#elyse willems




elysewillems: photo by @atwes. hair and makeup by @erinxtexas. rtx austin 2019.

Elyse and James Willems photographed by Wes Ellis at the RTX 2019 Portrait Studio.Elyse and James Willems photographed by Wes Ellis at the RTX 2019 Portrait Studio.

ElyseandJames Willems photographed by Wes Ellis at the RTX 2019 Portrait Studio.

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FAKEHAUS AESTHETICS<< James Willems and Elyse Willems >>(Part of James Willems Week: DayFAKEHAUS AESTHETICS<< James Willems and Elyse Willems >>(Part of James Willems Week: Day


<<James Willems and Elyse Willems >>
(Part of James Willems Week: Day 1: AU Day)

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This blog is getting resurrected soon, if anyone would like to request gifsets of the Willemses please send them in asks with the video and moment you’d like to be giffed. We’ll have them all posted throughout March!

elyse willems