#elijah mikealson imagine


Fandom: The Originals

Reader, Klaus, Elijah, Kol, Freya, readers!mother, Alex and stepfather

A/N:Hi guys, I hope you enjoy. I know this took a little longer than usual, but I have a heap of work to do for school and very little time. I will try to post the next part very soon. I hope you all had a lovely weekend and here is a little something to cheer you up as the weekend is ending. 


Warnings:minor swearing


Mikealson’s mansion

‘God, what happened to you?’ Kol joked. Klaus gave him a look that said, ‘to wipe that smile off his face or he will regret that he asked’. Elijah ignored him and sat on the couch. ‘Good, you are back, we are running out of time, do you have it?’ Freya sped into the room asking, before paying attention to her brothers who had blood all over their clothes. ‘No, Freya,-‘ Klaus was more angry with himself for failing to bring what they needed, but before he could say too much, he was cut off by Elijah. ‘We faced some complications. The books were not in the house, and the host turned out to be a werewolf,’ Elijah spoke calm, but the hints of anger were visible on his face. ‘and what we believe was the only person who could have any knowledge as to were the books may be hidden, has no idea who she is and she run off.-‘ Before he could finish he was interrupted by Kol’s clapping ‘Way to go, brothers, you are sent to bring the very thing that can save us, and you not only fail to do so, but you also manage to lose the person that can get it for us. Well done - *clap* - really *clap*’ Klaus breathed heavily staring at Kol ‘Don’t test my temper brother’ he hissed. ‘We will hunt her down.’ Kol smirked. ‘Ye, brother and how are you planning on doing that?’ ‘I have her blood on my sleeve’ answered Elijah ‘Will that be enough to track her down?’ He looked at Freya. ‘It will have to, but how can you be sure it is hers’?’ She questioned. ‘It has a specific scent.’ Elijah explained. ‘If that doesn’t work, then- ‘Klaus smirked on his own thought ‘- we will hunt her like a huntsman hunts his pray.’

Your stepfather’s place

He paced back and forth in his office, breathing loudly through his nose. He ran his hand through his hair and turned around to face a man that held your sister. ‘I told you to get her out of the town!’ He had a fire in his eyes. ‘Boss, I – ‘The man tried to explain himself, but he was cut off when your stepfather punched him in the face, he spit out a mouth full of blood. ‘I don’t want to hear this pathetic explanation’ The words escaped between his teeth. His back was turned to the man, he opened and closed his fists. You know, Roy,-‘ He spoke to the man still not facing him. He poured a glass of scotch and begun to walk towards the man sipping the drink. ‘I trusted you, I had faith in you, the others warned me you had a soft heart,’ his fist met the man’s face again, this time Roy grinned in pain. Rees breathed out loudly (aka your stepfather) and continued ‘, but I told them that they are wrong.’ Frustration swiped his face. ‘Tell me, how a man that can easily be mistaken for a mountain, is such a softie?’ He kneeled before Roy. ‘What should I do with you. How do I punish you? You lost something that was important, we waited so many years. You see-‘ Rees look to the side and then back to Roy. ‘she was going to lead me to a very powerful book, that my dear, selfish bitch of a wife and her mother alongside her other ancestors, hid away from me.’ Roy was petrified by Rees’s mad voice, he gulped. ‘I, I can make it right I can find her.’ Said Roy, your stepfather clapped his cheek. ‘I know you will’ he said standing up. ‘I give you twenty-four hours, to hunt this bitch and bring me the spell book, and mark my words I want Lilyan unharmed in my arms by midnight tomorrow, and Y/N you can kill her once the job is done, I don’t need her in the way.’ Leaving the room, he turned to Roy, to look at him for the last time with a satisfied smile. ‘Hunt her like the wolf hunts the sheep.’

You stopped in a motel, ten miles away from New Orleans. You couldn’t just go into the town in broad daylight when people were looking for you. You needed a place to think. After all, your ghost mother contacted you from another dimension, or rather you enteredanother dimension. You just found out that your stepfather is monsterironicallyquite literally and you needed to find some book, in some old house, oh you’re a witch. Could this world get any weirder?

You were pacing in the room while spiking to yourself. ‘What do I do, think Y/N, think.’ You were fidgeting with your hands; moving in frustration. ‘Think, how do I find this godforsaken house, if I don’t  even remember being there.’ You run both of our hands through your hair. You then sat on a chair, you pressed your back firmly against the seat, tilting your head and resting both of your arms on your eyes. Focus, Y/N. I wish I could speak with mum. But how? Think, how did you see her the first time?’ You shivered at that thought. ‘He knocked me out. So, what, do I beat the f out of myself?  You exclaimed frustrated. ‘Okay, the second time I was exhausted.’ You opened your eyes and narrowed your gaze at nothing in particular. ‘Oh, I’m such an idiot’ You said as you found a solution to your problem or at least one-third of your problem.

‘Alex this is the only way I can contact her.’ You were frustrated with him. ‘You have to be fucking kidding me. Y/N. I. Am. Not. Doing. This.’ He was even more frustrated then you were. ‘Alex-‘He cut you off. ‘You fucking mad, I am not going to help you kill yourself!’ You couldn’t help but to laugh, you always burst into a laugh when his voice turned to that, that reminded you of a little girl. ‘- Alex, you will not kill me, not technically at least’ You tried to calm him down. ‘Enlighten me. What do you call drowning you in a bathtub? Hm.’ He placed his hand on his hip. ‘You will bring me back after a minute.’ ‘You speak of it as it was nothing, you know. Just a casual day, it’s noting. Just drowning my friend in a fucking bathtub. Oh, what could possibly go wrong?!’ His voice angry and sarcastic. ‘Alex,’You said very calmly ‘- I can’t do it myself, please I need the answers.’ You looked at him with eyes of a begging puppy, it was a trick he could not resist. ‘You know I hate when you use that expression to manipulate me, but’ He took a deep breath ‘I will help you.’

All smiled up you walked to the bathroom, Alex right behind you not so excited. You actually didn’t know why you were so hyped, you were about to temporary kill yourself. “What could possibly go wrong?”

You were sitting in the bathtub full of water. ‘Alex, you’ll need to hold me under the water.’ You said to him yet again. ‘You don’t have to tell me Y/N I know what to do.’ You smiled at him wickedly. ‘How do you know?’ You tizzed him. ‘Y/N, we are not doing this’ He said seriously.

You took a deep breath, held your nose, shut your eyes and submerged in the water. You then felt Alex’s hands on your shoulders, holding you down as your body fought for the air.

It only lasted a couple of seconds.


You lifted yourself up gasping for the air. It worked, it really worked. You thought, looking around the familiar place. You stood up and started to walk around calling your mum. ‘Mum, where are you? We need to talk. Mum!’ Tears begin to form in your eyes. ‘I need you’ you whispered into the air, sitting down holding onto your knees.

Yousensedher presence, and you immediately twisted around. ‘Mum’You were relieved. ‘Y/N, what are you doing, you can’t be here if they find you’ Your mum was worried and clearly tensed. ‘Mum, who are you talking about?’ She frowned her brows, run her hands over your shoulders, to your hands. She looked at your hands, and a shy smile appeared, she rubbed her thumb on the ring you were wearing. Unable to look at you she said ‘I can’t believe you still have it, I thought he would take it from you.’ She finally looks at you with sorrow eyes. ’Mum, last time I was here you told me to go to the house but I can’t remember where it is and the spell books, they must be hidden, where do I look?’ You questioned, frustrated. ‘The books were hidden in such way that only you can find them and the house, don’t worry about it the minute you enter the city all that was lost will return, slowly.’ She smiled encouragingly, but you were too overwhelmed by the past events, and you couldn’t hold it any longer, and you just let go, letting the tears wash your face.

‘Hey,’Your mum said quietly ‘everything is gonna be just fine, believe in you, like I do.’ You lifted your head to look into her eyes, and then you hugged her. It felt like she was taking all the worry away from you.

She pushed you at arm’s length, took a deep breath and said. ‘Now, you need to go back and don’t come back here. This is a dangerous place, if they catch you they will keep you here. Living should not enter this place. Do you understand?’ You nodded “yes” ‘You also need to know that many people will look for these spell book and diaries. They are powerful tools leading to important places, powerful objects and people. You can’t trust anyone.’ You nodded again. ‘One more thing you can’t take Lily with you.’ You looked at her surprised. ‘But-‘She cut you off. ‘No, Y/N, I know this is difficult, but you will need to send her away with Alex.’ You were shocked, how did she know? But you didn’t ask because she would cut you off anyway. ‘I have been watching over you two, I know everything. I will protect Lily and Alex, but you will need to find the books yourself there is a lot of people after you. Dangerous people and they will not hesitate to hurt Alex or even Lily, just to get those books. You need to separate.’ Tears were strimming down your face once again. ‘Don’t worry honey it will only be a short while. You shrug, feeling a push on your chest. ‘It is Alex he is waking you up. Now, listen to me carefully.’ She gripped your shoulders forcing you to maintain eye contact. ‘The books are powerful, don’t touch them with your bare hands, because their power will be overwhelming. You need to learn and familiarise yourself with your magic. Here take this it will protect you.’ You felt another push.

You sat in the bathtub coughing and heavily breathing in and out. Once your breathing returned to normal, you looked down at your hand in which you were holding a crystal pendant. You recognised the crystal as smoky quartz.

Alex looked at you in confusion. ‘Did it work, did you see her?’ You looked at him, noticing his presence ‘Yes, and you won’t like what it.’

‘Y/N, I can’t take care of her.’ Alex pointed at Lily with frustration, but you knew that there was no negotiating this. ‘Both of you enough. Lily, I know you want to come with me, but it will only be a couple of days. And Alex, you are the only one I can trust with her.’ They both looked at you with begging eyes, and even if you didn’t like the idea of separating, you knew it had to be done. ‘Please, don’t leave me.’ Lily was hysterical she couldn’t catch a breath, crying. So you kneeled down and hugged her tight. ‘I know you don’t like it, I don’t like it either.’ ‘So why can’t I stay with you?’ You took a deep breath to stop yourself from crying. ‘It will be very short, and we will be together in no time’ You hugged her even tighter and kissed her on her cheek, she giggled. You stood up and hugged Alex and whispered into his ear. ‘Take her as far as you can, don’t stop until you know no one will find you, don’t contact me. I will find you.’ You took a deep breath and handed Alex your car keys. Then you hugged Lily again. ‘Safe trip, see you soon, love you.’ You said, and they left replying love you too. You knew this wasn’t going to be a short separation but you couldn’t tell them.

When you saw them leave the driveway, you put on your jacket and boots and went to the reception. Hoping there is still a car available to rent.

‘Hi, sorry,’ You caught the attention of an old lady at the reception desk. ‘How may I help you, dear?’ ‘I would like to rent a car.’ ‘You are lucky we have one car left, may I have your ID and driving licence?’ You gave her the document answered a couple of questions, and soon you were holding a pair of car keys. Thank you, bye’ You smiled at the lady and left the building.

You found the car, got in it and drove towards the New Orleans.

Part 5


Let me know if you want to be tagged in the future parts! 

Reader x Sister x Stepfather (meeting Klaus and Elijah)

Fandom: The Originals

Wordcount: 1430

Imagine living in New York City with your stepfather after your mother passed away. You are now 18, and your little sister is 6. Your stepfather abuses you physically, mentally and sexually but you know that you cannot leave your sister alone. And so, one day you notice that he looks at her with a strange look and you try to figure out how to escape that powerful man.

Authors note: I hope you will enjoy this piece. Please let me know if you did and if would like part two. This may surprise you, but I am new to the tumblr, and so I hope you like my creation. If you did not like it, then please say why, instead of spreading hate. Please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes, but English is not my first language.

Warnings: Mention of violence: physical, mental and sexual, (the brutal, violent scene at the end) if you are not okay with this type of writing or if you struggle and this might worsen your condition then please skip this writing. I am sure you will find something more appealing to you.  

It is six in the morning when your phone starts buzzing. You get up, and you look around your bedroom. The door to your bathroom is to your right and to your left is a double door leading to your walk-in closet and in-between of those two rooms are doors leading out of your room. You go into the bathroom, you take a shower, wash your hair and your face. Then you sit in front of the large mirror and put your makeup on. You then dried and styled your hair into a high ponytail. You then left your bathroom and walked into your closed, you took an outfit that you prepared a day before. It consisted red-wine sweeter, a white-collar shirt, skinny black jeans and high heel boots. On top of that, you put on your favourite vintage-marine black coat. You grabbed your school bag and your car keys and walk down the stairs.

It was already 8.30 am, and you meet your sister in the hallway waiting for you to drive her to school. ‘Are you ready?’ You ask her. She looked at you with a big smile and said ‘Always’you returned her smile and as you were about to leave he came into the hallway. And you saw that vicious smile on his face, but you were used to it, and it didn’t frighten you anymore. It was the way he looked at Lili that made you shiver. He looked at her as if he was the hunter and she was the pray. He was about to walk away when Lili noticed his presence and turned; with a blink of an eye she was running towards him calling ‘Daddy’. God, she is so innocent. You thought, but you had to do something to get her away from him so you did the only thing that you could. ‘Lili, we are going to be late’ you said impatiently, you could not bear to see him touch her especially today because he hugged her “possessively”. When he let go of her, his eyes rested on you, His lips were curved in a fake smile, but his eyes were strangling you. ‘Bye, daddy, I love you, have a lovely day!’ Lili thundered full of enthusiasm. ‘I love you too dolly.’ He responded with fake warmth in voice. He is not capable of loving, you thought. And then you two left the house.

You were listening to Lili’s favourite song all the way to her school. You were thinking of a way of protecting her from that monster. After 30 minutes of driving, you finally got to Lili’s school. ‘Have a wonderful day Lil’ you said to her as she was about to leave the car. She then looked at you and with a big smile said. ‘You too Y/N’. And she disappeared into the school crowd.

You then carried on driving to your school. You were drowning in your thoughts, unnoticeably you started to speak to yourself. ‘What should I do? How can I protect her? He can hurt me, I will take it. Whatever it is. His words can’t hurt me anymore. His actions already hurt me. He can’t hurt me anymore. There is only one thing he can do to break me. If he hurts Lily. She is innocent and pure. She is an angel, and he is the Devil himself. I need to do something to protect her. But what?’ By the time you could answer your question, you were already in the parking lot at your school. And someone was knocking at your car window to get your attention. ‘If you are planning on getting to Mrs Trarian class on time, you better hurry up!’ Alex shouted so you could hear him.

Alex was your best friend. Your only friend, as you were constantly moving from city to city, and despite being rich, you didn’t want to “buy” yourself a bunch of fake friends and instead you decided to be friends with this awkward, cute, gay boy. Who had a bright smile and messy blonde hair and who never took anything seriously. He believed that worry brings wrinkles. You told him and trusted him with everything, apart from this one thing. You never told him about who really is your stepfather; a monster. You reserved to a minimum when it came to him, that you didn’t really like him, but you never said why.

When you got out of the car, Alex immediately took your hand under his arm. ‘Oh My God, you will not believe who was at my house last night.’ He said with such enthusiasm that you couldn’t help but laugh. He looked at you with the playful-angry look and carried on. ‘So, I was with Andrew.’ He seemed so proud. Andrew was his all-time crush. ‘No freaking way, tell me all about it. And don’t you dare miss any detail. I. Want. To. Know. It. All.’ You said the last couple of words like a threat to signal him that he can’t miss anything. Not a single detail. ‘So…’he carried on ‘he came to my house because he needed my help with physics. And after an hour my mom said that she is going to her friends. After the front doors fell shut, he got up, and we started to make out and then … we, you know.’ He finished his story as we here approaching our history class. ‘I can’t believe you have done it before me, really I need to speed up my game.’ And then we walked into the class.

Thankfully, Mrs Trarian was off, and your substitute teacher turned on some documentary about the “French Revolution” because you could not concentrate on what was happening in the classroom. You were preoccupied with the behaviour of your stepfather, every time you closed your eyes you could see how he looked at your baby sister.

After your history class, you faked to feel ill, and you went home. Unfortunately, your stepfather was there. You walked into the house and instantly realised that he wasn’t alone. He was with clients. You were headed upstairs when you heard ‘Y/N, is that you.’ You immediately thought regrettably yes, but you only said. ‘Yes.’As politely as you could. ‘Can you please come here for a second?’ And you made your way into his office, at least he can’t hurt you. You thought as you walked. You walked into his office, and you immediately saw two men standing there. You swallowed hard, and you heard. ‘What is wrong darling? Why are you home?’ You stood there astonished. What a son-of-a-bitch, a fucking actor. ‘I wasn’t feeling very well, so I decided to come home.’ You tried to sound like a good daughter, that you had to pretend to be every time his work-related people were around. ‘Listen I am about to finish with these gentlemen so why don’t you go to your room and I will come right there to see if you needed anything?’ Your eyes wide open with fear and you say with trembling voice. ‘I, um it is, it’s, um fine. I am s-sure it will pass soon. D-d-don’t trouble yourself. He looked at you viciously, as you almost disguised him. ‘Excuse me Misters Mikealson’ You saw him walk towards you and you couldn’t help but take a step back. He gripped your arm hard and motion you to your room. Your body tensioned and your steps were forced by him. You walked in silence.

He opened your bedroom door and pushed you, you struggled to keep your balance. And then he came close to you; his body millimetres way. ‘Do you think you can come here and embarrass me in front of my best clients?’ You could smell his rotten breath. ‘Gosh, you’re so beautiful’ His breath heavy on your right ear as his hand moved a piece of hair off your face. ‘But you need to be punished.’ He spat with sharp, aggressive voice. And then you felt a firm grip pulling your hair, and he pushed you. You landed on the floor. And all you could hear is ringing in your ears, your eyes unable to focus, you feel a heavy weight on your stomach, and then pain shoots your face, and you could taste your blood in your mouth. A tight grip on your shoulders lifted you. Then pushed you to the ground, hitting your head and back on the floor. Once. Twice. And then it stopped, and you laid on the floor peacefully. Half unconscious. Your eyes struggled to stay open, and you saw two pairs of shoes. Your eyes fell shut.  

Thank you for taking your time and reading my work! Please let me know what your thoughts on this piece are! I really want to know! :)      

Part Two
