#eleventh doctor x reader


Revenge (Eleventh Doctor x reader)

Synopsis: You’re the Doctor’s anchor. How could he ever let someone get away with hurting you? (request)

read the request


You are brilliant. Earth-shatteringly, orbit-shakingly brilliant. Your eyes gleam with the spark of a thousand galaxies, clustered right there in the iris of your eye, and your smile makes every error, wrong turn, mishap turn into a quiet little inside joke. But not this time.

This time you aren’t smiling. There is no laugh tugging at the corner of your lips.

This time your eyes are glazed, the stars are slipping from your gaze with every leaking tear as your mind disappears into the questions of the universe. He sprints through the corridors with you clutched tightly to his chest, cursing with every panted breath.

“Doct-” You grasp at the lapels on his blazer, leaving a sticky smear of copper as your fingers fail to tighten.

He hushes you. “Don’t you go dying on me now. I’ve still got to show you Rontasil and the meteor showers.”

“I-” You stutter, tongue tripping over itself as you mumble furiously, anxious to get the words out.

“Just wait. Focus on staying awake.” The doors of the TARDIS are in sight, tauntingly close. And he’s praying at this point, murmuring to whatever god may be out there; in all his years, he doesn’t think he’s ever felt quite this desperate.


You awake to a dull murmur outside and yellow lights mimicking the sun streaming through your bedroom curtains. He had known how much you missed your home, and had installed them as a means of comfort. You smile softly at the memory, hissing as you prop yourself up against the mountain of pillows.

A single shot rings out.

You scrabble at the corner of your sheets, ripping them off with an urgency that has the TARDIS wailing in protest. Red lights flash as you drag yourself to the exit, knowing you have to save him. He’s out there alone. And you have to protect him.

You’re beaten there though. Before you can even make it through the console room entryway, he’s bursting through the doors, hair on end, bowtie crooked, and covered in dust.

“Oh, no, no, no.” He wags a finger at you, frown creasing his brow as he catches sight of the way crimson is seeping through your bandages. “What are you doing out of bed? Do you humans really have such little self-preservation instincts?”

“What happened?” You’re running your gaze over him, fingers wrapping around the lapel of his blazer as your vision tints with black spots.

“What do you mean what happened?” He’s too cheery, eyes too bright as everything swims. “Come on, you can hardly stand. Let’s get you back in bed.”

You accept the arm he offers you, relinquishing your grip on his blazer and wiping away the dirt on your hands. You glance at your hands again, a sinking sensation filling your chest as the skin proves tinted green.

“Hey Doc, tell me about the things out there. What were they?”

“The Kaleds. Believed to be the ancestors of the Daleks. Usually a little more peaceful. But they won’t be bothering us anymore.” His face hardens, lips pressed into a stiff line as he steers you into your bed. Brushing off the expression with so much enthusiasm you think you imagined it, he tucks the sheets around you. “Get some rest. You’ll need it to heal.”

“Doctor,” your voice wobbles, “what did you do to them?”

He rushes to your side, crouching down and grabbing your hands with a desperation that betrays his actions. “Listen, you have to listen to me-”

“No.” You pull yourself away from him, flinching at the heart-breaking betrayal in his eyes. “Tell me straight.”

“I did what I had to.”

You shake your head. “You murdered an entire shipful of people who were just trying to flee a war. They were refugees, Doctor.”

“Theyhurt you!” He throws his hands in the air, voice rising as he searches for some sort of understanding in your eyes. Something to show that he hadn’t lost you now, after all of this. They glisten, no longer with the innocence of stars, but with the burden of tears and the realisation that he was not a good man.

“Doctor,” your voice is soft, your eyes are downcast. He knows what comes next. “Oh, Doctor. I understand.”

And he swears he feels his hearts stutter and stop. He sneaks a peek at you, seeking solace in the sigh that escapes your lips. You brush back a strand of hair that flops over his face, that look on your face back again. He hadn’t understood it before, but he thinks he gets it now.

“I can’t lose you. I need you.”

You sniffle, fixing him a watery smile as you choke back your tears with a soft chuckle. “You need me?”

“Of course I do.”

And he thinks you get it too.

Or at least the kiss you give him lets him know that you understand.


doctor who taglist: @underratedhotties

eleventh doctor taglist: @kjaneway1@inkandpen22@tarorootboba@alexxavicry@itevilhag

join my taglist


Tenth Doctor

Disillusioned-You’ve reunited with the Doctor after a long time apart, and his new companion reminds you a little too much of your old self.

Eleventh Doctor

I Want To Break Free - A bittersweet song in the TARDIS (inspired by I Want To Break Free by Queen)

Revenge - You’re his anchor. How could he ever let anyone get away with hurting you? (request)

Dhawan!Master x reader

Day Trip Home - The Doctor drops everyone back home to Sheffield for the day, warning you to keep safe. But something is off. (for @xenteaart for secret santa 2020)

Pear-Shaped -  The Master has taken you to infiltrate a Sontaran ship, but things go a bit pear-shaped as you escape

Missy x Reader

Did You Miss Me?- It has been six years since you last saw her. Six long, lonely years since the Doctor had dropped you off at your apartment without so much as a word of goodbye.

The Nature of the Beast - The Doctor is taking you to the one person who has dealt with the Monks before and you weren’t expecting the ‘monster’ in the Vault to be quite so hot.

Dhawan!Master x Reader & Thirteenth Doctor x Reader

Shackled Masterlist

This Time I Know It’s For Real (Eleventh Doctor x reader)

Synopsis: A bittersweet song in the TARDIS (inspired by I Want To Break Free by Queen)


“Come on, don’t be boring!” You giggled, yanking the Doctor up from his spot on the steps. His fedora slipped, and he wrinkled his nose, in the most adorable way you’d ever seen.

“I’m never boring,” he pouted, and you leant forward to adjust his hat. “Thanks.”

You spun round, pointing at the central console for dramatic effect. “TARDIS, my love, you know what to do!”

The familiar rhythm started playing over the speakers, your body slowly swaying as you tapped out the beat. You locked eyes with the Doctor, shaking your head at the amused grin playing across his lips.

I want to break free-ee.” You sung loudly, trying to keep a straight face while eyeing up the Doctor. A snort broke past your lips, before you quickly composed yourself. “I want to break free!

He sighed as you beckoned for him to join you.

I want to break free from your lies, you’re so-

“-Self-satisfied.” You gave him a soft smile as he took over. “I don’t need you-oo, I’ve got to break free.”

“God kno-ows, God knows I want to break free!

You grabbed his hands, spinning him round and crashing against the console, his body pressing you into it. Pausing for a breath, you glanced up at him. His eyes were fixated on yours, your breath catching in your throat.

I’ve fallen in love

You had never vocalised your feelings, letting them languish at the back of your mind. The strange dynamic of your relationship was enough for you, or so you had convinced yourself. You knew it would never truly work out, even if you tried; there was always someone better than you, someone he wasn’t quite over.

I’ve fallen in love for the first time

At least this one was in love with you too. Or as in love as he could be.

Because there was wonderful, wonderful Amy. And how could you ever compare to River who shone brighter than any star he’d ever seen. And always, always, Rose danced at the back of his mind, tainting any moment with you.

And this time I know it’s for real

He associated you with her sometimes, eyes glossing as he remembered past journeys. This regeneration was childish, hiding grief behind a delight in the world he had lost many, many years ago.

“You okay?” His smile had fallen as he studied your face, eyes narrowing. He still didn’t quite get human emotions.

You nodded, stretching up to press your lips to his cheek.

I can’t get over the way you love me like you do

“Let’s go travelling!”


dw taglist: @underratedhotties

eleven taglist: @kjaneway1@inkandpen22@tarorootboba

join my taglist

The Sacrifice part 2

This is the second part of a three part mini-series. Part one is here and my masterlist is here. I hope you enjoy it, let me know if you want to be tagged in the final part! DOOWEEEOOOO!

Eventually, as she always does, River left. The Doctor stared at the space she once occupied. Something felt off… he felt off. He was alone in a way that he had not been since he met Rose all those years ago. Even the idea of reuniting with Amy and Rory did not ease his sense of heartache. There was something missing, something important. Something so important that it was written on his hearts, even if it was out of reach of his mind. He tried to shake the feeling, to bury it and move on, but he couldn’t, not with this. 

Telling himself that it must’ve been some weird after effect of being drugged, he decided to ignore it and focus instead on Amy and Rory who he needed to pick up from Amsterduke. He maneuvered the controls and held on as the TARDIS took off. Finding the couple was easy as he merely had to ask where the humans were. They were both very glad to see him, as they had gotten into a bit of a pickle themselves. Once it was all said and done and everyone had made it back to the TARDIS, they all had a good laugh about it. 

Though even as they were joking around, Amy could see the loss in her friend’s eyes. She wondered what had happened in the short time that they were separated, but decided that it was better that she didn’t ask.

The next morning, the Doctor was getting ready to wake everyone up for the upcoming adventure and doing some light ready as he journeyed through the halls as he had done countless times before. Head still in the book, he reached out for a doorknob that wasn’t there. He looked up to see that he stood before a blank wall. While the TARDIS did like to move things around on occasion, this was peculiar. The Doctor racked his brain but couldn’t remember anything ever being in that spot. Yet, he felt so drawn to it. There *was* something there, there had to be.

“Doctor?” Amy asked puzzled by his attention to the wall.

“Hmm? Yes. Sorry, just had a thought.”

‘That’s always dangerous. Should I start running or hide?’ she joked. 

“Hey!” he feigned offense.

“What? I didn’t say anything,” Amy asked looking slightly concerned.

“Of course not, where were we?” he asked, an unsettling feeling taking over again.

“Are you alright?” 

“Amy, sweet married Amy, in all our time together I thought by now you would have learned better than to ask such a silly question. I’m fine. No, I’m better than fine I’m great! Now go grab Rory and get ready to see Venice.”

Over the next two months, there were many moments like the one above. The Doctor would find himself with certain objects, places, or phrases and feel like there was something off. It was like they should mean something to him other than what they did. Sometimes he’d catch himself having two-way conversation, but whose words came to mind he couldn’t tell. All he knew is that the didn’t belong to him. It always came in short waves, and it was getting harder and harder to ignore. He’d spend his nights wandering through the TARDIS to see if anything would trigger something. He was grasping at straws, but had no choice. He felt incomplete, like whatever it was that he had forgotten or lost was the last piece of a puzzle that he hadn’t even truly been aware that he’d been solving. The problem was that he wasn’t able to see the whole picture without that piece, and he couldn’t find that piece without seeing the whole picture.

Amy and Rory noticed his change of demeanor regardless of how he tried to hide it. They were starting to get worried about him and tried to keep his mind busy. They purposefully avoided bringing it up, not wanting to upset him. That was until one day his distractedness had almost gotten him killed. It was on that day that once they were safely back in the TARDIS that Amy forced him to sit down.

“Okay, talk,” she ordered.

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve been hiding something from us, and it’s about time you clued us in,” she replied.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” the Doctor lied. 

“Yes, you do. It’s been happening for a while now. It’s like no matter where we are or what we are doing that part of your mind is somewhere else. And we’ve tried to give you your space, but obviously, that hasn’t helped, so spill it.”

“I’m fine, you are reading too much into things Amy.”

“No you’re not, and it almost got you killed today, so we aren’t leaving here until you talk about it.”

“Rory, tell Amy that I’m fine,” the Doctor sought help.

“Honestly, Doctor I agree with her. Something’s off and it’s obviously something important if it’s affecting you this much,” Rory agreed.

The Doctor felt like a child who’d gotten caught sneaking a cookie out of the cookie jar. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to tell them, but what was he supposed to say? He didn’t know what was wrong, not really. If he did, he would have been able to do something about it by now. But there was something missing, or rather someone. And they were important, incredibly important. 

“Doctor?” Amy said voice changing from accusatory to concerned as she noticed a stray tear escaping his eye.

“It’s okay, whatever it is we’ll help you through it,” Rory added.

“That’s the problem,” he whispered.

“What is?” Amy pried. 

“You can’t help me, I can’t even help me.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“Something happened while you guys were in Amsterduke. I have no clue what it was, but I lost something-someone there. And no matter where I look or how hard I try to remember, it’s just missing. Someone’s missing, someone important, someone I think I loved. But there is no indication that they ever existed except in small traces of familiarity,” he paused for a moment before adding, “It’s like there are all of these memories just under the surface and without the I am but a shell of the person I should be.”

The Doctor was now close to tears. His heart hurt and talking about it didn’t make it better. Amy and Rory probably thought he was crazy. If he didn’t know any better, he’d probably think he was crazy. Maybe he was crazy. 

“Okay, so tell us everything that you remember about that day,” Amy started. 

“That’s just it, I remember dropping you lovebirds off at Amsterduke. Then I remember coming to only to see River. I had no idea where I was, only that I was in pain. She brought me back to the TARDIS and the two of us did our usual banter, she left, I picked you up, we went to Venice,” the Doctor explained.

“And what about these memories? What has been triggering them?” Rory asked.

“Different things, sometimes its phrases, like pieces of a conversation I’ve already had. Or it’s reaching for something or looking somewhere where there is nothing, but that I feel something should be. It’s hard to explain.”

“Maybe this mystery person was erased like Rory was? I couldn’t remember him, but nothing he did changed. The timeline just adjusted. Maybe we can’t remember because we are humans, but they aren’t completely erased from you because you are a timelord?” Amy suggested.

“Amy, the crack in your wall was an anomaly something like that was a one time thing. This is different.”

“Maybe so, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a different anomaly. Come on Doctor, even with all of the places and things that you have seen or heard of, surely it is possible that this is something similar,” Rory added.

“Even if you’re right, that doesn’t help. I don’t know where the anomaly was, when the anomaly was. And Amy was barely able to bring Rory back, so….” the Doctor’s face fell as he realized how hopeless the situation was.

“So it looks like we need to find River,” Rory interrupted.

“She’s the only one who can fill in the blanks of what happened that day. Maybe we can go back to that planet and find something or someone who knows something. We can’t give up on this without at least trying. You owe yourself that much,” she reasoned.

The Doctor sat there for a moment thinking everything over. Maybe, just maybe this could work. He had come out against worse odds in the past. It was at least worth a shot. He jumped up and spun around smile reappearing on his face as he readjusted his bowtie, “Off to see Professor River Song!”



A/n: This contains mental health triggers and is unlike anything that I would usually write. That being said, I know that a lot of people are going through a lot right now. I am always here if you need someone to talk to :)

You laid in your bed in the TARDIS just staring hopelessly at the ceiling. It had to be past 3 am, at least if time functioned even semi-normally in the TARDIS it would have been somewhere around there. You were physically exhausted, but your mind was awake. But this was not just your average sleeplessness, no, it was much worse.

You were sad. And it was stupid, you really knew that it was. But you felt consumingly and unexplainably alone. Which was so illogical and you hated that you felt this way, but that didn’t stop the painful ache in your chest and growing sense of dread.

You wished that you could escape into a peaceful or even restless sleep. However, you were overly aware that sleep would not be your friend tonight. In the absence of sleep, you attempted to distract yourself. But your usual ‘fixes’ weren’t doing anything for you. Something was different this time, more ominous and inescapable.

A small part of you was urging yourself to go and wake the Doctor. You knew that he wouldn’t rest until you were okay. And that was precisely the reason you refused to do so. He had been through so much and you were not about to add to the weight of the universe that he had already placed on his shoulders. He didn’t deserve to be bothered with your menial problems. And even if you wanted to, how were you supposed to talk to the LAST OF THE TIMELORDS about feeling lonely. The idea was laughable. Besides, this wasn’t that big of a deal, you just needed to ignore it until it went away. 

But the more that you tried to push it from your mind, the worse you felt. It got to the point where you were sitting up, hugging your knees to your chest, trying to hold yourself together. You didn’t understand why this had to happen. Nothing had triggered this, you had such a good day. You tried to reason with your own mind, but it was no use. 

You didn’t know how long you sat like that, just struggling to exist. Apparently, it was long enough for the TARDIS to notice and become concerned. She elected to wake her favorite Timelord, who was slightly irritated at first. But then he could sense how worried she was, something was wrong.

He was confused, but quickly got up and followed her soft humming which promptly stopped as he reached your door. He was slightly caught off guard by this but proceeded to knock softly. There was no answer, maybe you were sleeping? But surely the TARDIS wouldn’t have him come here if it wasn’t important. She unlocked the door as if pleading with him to enter. 

He pushed the door open quietly, as he did some of the light from the hallway lite up your room just enough for him to see you. His stomach fell as he did. He quickly turned on the lights and fully entered your room. But you remained still, seemingly unphased.

“Oh, Y/n,” he sighed, standing in front of you.

It was the sound of his voice that caused you to snap back to reality. As you realized the situation you were in, tears started to stream down your face.

The Doctor sat down behind you and pulled you into his arms. Just holding you tightly as you sobbed. He whispered into your hair, just trying to calm you down. He was so thankful that the TARDIS had woken him up, wishing that she had done it sooner. He couldn’t even begin to imagine what you were feeling to make you react this way. 

Eventually, you started to calm down, but the doctor’s hold on you never faltered. He wanted to say something, but he was at a loss for words. Which was saying a lot, especially for him. 

“I-I’m sorry,”  you tried to control your voice.

The Doctor’s heart broke even more with those words. “You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for.”

“I didn’t want you to see me like this.”

“Y/n, it’s okay to be less than okay every now and again. It’s not bad to cry. In fact I think it makes a person stronger. I’m just sorry that you had to be strong alone. You should’ve woken me,” The Doctor pauses in thought before adding, “You don’t have to tell me what happened. But if you want to talk about it I’m always here for you. I promise.”

“Thank you,” you replied, internally struggling with the decision of whether to let him in, let him see how broken you were, or to just move forward.

“Do you need anything?” he asked, as he himself was struggling to decide what to do next.

“Can we just stay like this for a little while?” you asked, immediately regretting it. 

“Of course.”

And so, you laid in the Doctor’s arms feeling less alone. Your mind was soothed by the rhythmic beating of his hearts. Eventually against your will, you were lulled to sleep. 

The Doctor laid there still trying to take in what had happened. He wished that you would have opened up about what had caused this, but he better than anyone knew not to push you. He knew what is was like to feel like no one else deserves the burden that you carry. And he knew that this was not over, but he made a promise to himself that he would be there for you every step of the way. When you were ready, he would make sure you knew that you were not alone. 

He looked down at your sleeping form and pushed some of your hair out of your face. He felt a sense of peace that was a rare occurrence for him. It was as if time stopped, he was entirely caught in the moment. Being there with you made him feel less alone in a way he never thought he would after what happened in Gallifrey. He hoped that being with him made you feel the same way.

Hi guys, this was an interesting concept that I thought I would try out. I haven’t quite decided if I want to leave it as a stand-alone or add a second part. Anyways, grab your bow-ties and enjoy!


You had gone on so many incredible adventures with The Doctor. As a side-effect, you had often been placed in dangerous situations, but you were never truly scared because you always knew that the Doctor would come for you. You knew that at the end of the day, everything was going to be okay because that was who he was, the man who saved the universe. You loved him with all of your heart and you chose willingly to put your faith in him. 

But this time was different. This time you were absolutely terrified.

The Doctor and you had traveled to a planet to waste some time as Amy and Rory were ‘honeymooning’ in Amsterduke. You would never pass up a chance for one on one time with the Doctor and were excited to see what the day would bring.

And everything was going great, at least until the two of you were captured. When you woke up, you were being held in some type of pod. You couldn’t move to even begin to try to get out. You saw that across the room the Doctor was strapped down to some sort of table, the aliens were hovering over his seemingly unconscious body.

“Why are you doing this?” you yelled gaining their attention.

“We have been waiting for centuries to find someone with time vortex energy to use as a stabilizer. He refused us, so we are going to take away his option to disagree with us by making him autonomous,” one of the creatures said bluntly.

“What does that mean?” you asked already afraid of the answer.

“We will end his independent brain function, and put his body in a permanent state of homeostasis. But don’t worry, he won’t feel it.”

“You’re going to kill him!” you yelled.

“We have no other choice. But don’t worry, as he stabilizes the ruptures in time, his existence will be rewritten, you will not remember him,” the creature tried to reason.

Your mind rushed as you realized what it had just said and with complete confidence you said, “Use me.”

“What?” the creature, who you later learned was the leader, asked.

“I am covered with vortex energy, and am entirely willing, let me take his place,” you pleaded.

“Stop, what you are doing,” he order those that were working on the Doctor. He then turned back towards you. “You would be erased from time like you never existed.”

“I know, please, just let me take his place.” 

“Why would you do that?”

“Because he is the most important man, the last of his kind, the savior of the universe. Killing him would devastate the world, but me? It wouldn’t even leave a mark.”

“Do you love him?” he asked.

“More than anything in this world,” you answered sincerely.

“Okay, we will test you, if you are compatible we will make the trade and let him go free, you have my word.”

With that, you were escorted to another room where a female came in and ran tests.

“You are very brave,” she said.

“Thank you,” you mumbled.

“Don’t worry, we can make it to where you will never feel it.”

“What if you don’t? What if I want to stay cognizant? To be able to remember everything?”

“You would be in agonizing pain, why would you want that?”

“Because then I wouldn’t lose him.”

“It would ultimately be up to you, though I wouldn’t recommend it.”

The tests came back and it was confirmed that you were compatible. The leader came back in and said that it was the most honorable thing to make a sacrifice for love. He asked if there was anything that you wanted to do before they put you in the capsule. You asked him for the chance to say goodbye to the Doctor and the ability to make a phone call to assure he’d be taken care of afterward. He agreed.

As you were led back to the room, you tried to prepare yourself. You knew that you could never tell him what you were about to do. He would try to talk you out of it, but the leader had been clear that it was you or the Doctor. If you tried to escape, he would kill you both and after what you witnessed earlier, you knew that he could. You took comfort in the fact that the Doctor wouldn’t remember any of this. You knew that if he did he would blame himself and it would absolutely tear him apart. But it was okay because he never would.

You put a brave face on and pushed the door open. The doctor was now sitting up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He still looked awful, but managed to shoot you a weak smile as you entered.

“I don’t know how you did it, but you saved me, they are letting us go,” the Doctor said.

“Well, I figured it was my turn. You’re always saving me,” you replied taking a seat beside him. ‘But not this time’ you thought.

“I just need about an hour to recover and then we can go back to the TARDIS and forget any of this ever existed.”

Those words hurt you and you hadn’t really realized that you’d started crying until the Doctor reached up to wipe your tears.

“Y/n? What’s the matter?” 

“It’s nothing, I’m just glad that you’re okay. I was scared for a minute there,” you answered.

Even if that means that I will never see you again’ 

“Come on Y/n, I’ll always be okay as long as I’ve got you,” he promised.

This sentence brought more tears, which caused him to pull you into his arms with a painful inhale. You had to remind yourself that this was the only way. It was either you or him. And he would be fine, he wouldn’t remember you, he’d still have the Ponds and River. He would still be the Doctor, alive to fight another day. 

Without really thinking, you whispered, “I love you.”

“I love you too, Y/n,” he whispered into your hair.

The two of you stayed like that until there was a knock on the door signaling that your time was up. You felt like it wasn’t enough time, but you knew deep down that no amount of time could have ever felt like it was enough.

“That’s my cue, I have to go check on something. Just stay here and rest up,” you faked a reassuring smile.

“Oh, okay,” the Doctor said with confusion in his voice. He could tell that something was off, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was.

You gave him a tight squeeze and in a moment of weakness you kissed him. You hadn’t even really meant to do it, but something inside of you took over. The Doctor was slightly caught off guard, but happy nonetheless. Another knock was heard at the door and you pulled away, leaving the Doctor with a slight pout.

You walked towards the door, knowing better than to turn around and look at him again. He mistakenly took this for embarrassment over the kiss.

“Was I that bad?” he joked, longing for you to smile over your shoulder and laugh.

But as you refused to look at him, he realized that it was something else. You hesitated for a moment as you reached the door and said, “Goodbye Doctor, thanks for the adventures,” and without missing a beat exited the room.

“Wait? What do you mean goodbye? Y/n?” he asked trying to push himself to his feet ignoring the aching in his muscles and the fire in his lungs. He watched as the door shut behind you and tried to force it open. His hearts sank as he realized that his feeling that something was wrong was being confirmed. He forced himself over to his suit jacket to get his sonic, knowing deep down that he was running out of time. But it wasn’t there, someone must’ve taken it. 

He was starting to panic, he was trapped in here while you were out there. He wasn’t there to protect you. He was also incredibly frustrated as he now knew that you were hiding something from him, him. That could only mean that you were about to do something incredibly stupid, something that you didn’t think he’d be able to fix, something you didn’t want him to see. A tear rolled down his cheek, that wasn’t your decision to make. He forced himself back over to the door, and tried to open it. The exertion eventually came to much and he sunk down with his back against the wall. He felt so helpless, this was all his fault. And for the first time in a very long time, the Doctor cried. But even as the tears fell, he started to forget why he was crying.

By the time the door opened, he was surprised to see who entered. For it was the woman who perplexed him endlessly. The one he was pretty sure that he was going to marry someday.

“Hello Sweetie,” River said with a smile, though he saw the sadness in her eyes, but, he knew better than to ask. Spoilers.

“River? What happened? Where am I? Where are the Ponds?”

“Amy and Rory are on a honeymoon adventure in Amsterduke. You decided to come here and waste some time, but bit off a little more than you could chew. Your captors almost killed you, but it’s okay, everything has been handled. Should we go find the TARDIS?” she asked pitching him his sonic.

“Of course,” he said, though he had this strange feeling that something was missing.

River grabbed his coat, which he gratefully accepted. Something was missing, where was his bow-tie? Oh well, he had plenty more in the TARDIS. Though he couldn’t help but feel a bit out of sorts. The two of them made their way back to the TARDIS and the Doctor made himself some tea to help his body rebalance itself. When he returned to the console room, he was surprised at River’s unusually quiet demeanor. 

“So, aren’t you going to ask where we are this time? Pull out our diaries, do the whole nine yards?” the Doctor asked, trying to lighten the mood.

“Oh, of course,” she said smile brightening her face. River knew how to put on an act for him. She was practically the only person alive who knew what had actually happened that day. But she could never tell him, time didn’t work like that. If there was any chance of getting you back, the Doctor would have to remember you for himself.

The Sacrifice - part III

Okay guys here is the finale. I honestly still don’t know how I feel about it and might release an alternative ending at some point. Regardless, I hope you enjoy it. You can find the first two parts and the rest of my writing here: Masterlist

“It took you long enough,” River said without even turning to see who had entered.

“River, we-I-,” the Doctor stammered.

“We need you to tell us what really happened while we were on AmsterDuke,” Amy spoke up firmly.

“Do you want me to keep it PG-13?” River tried to joke, but her heart clearly wasn’t in it.

The Doctor and River usually had a very entertaining dynamic going on. It was like they were playing a flirtatious game of intellectual cat and mouse. Each one pushing the other’s buttons in the best possible way. But today was different. Already, there was a weight on the conversation and the fact that River had yet to face them was telling in itself.

“Please River, whatever happened that day, no matter how bad it was I need to know,” the Doctor decided. The softness of his voice was heartbreaking.

“I can’t tell you what you want to know, you know how the rules work. If I interfere, the timeline will be set in stone. Then there is nothing you’ll ever be able to do to bring back- to fix things,” River explained.

“What can you tell me? What planet I was on? Why was I there? Who was I with? I can hardly remember anything about that day and the TARDIS has no records of anything. You are the only one who knows anything,” the Doctor said irritatedly.

River then turned and looked him in the eyes, and he saw that she had been crying. He could not remember another time that he saw her look so broken. He felt bad for his harsh words, he knew that the role she played in this was not one easily carried. “I lost someone, I think you did too. But I can’t even attempt to bring her back until I know more. So please, if there is anything that you can tell me to help not only me, but her too, I’m begging you River,” the Doctor softly pleaded.

“You dropped off Amy and Rory at AmsterDuke and went to Brisinger to waste time. It was going to be a big day for you, as you decided to do something that you had been putting off for far too long. You were distracted and were captured. Time there was rupturing, the whole system was on the brink of collapse. They needed you to fix the rupture and were prepared to make you autonomous so you wouldn’t fight the process. You would have practically been dead. She could never let that happen so she made a deal and took your place,” River explained carefully.

“When she fixed the rupture, her existence was rewritten. That’s why I can’t remember her. But how come you do? How did you know to come get me?”

“I received a phone call asking me to come and make sure that you would make it back to the TARDIS, to make sure that you would be okay. She made sure to leave me your sonic screwdriver so I would be able to find you and get you out of there.”

“But that still doesn’t explain why you are the only one who remembers her,” Amy decided.

“My past is your future. Our timelines don’t always line up.”

“But if your past is our future that means that we save her, because otherwise you wouldn’t know her.” Rory reasoned.

“Time can be rewritten,” the Doctor replied, clearly deep in thought. He had the feeling that the key to everything he needed to know was on the edge of his brain. She was imprinted on him, it was just a matter of finding the right memory to unlock everything else. “River, is there anything else that you can give us, anything at all?”

“Anything I say risks you never being able to see her again, you know that.”

“I know,” the Doctor agreed, clearly frustrated as he wracked his brain for anything that could be helpful.

River checked her watch, “Well, you’ve better be going. Kaltishdoctria is waiting for you. And besides that, you are about to be getting an important phone call,” River said and her entire face shifted as if something had signaled to her that everything was about to work out.

“Kaltishdoctria? We are not going anywhere until we figure this out!” Amy replied.

Then the Doctor caught on, River had told him exactly what he had needed to know. “Come along Ponds, we have places to be and people to save!” he said excitedly all but pushing the confused married couple towards the TARDIS.

As if almost exactly on cue, the TARDIS phone rang as they entered. The Doctor raced to the line.

“River told me that you would be calling…..yes….of course….well I’m sorry that I temporarily forgot someone who was completely erased from existence….hey now, that’s completely uncalled for….I am not!….I do….I will….Thank you or should I say thank me?” he laughed before hanging up, mood the brightest it had been since that dreadful day.

“Doctor what was that? Who were you talking to?” Amy asked.

“I was talking to myself. Well the me of the past who River sent back to figure out exactly what happened that day.”

“But if that was the you of the past, why didn’t you remember before now?” Rory asked.

“Because I hadn’t gone back until just now. I can’t remember things that I haven’t done yet, now can I Rory?” the Doctor beamed.

“Okay so what exactly do you know now Doctor?” Amy asked, knowing better than even trying to understand all of the timey wimey stuff that the Doctor had just said.

“I know who, where, and when Y/n is and more importantly, I know how to save her. So hold on to something, we are off to Kaltishdoctria!”

As the Doctor said your name, Amy’s and Rory’s memories of you came flooding back. And then the Tardis’ screen translated Kaltishdoctria for them, ‘Lover of the Doctor’. Things were falling into place and within no time, they landed on the planet. Before they exited the TARDIS though, the Doctor disappeared to find something, a yellow glowing orb that he stuck in his pocket.

“You two stay here, I don’t feel like babysitting today,” he joked, straightening up his bowtie excitedly. He was about to exit the TARDIS when he ducked in the back one more time, this time reappearing with his favorite red fez which Amy could have sworn had been destroyed.

“Special occasion calls for special attire,” the doctor explained briefly before exiting the TARDIS. As he walked around the city, he was getting flashbacks from that day which were filling in the remaining blanks he had. His hearts were swelling with every thought of you. What little anger he felt at you for doing this for him, was easily overtaken by his concern for you, and both of those things would easily melt away when he had you back in his arms.

The Doctor was so distracted by thoughts of you that he didn’t really register that something was off. He used his psychic paper to get in to see the leader.

“Ahh, Doctor you have returned. I suspect that you’ve heard the news,” he said gravely.

“I have come for Y/n, but don’t worry I have brought you an orb of Vertex energy that could last a millennia,” he said, pulling the glowing ball out of his pocket.

“You would do that for us, even after everything we have taken from you?” the leader asked almost as if he was afraid to get his hopes up.

“You were scared and trying to prevent the death of your people. The way you went about it was wrong, but the intention was noble. Bygones are bygones. Please just take me to her.”

“You should know that her condition is not our fault. She refused to be automatized. We told her that it would burn her out, but she wouldn’t listen. She wanted to remember, she couldn’t stand the thought of losing you,” the leader explained.

The Doctor stopped in his tracks, “What is wrong with her condition?” Even as the words left his mouth he got that dangerous glint in his eyes. The one that reminded everyone that he had seen and done unspeakable things in his life and was not to be messed with.

“I’m so sorry, we thought it was the only way. We honored her wishes. There was nothing else we could do,” the leader fumbled.

“I am being extremely calm, all things considered. And I will remind you that you are speaking about someone that I love. So I will ask you one more time and only one more time what is wrong with her condition.”

The leader looked like he was trying to find the words to explain but then decided against it. He took a few more steps forward to the control room and gestured for the Doctor to follow. He then ordered that the guards unlock the capsule which said ‘15% - 4 days left’.

It is then that he realized what was happening. “How long has she been here?”

“Centuries for us, but time works differently in the stabilizer.”

Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw when they finally got everything open. You were unconscious, pale, and hardly breathing.

“I have to get her to the TARDIS,” the Doctor decided, voice tight with emotion, especially after noticing his favorite bowtie held in your hands.

“Her body will fail if you remove her. Those four days will be reduced to hours at the most, and our planet will die before everyone has a chance to evacuate,” one of the scientists argued.

“No,” the doctor said in disbelief. His mind was racing. You were not going to die. He was not going to allow it. Not after everything that you had been through, everything that you had sacrificed for him. He had already lost you once and he doubted his hearts would survive losing you again. Not before he got to tell you that he- well that could wait. He was going to think of something. He would save you, save the planet, save the day. He was the doctor, that was what he did. “No,” he repeated again, but this time it was more of a command. ‘No’ you were not allowed to die, ‘No’ the planet would not fall, not today.

The doctor spun, running all of the calculations in his head. This plan was risky, but all of his best ones usually are. It would work, it would have to. “Okay, take this and plug it into the pod. I’ll take Y/n and we’ll be on our way.”

No one dared question him, they did exactly as he said. He leaned in to pick you up and carry you bridal style to the TARDIS. “It’s okay Y/n I’m here, and I’m going to get you fixed up, and then we’ll pick up right where we left off. Y/n and the Doctor, Amy and Rory, all of space and time, every last star in the universe. You just have to hold on for a few more minutes. Just stay with me. Please.” He hoped that somehow, you could feel his presence, that you found some reassurance or sense of safety in his arms.

When he got to the TARDIS, he rushed past the medbay, past the room of yours that had reappeared, and to his own room. He laid you in his bed and looked at you with a pain in his chest that he had not felt in some time. There was no doubt in his mind or hearts that what he was about to do was the right choice.

He laid beside you and pulled you into his arms. We closed his eyes and willed his regeneration energy to heal you. He was willing to give up his twelfth and final regeneration to have you by his side for the rest of this one. He didn’t want to be the doctor without you. Not again. You had made a choice to save him, and this was his choice to save you.

He opened his eyes, only to see that nothing was happening. He tried again, but nothing happened. “No,no,no,no. This isn’t happening. This is my choice! I am going to save her!” he shouted at the universe. He willed his regeneration energy again, but it was to no avail. He scanned you with his sonic screwdriver, your body was failing, you were dying. Tears threatened to escape his eyes. This wasn’t fair. He wasn’t supposed to lose you again. He struggled to force himself away from you and to get Rory. If he couldn’t save you with Timelord science, he would have to trust Rory to save you with Human medicine.

As soon as the Doctor stepped out of the room, the door slammed shut behind him. He turned around and tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge. “Open this door right this instance!” he shouted at the TARDIS. She hummed ferociously in response. He pulled out his sonic and tried to force the door open. He was absolutely appalled. Before he could consider his next move, there was a loud scream from inside his room. Your scream.

“Y/n!” the Doctor yelled, trying to get the door open even more frantically.

As if on cue, the lights and power went out in the TARDIS. The next thing he knew, the TARDIS was falling through space. He should have went to the control room to try and fix things, or maybe to check that Amy and Rory, but he couldn’t leave you.

His mind was racing with what could be happening behind the door. He needed to find a way to get it open. Maybe if he- His thoughts were cut short when a familiar yellow glow began to shine from under his door. A twinge of hope sparked in his chest.

“No way. It’s never been done. Not once in the history of Galifrey,” The Doctor muttered under his breath, sinking to his knees.

The Doctor prayed to everything that he was right about what was going on beyond that door. He was about to find out as everything in the TARDIS restarted and he heard the lock unclick. He nervously fumbled with the door knob before letting himself in the room. You were in the bed where he left you, but you no longer looked like you were on the brink of death. Instead, you looked healthier, almost glowing.

He wondered how long it would take you to wake up, but even as he had the thought, you started to shift. “You had me worried you know,” the Doctor said as he went to your side. Your eyes fluttered at his words. Upon realizing who uttered them, you tried to force yourself up. “Take it easy. How are you feeling? Hungry? Thirsty?” he asked as he scanned you with his sonic screwdriver just to confirm his suspicions.

“Where am I? What happened?”

The Doctor frowned, “You’re safe, in the TARDIS. What is the last thing you remember?”

“We dropped Amy and Rory off for their honeymoon. We were trying to decide where to go next, and then it all goes blank,” you explain furrowing your eyebrows at whatever you were missing.

“Well, I took you to a planet and you decided to save my life, getting a little banged up in the process. But it’s okay now, you’re safe, and we’re together, which is what is important,” he said, pulling you into his arms.

You were going to push the issue, but you felt his hot tears on your shoulder and decided that it could wait. The Doctor’s whole world had almost fallen apart and for the first time he was allowing himself to feel all of it. “I love you, you know that?” he whispered. He had waited too long to tell you those three simple yet complicated words, and he could not wait another second.

“I love you too,” he replied, concerned with his current state. You had never seen him so completely vulnerable before. You were going to say something else, but Amy’s voice was heard shouting from the hall.

“Doctor? What the hell just happened? Is everything okay?”

The doctor pulled away from you, wiping his eyes and smiling widely. He was about to stand up when Amy and Rory barged in.

“What is it the two of you always say? ‘Bedroom - we have a rule’ and then you have the audacity - the audacity to not even knock?” The Doctor tried to chastise before the smile took over his face.

Amy rolled her eyes and walked past him to pull you into a hug, Rory close behind. The Doctor joined in soaking in everything.

In the coming days, you would catch the doctor staring at you when he didn’t think you could see him. His glancing came with a mix of admiration and guilt. When you asked Amy about it, she simply said that almost losing you shook him up hard.

The four of you quickly fell back into your rhythm of going on adventures and saving the day. You never remembered what had really happened during your time on Brisinger, but from seeing how much it still affected the Doctor, you assumed that it was for the best. Your mind would drift to the confessions made when you first woke up, but you never brought it up. At least not until you wandered out to the control room one night to see the Doctor sitting at the TARDIS door with his feet hanging out, looking at the stars.

You walked over to him, causing him to glance over his shoulder at you. A smile forming on his face, “What are you doing up?” he asked.

“I couldn’t sleep,” you answered, taking a seat beside him, “I don’t think I will ever get used to this,” you smiled as you took in the scene before you. The two of you fell into a comfortable silence just taking everything in. “Doctor?” you spoke, breaking the silence.


You paused, you hadn’t even know what you wanted to say. You wanted to ask him about that night, to make a move, anything really. But instead, your nerves took over. There was so much at stake, and he was absolutely everything, how could you even begin to…

“Y/n? Are you okay?” he asked, turning to face you completely.

“Yeah, sorry, forget I said anything,” you made up your mind, looking once again at the stars.

“You know, I think you shine brighter than all of those stars combined,” the Doctor admitted. You couldn’t help but blush as you met his eyes. You were suddenly aware of how close the two of you were. “That day on Brisinger, I was planning on telling you how I felt. How out of all of time and space you are the single most enticing, intriguing, incredible girl that I have ever met. That I would not trade a moment of us together for anything. I had finally worked up the courage to tell you how insanely in love with you I have been since you first agreed to join me. And then with everything that happened, I got scared, I tried to push down my feelings again because I thought that in some way that would make you safer,“ he explained. You were about to interject, but he continued. "But every single time I look at you it’s like the universe is trying to tell me that the risk is nothing compared to the reward….I guess what I’m trying to say is that you are practically the best thing that has ever happened to me and that I love you,” he finished nervously.

“You’re not too bad yourself,” you joke before leaning in to kiss him, catching him slightly off guard before he melted into it. When you pulled away you saw his goofy grin.

“You do not know how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he beamed.

“So, what does all of this mean?”

“What do you mean?”

“Are we together now? I mean do Timelords even date?”

“Of course Timelords date,” he feigned offense, causing you to laugh. He then stood up and took an exaggerated bow, “Y/f/n Y/l/n, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” he said, offering you his hand.

“Well, considering you are the only other single person on this ship,” you joked before standing up and putting your hand in his. He used it to spin you around, before kissing you again.

“Rory! Get out here and pay up!” Amy yelled from the entryway to the control room.

The surprise of her voice almost caused you to fall out of the TARDIS doors which were left open in the heat of the moment.

“Amy…” the Doctor whined like a little child whose toy was taken away.

“I’m sorry, but I won the bet fair and square and I am getting my money. It took you two long enough,” she replied smiling.

Rory came out and handed her a twenty dollar bill, “You guys couldn’t have held off for another couple weeks?”

Laughter filled the room and for a small shimmering moment all was right in the world of the Doctor.



Part 6: The Lost Shoes

Doctor Who : Multishot

Eleventh Doctor x Reader

Word Count: 8569

Warnings: Some being held hostage… some ridiculous fluff… some crazy mystery woman

Request: This is just from my own head ​

A/N: You and the Doctor spend an evening attending two weddings! Of course adventure happens and a little spice of danger. But so much happens here, you guys. I’m so excited for you to see what’s brewing

Prologue: The Dying Girl

Part 4: The Dream

Part 5: The Regeneration

Part 6: The Lost Shoes {You Are Here}

Epilogue: The Vanishing Act


And he tripped off the board and tumbled down the slope…”

“I did not!”

“I found you at the bottom in a pile of snow.”

“I was making snow angels.”

“Inside of an igloo?”

Keep reading


Doctor Who : Multishot

Eleventh Doctor x Reader

Word Count: 6251

Warnings: This is a roller coaster of angst to fluff to angst. But I LOVE it! 

Request: This is just from my own head

A/N: You see eleven for the first time and begin the process of falling in love all over again he’s such a freaking sweetheart

Prologue:The Dying Girl

Part 4: The Dream

Part 5: The Regeneration {You Are Here}

Part 6: The Lost Shoes



That’s how she felt.

Painfully sore.

She could tell the light was on from the pink glow of her eyelids. But when she moved to

investigate, she found her muscles burning.

She whimpered, wiggling around the sheets. Yes, they were definitely sheets.

She didn’t remember ever getting into bed.

A few hesitant blinks later, and (Y/N) was rolling her head to the side, observing the room around her. It took a few moments, but she recognized it. She was in the Doctor’s bedroom.

That thought made her smile. Of course he got to her in time. He always pulled through in the end.

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Doctor Who : Multishot

Tenth Doctor x Reader

Word Count: 7889

Warnings: blood and death - and BY GOLLY my HEART brEaKiNg! I rewatched ‘The End of Time’ and literally s o b b e d 

Request: This is just from my own head ​

A/N: You and the Doctor grow closer but you also grow closer to the inevitable. And Holy Hell I’m so excited for you guys to read this part and the next one!

Prologue: The Dying Girl

Part 1: The Sun God

Part 2: The Tonic

Part 3: The Ending Song {You Are Here}

Part 4: The Dream


A raucous cough tore through her lungs, a metallic tang appearing on the back of her tongue. She wiped at her nose, clearing it of the blood it trickled.

“I could imagine the look on your stupid face,” she muttered, staring at the redness on her fingers, “You’d be so furious.” She grinned, laughing until she coughed again.

She sat at her dining table, hands shaky and sweaty as they held a leatherbound journal. The cover was etched with all sorts of designs, the same ones engraved on her zybanium watch. She had learned those funny circles and lines were Gallifreyan, the language of her people.

The Doctor had written the alphabet within the cover page, and in turn she was able to inscribe the writing on the front. 

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Doctor Who : Multishot

Tenth Doctor x Reader

Word Count: 6623

Warnings: some depressive death themes; some angsty stuff

Request: This is just from my own head ​

A/N: This part is pretty intense, we’ve got a lot of confessions and reveals. But man oh man… I am so hopelessly in love with the Doctor. Just picturing him while reading this

Note: the large bits all in italics are what has happened in the past

Prologue: The Dying Girl

Part 1: The Sun God

Part 2: The Tonic {You Are Here}

Part 3: The Ending Song


“Sit down.”


Sit down.”

“Not on those grungy astronaut seats!”

Keep reading


Prologue: The Dying Girl

Doctor Who : Multishot

Tenth Doctor x Reader

Word Count: 11011

Warnings: BLAST FROM THE PAST! Rewatching Doctor Who has given me a reignited obsession and an idea for a series. What could go wrong. 

Request: This is just from my own head ​

A/N: This introduction is a bit long, but all the information is necessary. The coming parts will be set farther in the future, this prologue simply tells you how the reader met the Doctor and why she chose to travel with him. 

There will be eight total parts. Four will be with the Tenth Doctor and four will be with the Eleventh Doctor. 

Prologue: The Dying Girl {You Are Here}

Part 1: The Sun God

Part 2: The Tonic

Part 3: The Ending Song

Part 4: The Dream

Part 5: The Regeneration

Part 6: The Lost Shoes

Epilogue: The Vanishing Act


My life was decided for me. Everything about me was rewritten, reprogramed, to be something out of my control.

The dying girl.

I never wanted to be the dying girl.

How terrifying to be labeled something so ironic, so final. Finding out my label wasn’t supposed to be a part of the plan. But here I am doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing: dying.

The Doctor – the only good thing to come out of me discovering my destiny – he should be here. He would want to be here. He would need to be here.

But with me on my deathbed, I want to tell you how I got here. Perhaps it’s just to stall and see if the Doctor will appear to say goodbye. Knowing him he’s probably spending every last second trying to find a cure.

With a life predestined for me, I want to tell you about the things that fought against it.

The Doctor. The fiancé. The zybanium watch.

Keep reading

All Of Time And Space

Doctor Who : Multishot

Eleventh Doctor x Reader x Twelfth Doctor

Word Count: 2974

Warnings: just the possibility of overdosing on cute

Request: This just came from my own head

A/N: Welcome to what I couldn’t resist! I have just recently started watching the twelfth Doctor for the first time and love him more than I thought I would. After an accidental time jump you find yourself thrown into the future

Prologue: The Dying Girl

Part 6: The Lost Shoes

Epilogue: The Vanishing Act

Finale: All Of Time And Space {You Are Here}



She closed her eyes and grinned so wide she knew her cheeks would hurt soon. She slowly turned around to face the nervous voice calling her name.

There stood the Doctor, bowlegged and strapping in his tweed. He wore a new bowtie in her favorite color. And held in his hand was a small velvet box. A deep tardis blue box. A ring box.

She took a shuddering breath, tears immediately welling her eyes. She felt a strange surge of energy tingle up her legs and through her spine. Probably just the shock of excitement.

“Hello,” he whispered, full of anxiety. But her earsplitting grin was making him feel better.

She was grinning, yes – but there was something about the nerves coursing her limbs. It was like her very veins were vibrating with static. Her brow began to furrow as the Doctor took a step closer.


And somewhere around her navel tugged her forward. She fell, bracing herself with her hands. A zap like a bolt of lightning ran through her, locking her limbs into place. It was in a puff of smoke that she was able unfreeze herself.

She flexed her fingers, coughing at the slight smell of singed hair. She was on the ground, wincing; her head felt like lead.

“Oh,bloody hell,” she mumbled, trying to regain her feet, “Doctor? Have we crashed or something?”

But the answering flurry of lights was not the Doctor – and it was not in the artifact room. She peered around to see the console.


Her mouth popped opened. It was all very… grey. There were no glass floors or plates of random gadgets on the console. She looked for the school bell or gramophone or keyboard but only found a very mechanical spread of knobs and buttons.

She twirled on the spot – it was very symmetrical and clean. There was no hint that a madman lived in the box. Judging by the stone busts, blackboards, and bookshelves, she would’ve thought a professor lived there.

“Doctor?” she called out, suddenly very afraid. Surely this was a different TARDIS. And if it were the same… there was only one instance she knew changed the interior of the TARDIS.

It put a steely grate over her chest, “Have you regenerated?” she whispered towards the ceiling. “Could it happen that fast?”

The TARDIS hummed a reply and (Y/N) put a hand over her mouth. Is that how it worked? One second you’re fine and the next you’re zapped into a whole new life?

“Where you off to, darling?” A man came through the front door, “I’ve grown the distinct craving for biscuits. I mean, we should make some biscuits. The grandkids are on their way!”

He was tall and older, his grey hair flying away in curling puffs. There was a quirkiness about the way he tottered around the console. And taking that into consideration along with the hoodie jacket he was wearing… she figured he felt younger than he looked.

She folded her arms, eyeing him with first confusion and then disbelief.

“Darling!” he yelled out again – he sounded Scottish – and he came round to where (Y/N) was. “The grandkids will be wanting their biscuits.”

He squeaked when he saw (Y/N), “Ah! What have you done?”

She blinked hard, “I don’t believe it.”

“What have you done to your face?”

“What have you done to yours!” she said back, pointing at him accusingly. “You’re all… grandfatherly.”

“Is that a new cream you’re using?” he tilted his head, “It’s doing wonders for your skin.”

(Y/N) felt the corners of her mouth twitch in an almost smile. “Doctor?”

“Yes, darling? Did you hear me about the grandkids?” he continued to stare at her with droopy blue eyes.

She felt her heart beat a little harder, filling her chest with a generous warmth. “I don’t have any grandkids,” she whispered.

He laughed, “Ha! Hilarious.”

“Doctor,” she said quietly, “I thought you were cleverer than this.”

It took him another moment, peering down at her left hand, “Where’s your wedding ring?”

“My what?”

“Reckon you’re not married to me anymore? Remember the last time you pulled that stunt,” he said, clearly upset, “You wouldn’t put it back on until I said I was sorry. Most unbearable apology I’ve ever made.”

“Why did you need to apologize?” she smiled.

He pursed his lips, “I missed date night for a tour in the Tacinzi Nebula Concert.”

She giggled, “A concert? Why didn’t you just take me with you?”

“You’re not as fond of the electric guitar.” He looked at her hand again, “You would’ve known that.”

She nodded, “I’m not your (Y/N)… not yet.”

The Doctor furrowed his brow, taking a step back, “You… you, you’re not supposed to be here. How did you get here?” He knotted his fingers together like his old self, “How did you know I was the Doctor?”

She shook her head, amused by him, “I don’t know. We were in the artifact room and the next thing I knew this electricity coursed through me and I appeared here in a puff of smoke. Like a magic trick.” She eyed his staring, “I recognized this as the TARDIS and you… well, there’s no one quite like the Doctor.”

His brow creased, “Sorry, were you talking? I got distracted by your face.”

“Still dodgy with the compliments, are you?” she smiled, “You’ve regenerated again.”

He suddenly walked away and meddled with his console, “So I have.”

“And I’m still with you.”

“I never said that.”

“So you’re still an idiot as well.”

He spluttered, “You can’t talk to me like that – you’re not my wife.”

“Not yet,” she grinned, cheekily. “I see that ring on your finger.” She nodded to the ornate golden ring he wore.

“(Y/N),” he grumbled, “You know there are strict rules about crossing timestreams. It’s very bad for business.”

“You’re such a hypocrite,” she laughed.

He shrugged, mumbling, “It’s just business.”

“I still can’t believe you chose someone Scottish this time.”

“Can’t you?” a feminine voice came from the stairs, “He did that on purpose. The last person he saw before regenerating was Amy. He just followed his favorite Scot.”

“Darling!” the Doctor yelled, flailing to the stairs, “I don’t really see how this is the time to be…”

(Y/N) stared in shock, “Oh my god.” She was looking upon an older version of herself. Decades older. “You’re me.”

“Yes, dear,” she said, brushing the Doctor away. (Y/N) saw the twinkling of a ring on her finger. “I was wondering when this was going to happen.”

“You knew this was going to happen?” (Y/N) asked, not daring to get too close to her older self.

She nodded, “Happened to me, so naturally it was going to happen to you.”

The Doctor grumbled against the console, “Are we forgetting that I am right here? Aren’t I the clever one you should be asking questions to?”

The older (Y/N) whispered behind her hand, “Best make him feel useful.” She winked and called out, “Have you calibrated her travel coordinates yet?”

He gapped his mouth as if he were trying to think of something to say. But with a quick, “Shut up,” he went to the console to work.

(Y/N) giggled, “You’ve got him on a leash.”

“I haven’t got a leash, thank you,” the Doctor said, “I just took advice from my assistant.”

“Demoted to assistant again?” the elder (Y/N) mocked, “That’ll change when you can’t find your sunglasses.”

(Y/N) shook her head in wonder, “This is insane. I – I have so many questions.”

“I expect as much,” she said, “I did very much the same thing.”

“You haven’t regenerated yet?”

Elder (Y/N) shrugged, “Haven’t needed to. This one’s rather protective.”

“But he has.”

“Yes, that’s the unfortunate side effect of being a time traveling daredevil. You’ve experienced that by now, haven’t you?” She waited for her younger self to nod before continuing, “He chose an older man this time around so we could appear similar in age as I was getting older.”

(Y/N) eyed the gray-haired Doctor, “That’s rather romantic.”

“Yes, he thought so too. Until it actually happened, and he hasn’t stopped complaining since. Hates being called granddad by anyone other than the kids.”

“Oh, yes – kids!” (Y/N) gasped, “How many do we have?”


The Doctor shouted, “Language!”

The elder (Y/N) ignored him, “Two boys and one girl.”

“When will they learn to listen to me,” the Doctor mumbled.

“What was that, dear?”

“I love you, darling.” He typed a few things on a screen, “You’re the light of my life.”

Elder (Y/N) nodded, “Too right, you are.” She bit the inside of her cheek, “Where was I? Oh, yes – William is the oldest. He’s a brilliant doctor of pediatrics; completely inherited his father’s arrogance but can never say no to a crying child.”

(Y/N) let her eyes travel to the floor, her mind snapshotting pictures from her past. “This is my kid brother, Thomas.”

“Our second is called Thomas,” the elder (Y/N) said, pondering herself, “He’s our little history professor. Travels the stars, that one. We’re very proud of him.”

“Brilliant scientist,” the Doctor chimed, “He’s nearly figured the formula to regrowing tardis’ without Gallifrey.”

Elder (Y/N) almost giggled at her own stunned reaction, “It should please you to know that Will studied under Dr. Martha Jones-Smith. And he only became interested in the field because of nurse Rory.”

“Good old Roricus,” the Doctor hummed.

“I think I met them before.”

“Did you?” the Doctor said, “Thought I taught them better than that.”

Elder (Y/N) clacked her tongue, “Nonsense – don’t tell me you were never curious of seeing your parents while they were still dating.”

“Yes, but just for a visit? At least tell me they were there to solve a mystery or help save the world!”

(Y/N) shook her head, “We met at an outdoor retreat.”

“Oh, probably deleted that information,” the Doctor said, pressing a few buttons and pulling a lever.

“You’re going to meet someone called Clara,” elder (Y/N) interrupted, “Keep her around. She’ll be important in Tom’s decision to be a teacher. Though I always hoped I had some kind of influence in that career too.”

“Are you ever going to stop revealing her future,” the Doctor rambled, “There won’t be any surprises!”

(Y/N) felt emotion in her throat at the thought of her friends being there for her children, “And our third?”

The Doctor sighed, “Little girl called Emma.”

(Y/N) almost scoffed, disbelieving. Her mind sent another round of snapshotted pictures. “You can disapprove of my methods all you like, Doctor. But I’m just like you.”

“She’s the most like her dad, she is,” (Y/N) laughed, “Jumping across the universe and saving people.”

“If only that infernal Professor Song hadn’t gotten her to become an archeologist.”

“But she does good with it,” elder (Y/N) said. “The Doctor can never say no to her. She has him wrapped around her little finger.”

The Doctor shrugged, “She’s my little girl.” He swung around, “Hang on a minute. You said you knew this was going to happen.” He pointed a finger at his wife.

She snickered, “Yes, dear – how else was I to know we needed Clara? Or that we needed to have three children. All of them have a crucial purpose to our futures.”

“When did this happen?” he asked, “You never cared to tell me?”

“I couldn’t say,” she shrugged, “Spoilers. You’d let it go to your head.”

“Nonsense,” he grumbled, “Tell me – what were you doing right before you were zapped here?”

(Y/N) flickered her eyes between the married couple, “I uh… well the Doctor gave me a scavenger hunt. And I met him in the artifact room. He had put Amy’s wedding bouquet in a display case.”

“Yes, a very important family heirloom.”

“And he was there… with a ring box.”

“WHAT!” the Doctor slipped away from the console, “And you left him there? Don’t you realize he’s absolutely beside himself worrying about where you just vanished?” He pointed towards his wife, “You could’ve told me this is where you disappeared to.”

She shrugged, “Spoilers.”

“But he’s got a very important question to ask!” He turned to the younger (Y/N), “You have to get back to him now! The poor man is losing his marbles thinking you’re lost. Don’t let him wait in his panic now.”

“It wasn’t my choice to vanish! It just happened,” she cried, “Don’t get mad at me.”

Elder (Y/N) smiled sadly, “He’s just remembering how it felt.”

“Well, send me back if you can!” She felt his panic, “You’ve been working all this while.”

He frowned, “I thought I’d lost you to space when in reality you were sent here chatting away with your older self, having a grand old time.”

His wife came behind him and took his hand, “But there was never need to worry. I’d seen we were going to be all right. We had a whole future ahead of us – a family to look forward to. We had all of time and space for it to work out.” She kissed the back of his hand, “You’re just too impatient for it. I couldn’t tell you.”

He sighed, gazing down at her with somber eyes. It was knowing and dear and warm. It was a gaze that said they didn’t need words to say what they meant to each other.

(Y/N) looked at them and felt her heart stutter. She wanted her Doctor to look at her like that.

“Can you send me back?”

The Doctor turned lazily to her, clearly lovestruck by his wife, “Of course I can. I’m the Doctor aren’t I?” And he entered his coordinates into the console, pulling on an accelerator.

(Y/N) immediately felt that strange surge of energy tingle up her legs. Her spine shivered, static tickling her veins. “I think it’s working.”

“Now, dear, remember that journal of yours. It’ll be important for historians and time travelers everywhere.”

“And give the old me some slack, eh?” the Doctor said, holding tight to his wife’s hand, “He loves you an awful lot. Losing you is his worst nightmare.”

“Let him protect you, is what he’s saying,” elder (Y/N) said, “Makes him feel better.” She winked.

“Hug him real tight,” the Doctor muttered, “Don’t let go.”

And somewhere around her navel tugged her forward. A zap like a bolt of lightning ran through her, locking her limbs into place. A puff of smoke enveloped her as she rubbed at her stinging eyes.

“I hope I don’t have to get used to that,” she coughed, her head heavy with lead again.

But then something slammed into her, gripping her tight. The breath was knocked from her lungs, and she wheezed a laugh. She was squeezed so tight that she couldn’t see his face.

“Doctor… can’t breathe.”

He was positively quaking, “Where the hell have you been?” His fingers clawed around her as if he was trying to pull as much of her to him as possible.

“I don’t know,” she whispered, “I don’t remember. How long was I gone?”

“Too long,” he said into her shoulder, “Long enough to think you were lost forever.”

She remembered the words of his next regeneration. And she hugged him real tight. “I’m all right. I’m here. There’s nothing to worry about.”

He took a deep breath, finally retracting his hold to grasp her face.

His eyes were the same lake water green. Perhaps a bit pink around the rims. His face was no longer lined, his eyebrows not bushy but his chin considerably larger. His hair was floppy and brown, very different from the flyaway grey. And his bowtie bobbed at his throat as he took in her face.

“Nevereverdo that again,” he said, angry in tone but his face full of leftover panic. “You terrified me.”

She smiled slowly, reaching up to brush his fringe away, “Ask me.” She gave a watery laugh, “You can ask me now.”

He tilted his head and began to smile as well, “You sure? You’re not going to disappear again?” He fumbled for his tweed pocket.

“I’m not going anywhere,” she grinned, her eyes welling up as she saw the ring box.

The Doctor blew an audible breath, “Right – here we go.” He sniffed, falling to one knee, “(Y/N)…”

She clutched her chest, “Yes!”

“Wait a moment,” he laughed, grinning like he was looking at the most wonderous sight. “(Y/N), would you be willing to save my life?”


He chuckled, “And do me the absolute honor of traveling the stars together, for all of time and space?”

“Yes, you clever idiot!”

The Doctor opened his ring box and stared imploringly at her, “Will you marry me?”

She squealed, and jumped on him, knocking the pair of them to the floor, “Yes, yes, yes!”

He wrapped his arms around her middle, supporting her into a sitting position. They laughed heartily, the Doctor fumbling with extracting the ring from the box. In a tangle of limbs on the ground, he found her hand and thread the ring on her finger.

It was a beautiful rectangular sapphire. It was set as a crown, ringlets of intricate silver designs winding around her finger. It glittered in the light – the sky of a million stars blazing within the deepest blue. The whole of time and space bound in a vow.

“Do you like it?” he asked like a boy desiring praise.

She grasped his face, planting a kiss on him, “I love you.

“I love you,” he kissed back, “More and more every day.”

She held him close, “For all of time and space.”

Now the fiancée, it seemed like a million years ago she was known as the dying girl.

The dying girl. The dying girl who lived.


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Doctor Who : Multishot

Eleventh Doctor x Reader

Word Count: 5616

Warnings: AHHH this is IT! the EPILOGUE. I’m so proud I managed to get this far with this series. It’s been such a long time coming - thank you to those that stuck with it! There’s a fair amount of FLUFF here!!!!

Request: This is just from my own head

A/N: The Doctor takes you on a ‘practice’ honeymoon - full of antics, new friends, and telepathy - and perhaps the final question. Does he propose? Happily ever after?

Prologue: The Dying Girl

Part 5: The Regeneration

Part 6: The Lost Shoes

Epilogue: The Vanishing Act {You Are Here}

Finale: All Of Time And Space


The bed wouldn’t stop wiggling, swaying (Y/N) from her deep sleep. She groaned, shifting uncomfortably until her eyes opened lazily. It was still pitch dark.

She rubbed at her face, suddenly noticing that the mattress was weighed down on her left side. It was easy to notice as she normally slept in the middle of the bed.

She lifted her head and saw the Doctor snuggled there, buried under her blankets and cuddling her pillows.

(Y/N) rested on her elbows, sighing at him. The conclusion was clear: he had another nightmare.

She leaned over and poked his nose. He scrunched his face and grumbled.

“What are you doing?”

He took a deep calming breath, surrounded by (Y/N). Her room. Her bed. Her blankets. Her smell. Herself.

The Doctor scooted towards her, eyes still closed, “Safe.

Her brow creased, smirking, “You being cryptic again?”

He nudged even closer to her, his head now reaching her shoulder, “Safe.

(Y/N) bit the inside of her cheek, looking at the serenity of his face. Quietly she lifted her arm, and he took full advantage, wriggling into her embrace and holding her torso.

She giggled, getting comfortable again with their arms wrapped around each other. She began combing through his hair, one of his new favorite pastimes. It was lulling him to sleep.

His breath tickled her collarbone. (Y/N) rested her cheek against his head, running her fingers down the base of his neck.

She sighed into him, whispering, “I love you.”

She felt the Doctor stop breathing against her. And in a matter of seconds his fingers tickled her as he climbed his way to her face to kiss every inch of it.

“HA! Doctor!”

He peppered kisses along her cheeks and nose and lips. “I love you too!”


The Doctor wrung his hands, hunching his shoulders against the console. “Romantic. I can be romantic, can’t I? Of course I can – I’m a professional – the king of romance. Don’t quote me on that.”

Amy had her arms folded tightly, leaning against the railing. Rory was sitting beside her and fiddling with a ring box. The one they were meant to keep safe.

“How am I supposed to get her to say yes if I don’t ask her right?” the Doctor slammed his hands into his eyes.

“She’s going to say yes regardless of how you ask her,” Amy retorted, “You’re overthinking this, Doctor.”

“I’m going to mess it up, I know I will,” he rambled, “If I wasn’t so much of an idiot…”

Amy yelled out, “Oi! You’re clever and you know it.”

“A clever idiot,” the Doctor now said, “How can I convince (Y/N) to marry me?”

“How can you ever doubt that she’ll say yes?”

Rory piped up, “He has a point.”

Amy kicked him with her foot as the Doctor pointed at him in thanks.

“What?” Rory cried, “It’s natural to doubt even if you’ve been together for years.” He waited for Amy to kick him again, “You did run off on our wedding night – a bloke worries.”

“Yeah, but (Y/N) is the type that would settle down and enjoy a family life.”

The Doctor groaned, “This isn’t helping!”

“What do you want us to say?” Amy asked, “I’ve already told you there’s nothing to worry about. She’s going to say yes.”

Rory opened the box and peered at the ring, “Maybe you just need to be certain she’s ready for the question.”

Amy scoffed, “Oh, please. She’s ready.”

“How do you know?”

“Girls talk.”

Rory rested his arms on his knees, “Yeah, but the Doctor would like to know that for himself.”

“How do I do that?” the Doctor wrung his hands again.

“A date.”

“A date!” he exclaimed as if it were an original thought. “We’ll go on an adventure that’s actually a date – she won’t know that of course – but I’ll know it.”

Amy gaped, “What?”

The Doctor twirled around, finding a spare compartment on the console and rummaging through it. He yanked out a baseball, an umbrella, and a hair dryer before extracting a jewelry box.

“It will be a cleverly devised plan where I’ll find out if she’s ready to be married – if she’d want to marry me – and what her preferences are on how to be asked.”

Amy had a crease in her brow, gawking at him, “Do you remember when I said you were overthinking this? It’s getting worse.”

The Doctor pulled a couple things from the jewelry box, tossing it over his shoulder. It shattered on the floor.

“Nonsense,” he said, holding one of the small objects to the light, “I’m clever, remember?”

“A clever idiot.”

The Doctor placed the object onto his finger. It was a simple golden band. “Right, (Y/N)!”

“What are you doing?” Rory cried out, shoving the ring box into his pocket. “I thought there was going to be some planning.”

“There has been planning,” the Doctor said, admiring his ring, “This was the planning.”

“What is the date, then?” Rory asked, flabbergasted.

“(Y/N)!” the Doctor shouted, “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll hear all about it during girl talk. (Y/N), I need you!”

From the top of the stairs came (Y/N), a thick novel in her hand and a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, “What are you yelling about? I was in the library.”

“Ah, having a swim?” the Doctor asked, knotting his fingers.

(Y/N) scrunched her brow, but smiled, “I was reading,” she held up her book, “And having a cuddle on the couch.” She lifted the edge of her blanket.

“Oh, yes,” the Doctor laughed quite unlike himself, “Bit nervous I suppose.” He then sprinted towards the stairs to reach her.

“Nervous about what?”

“We’ve got a top secret mission,” he said, flinging the blanket from her shoulders with a flourish, “And you and I are going undercover.”

“Undercover?” she laughed, lifting her novel away from his hands, “You are not throwing my book.”

The Doctor snapped his fingers, “All right, just set it down. We’ve got to go!” He ran to the console to set their destination.

“Hello, Amy – Rory,” she said, used to the Doctor’s antics by now. “Enjoying your morning?”

Rory got to his feet rather clumsily, folding his arms to hide the bulge in his coat pocket. “Fine, fine. How about you?”

“Well, I was getting to an exciting bit in my book before being rudely interrupted.”

“What are you looking at me like that for?” the Doctor asked.

(Y/N) sighed, “And Amy… why are you looking all huffy?”

“I am not,” she retorted, “Your boyfriend is just working on my last ounce of patience.”

“He tends to do that,” (Y/N) said, “How exactly are we going undercover?” She turned to the console to see the Doctor waving his left hand around. Something was twinkling there.

“A married couple. Has a nice ring to it. AHA, get it?” he jumped down towards her, brandishing something in his hand, “Figured it’d make things easier where we’re going.”

She stared at the second ring. It was a simple gold band, slimmer than the one the Doctor had on. And this one had a tiny white diamond in the middle.

“Do you like it?” he asked, lightly taking her left hand and gently placing the ring on her finger.

She didn’t respond for a while – she was too preoccupied trying to memorize the feeling of the Doctor giving her a ring.

“Um… well, I prefer silver. I like the simplicity, small diamonds. But perhaps a bit more of those, and maybe something a bit more unique with the band.”

The Doctor was looking at her with such seriousness, as if he were locking that into memory. “Yes, good to know – thanks for that. But for now, will that suffice?”

(Y/N) giggled, lifting her hand to admire the way it looked, “I suppose for now.” She squinted her eyes at him, “What are you trying to do?”

The Doctor twiddled his fingers, running to the door, “Uuuhhh… questions for later. At the moment we are undercover.”

She gave a look to Amy and Rory, “I expect an explanation when we get back.”

Rory nodded to her, avoiding her gaze, but Amy rolled her eyes, “I’m sure you’ll figure it out by the end of the day.”

“Come along, wife,” the Doctor said, all giddy like, “Let’s go.”

“All right, husband,” she said. It made the Doctor giggle again. “Let’s have that adventure.”

They joined hands and left the TARDIS. They were outdoors. They were surrounded by a beautiful pine forest, bristling in the light breeze. Birds were chirping and a river was somewhere nearby, rushing against rocks.

Ahead was a log and stone cabin, framed by trees and mountains. Peculiarly the mountains glistened like they were made from more than just rock. The cabin was many stories high and had extensions including a probable greenhouse and an elaborate back garden full of hedges, fields, and meadows.

“Is this… an outdoor retreat?” (Y/N) asked.

The Doctor squeezed her hand, “Smell that fresh air!” He took a dramatic breath. “We’ve got to go check in.”

“Is this an excuse to go on holiday together? Cause that’s basically what we do every time we go out on an adventure.”

The Doctor pulled on her hand, “No, no – we’re still undercover to gather information.”

“What kind of information?” They padded along a cobblestone path.

“That’s uh… classified.”

(Y/N) laughed, letting the Doctor open the large oak front door for her. “Maybe Amy is right. I’ll figure your motives out before long.”

A hostess desk was just inside and a cheery woman, who was clearly not human, greeted them with a blueish smile.

“Good afternoon, how are you?”

“Splendid,” the Doctor said, “My wife and I are wanting a little weekend getaway.” He wrapped an arm around (Y/N)’s shoulders, pulling her into him excitedly.

The hostess grinned, “Oh, how nice! Is this visit for any particular reason?” She opened a logbook to check for room availability.

The Doctor couldn’t stop his smiling, “Well, it’s actually our honeymoon.”

“Honeymoon?” the hostess said, almost sad, “Oh, you should’ve called ahead. We could’ve set up the entire honeymoon suite and perks with the purchase of the honeymooners package deal.”

“Good to know,” the Doctor said, “But that’s all right. Is there something else complimentary that we could enjoy while we’re here?”

(Y/N) leaned over, “It’s really all right, we’re just here to enjoy the scenery.”

The hostess nodded, “Yes, well – at the moment we’re accommodating some families and other guests for our annual stargazing fest. There’s quite the spectacular shooting star show tonight. Seeing as you’re an obviously lovely newly married couple… I could give you a discount on a room with a balcony – beautiful views. And I’ll slip you into the VIP dining room, free of charge.”

“Spectacular,” the Doctor remarked, “Put us down for the weekend.”

“Really, thank you for the trouble. We appreciate it.” (Y/N) removed the Doctor’s arm, so they were holding hands again. “Never let the husband plan the first trip – lesson learned.”  

The Doctor looked offended, but the hostess interrupted, “Here is the key to your room. There is a luncheon just in the back garden now. Feel free to enjoy a meal before going up.”

“Thank you,” (Y/N) said, taking the key before the Doctor, “Have a lovely evening.” She tugged on his hand, and they made for the glass double doors to the dining room and back garden.

“Lesson learned?” the Doctor mocked.

(Y/N) patted his arm, “Oh, hush. This is all undercover work – we’re playing a part.”

They peered around at the few tables set in the garden. There was really only space at one table with two men.

(Y/N) tugged on the Doctor, “Come along. If we’re here we might as well be sociable.”

“Shall I introduce us as Dr. and Mrs.?”

She made a face, “Let’s stick with first names. I like this – being undercover. It’s sort of like this is our trial run.”

“For what?” the Doctor asked, looping her arm through his, “Being investigative partners?”

“No, for being actually married.”

The Doctor tripped over his own ankle, dragging (Y/N) down a bit.

“Woah, there,” she laughed, winking at the other guests, “My husbands a bit jet lagged. Quite the flight over here.”

They neared the table with the remaining seats – facing the two men. They looked comical at the couples antics.

The Doctor pulled a chair out for (Y/N), and she sat in it laughing, “Do you mind if we join you?”

“Not at all,” one of the men said, “You two look like a riot.”

“I promise to keep her in line,” the Doctor said, though his confident smile fell, “Unless she’s made up her mind about something – then I have no say at all. I’m just along for the ride at that point.”

(Y/N) gave him an admiring smile, reaching for his hand. “My name is (Y/N). You can call him the Doctor. He refuses to be called by anything else.”

“I like that name,” said the other man, leaning forward, “I’m a kind of doctor myself.”

“Fantastic,” said the Doctor, “Practicing what in particular?”

The man reached out a hand to shake, “Pediatrics. The name’s William.” He had dark hair and light eyes. His jaw was strong and angular, dimples clearly visible in his smile – all in all a rather handsome face.

The Doctor was oblivious to that, of course, as he shook his hand, “Hello, Dr. Will. You can tell he’s a medical man by the handshake. Good, strong handshake.”

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, “You’ll have to excuse my husband. He says strange things – chronically.”

Will laughed, resting back in his chair and smacking the shoulder of the man next to him. “This is my kid brother, Thomas. He can be on the quiet side, but he sure knows how to host a dinner party.”

The brother did appear embarrassed by the introduction. He was shy with his glances, his face much more boyish than his angular brother. It suited his sandier hair and light brown eyes.

“It’s all about the attire,” Tom said quietly, “You must look the part to play a proper host.” He reached up and straightened a bowtie at his collar.

The Doctor snapped his fingers, pointing at Tom, “Brilliant – absolutely brilliant. We are going to get along splendidly; I can already tell.”

“What do you do for a living, Tom?” (Y/N) asked pleasantly. She was warming up to him instantly, wanting him to be comfortable in conversation. They would have to be friendly if they were to stay the whole weekend.

The man crossed his legs, hiding his hands between them, “Ah, well – I’m a schoolteacher.”

“He’s being modest,” Will said, reaching for his glass of what looked to be something fruity. “He’s a history professor.”

“A professor!” the Doctor exclaimed, “And of history, no less. Do you teach at a university?”

“I teach around,” Tom said, quietly. “I’m a scientist by nature. I travel the galaxies to teach lectures, but to also conduct research.”

William smacked his lips at his drink, “Fond of space exploration, this one.”

“Not you?” asked the Doctor.

“I’ve found my fancy on a planet called Earth – ever heard of it?”

(Y/N) and the Doctor shared a look, laughing immediately. She nodded, “Yes, we’ve lived there for a number of years, actually. We’re very fond of the planet.”

“How about that,” Will chuckled, “Well, that’s where I practice my pediatrics. I bounce between countries, but with some help from my brother, we’ve researched incredibly innovative studies. We’ve just about found a cure to the common cold.”

“No,” the Doctor muttered, “Impossible. But that would make you…”

“An absolute genius?” Will said with some arrogance, “Why yes, it does.”

Tom cleared his throat, “Sometimes I believe he enjoys being the face more than the doctor.”

“Don’t be like that,” Will said, clearing the air with his smile. “You know that’s not true.”

The Doctor folded his arms, “Because of the children.” His smile was fond, admiring, “You’re a healer of children. No sane man could hold an ounce of arrogance when looking upon a sick child.”

Will looked towards the table as if he’d been discovered. It made Tom smile brighter.

“Your deductions are spot on,” Tom said.

(Y/N) put a finger to her chin, “Is it the stargazing festival that brings you here?”

“Yes,” Will said. Clearly he was the one that spoke for the two of them in public outings. “This is a family favorite location. We all visit here now and again – a great meeting place for reunions, actually.” He nudged his brother.

“What brings you two here?”

The Doctor got that stupid grin on his face, “It’s our honeymoon.” He bounced on his seat, intertwining his and (Y/N)’s fingers. He lifted their hands to show off the golden wedding ring.

The brothers held slight confusion in their gazes.

“Your honeymoon?”

“Yes,” (Y/N) played along, “Isn’t the ring beautiful?”

Thomas peered at it, “Yes, quite.” But the look on his face didn’t hold the same affirmation.

Will questioned, “How long have you two known each other?”

“Oh, it’s been years now,” (Y/N) laughed before the Doctor could exaggerate a false number. “I’d say nearly five.”

The brothers nodded, seemingly less confused by that answer.

“Should’ve seen the wedding,” the Doctor whistled. “Lasted for days. This one…” he jutted a thumb in (Y/N)’s direction, “Was very particular about how she wanted things done.”

“Oh, really?” (Y/N) scoffed, “I thought we knew who the drama queen was in this relationship.”

The Doctor shook his head, “She wanted everything chartreuse. Such an odd color, but what the bride wants, the bride gets. A fifty tiered cake, glow in the dark balloons, a live orchestra, a five course meal for the luncheon… the list goes on and on. Quite the bridezilla if you ask me…”

The brothers appeared amused by the talk. It seemed they could sense the Doctor wasn’t being overly truthful – probably by the furious look on (Y/N)’s face.

She screwed her lips and stared at him, trying to think of a comeback to shut him up. “Yes, well – if I hadn’t felt as rushed to do the wedding maybe we could’ve done a thoughtful, quiet ceremony.”

“Oh, nonsense,” the Doctor said, “You just couldn’t stand not being married to me for another day.”

“No, I do believe it was the hormones.” She put a few fingers to her temple, suddenly flushed, “I was all over the place when we first found out.”

All three of the men turned to look at her with bewilderment.

She leaned forward and whispered, “We’re pregnant, you see. He’s been scared stiff ever since I told him.” She took a deep breath, touching the Doctor’s arm. “The baby wants something sweet. Do you want something from the refreshments, dear?”

The Doctor was staring at her gob smacked. The surprise comeback definitely shut him up. He swallowed hard and lightly shook his head.

(Y/N) got up from the table, pretending to be off balanced by her growing stomach, and walking with a wide gait towards the platters behind them.

The Doctor blinked a few times, watching her go – his imagination running wild.

The voice of Will cut through his thoughts, “Um… congratulations are in order? Though it looks like you’re just as surprised by that information as we are.”

Tom and Will did look increasingly more confused the longer they talked.

The Doctor shook his head, sighing out a smile, “All right, chaps. Here’s the deal. We’re not actually married yet. Not even engaged.” He held up his ring finger, “This is a wedding ring I stole from a prince decades ago. This is all a rouse.”

Will looked like he was hiding a loud laugh, “Might I ask why you’re making it all up?”

“Because I like free stuff. And newly weds are usually entitled to free things on their honeymoon. I wanted to see what free stuff we could get here. And…” he peered around his shoulder to see where (Y/N) was at, “I want a gauge on what she might like. I do plan on proposing quite soon.”

The clarity seemed to relieve the brothers.

“So you made up a game to pretend you’re married to see how she’d feel about being married?” Tom said jovially.

“And perhaps to see if we should make this place a honeymoon spot. I expect the honeymoon phase to last years at least.” The Doctor sat back, growing lost in thought, “I want her to enjoy the places we visit.”

“Surely you’ll keep some a surprise, though,” Tom asked, clearly invested.

The Doctor brightened, “Oh, yes. I’ve had a lot of time to think it through. I did say I wanted it to last years.” He smiled sweetly, “I just want her to have fun.”

“So, the pregnancy is a rouse too?” Will asked.

The Doctor dimmed, “Yes. Yes, that was simply to get back at me for calling her a bridezilla.”

“Don’t worry, Doctor,” Tom said, “Your secret is safe with us.”

“We’ll keep it up for you, if you’d like,” Will winked.

The Doctor smiled at them, grateful, “I do believe she likes playing the part.”


They were residing in their shared bedroom, getting ready for the night. (Y/N) stood in front of a full length mirror, dressed in a nightgown. She kept looking at herself from the side, holding her stomach.

The Doctor was on the bed watching her with his mind delved in lost thought. His eyes trailed her frame, taking in the sight and locking it within his memory. The way she was holding her stomach as if she were harboring a secret treasure there.

“Maybe I should stuff my shirt to look more pregnant for tomorrow,” she said aloud, “Make it more convincing.”

She could see the Doctor’s reflection in the mirror. The way he was just silently looking. His eyes had that wide and innocent look about them.

She took off the fake wedding ring for the night, admiring it for a few moments before placing it on the dresser.

Her steps were quiet as she joined him on the bed. Sitting side by side, she shared his silence. Within a few moments, he was reaching over to take her hand, holding it curiously within both of his.

He took his time to admire it, using his thumbs to trace her fingers and to make little circles around her knuckles.

(Y/N) stared at him doing this. Her voice came out in a whisper, “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

He took a calming breath, as if he were making a complicated decision. One that might upset her.

“Would you like to practice your telepathy?”

She was taken by slight surprise. Since discovering her Time Lord heritage, (Y/N) hadn’t explored much past Gallifreyan and general history. Being a Time Lord, she was born with the ability of telepathy. An ability she hadn’t explored much.

“Sure,” she whispered back.

The Doctor turned until they were facing each other cross legged on the bed. He seemed more apprehensive than she’d seen him in a long time. This version of him reminded her of when she first woke up.

“You’re going to read my mind,” he said, “All you have to do is close your eyes and reach…”

He took her wrists and guided her hands to his temples.

“Wait,” she said, “You want me to dive into your mind freely? Since when do you…”

“I trust you, (Y/N),” he said kindly, though his eyes were still innocent and fearful. “I am a master of concealing my mind; everything you’ll see is because I want you to.”

She nodded, placing her fingers in the correct spots.

“Concentrate,” he said, “Open your mind… and reach out.”

(Y/N) did. She felt a spark of connection between them, and a movie screen appeared in her mind. She gasped upon seeing a familiar sight.

It was herself holding hands with a beanpole of a man.

He had his brown suit and matching trench coat, complimenting the bright red shoes. He was guiding her down the halls of the TARDIS.

“It’s got to be one of these closets.”

(Y/N) giggled, emotion burning as it crept up her throat. This was the day they went looking for pajamas.

The Doctor skid to a door, yanking it open – it revealed a dark hole where the only sound was that of crickets. He pulled it closed immediately, “Definitely not that one.”

She laughed at him, a look of wonder still on her face.

This was the early days, (Y/N) thought.

The Doctor pulled on another door and found it stuck, “Right… must be this one.” He relied on his sonic screwdriver – smaller and blue-tipped – and managed to unstick the handle. After a heavy hit with his shoulder, “Ow…” the door flung open. A mountain of useless and forgotten items poured out, burying them.

Shoes, blankets, basketballs, tires, swordfish, ribbons, rubber ducks, amongst other things… covered them up.

(Y/N) bit back another giggle at the memory.

The slender hand of the Doctor shot through the pile of lost things. He pulled himself up, coughing, “(Y/N)!”

Seconds later a smaller hand appeared, “I’m here! I’m fine.”

The Doctor grimaced, “Rubbish closet. Never know what you’re going to find.” He grit his teeth, reaching down with his still buried hand, “But sometimes… if you’re lucky… you’ll come across exactly what you need.”

He yanked hard and from the depths came a bundle of flannel.

“Flannel pajamas?” she laughed.

He grinned his classic grin.

(Y/N) swallowed hard.

“Oh, yes!” he said in the way he used to, “Brilliant, isn’t it?”

The movie screen flashed forward to a different memory – a different thought. This time (Y/N) was sitting on the ramp of the TARDIS, arms scraped and folded limply around her. Her gaze was watery and unblinking.

Immediately (Y/N) knew what this was. They had their first rather traumatic adventure. Too many people were lost, too many of the good ones. It involved terrifying creatures and nearly losing her own life.

The Doctor came down to join her, fitting snuggly on the ramp. He had his suit jacket off and was placing it gently on her shoulders.

“How are you doing?”

She continued to stare off.

He responded with a quiet nod. “I’m sorry that happened. It shouldn’t have happened. Not to you.”

She still refused to answer.

It was peculiar seeing the memory from an outside perspective. (Y/N) was now able to look at the Doctor’s expression.

He was pained. Guilty. Trying too hard to hide his feelings – which of course meant you could see them very plainly.

(Y/N) had forgotten all the little freckles across his nose. Had forgotten the pout of his lips.

She had forgotten how dark his eyes could be. The deepest brown – so deep you almost felt like you were falling into the vastness of them.

Instantly she found she wanted to see his green eyes. They were so much lighter. Light like the sun reflecting off lake water. She could skip rocks on that shore all day long.

Her throat ached, her nose burned. She knew tears were probably close to falling.

She turned around in her mind’s eye. And in the distance was a dancefloor. People in fancy dress and lights flaring like it was a rave.

Right in the middle was a girl dancing to her hearts content. Her hair was flying as she moved like no one was watching. Her smile was bright and wide – beautiful. (Y/N) found herself jealous that the Doctor was highlighting such a woman. (Y/N) found she wanted to be like her. Carefree and stunning.

She had her dress bunched in one hand to keep herself from tripping. Her other hand waved around as she twirled. Her laugh was genuine and contagious. And trailing down to her feet, (Y/N) realized she was barefoot.

“She’s beautiful,” (Y/N) whispered.

The voice of the Doctor was directly in front of her when he replied with, “She’s you.”

Immediately (Y/N) recognized the outfit as her bridesmaid dress. The dancefloor was Amy and Rory’s wedding. And the reason she was barefoot was because her heel had broken.

It was bewildering – she looked so beautiful. Had she always looked so beautiful?

It struck her like a bolt of lightning.

This was how the Doctor saw her.

Carefree and stunning. Genuine and contagious.

“You’re such a sap,” she laughed, and her voice was full of tears. She longed to reach out and tell the girl – tell herself – how beautiful she was. How deserving she was. How much her life would turn out to be.

But she was being swept off to memories she had never seen before. But these couldn’t have been memories. They were thoughts.

The daydreaming thoughts of the Doctor. The things he explored when he was lost in thought.

She saw flashes of an entire life. A life with her and the Doctor.

Surprisingly, they were all mundane things.

Washing dishes and spilling soapy water on each other. Wrapping Christmas presents and trying to sneak a peek at each other’s contents. Settling in for bed and him kissing her goodnight. A walk in the park and feeding the ducks. Unpacking cardboard boxes. Cuddling on the couch. Roasting smores over a fire. Jumping in rain puddles. Blowing out birthday candles.

A pregnant (Y/N).

She was cradling her stomach, the Doctor painting the walls of a nursery. A mobile of stars and planets twirled above a cot.

Holding a newborn, the Doctor hugging them protectively.

(Y/N) finally opened her eyes, feeling dried tears on her cheeks. She quickly removed her fingers from his head. She found the Doctor already looking at her, quite like he had been watching her reaction that entire time.

“You think about all those things – all those times I catch you lost in thought.”

He smiled, “I once told you that I was capable of being domestic.” He cupped her face, “That I do think about those things too.”

She choked out a laugh, “You really are such a sap. Have I ever told you that?”

He matched her laugh, bowing his head to kiss her.


Amy and Rory were whistling and meandering the console room, waiting for (Y/N) to show. It was all incredibly suspicious. And (Y/N) told them so the moment she walked down the stairs.

“What’s going on?”

“Oh, nothing,” Amy said, very unlike herself.

Rory cleared his throat, holding out a note, “We found this. It was uh… it was on the floor. But it has your name on it… so we thought… it was for you.”

The sigh that came from Amy spoke of her annoyance, “Yeah, the Doctor told us to give it to you.”

(Y/N) snorted, taking the piece of paper and reading aloud, “Younever know what you’re going to find. But sometimes, if you’re lucky, you’ll come across exactly what you need.” She looked up, puzzled.

Rory bounced on his toes and Amy bit her lip.

“What does this mean?”

“You tell us,” Amy said, excitement building. “It’s a clue for you.”

(Y/N) read the note again, “You never know what you’re going to find?” She had heard that wording before. Was this the reason the Doctor showed her that particular memory? “The rubbish closet,” she laughed.

Upon finding the old rubbish closet, she found another piece of paper with the Doctor’s twirly handwriting. It was another clue. She was being led on a scavenger hunt. More like a goose chase with a place like the TARDIS.

Careful you don’t get your book wet.

She took off towards the library. There on a pool chair was another note.

She heard you. Enough space for two now.

She ran for the full sized kitchen, remembering how panicked she was after he told her that. Another clue was stuck to a carton of custard.

And she went around like that for over a dozen clues. Finally she reached an old room she used to visit when the Doctor tutored her on all things Gallifreyan. The artifact room.

Glass cases on pedestals held objects of great value. Some ancient, some dangerous, some heirlooms. (Y/N) walked through them, peering to see if the next clue was in one of the displays.

She was rather invested in the game now. She was curious to see the purpose behind it. Although judging by the actions of Amy and Rory… she had a pretty good guess.

Butterflies were erupting in her stomach, attempting to flutter up past her frantic hearts.

She looked into another display to find a bunch of wilting flowers. But they weren’t just any flowers.

It was Amy’s wedding bouquet.

And taped to the outside was another note, reading, “You know what they say about the person who catches the bouquet.

She could have sworn her breathing stopped.


She closed her eyes and grinned so wide she knew her cheeks would hurt soon. She slowly turned around to face the nervous voice calling her name.

There stood the Doctor, bowlegged and strapping in his tweed. He wore a new bowtie in her favorite color. And held in his hand was a small velvet box. A deep tardis blue box. A ring box.

She took a shuddering breath, tears immediately welling her eyes.

“Hello,” he whispered, full of anxiety. But her earsplitting grin was making him feel better, “(Y/N)…” He blinked.

All he did was blink.

And she was gone.

Just vanished.

Vanished into thin air.

“(Y/N)?” he whirled around, hearts dropping to his feet. “(Y/N)!”

She was simply gone.



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Tenth Doctor x Reader x Eleventh Doctor 

Epilogue to this oneshot

Summary: It happened during another crazy adventure, like always. It hadn’t been long since you both had to say goodbye to Donna, and you needed to be distracted from the sadness resting within yourself, so off you were to the next space & time-adventure.
The one thing you hadn’t expected though, was for you to meet the future Doctor again - and this time he claims to be your husband.
(Takes place during ‘Day of the Doctor’)

It was infuriating, to see the Doctor having to prance around with queen Elizabeth, acting like a couple, while you had to stay in the Tardis and check the readings. You knew that it was to save the world from a Zygon invasion, but still, you couldn’t help the jealousy and doubt arising in you. After all, even though the Doctor and you had gotten closer after the incident on Azitora 5, you still danced around each other, too unsure of how to proceed. You had no way to label your relationship with the Doctor, as you hadn’t had time for a proper conversation about it yet. And you knew why. The Doctor had a hardened shell around him, too hurt by previous experiences to want to open up fully. It had taken you a long time to learn about the time war, and even more time to learn the names of some of his previous travelling companions. At one point, you had wished that you could have been more like Martha, with how she had forced the Doctor to stop hiding his past from her. But alas, you found yourself gasping for air in the deep waves of regret and anger that rolled off the man, every time his past came up.
One might think your worries were unfounded, seeing as his future self had told you about his romantic relationship with your future self. However, time can be rewritten, and you really didn’t want it to be. Didn’t want to risk it. 
It still hurt when the Doctor did his fake proposal to the queen, even if he sprung back on his feet seconds later and revealed his true intentions for doing so. But you did not have much time to dwell on it, making the decision to disobey the Doctor’s order and take off after the group when the horse had transformed into a Zygon. 
You were not close to them, as they had taken off running long before you could even comprehend what you saw on the Tardis’ screen. 
When you finally managed to catch up with them, they were standing in a clearing in the forest, and there were two Elizabeths’. That should have been what worried you, but instead, you fixated on the swirl of light in the air. 
‘’…a tear in the fabric of reality. Anything could happen!’’ You heard the Doctor exclaim. 
A fez dropped out. 
And then, just a bit later, so did a man. A man you recognized very well, even after only meeting him once - or, well, seeing that face once. It only took a few moments, before your Doctor had understood what was happening, both of them taking out their sonic screwdrivers to show the other that they were indeed both the Doctor. 
‘’…Compensating?’’ Your Doctor asked the other, 
‘’For what?’’
‘’Regeneration, it’s a lottery.’’
You couldn’t help laughing at that, pulling everyone’s attention towards yourself.  
‘’Oh, hello love.’’ The future Doctor left your Doctor behind and hastily made his way to you. Before you had time to respond, you let out a small yelp as you found yourself dipped, his lips connecting with yours. 
In the background you heard a scandalized Oi, what? but found it hard to focus with the way he moved his lips against yours, holding you up with one hand around your waist and the other underneath your head, his fingers tangled in your hair. 
Just as he pulled you back on your feet, you felt someone pull on your hand, away from the one who had just kissed you.
‘’What do you think you’re doing? They’re my partner!’’ You Doctor tugged on your hand, trying to get you closer to him, and further away from the other Doctor, whom he was levelling with an angry glare.
‘’Well, they’re my spouse.’’ The future Doctor tugged at your other hand, though gently, as if to not hurt you during the tugging war between him and his other self, who had now gone still, eyes wide open and his jaw slack.
‘’…Spouse?’’ His voice was small, unsure and if you listened closely, filled with an undertone of disbelief. His grip on your hand has loosened, to the point where it slipped from his grip as you were pulled into the chest of the other Doctor, your hands on his shoulders to stabilize yourself, as he shot the Doctor a victorious smirk.
‘’Yes, spouse. Consider yourself a lucky fella, you’ve got that to look forward to.’’ He then shifted his eyes down to you, a gentle grin on his face, ‘’Hello again.’’ 
‘’Partner? Doctor, what do you mean, partner? Who are these people?’’ Came the queens voices, understandably confused at the current events happening in front of them. 
The two Doctors glanced at each other, searching for words to explain, before the future Doctor took the word again.
‘’Well, you see, this lovely person,’’ He gestured to you, ‘’Is my spouse. Happily married for a few years now.’’ He then gestured to your Doctor, ‘’However, since I’ve been very busy, they’ve been travelling with this gentleman here for a short while - they’re travelling-partners, right?’’ He glanced at his past self, who was still glaring at his future self’s hand still placed on your waist, before snapping his eyes up again and giving a reluctant, ‘’Right.’’
‘’Now, your majesties, probably a good time to run.’’
A lot of things happened after that. You met another version of the Doctor. One, who was younger yet looked older than the Doctor’s you were with. The Doctor - your Doctor - and his future self seemed scared of him, but before you had time to ask, the queens’ soldiers emerged and took you all away. 
You then met the Doctor’s future companion, Clara. A lovely woman. Very quick, you noticed soon after meeting her. It had been a bit strange at first, since this woman too knew your future self, and spoke to you with a familiarity that you couldn’t reciprocate, but you soon found yourself chatting away with her, growing more and more accustomed to her. She was by your side at the Doctor’s wedding with queen Elizabeth, distracting you with funny stories of future adventures, so that you could do something besides staring at the man you loved getting married to someone else (even if he had no feelings for her).
‘’This future version of the Doctor, I mean your version of the Doctor, is he always this… affectionate?’’ You whispered to her. The future Doctor had indeed been very clingy with you since the moment you had met him during the incident on Azitora 5. You knew that with every new face came a new personality, but then again, you had only known one face for so long. It almost seemed impossible that the change would be this obvious. 
‘’Oh no, he’s usually much worse.’’ Clara whispered in return, stifling a giggle, ‘’He’s clearly trying to hold back here. I think he realizes that this version of you probably isn’t very used to it yet. Future you is though. Oh, you two can’t go ten minutes without snogging, even when there’s a crisis going on.’’ She rolled her eyes with a grin on her face. ‘’It gets very embarrassing when the Doctor does it in the middle of explaining his plans to the terrified people around him.’’
‘’He does that?’’ You gasped, embarrassed by just imagining such a situation. 
‘’He does it often.’’ She laughed at your reaction. 
The future Doctor joined in on the conversation as well, just before the married couple had to kiss, slinging his arm around your neck and turning both of you away from the sight while recalling a story of a small planet that had the strangest traditions for birthday celebrations. 
It was later, much later, that you met your future self. After stopping the zygons, after storing Gallifrey away, frozen in time, you stood with your future self before you. The Doctors’ were busy talking about the fate of Gallifrey just behind you, standing in front of the picture of their home planet. Your future self had appeared just then, a bit cross at being left out of the action, but mostly concerned about the Doctor and Clara. 
Their eyes locked with your own, both of you taking a moment to observe the other, taking in all the differences - big and small. 
Their hair was different, you noticed, and you could spot small scars on their exposed skin. No doubt from their adventures with the Doctor. Before you knew it, you were within a feet distance of each other, still silently looking at each other. 
‘’Wow, that’s weird.’’
Your voice intermingled with your future self’s. Both of you let out a little laugh at that. The weirdness of the situation was indescribable. 
‘’Alright, Doctor, if you could keep your attention on saying your goodbyes instead of making goo goo eyes at your spouse.’’ Came Clara’s voice from behind you. 
‘’I am not making goo goo eyes.’’ Came the Doctors’ annoyed voices, spoken at the same time. 
You were back in the Tardis, having said your last goodbyes to the others. The future Doctor had brought your knuckles to his mouth to leave a small peck, before turning back to your future self. The last glimpse you caught of them before the Tardis’ door closed, was future you leaning into the Doctors’ side, who was hugging them with one arm, leaning his head down on theirs and they looked at the picture once more, speaking in hushed voices. 
Saying goodbye had been hard. You were so glad to know that the Doctor’s home planet was safe after all, but it hurt to know that he wouldn’t remember it, that he would feel the guilt for so many years before he, perhaps, found Gallifrey again. But this was how it was, the best you could do was to be there for him until then. 
‘’So, where to next? Any particular mood we’re going for? Or…-’’ 
‘’Wherever you wanna go.’’ You interrupted him, ‘’I’m sure I’ll enjoy it anyway.’’
He shot you the excited toothy grin that made your heart do backflips, and started his usual ritual of twirling around the Tardis’ console, pushing buttons and pulling levers, before reaching the lever he always pulled last before takeoff. 
His hands stilled on the lever. 
‘’(Y/n). You remember how I said we wouldn’t be able to remember any of this? Due to the paradox?’’ He spoke gently, eyes still locked onto the console panel, as if too shy to look at you. 
‘’Hm? Oh, yeah, I do… Is there something else I should be aware of? Some side effect?’’ 
‘’No! No, nothing like that. It’s just… I was thinking…’’ He trailed off, before standing upright and walking to stand in front of you. 
‘’I love you.’’ 
You felt yourself flush immediately, butterflies going crazy in your stomach. With your head spinning, you tried to make yourself say something back to the Doctor, but no sound came out from your gaping mouth as you stared back at him. 
‘’You and I won’t be able to remember that I said that.’’ He continued, ‘’And that’s exactly why I wanted to do it. Because I realized that this whole thing, I’ll experience it again in the future. The zygons, saving Gallifrey… getting married somewhere along the way. And… I wanted to experience this again too.’’ He admitted sheepishly, but not breaking eye contact, as your eyes searched his, confused. 
He continued; ‘’I know I love you. That’s not going to change just because we won’t remember this little adventure, and eventually, I’ll get to say it again for the first time. Or maybe, it’ll be you who says it then.’’ He paused for a moment. ‘’I’m… I’m not good at these romantic gestures, but this. This felt right. Like it was something I had to do, after everything that’s just happened… Or maybe I just couldn’t help myself.’’ The Doctor finally smiled. Just a small, nervous smile, and it strangled your heart. 
You had longed to hear those words for so long, to be sure that your affections were returned, and yet doubt clawed at your mind, unable to accept the reality that was unfolding in front of you. 
‘’But, time can be changed, right? How do we know for sure that it’ll work out?’’ You asked him, reaching out to hold his hands in yours, trying to convince yourself that this was indeed reality and not some cruel illusion. His hands held yours gingerly, squeezing gently as he let out a low chuckle. 
‘’Well, you did just spend a good portion of this crisis getting snogged by my future self, so I think we’re safe to assume that it will.’’
You let out a gasp, ‘’It wasn’t nearly that much! And besides, he’s you! It’s your fault for being such a sap in the future.’’ He laughed at that, tugging you behind him as he walked back to the lever, and then brought one of his hands up to cup your chin, the other one landing on the lever. 
‘’You know, there’s one other thing I wanted to do.’’ He titled your head up, and tilted his own down, ‘’…If you don’t mind.’’
You brought your hand over his, leaning in closer with a smile on your face, ‘’I don’t think I do. So go ahead, Doctor.’’
As he brought his lips against yours, you heard the telltale sound of the lever being pulled and the Tardis began to hum, as everything faded.  

You felt a bit tired. The sort of tired you feel when you’ve just woken up from a long night’s sleep - at peace and very unwilling to move. You felt a puff of warm air against your face, prompting you to finally open your eyes slowly, before they jumped wide open when you saw the Doctor’s face just inches from yours. His eyes were closed as well, but began to slowly blink open as you took a step backwards.
That’s when you noticed his hands holding yours. 
He noticed too, and let go of your hands with a nervous laugh. He scratched his neck as he looked to the floor for a moment, but then focused on the Tardis’ screen. 
‘’Well, looks like we’ve landed somewhere, somewhen. I’ll just… go have a quick look.’’ He muttered, striding towards the door. You didn’t answer, too busy trying to get your giddy nerves under control, your heart beating much too fast for your liking. 
‘’Oh, huh, doesn’t look like the worst place to have landed. Should we go take a look?’’ He offered his hand to you. The light from outside caught in his hair, and you almost tripped over your own feet as you walked closer, those cursed butterflies zooming around in your guts, as you slid your hand into his.  
‘’Of course. Anywhere with you Doctor.’’


(can u tell that i didnt know how to end it? lol)

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So my doctor who story got a lot of attention and some people asking for a part two, and since ive been feeling inspired, ive decided to make a part 2. Might take a week or two, but will post when ready


Tenth Doctor x Reader x Eleventh Doctor One-Shot

Summary: Time travel is always a bit unpredictable, and you’re never totally sure where you’re gonna end up. Travelling with the Doctor had made you prepare for many scenarios, but never one where his future self would be the one to declare that he adores you, before your own Doctor could.


Meeting the Doctor had been lifechanging. And life- saving , considering you’d most likely be dead if he hadn’t showed up when he did. That first wacky adventure had led to so many more, and you wouldn’t change it for the world. The trips amongst the stars was definitely something you couldn’t imagine yourself living without now. And your travelling buddy, oh that man. Or that alien , to be correct. You had found the thought funny at first - a time travelling alien who was somehow enamoured with humans and all their silly little habits. His overwhelming enthusiasm about everything human even made you appreciate your fellow humans a little more.

The Doctor was truly amazing. Everywhere he went, he explored with a sense of wonder and challenged any danger head on - willing to risk his own life multiple times in order to save others. But it was also the small things that made you so fond of him. It was the way he carried himself, confident yet somehow one of the most clumsy people you had ever met. The warm tone of his voice, all his small french phrases, his hugs. It filled you with feelings you shouldn’t have, for many reasons. The Doctor was busy with this life of travelling, he would live much longer than you ever would, and then there was you. No matter how many times the Doctor had exclaimed that you were brilliant, no matter how enthusiastically he claimed it, you couldn’t believe it would ever be enough to rival all of that which he could have instead. You didn’t want to look down on yourself, anybody back on earth would be lucky to have you, but what hope did you have with someone who could have anyone in the entirety of space and time - and already had an incredible amount of wannabe-flirts. It pained you to keep such a tight lid on your feelings, but you dared not do anything else. You would suffocate the urge to kiss him when he babbled on about something you could only hope to ever understand, you’d keep your lovesick thoughts to yourself when he complimented you. There was too much to lose to ever let him know.

‘’Oh, (y/n), this one you’ll love! The Market Festival of Azitora 5! It’s a tradition that every 40th year, merchants from all sorts of different galaxies bring their most precious and interesting goods, and meet at this planet. It’s always very crowded, because everyone wants to see what interesting goods the merchants have brought with them from the corners of the universe, and there’s even a competition, where the merchant with the most special item gets a prize! And of course, you can’t forget…’’ The Doctor rambled on, as he circled the Tardis’ control panel, pushing buttons and pulling levers with little effort. You had tuned out the Doctor’s voice, and stared longingly at his animated form instead. You had to be careful that he didn’t catch you in the act, but you couldn’t help but let yourself indulge in moments like this.


You blinked, before quickly snapping out of your trance and answering the Doctor, who was now looking at you with an almost unsure gaze, his bushy eyebrows knitted in concern, an unknown emotion swimming in his brown eyes, ‘’Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry Doctor, I guess I zoned out a little bit. I’m just a little tired, went to bed late last night.’’ You were rambling, flustered, and you knew it must have been obvious. Luckily, the Doctor seemed content with having your full attention now, beckoning you to his side as he opened the door of the Tardis with his signature ‘’Allons-y!’’, before dragging you out into the market of Azitora 5 with him.

‘’Now, feel more than free to have a look around, but don’t let yourself get talked into buying something strange! And by strange, I mean anything that might threaten your life!’’ He said, as he mingled into the huge crowd, with you struggling to follow behind him.

‘’But Doc, how am I supposed to know? I’ve never seen any of this stuff before!’’ You counterpointed. At that, he stopped and turned around to look at you.

‘’Well… You’re right. I guess we better just stick together then, eh?’’ He asked with a light laugh, his varm fingers enclosing around your hand, squeezing it softly, before pulling you to his side. The butterflies in your stomach would not settle down, even after he shifted his attention to the surrounding stalls that you passed, your hand gripped tightly in his, rubbing his thumb over your skin gently every so often.

The next few hours were spent with the Doctor dragging you to nearly every stall to have a look (Obviously not nearly all of them, but it sure felt like it.) Every so once in a while, the Doctor would grab an item and show it off to you, claiming to have seen it many times before on his travels. The merchants weren’t too happy with this, and you found yourself dragging the Doctor away before they could get too agitated. That’s how you found yourself in an arena of sorts, the seats slowly being filled by the other visitors of the festival.

‘’What is this place? Why are they all sitting down?’’ You inquired.

‘’Oh! You remember that contest I mentioned? Well, this is where it happens. Now, quickly, let’s find a seat before they’re all taken.’’ He tugged you after him, as he sprinted up to the closest available seats. Your side pressed against his, making your skin burn beneath your clothes. It was almost painful. You noticed that his hand had yet to let go of yours, and when you tried to loosen your grip, he intertwined your fingers with his. Heat rushed to your cheeks, and you thanked whatever was out there, that the Doctor was too busy looking around the arena to notice the state of you.

‘’Any moment now, the merchants will go to the middle of the arena, one by one, and show off their item.’’ He let out a chuckle, ‘’This part of the festival is always a riot. One time, one of the merchants had brought a willowplik with her, and the problem was, that willowpliks aren’t very fond of crowds, so it started spewing nasty goo everywhere. That poor merchant wasn’t even aware that it could do that. Oh lord, the smell. It was so bad.’’ You couldn’t help but join in his laughter, the image of people fleeing the area in a panic to avoid some smelly goo was enough to make you forget your lovesick infatuation for just a moment.

Even with the Tardis translating everything the merchants said, you were grateful that the Doctor still took the time to explain the items they had brought in terms that you could understand. At some point, an alien took the stage, with a small cube in their hands. Their four blue fingers gripped it tightly in their hands, before raising it up into the air to show it off. It just looked like a grey metallic cube, but it lit up with blue lines when the alien pressed at a specific point.

The Doctor let out a whistle, ‘’Hard to believe they let one of those on the planet.’’

‘’One of those what? Is it something dangerous they’ve brought?’’ You tensed. Surely they wouldn’t allow anything into the competition that was dangerous. But then again, if it was supposed to be a showing of strange new items, there was a chance that the officials wouldn’t be sure if the item was dangerous or not.

‘’It’s an infinity cube. It’s named that way, because every time it is activated, something new will happen - you know, infinite possibilities. They’re banned on most planets, because of their unpredictability. Aaaand they’re going to activate it here… (y/n)! We have to get down there!’’. With that, he jumped out of his seat, and raced down, shouting ‘’Sorry!’’, whenever he hit someone with his lanky legs.

When you finally reached the ground, he whipped out his trusty sonic screwdriver, and pointed it at the cube, which had begun to rise into the air. The merchant was desperately trying to grab it, seemingly unaware of the item’s power.

The Doctor lowered his screwdriver with a frustrated groan, ‘’Ugh, you always act up like this when I need you the most! (Y/n), don’t get too close to…-’’ He turned around to look at you, and sucked in a quick breath, his eyes widening in terror.

‘’Doctor?’’ You had no idea why he was looking at you like that. You tried to reach out to him, but as you did, you noticed the blue shimmer surrounding your arm, ‘’Doctor? What is happening?’’

‘’(y/n)… Just, stay right there, I’m coming over to you. Don’t move!’’ He pleaded, slowly moving towards you, reaching his hands out to you. The crowd around you was restless, their murmurs and confusion slowly morphing into panic, as they realized that the merchant had no control over their item. You tuned it all out, unable to tear your eyes away from the Doctor’s, which were fixed on your form, as if trying to keep you in your spot.

‘’That’s it, (y/n). Come on, give me your hand. I’ll figure out what is happening and put you back to normal, alright? Just come here.’’ His fingers were so close to touching yours now.

Your voice came out weak, as if it came from another room, ‘’Doctor?’’. The colors of your surroundings were slowly fading, turning into a light blue, the shapes of the aliens in the crowd blurring. You felt queasy, almost weightless. You struggled to move your body.

When the Doctor tried to grab your hand, his fell right through yours, as if you weren’t really there.

‘’(Y/N)!’’ His voice turned to panic, his hands desperately trying to grab you, but you hardly heard it, your mind slowly getting lost in the strange blue fog. Then, it all turned white.

Whatever you were laying on, it felt somehow familiar. Opening your eyes, the first color you noted was the light blue. But this time, it seemed that it was merely the normal color of your surroundings, the blue glow from the infinity cube nowhere to be seen. You felt sore, your arms like jelly as you stood up, gripping tightly onto the railing.

While you were still trying to get your wits about you, you missed the sound of a door opening and footsteps. You let out a low groan, as you rubbed your temple, eyes still fixed on the floor, before you heard a quiet, ‘’(Y/n)?’’. It was an unfamiliar voice, and when your eyes fell on the person before you, you saw an unfamiliar face as well. Green eyes, brown locks combed to the side, and a noticeable chin. However, his eyes looked at you with such familiarity, that you couldn’t help but feel that you must’ve met him somewhere before. Perhaps on one of your adventures with the Doctor? But, surely you would’ve remembered a handsome face like his, you admitted to yourself, feeling a bit ashamed of your attraction to this unknown man.

‘’Who are you? Where am I? I was just at Azikorlaka, and then I woke up here. I didn’t mean to break into your ship, or home or whatever.’’ You felt flustered under his gaze, which was now filled with an emotion you couldn’t place, but if you listened to the small voice in the back of your head it would say disbelief , amazement,   adoration. But you wouldn’t listen.

His eyes crinkled, as the corners of his lips lifted into a small grin, ‘’Azikorlaka? You wouldn’t by any chance mean Azitora 5?’’

‘’…Yes, that is what I meant, but, how would you know that?’’ You questioned him, your words laced with hesitance. Did this man have something do with you being teleported here? He didn’t seem dangerous, but at the same time you had no reason to trust him, no matter how silly and non-threatening he looked, fiddling with his bowtie and hair while looking at his reflection on a screen - wait, why was he doing that?

‘’I remember this. The day you disappeared - Although, only for a little while. But I always did wonder where you went. How ironic that it would be here, at this moment.’’ He sighed almost wistfully, looking at you in that particular way that felt too intimate for someone you swear you hadn’t met before.

‘’What do you mean you remember this? I haven’t met you before.’’

He stood in front of you now, close enough to reach you with his hand, which he gently placed on your cheek. Suddenly you noticed how tired he looked. Despite the quick fix-up he had just done, his clothes were still slightly ragged and askew. His other hand he slowly placed on your other cheek, his breath washing over your face as he leaned down.

‘’Oh, (y/n)…’’

You felt like you should move. That you should create some distance from this… stranger , but you felt frozen, unwilling to part from him. Sadness emanated from him, and it felt familiar. Why did it feel familiar ? He rubbed your cheek with his thumb, eyelids drooping.


He kissed you. Without thinking, your hands grabbed onto the lapels of his jacket, your eyes blown wide. His lips moved gently against yours, as his warm hands kept you pressed against his tall form. You could feel the tips of his fingers getting tangled in your hair, dragging down your neck and all the way down to your waist. Somehow, he managed to pull you even closer, your eyes finally closing. The kiss made you weak in the knees, not used to being handled like this. To be kissed like you were the most important person in the world, as his soft lips molded against yours. You wondered if the Doctor would ever kiss you like this.

The Doctor.

Snapping out of your daze, you pushed the man away, his lips leaving yours with a small pop .

‘’What… is happening?’’ You asked, taking greedy gulps of air into your lungs. You had asked that in regards to the kiss, though it seemed your makeout-buddy interpreted it differently.

‘’I sent you away. It was too dangerous for you to be here. but of course this happens. You show up anyway. Oh, you never did listen to orders did you?’’ A fond chuckle passed over his lips, though the sadness in his eyes grew stronger. With his hands still on your waist, he suddenly pulled you in again for a quick peck on the lips.

‘’He…-’’ Another peck. He pulled away slightly, just enough to separate his lips from yours as he pressed his forehead against your own, looking directly into your eyes.

‘’I suppose… This must all be very confusing to you.’’ He let out a nervous laugh, ‘’I apologize. I couldn’t help myself, I miss you too much already and it hasn’t even been that long since I dropped you off.’’

‘’What are you…-’’

‘’Really, the universe might be ending and you’re just standing there, looking so… kissable! ’’ He exclaimed with vigor, as if it annoyed him, moving away from you as he continued, ‘’I might die and never see you again and then you show up just to distract me! You absolute vixen! If I survive this, you better say yes when I ask you to marry me!’’ He threw his hands up in the air, before twirling around the console you hadn’t noticed before, pulling levers and pressing buttons.

‘’When you ask me to marry you?’’ You whispered to yourself, letting out a shaky sigh and rubbing your fingers against your temple, ‘’Why would you… Why would you ask me to marry you, I don’t even know you.’’ You managed to choke out, growing frustrated at the lack of answers. You just wanted to go back to the Doctor. You needed him to know that you were safe, you dare not imagine what he would do if you were lost forever.

The handsome stranger stopped his movement, looking at you again, now as if he had just been hit by a sudden realization. Removing his hands from the console, he slowly made his way over to you again, gently taking your hands in his.

He gave you a soft smile, ‘’(Y/n), look around you.’’

You blinked, confused at his request, before finally taking your eyes off him and letting them roam around the room you were in. It was blue, just as you had noticed when you first woke. But the layout of the room, it seemed so familiar. It was at the tip of your tongue. It was when you looked upwards, towards the ceiling, that’s when you saw the final piece of evidence. Gallifreyan. You still didn’t know how to read it, but you recognized the symbols from the small impromptu lessons you had had with the Doctor. Lowering your eyes again, you locked gazes with the man in front of you - The Doctor.

‘’We’re in the Tardis.’’ You gasped.

‘’You really only noticed now? What, too busy looking at your handsome Doctor?’’ He teased you, lifting one eyebrow with a smirk, seeming so damn pleased with himself, as your cheeks grew warm.

‘’I- You- Shut up!’’ You tried to remove your hands from his, your face hot with embarrassment. The Doctor had other plans, pulling you into a hug, burying his face in the crook of your shoulder, his own shaking with a warm laughter.

You let yourself enjoy the hug for a moment. He was the Doctor, and since he recognized you, it had to be one of his future regenerations. Part of you grew worried about the possibility of you messing up the timelines, but another part of you was concerned about something entirely different. He had kissed you - more than once. He wanted to propose to you. Something was wrong, it couldn’t be true.

‘’You’re gonna ask me to marry you.’’ It came out mumbled from your head pressed against his neck.

‘’It seemed like the natural next step, so yes.’’ He hummed, cheek nuzzling further into your neck, swaying you softly in the hug.


He pulled away to give you a bewildered look, ‘’Why? Well why wouldn’t I? I mean, you’re you , (y/n). And I lo…- Oh, you don’t know that yet, do you? Of course,’’ He let out a frustrated groan, his eyebrows knitting together as he slapped his hand against his temple, ‘’Of course! You were just on Azitora 5. Oh, I’m so stupid. Stupid Doctor! That’s why your behavior changed after that day… It’s all because of this!’’

‘’Doctor, I don’t understand…’’ You lifted your hand to place it on his cheek, only to notice the blue shimmer surrounding it.

‘’…Looks like we’re out of time. It’s time for you to go back to your Doctor, (y/n).’’ He murmured, looking slightly crestfallen.

‘’But wait! I can’t go now! You’ll be all alone!’’ You gripped onto his shoulders, shaking him, ‘’You shouldn’t have to face… whatever is happening alone!’’ Your voice was shaky, on the verge of breaking.

The Doctor’s hands found yours, squeezing them gently, before bringing them to his lips for a small kiss, ‘’(Y/n), there’s someone who is much more scared than I am right now, and that’s someone who thinks that he’s already lost you. He needs you, (y/n), you have to go back to him.’’ He leaned in to kiss your forehead, and smiled at you.

‘’But… You’re gonna be all alone.’’ You mumbled, sadness welling up in your chest at the Doctor facing yet another disaster with no one by his side. Your hands were now phasing through his, a sign that you only had a few seconds left.

‘’No, (y/n), you’re still with me. Even when you aren’t right by my side, I always feel you with me. And even though I know you’ll be extremely cross with me, when I go back to pick you up, I know you’ll stay. I couldn’t ask for anything more.’’

The blue shimmer was now clouding your vision, your eyelids felt unbelievably heavy as you blinked, your pleading gaze locked onto the Doctor.

‘’Oh,’’ He breathed, ‘’I almost forgot. (Y/n), I’m sorry to put the responsibility onto your shoulders, but when you get back to your Doctor, please, cut the poor guy some slack and take charge, would you? He may act charming and all that, but… Well, I was never too good at being totally honest about my feelings, was I…?’’

His words slowly faded into nothingness, as a blinding white filled your vision. The last thing you remember was his green eyes.


Waking up now was harder than it had been before, as if you had just been in a deep sleep and was now being woken up by your parents, reminding you to get up for school.

‘’(Y/n)! (Y/n) please look at me.’’ Whoever was talking was cradling you in their arms, their body trembling just enough to be noticed.

Groaning, you attempted to swat the person away, ‘’Uggh, five more minutes, is that too much to ask for…’’


Your eyes snapped open, worried brown eyes meeting yours. Concern was replaced with relief, as a tiny smile slipped onto the Doctor’s face.

‘’Hey.’’ He murmured to you, as if indeed speaking to a person who just woke up.

‘’Hi.’’ You replied back, unable to stop yourself from smiling in return. It was then you noticed your position, your cheek pressed against his clothed chest, one of his arms under your back, while his other hand was supporting your head.

‘’Good to have you back.’’ He said, his smile growing wider on his face, adjusting your position so you could sit up properly in front of him.

You took a look around you. You were still in the arena, but it was completely empty, deserted, except for you and the Doctor.

Sensing your confusion, the Doctor was quick to explain, ‘’All the guests were evacuated off the planet. It took some explaining, but they thankfully listened and are now parked in the planet’s orbit, until the threat is gone. The infinity cube may be dangerous, but all times it has ever been used in history, it has only affected the surroundings within a certain range. Now, I’ll put this little fella somewhere safe, and then we can give them the signal that it’s safe to come back.’’ He stood quickly, pulling you up with him and setting off towards where you left the Tardis, ‘’Do you remember what happened after you disappeared? I’m not entirely sure myself, but I’m almost certain that you were teleported somewhere else, but it was impossible to know for sure.’’ He mused the last part to himself, getting lost in thought.

‘’You didn’t know? …But, how did you get me back then? How could you reverse something you didn’t understand… wait, you said you sent the people away from the planet…’’ Realization slowly dawned on you, a terrible feeling in your gut. You stopped walking, the Doctor stopping a few steps ahead of you. His neck was craned forward, looking down at the ground, as if ashamed.

‘’It was the only option I had at the moment. And I… couldn’t just let you slip away, not when there was a chance I could get you ba- bring you back, I mean!’’ He turned his head slightly to look at you, with the face of a kicked puppy.

‘’You used the cube… You idiot! That could’ve been incredibly dangerous! What would I have done if you get hurt?’’ Marching up to the time lord, he backed up slightly as your face came close to his, ‘’You’re not the only one who gets to be worried, you know.’’ You pulled him down to your level, so you could lean your head on his.

He gaped at you, lost for words, ‘’I, uh, I’m sorry. I was just getting a little desperate, but, hey. Nothing too bad happened. Except for the pixies, those were a bit annoying.’’ He trailed off, his cheeks flushed as he broke eye contact.

‘’Well,’’ You started, pulling away before skipping ahead of the Doctor, turning around to yell, ‘’Why don’t you tell me all about that when you take me on a date to make up for this disaster of a trip.’’ You grinned at him, before turning around once again, leaving the Doctor behind, his eyes growing wide.

‘’Wh- A date? Hey, (Y/n), wait up.’’


Short epilogue here
