#emily updates


✦ A Perfect Cut…Finally and Etsy Sale ✦

So I use a Cricut Maker and I’ve been struggling with getting a perfect cut on my stickers for a while now. Tried re-calibrating over and over again and it would still cut wrong. Lo-and-behold, I was making a critical error: light. 

So, apparently, if there is direct sunlight or fluorescent light shining on the machine, it will mess up the sensor and always cut wrong. So, I closed the window blinds, turned off the light that was directly over it, put a piece of cardstock over the top of the machine just to be sure (I can’t close my lid unless the tray is up), and it made the best cut I had ever seen: see video above. So, yeah, like myself, Cricuts love darkness and get fussy when a bright light is shone in their face. Problem solved and lesson learned.

And in even greater news, my Etsy shop, ✦ ArtbyLaJaunie ✦, is open again! It’s been closed since September of last year because my house suffered damage from Hurricane Ida, but I’m finally in a position to fulfill orders again! 

And everything is ✦ 20% off ✦ until Jan 31st as a celebration! So visit my shop and see if any of my Pride stickers pique your interest!

Hey y'all, just wanted to give an update. My house got pretty damaged by Hurricane Ida so I’m not going to post anything for a bit. I have a place to stay and food and water so I’m fine it just hurts.

My Etsy shop is also on pause for the time being because I don’t have the means to create anything. It’ll be back up as soon as it can be.

I hope that everyone else affected by this storm is doing okay, and I hope recovery comes as quickly as it can. Thanks for y'alls support.
