

This Time I Know It’s For Real (Eleventh Doctor x reader)

Synopsis: A bittersweet song in the TARDIS (inspired by I Want To Break Free by Queen)


“Come on, don’t be boring!” You giggled, yanking the Doctor up from his spot on the steps. His fedora slipped, and he wrinkled his nose, in the most adorable way you’d ever seen.

“I’m never boring,” he pouted, and you leant forward to adjust his hat. “Thanks.”

You spun round, pointing at the central console for dramatic effect. “TARDIS, my love, you know what to do!”

The familiar rhythm started playing over the speakers, your body slowly swaying as you tapped out the beat. You locked eyes with the Doctor, shaking your head at the amused grin playing across his lips.

I want to break free-ee.” You sung loudly, trying to keep a straight face while eyeing up the Doctor. A snort broke past your lips, before you quickly composed yourself. “I want to break free!

He sighed as you beckoned for him to join you.

I want to break free from your lies, you’re so-

“-Self-satisfied.” You gave him a soft smile as he took over. “I don’t need you-oo, I’ve got to break free.”

“God kno-ows, God knows I want to break free!

You grabbed his hands, spinning him round and crashing against the console, his body pressing you into it. Pausing for a breath, you glanced up at him. His eyes were fixated on yours, your breath catching in your throat.

I’ve fallen in love

You had never vocalised your feelings, letting them languish at the back of your mind. The strange dynamic of your relationship was enough for you, or so you had convinced yourself. You knew it would never truly work out, even if you tried; there was always someone better than you, someone he wasn’t quite over.

I’ve fallen in love for the first time

At least this one was in love with you too. Or as in love as he could be.

Because there was wonderful, wonderful Amy. And how could you ever compare to River who shone brighter than any star he’d ever seen. And always, always, Rose danced at the back of his mind, tainting any moment with you.

And this time I know it’s for real

He associated you with her sometimes, eyes glossing as he remembered past journeys. This regeneration was childish, hiding grief behind a delight in the world he had lost many, many years ago.

“You okay?” His smile had fallen as he studied your face, eyes narrowing. He still didn’t quite get human emotions.

You nodded, stretching up to press your lips to his cheek.

I can’t get over the way you love me like you do

“Let’s go travelling!”


dw taglist: @underratedhotties

eleven taglist: @kjaneway1@inkandpen22@tarorootboba

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