#elsie moineu


Elsie Moineu - currently writing a Bioshock fanfic, that takes place right after the events of Burial At Sea. Elizabeth survives her head trauma caused by atlas and barely makes it back to the welcome center of Rapture. She is found by a fan made faction that takes her to a fan made district of Rapture where she is brought back with the use of ADAM. Struggling in piecing her memories together, she eventually takes on the new identity of “Elsie Moineu”, with a slightly spliced appearance and voice, keeping her eyes and other subtle features that made her, her. Something strange is now happening to Rapture, especially after the strange pulse that shook the city. With the ADAM producing sea slugs becoming scarce, those needing ADAM are trying chase down Little Sisters. However, new creatures in search of ADAM have risen from the ocean’s upmost depths. Large Squid and Octopi who devoured sea slugs from the depths come to Rapture, hungry for any having the smallest trace of ADAM. Large tentacles are seen wrapping and resting around Rapture’s exterior. - Working on character sheets and a Cover Page.
