#emily swallow



I’m still working on Monument Woman, but I have had this bang up ass idea for a fic where you get to choose your own adventure for The Mandalorian?  Like you have options on who rescues you, if you fuck or not, blah de blah blah.

If I were to write this, I’d have to do it all at once, so the options can be properly linked or maybe even on a separate tumblr dedicated only to that fic?

I guess the question is would people be interested in that?  It will be a lot of fucking work on my part and not be an ego bitch on main, but I don’t want to put all the effort into an interactive story for like 5 notes.

Feedback, y’all?

I’m still working on Monument Woman, but I have had this bang up ass idea for a fic where you get to choose your own adventure for The Mandalorian?  Like you have options on who rescues you, if you fuck or not, blah de blah blah.

If I were to write this, I’d have to do it all at once, so the options can be properly linked or maybe even on a separate tumblr dedicated only to that fic?

I guess the question is would people be interested in that?  It will be a lot of fucking work on my part and not be an ego bitch on main, but I don’t want to put all the effort into an interactive story for like 5 notes.

Feedback, y’all?
