikes remain on his account. If Mari retracts her claims, his account is in the clear.
  • Mari asks for advice from the chat and we unanimously tell her not to retract her claims, since he monetized without notifying her OR ANY OF THE 100+ ARTISTS HE IS STEALING FROM
  • During this conversation, another user who dealt with him previously points out Geeky’s previous channel was shut down for the same reason, so we learn he is a repeat offender
  • Mari ultimately decides to tell Geeky she will not retract her claim due to the monetization of hers and others art without their permission
  • At the same time, I share Geeky’s channel with the main public ml art server and begin to contact artists on tumblr



[in which a user lets us know geeky tried to find out who ‘told on him’ lol. spoilers: it only matters cos he wanted to send threats and blackmail to the person lol]


yes, geeky:




[just one of a few ppl who likely ended up reporting him lol]




[lol yea that 2 years of hard work putting songs on top of ppl’s art and making money off it, boo hoo lol]




[^^^ talking about his previous channel, which is deleted now. jan 11 is when the posts about his new [current main] channel started to appear for a while.]

  • Immediately after Mari sends her explanation, Geeky tries to claim he only monetized a month ago
  • Another user calls bs; she had tried to contact him several months prior about removing videos with her art because she didn’t allow monetization
  • Geeky offers to pay Mari the money he made off her work, if she will remove the strikes
  • Geeky begins to message Mari incessantly, repeating that he will pay her
  • He tries to claim it wasn’t he who ‘decided to monetize the videos’ … [note: heartbeat indicates nearly all his videos are monetized by him DIRECTLY, save for one or two, which are monetized by WMG for music used]





  • Meanwhile, I have gotten in touch with one of the artists on tumblr and explain the situation to them
  • This artist chooses to contact Geeky personally 
  • When this artist asks Geeky to remove the video with their content, he claims he can’t remove any videos until Mari removes her strikes from his account [note: this isn’t how youtube works lol. this is also part of the blackmail aspect]
  • During this convo, Geeky has caught on that artists in this community actually talk to each other and he begins to set his videos to private so that no one else can claim their artwork
  • Thankfully I still have the window with all the videos still loaded, so I begin to send individual urls to the artists i recognize from the thumbnails, so they can remove their work from his channel



[^screenshot the tumblr artist sent]





  • The third and final strike on Geeky’s account comes from @ferisae, who sometimes allows dubs, but does not allow monetization
  • Despite being private, Feri still had the URL, so she was able to report her video
  • Geeky emails Feri, saying she made a mistake, she doesn’t want to do this etc
  • Feri clearly tells him she never gave approval for her work to be monetized, and he repeatedly messages her and tries to tell her he wasn’t monetizing, that she is making a big mistake, etc
  • Feri lets him know she has an app that lets her see when a video is monetized and by who, says she won’t talk about it anymore, and blocks him
  • [^ i don’t have screenshots of this exchange, it was relayed on voicechat]








  • Geeky begins to message all the people who contacted him to remove their art, asking them if they know Feri and Mari, could they message them about the issue, etc etc
  • He begins to message Mari multiple times per day, interrupting her daily life 
  • [she ignores the messages]
  • He also makes a new email account and begins to message Feri again, begging her to resolve this
  • [she ignores him as well]







[^from the new email to feri. bigger image … pls note the lie about removing the videos. they were all still on private,NOTdeleted.]

  • Finally, when no one responds, he resorts to threats [on the 14th and 15th]
  • Mari asks for advice on how to respond, and one of the users in the chat helps her craft an email to send him.
  • We advise her to do what Feri did, to simply block him, but he responds again before she has a chance to and threatens her again
  • Mari is understandably stressed out and logs off for a while



[^^^ sorry but if simply ignoring your attempts to guilt trip her into removing rightful strikes on ur account isn’t ‘peaceful’, i don’t know what is lol]


[response ^^^ bigger image]




[bigger image]


[bigger image -  ^^^ in which he sends basically the same message twice??? and my, i’m so glad ur a good person because you chose not to hack. much brave, very morals, wow!! ]

  • After seeing this, I am raging, so I start looking into this guy, hoping I can find his family and show them the emails he has been sending to Mari, so maybe they will straighten his ass out :P
  • I don’t have luck finding his family [aside from a possible sibling], though I do find out where he lives and works
  • I kick it up to a friend of mine [@seibatooth] who digs up a lot more info on him, including work history
  • We learn is a college student from Morocco, who hasn’t held a stable job for more than 6 months
  • I share this all with Mari to reassure her that this guy has no power and to not worry so much lol
  • In light of all this new information, no one responds to him

[^^^seiba is a boss. again… no one used this information against him, no one contacted him, and it was all obtained by simple google searches.]

  • He is quiet for a few days, then on the 19th, a very badly worded email from Geeky’s “Lawyer” comes
  • It is sent to Feri, Mari, and a Third Artist who did not want to be named in this post
  • It claims he is seeking legal action against all three artists and lists an email, a website, and a linkedin url 
  • A quick search shows this lawyer to be a real person, but that the contact info in the email is incorrect
  • So here, we learn here that Geeky is impersonating Real Lawyer [which is where we get identity theft]
  • Seiba calls Real Lawyer to appraise him of the situation
  • Seiba and Feri then respond to Geeky [on the fake lawyer email] to let him know that Real Lawyer will be contacting him soon
  • When I check on Friday, his account is still up, but monetization appears to be disabled … YAAAAAAAAAAS




  • Also, the Third Artist who did not want to be named offered some screenshots from an exchange they had with Geeky:

[Translation: “everyone else is stealing from you so why can’t i????” gross.]


[^^^in which he pretends to be the lawyer from his own acct……..wowww x’DDD] 

  • The next day [i think? it was during SDCC which was chaotic lol], Real Lawyer calls Seiba
  • Real Lawyer lets her know that he is pursuing legal action against Geeky… fite!

  • Another few days pass and Geeky begins advertising his new channel on instagram
  • In each post, he publicly announces that Mari is the reason he is losing his account, that she doesn’t love the miraculous fandom anymore [????] and that he is just a poor wee bab victim who did no wrong guys really ;0;/

[about page on his newchannel. goo.gl link just makes you directly subscribe to this new channel >>; ugh.]




[^^^his posts are decently popular]


[…lol fake claims my butt.]


[my fave part about this is that he claims mari incited a buncha artists to riot against him, when in actuality it was the fact he was MAKING MONEY ON OUR ART. mari had nothing to do with it, aside from sharing his gross guilt trippy and then THREATNING responses lmao. sorry bruh, u did it to urself.]


Alright, so while I was tidying up everything to post, Geeky actually has done more things I need to post about. Literally in the past 24 hours, heck, in the last HOUR, he is still screwing artists over and taunting everyone about it. I have permission to name a few artists effected, so I will not censor their names here.

  • Today, I found out that Geeky has counter-claimed Mari, Feri and the Third Artist
  • This means his account is still active, despite the previously pending deletion
  • He has turned on monetization again, so he is again making money off everyone’s artwork
  • He is publicly taunting everyone about what he has done

[^^^ the comment in yellow has since been removed by geeky]




[^^^ bragging and more threats….also, just lying out his ass. sorry but i have receipts, bruh.]


[^^^ ANOTHER threat/brag. they deleted this comment pretty much immediately but bbwolf was kind enough to screenshot her activity feed so we can still see it lol. also, like how his time frame keeps changing? interesting lol]


[^^^ one of the counterclaims, shared by the Third Artist. Geeky’s explanation (the english bit) as to why he’s allowed to make money on someone elses work is that it’s okay that he is making money off ppl’s work cos we didn’t create the characters…… what???  ?????? ? ? ???  also he lives in morroco, so he can’t actually claim fair use because it doesn’t apply to him lol… alsoalso, NONE OF US ARE MAKING MONEY ON OUR WORK. HE IS. WHICH NEGATIVELY EFFECTS US BECAUSE IT IS AFFECTING HOW WE W. DERP] 


[eden is allowing me to name her in this post now]


[^^^ just one of a few that was linked]




[^^^^ proof that he was contacted 6 months ago about monetizing videos. despite the fact he said claimed he only started 1 month ago. proof that he waited a bit and then just turned it back on when eden stopped checking.]


[^^^setting this here as proof he is monetizing in case he turns it off lol]

Aaand that is where we are at this very minute. I will likely update this post via reblog as the situation changes, but good lord, y’all. Can we please work together to take care of this guy? I can’t stand that he seems to be getting away with this behavior.

(as tempted as you may be after this post, DO NOT HARASS THIS USER. just look for your content and report it at your own discretion. if you do harass him, he might use your words as proof he is being ‘wrongly harassed’ … and he will definitely hide the videos again, so that no one can report their artwork. please report discreetly.)

Youtube channel #2 [monetized - channel #1 is gone, deleted by youtube sometime in january]
Youtube channel #3 [new channel; as of 7/25, it is not yet monetized]





god the idea of “doubling down” has ruined the fucking internet.

“when anybody commits a minor offense they must immediately and with no hesitancy apologize and start self-flagellating. any attempt to clarify your point or umbrage taken with any insults not only makes the original offense worse, they now have a new problem” does anybody see why this might be bad?

if the human threat response was to lie down on the ground, throw an apple in your mouth, and start marinating yourself for your attacker’s convince we wouldn’t have gotten very far as a species

“Sure, they were harassed by hundreds of people over accusations that were ridiculously minor or patently false, but they refused to apologize for the stuff they didn’t do, and this proves that they deserve all the harassment after all, the problem is not the original thing, it’s their response”

“That’s because Louis’s behavior didn’t hurt the system. It maintained the system. It alienated women from careers in comedy and allowed everyone to continue to live in a world where they could believe that the table, the Official Council of American Funny, was a place only straight men were worthy of reaching.”

- Guy Branum: Tear Down the Boys’ Club That Protected Louis C.Kb

Please reblog and bring this abuse and harassment to the attention of the Tumblr BDSM community. One of our own is a danger and a threat to the safety of all of us. Regrettably, this is someone who has managed to present a facade for many years… but the truth is now clear.

This is the entirety of my chat log from @cynicaldom. A few bullet points:

  • There are roughly 500 lines of chat, the vast majority were his. He was asked to terminate the attacks repeatedly.
  • During this time he also sent me over 50 asks containing various threats, including bodily harm.
  • He used VPNs and sockpuppet accounts to get around blocks. He admits to this in the chat log
  • He also contacted me via email and commented on my reddit account.
  • He  fabricated a number of claims, including that I abuse children and women. He knows they are not true, but he is very comfortable lying.
  • He abused @storyofasub and threatened her repeatedly. I do not know the details of that conversation, but I suspect racial language was used (she is a POC), given her emotional state. She repeatedly asked him to stop and he threatened her with various “consequences” and forms of harm. 
  • He threatened to rape me in this chat log
  • He said I should be killed
  • He makes it clear that his goal is to silence me on Tumblr.

@amysubmits is complicit in this. She began this conflict with several lies, and has continued to post encouragement during this period of harassment. It is entirely possible, given what I have seen of her writing, that she was not able to understand… so, if I am being generous… there may be a misunderstanding at the root of this. But… I suspect deliberate lies and deception.

These are not good people. 

I apologize for sharing something that is so horrific, but you should see cynicaldom for what he is. He is an abuser. These are not the actions of someone who has any place in BDSM. These actions are clearly criminal.

Where is the community that addresses abusers? Why are so many silent, accepting that one of our community can treat another person like this? 

What follows is the complete chat log initiated by @cynicaldom:

cynicaldom 30s. 24/7 D/s monogamous relationship with amysubmits, we talk about it in a podcast called Over The Knee. Personal posts are tagged here Not following each other cynicaldom There is beauty and wonder in Dominance and submission–from soaring heights to crushing depths. At its best, we tread upon the edge of the infinite and dare to touch the holy. This, that awareness of what we are, how small we are in the face of an unsympathetic universe, to lose ourselves in another, this is why we do this thing. It is good, worthy, and important. There are places in human experience that can only be reached by this path. Fear not. 18+ only (and near the end of the first half-century of my time on this rock.) https://storyofasub.tumblr.com/tagged/me 05/20/2022 3:41 AM cynicaldom oh my god you took pics of yourself eating food and pretended your submissive was posting them?





  05/20/2022 9:39 AM her-master lol you are funny, i will be reblogging some of your sub’s writing with some comments. she’s a ridiculously poor writer 05/20/2022 3:27 PM cynicaldom You are sub human You are a bug, in need of a boot You were born a loser. You’ll did a loser. And the world will not notice your passing. her-master lol. you’re a joke. you have no idea who you’re talking to here… or what i’ve accomplished in life… and how little you matter cynicaldom You already said that, dumb dumb her-master the fact classical music is so far outside of your realm of experience says a lot about how small you are anyway…. i’m going to have some fun reposting amy’s very poor writing she SHOULD be insecure about it. she writes about meaningless topics and drones on… complete boredom and a clumsy writer cynicaldom You’ve already made that threat, cunt. her-master also as someone who runs a very successful podcast and has been a guest on many others… i know a good podcast when i see one cynicaldom Worthless worm, been on here ten years and no real followers her-master and yours is boring as fuck. boring people talking about their pretend lives… and no one cares. cynicaldom Everyone is laughing at you I’m going to keep them laughing at you her-master you will just look stupider than you already do cynicaldom Do you know how many messages I got about you since last night lol I need to wipe you off my boot lol Now threaten any again, because that’s all your dog brain can think to do her-master lol… do you know how many i got about you. also… it’s obvious that you really arent that smart… and you’re trying to bait me… but you just don’t have the brainpower cynicaldom You are my bitch now her-master you’re a dim little bulb. goodbye boy cynicaldom I’m going to fuck your mouth Is the pussy running away? Huh, stupid little loser cunt? I like my bitches to be quiet. Good boy. cynicaldom I just got more notes on your post by making fun of you on it… Does that make you feel small? Does that make you feel alone? It should. her-master lol cynicaldom My shitposts making fun of you are more liked than your earnest writing. Because you stink like loser. her-master lol you are a funny little boy just wanting attention cynicaldom And you’re giving me that attention. Good bitch. 05/21/2022 10:55 PM her-master lol such a tiny joke of a man man is a generous term for you. you don’t deserve that title. you’ve failed so consistently to this point in your life… cynicaldom everyone is laughing at you i made everyone laugh at you what are you gonna do about it? I’ll tell you. You’re going to do what you’ve done your whole life. You’re just going to take it. cynicaldom You’re going to wait a day or two, and then give yourself a fake ask to try and save face. And then I’m going to make everyone laugh at you again. cynicaldom Because your my bitch now. 05/21/2022 12:47 AM her-master lol cynicaldom Your hands look like you are either really fat or have heart disease her-master lol cynicaldom Oh no, the fat loser is going to publish my dms!?!? her-master lol people need to see what a hypocrite you are. do you know that word? cynicaldom How am I hypocrite? I’ve attacked subhuman things like you several times on here. cynicaldom Ahahaha you only get pussy when you pay for it?!?! https://64.media.tumblr.com/3bd3b9cd6efec87e334c488708460f85/tumblr_nwdqxkAbny1rf1p99o1_1280.jpg cynicaldom Why so quiet, bitch? her-master lol angry little boy arent you? cynicaldom No I’m fine You didn’t go to college did you her-master too stupid to know when youre talking to someone far superior to you in every way who doesnt have a dumpy sad “submissive” lol cynicaldom Awww, you went and got mad! Good luck posting these dms to the two people that read your bad writing now! Do you know how I know you never went to college? her-master ? “Corrective spankings are part of @amysubmits​​ and I’s domestic discipline relationship.” You do realize that I’s is not correct English? You branded yourself as an uneducated person there. Your writing is as bad as your ideas. Such a sad joke… cynicaldom you seem upset Take an internet break, little guy. cool off I guess education is a sore spot for you. cynicaldom sent a post “Weekend music: music that changed me” How many notes do you think your post will get? 2? 3? 0? lol her-master lol cynicaldom When you constantly use lol, it betrays the fact you are seething and feel the need to pretend that your are not. Yeah that’s it, I’ll be your teacher. I teach how to not embarrass yourself! This is going to be a big project. cynicaldom How old are you? That’s why you freaked on that person! Are you old as fuck? Nevermind, I’ll find out. Fat old bitch. cynicaldom Did you know there’s sites that crawl and archive tumblrs? cynicaldom Aw, did your old ass have to be in bed before 2 on a friday night? I await your “lol” response in the morning, dunce. her-master lol cynicaldom https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886917306980 cynicaldom might want to get your t levels checked shit head her-master lol cynicaldom Oh no, besides me the only two notes on two of your last posts are people faving me making fun of you… that’s humiliating… cynicaldom Have you ever been inside a woman that you didn’t have to pay for? 05/21/2022 8:42 AM her-master lol 05/22/2022 3:44 PM cynicaldom 1 cynicaldom 2 cynicaldom 3 her-master what do you mean by your count? cynicaldom 4 her-master You need to back off now. This is rising to the point of harassment You threatened to rape me in a DM. Write an apology post because you misunderstood what I wrote and said…and I will accept your apology and let this go. cynicaldom 5 any more bluffs, stupid bitch? this is going to be the rest of your time on tumblr block me, I have a vpn, takes 2 seconds to make a new account this will never end ? why so quiet? her-master You’re in the wrong here, friend. Why don’t you take a break and then come back and address me as a human and let’s work this out. cynicaldom no her-master You do not need to be rude. And you do not need to make threats. cynicaldom Good, good, roll over on your tummy boy her-master This will not have the ending you expect. I implore you to take a break and rethink your direction, here. cynicaldom Oh no, did you… did you call the internet police? oh god I hear the fbi knocking on my door right now! I’m going to do serious time for bulling a grown ass man! next bluff, bitch her-master smh keep going as they say… check yourself before you wreck yourself cynicaldom everyone is laughing at you everything you’ve tried to do to stop the consequences of your actions has been fruitless you could try publicly apologizing cynicaldom Where’d you go piggie? cynicaldom 6 cynicaldom Any messages of support yet? Still coming in for me. her-master Just checking in here. You do know this is untrue, right? “He recently said you don’t need a safeword if you are a super ultra mega dominant™ and a super ultra mega submissive™” cynicaldom You say people always misunderstand you. Have you considered taking a writing class to improve your communication skills? her-master You realize that what I said was that people exist who have relationships without safewords. That is undeniably true. I never advocated against safewords. You are literally lying when you say that I did. cynicaldom Very fun to picture you hurriedly re-reading through my posts, looking for any weakness, pupils dilated, heart beating fast, stress sweat smelling foul. Full on fight-or-flight panic, grasping at any straw you can. Still getting new followers cynicaldom 7 her-master tbh the only thing i read of yours was a link from her page. i haven’t scrolled past the first page of your blog. i don’t care. cynicaldom you’re so cool I do care I’m not going to stop until you apologize Also, you are still talking to me in DMs. You’re too dumb to realize that nullifies your pussy “he’s bullying me” card lol her-master I told you to stop. You have continued to message me. What do you think I should apologize for? cynicaldom hold on I’ll find it her-master I pasted the chat into a text editor. I’m guessing you’re looking for this line “who doesnt have a dumpy sad "submissive” lol" Yes? cynicaldom sent a post “I just got around to checking out the blogs of the people you had that last argument with. You know what your problem is? You’ve…” #1 apologize for agreeing with your own fake ask

Image Blurred because you don’t follow this Tumblr yet. Click to reveal.

#2 her-master Yes that was line 111 of our chat. How about you apologize for everything before that? cynicaldom #1 was what started this… this is so funny her-master #1 was not a fake ask. It was real. And who the fuck do you think you are to control what content is on my tumblr? Really? Lol no. Btw.. that comment about Amy was unkind. I’m genuinely sorry I said it. cynicaldom Say that publicly her-master I stand by my assessment of her writing. It’s poor, at best. That was line 111 of our chat. After you said things like “I’m going to fuck your mouth” I also never said that publicly so I’m not going to apologize publicly. if that’s what you want my reply is that you’re going to have to fuck off. However, I said it to you. And I did apologize to you.. but… again… that was after a long line of provocative insults from you… line 111 of the chat, to be precise. cynicaldom Hey that’s fine. I’m having a good time. Getting a lot of followers and notes. Welcome to the rest of our lives together. her-master The sad thing is… we’re actually on the same side here. I’ve been here 10 years and have always advocated for safe and sane BDSM. Your attack is bizarre.. and misplaced. cynicaldom Nobody seems to care that I said those mean things to you… Why do think that is? Why do you think everyone doesn’t like you? her-master I’m willing to assume that you might have misunderstood something… and you might have anger issues. (Which is something most Dominants work to overcome.) Because people like you are lying and saying that I said safewords can be ignored or that safewords are not needed. You repeat that lie to try to make me look bad, and people do not look below the surface. cynicaldom Yeah, some dominants lack so much anger control that they insult women as a defense against being insulted. Can you imagine what kind of waste of skin would do that? That’s probably such a level of subhuman filth that people don’t really mind if your bully them her-master Because I’ve been aware from this platform for several years… you’re an active voice and many of the new crowd have never seen my writing. Well… look… I’m trying to engage you with some respect here It seems you are not worthy of that. cynicaldom I don’t respect you her-master Why don’t you go cool off and try again in a few days. I’m reasonably forgiving, even though you’ve been an ass here. cynicaldom 8 Every text post you make, I’ll be there her-master You’ll end up looking pretty stupid, but I don’t think we’d be having this conversation if you had the brain to see that So… knock yourself out. Here I’ll reblog some things for you cynicaldom that’s a good bitch 9 cynicaldom woof that’s embarrassingly bad writing, I’m not gonna read all that lol gimme another, bitch also good boy for bring that up for me cynicaldom sent a post “How to Spank a Girl” “She is screaming. She would certainly safeword if she could, if she could even get words out, but I just hit her, pushing her further than she ever thought possible.” So you’ve been a sub-human piece of scum since at least 2014 cynicaldom 10 cynicaldom If you need help searching through your writing, I use this site, makes finding your cringe take seconds https://www.tumbex.com/her-master.tumblr/posts?tag=writing cynicaldom 11 cynicaldom Est-ce que tu parles français? cynicaldom why didn’t you share this one? http://pahbiiriblogi.blogspot.com/2013_02_17_archive.html her-master lol cynicaldom “Risto holding his belt after a heavy meal” lol cynicaldom Has it ever occurred to you to ask why people have been bullying you your entire life? It must be them, right? Everyone else is the asshole, not you, you’re NOT a malignant narcissist. You’re the victim! The eternal victim. her-master lol cynicaldom lol cynicaldom All these lols aren’t going to help your case that you’re being harassed and fell unsafe… did you forget that plan? cynicaldom sent a post “Just wanted to follow up on the chat I sent you. Could you clarify whether you support Cynicaldom’s abusive language (including…” next plan? cynicaldom Is this how I was gonna wreck myself? AHAHAHAHAHA cynicaldom Are loling? I am. her-master lol cynicaldom What’s your next move, you dumb waste of skin? cynicaldom Every single tactic you’ve tried, I’ve bested you. I am better than you, in every single way. cynicaldom You run out of lols, professor? cynicaldom still getting new followers lol cynicaldom Did you groom that girl, or did you make her up? You’ll want to address it sooner rather than later cynicaldom 12 cynicaldom the only people who interact with your posts are me and my followers… :( cynicaldom her-master get a single note on a post that isn’t me or my followers challenge 2022 cynicaldom Do you think you’re going to be able to rebuild your following with me here? Also, when you make posts instead of responding to dms, that still tells me you’re angry cynicaldom “everyone is a big guy behind a keyboard” we could settle this in person if you’d prefer Just a talk! We’d just talk it out. Would you like to meet to talk this out? I’m certainly open to that. I’m salivating thinking about talking this out with you. cynicaldom At some point it’s going to connect that I’ve been obviously goading you to block me in an attempt to actually get you to not block me, so people can continue to see me bully you in your notes. But then you’ll remember this message, an obvious attempt to get you to actually block me. But you’ll be too dumb to figure out what I’m actually trying to get you to do. cynicaldom I can literally tell you my plans, you’re too dumb to foil em’! Not a lot of sport in this, but it is fun cynicaldom It will be funny when I get banned, and make a new account, and still get ten times the interaction you do. cynicaldom There’s nothing you can do. Nothing. Now be a good bitch, and give me an lol when get up from your old man sleep. cynicaldom We’ll continue this then. And the next day. And the day after that. And the day after that. And the day after that. This is your life now. cynicaldom Because face it, we both know you’re a loser in real life. That’s what all your lies are about. All your fantasies. What will you be when you don’t even have those anymore? 05/23/2022 1:43 PM cynicaldom Everyone knows you’re a loser. You’ll never be able to rebuild your following, cynicaldom Do you think women find an adult man who regularly gets bullied attractive? Do you think getting bullied is dominant? cynicaldom sent a post “WHAT THOSE WHO IGNORE OR DEGRADE THE SAFEWORD TELL ME…” cynicaldom Everyone still hates you and thinks you’re a loser :( Maybe more fake asks will fix it? You stupid excuse for a man lol cynicaldom Did you groom that teenager? Worthless pile of shit. Did you groom that teenager? No one will ever love you. Did you groom that teenager? Tumblr admins are gonna be concerned about you grooming a teenager… Maybe police will be too? her-master lol you are wasting your time. i dont even read your chats weak little “man” fake dom hahaha cynicaldom weird response to being accused of grooming, oh well, makes a good screenshot cynicaldom Groomer her-master lol cynicaldom my god your erotica is bad read a few lines from reddit while telling everyone you groomed a teenager in 2013 her-master lol 05/23/2022 4:45 PM her-master youre pure comedy. totally unworthy of respect. garbage. and there is nothing you can do to silence me lol youve spent hours on this project. who is the bitch now, bitch? cynicaldom you seem mad lol pedo fuck cynicaldom one by one you bring your handful of old followers, and one by one I show them that you groomed a teenager, and one by one they stop engaging with you you’ve really won lol her-master lol cynicaldom Are you still grooming teenagers? cynicaldom When was the last time you groomed a teenager? cynicaldom This is never going to stop. cynicaldom I’m going to stop you from hurting teenagers her-master lol cynicaldom you think grooming teenagers is funny? What community college did you flunk out of? her-master lol impotent little guy arent you? cynicaldom why do you need them to be so young? because you know a woman your age would have the experience to know what a piece of shit you are? cynicaldom When was the last time you had sex? lol real physical sex, not whatever you do over the internet with the teenagers you groom cynicaldom when you look down can you see your penis? is that why you groom teenage girls? because you’re a fat, unfucked, uneducated loser? because that’s how it seems to all the new followers I’ve got since humiliating you cynicaldom hahaha you think I didn’t screen cap you admitting that you groomed that teenager, but that she was legal? I can not WAIT to use that one. her-master lol impotent little “man” 05/24/2022 8:22 PM cynicaldom https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:uDSn9NamHsQJ:https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMerotica/comments/u6cx35/setting_the_tone_mdomfsubedgeplaymindfuckbdsm/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk her-master lol cynicaldom Do you want to rethink your public apology now? her-master nah. you fuck yourself cynicaldom I have forwarded that post to the fbi as well her-master lol pure comedy cynicaldom I’ve killed your reddit account and you will never ever get traction on tumblr no matter what. Seethe more, bug. I’ve never whooped someone’s ass so completely How does it taste, how does my ass taste groomer? her-master it’s still there lol you’re just blocked idiot her-master you’re completely ineffective. i am just getting followers and notes of support. many followers from your posts so keep it up please lol her-master you’re getting angry. it’s cute spending so much time on this you’re the bitch here, bitch bwahahaha Avatar cynicaldom You’re not going to be able to abuse women anymore. her-master lol Avatar cynicaldom You should tried, convicted, and legally killed by the state

Friendly reminder that false sexual harassment /assault claims discredit real victims and survivors and makes you an actual fucking garbage human.






you know how some parents do that toxic thing where they don’t notice or reward kids for improving their behavior, but every screw-up gets remarked upon and used to inflict shame? so you’re stuck in that awful cycle where there are no rewards, only the inevitability of eventual punishment?

and how that makes it extremely hard to judge your own actions or grow into a better person, because there’s no one to confirm that you actually are doing better, and are capable of improving, and are not doomed to forever be a terrible person incapable of growth?

ok so: I don’t know how to explain to you that we’ve built a social media culture that treats people the same way. with the same abusive cycle.

That sounds like cancel culture

I don’t know what to call it anymore. people get heated about terms like “purity” or “cancel” or “call out” culture, or can’t seem to agree on a meaning. I’m not talking about like. no longer supporting rich and powerful celebrities when their abusive actions come to light. I’m not talking about holding people accountable, or warning people about active abusers. but I am seriously concerned about how we treat social media users once they get even a small amount of attention, even in small niche spaces.

I am concerned about this culture of combing through years of people’s social media accounts, looking for “problematic” shit they’ve done. I am concerned with the whole culture of using “call outs” as a tool to harass and ostracize users large and small. I am concerned about the malice we spread behind people’s backs, in screenshots and posts they aren’t able to see. I am concerned with this culture of demanding apologies for things said years ago, things already outgrown and regretted, and of ignoring those apologies even while pilling on more censure. I’m concerned about this whole culture of accusation and misinformation, where the most outrageous claims and holier-than-thou performances are rewarded with notes and views, even as facts are ignored and context removed. I am concerned about the lack of accountability, the way the accused is given no opportunity to defend themselves from the onslaught, the way their responses and explanations go ignored, the way any charge can be made at any time on any evidence, with no ability to appeal or exonerate. I’m concerned about the way this culture targets minority users andturns their own communities against them. I’m concerned about the actually harmful and predatory behavior that gets lost in the bog, and how we have lost the ability to distinguish between shades of gray with any level of sanity. And I am concerned by the sheer number of people who fail to realize they are perpetuating bullying and harassment.

I am enormouslyconcernedwith the way people who are “called out” are never forgiven, never allowed to make amends, never allowed to grow, how their efforts to learn and do better are ignored even while strangers callously repeat and reblog and retweet the same criticisms ad nauseam.

And I see this everywhere,happening to anyone. And yes, this applies to larger accounts and youtubers and “influencers,” and a bunch of content creators who may or may not be making a decent living off of their work, but who are certainly not “rich and powerful celebrities.” (Because apparently we spend so much time in online microcosms that ya’ll can’t tell the difference???) Christ, my blog isn’t nearly as large as some people seem to think, it’s obscureby most measures, and still I’ve been the target of mass harassment for years. I’ve seen bad and watched others go through worse, seen users with far larger and far smaller followings driven off of this and other platforms—driven off with a violence and bloodthirst that had nothing to do with making a community safer and everything to do with a toxic culture gone wrong. Fucking fix this already.

Abuse is still abuse when it happens online,when done by strangers, when done en masse, when sanctioned by a community, and when done with “good” intentions. Do BETTER.



Our friend Niara - a trans woman of color imprisoned in Pennsylvania - is desperately in need of money. She is receiving little support from the outside, and is struggling with constant harassment from male inmates inside.

Prison is hell. Please send her money:

1. Go to https://jpay.com/.
2. Type state and inmate ID: Pennsylvania, KU1265
3. Click the name of the prisoner: Herman Burton
4. Register an account
5. Send money, stamps, digital mail, etc

And support mail:

Herman Burton #KU1265
10745 Route 18
Albion, PA 16475-0002

[address the envelope to Herman Burton, but the letter to NiaraorPeaches]
