#end ship wars that go too far


Jeez, cool off!

People — fans — need to distinguish fiction from reality. This is really tough because fiction IS reality (hello D****).

Shows depict personal feelings and develop characters we identify to, characters that have a key role in our lives. One can be sad for days if something happens to their favorite character, or in the contrary smiles while in a bad mood just because of their favorite character’s happiness. But the fiction needs to be parted from reality when it comes to ships and actors.

Our ships can mean a lot to us, and sometimes everything. Because of what they represent, because of what they mean to us and our identity, because they are what enables us to escape from our daily lives, and because they bring us hope. But ships battles can sometimes go too far. And people begin to forget the boundaries between reality and fiction. I saw some say that Karamel was endgame because Chris Wood and Melissa Benoist married each other. It’s not healthy (!!) to claim and convince yourself that the fiction has become reality. Just like it’s not right for people to attack Chris because of his behavior as Mon-El. As much as shows can bring happiness, it can destroy people, real people, both actors and fans. Cyber-bullying is something powerful, and it is even more when you are attacked on something you hold dear to your heart, and not everyone has the strength to ignore the critics, simply because sometimes they go too far. Just think about fans insulting actors because of the characters they play.. they are destroying their dream. If we take the example of Staz, he said he is living a dream working on Supergirl, and even if we don’t like his character, there is no reason to attack Staz for William’s actions. Because this is not healthy, and this is insane. All we do is destroying someone’s experience of their most beautiful journey. Staz should be held accountable for his actions, not for William’s; just like David has to be called out for his actions while we still love Space Dad.

And I know it’s hard to keep liking a character when we discovered that the one interpreting it is an asshole, but it should be as hard as hating a character which interpreter we love. I love Katie McGrath with all my soul, but still, I held Lena accountable for putting Hope in Eve in such an aggressive and abusive way. And I agree that this was written out of character, but as much as I didn’t agree with Lena’s actions, I still love Katie with all my heart because these are two different things. So I’m not gonna hate on Staz because of William’s douchebag behavior just like I won’t hate on Chris for Mon-El’s mistakes. We should all know the differences between actors and their characters. And this should also be remembered when it comes to ships.

We love our ships and we will always be loud about them, but spreading hate because someone doesn’t believe in what we believe? No! We are better than that! Both sides of the story are better than that!

Now if someone attacks me because of my ship I will answer back, I will fight tooth and nail for my babies because I identify to what they represent, but I wouldn’t start such a fight. I want to be able to believe freely in what I feel like believing in, and I think I should be able to do it without having someone pushing me down for it. Seemingly, I would never drag somebody down for believing in something that makes them feel better about themselves. If I don’t want someone to be getting in the way between me and what makes me happy, then I should not get in the way between someone else’s happiness and themselves. There is enough space for all of us to ship everyone we want to ship. We should not be quiet about what makes us happy, but we should do it with love and kindness. Because that’s what we all deserve. And if you don’t ship these two? Well there’s no problem then, continue you way, there’s no need for you to tell someone how wrong you think they are. Keep your hatred for yourself and let them believe in whatever makes them happy.

I will always be kind towards the ones that do not have the same beliefs as I, but the day you’ll invalidate my ship, I’ll come at you, because it will be the day you invalidate me, and when someone drags me down, I fight back. Not because I don’t have kindness anymore, but because things need to be done to make people understand that they are wrong, and I will always stand up for myself and for my fellows.

I’m a Supercorp shipper, and I’ll will always fight for my ship, but I won’t be invalidating Karamel, SuperBat, SuperCat, GuardianCorp… And yes, for me, Lena makes more sense;

And yes, I think James was a jerk to Lena, and Mon-El was a jerk before his redemption;

And no, I don’t see GuardianCorp’s chemistry and I don’t wish Kara and Mon-El to go back together even though he is a mature man now; but I accepted what the show delivered and I didn’t break people’s beliefs even though mine were different. So please, stop attacking Supercorp shippers because of their beliefs. If the show takes this path then so be it, there is no need to drag us down or send hate. Let go, enjoy what you had and what you can create, just like we did for the past three years.

We respect you and I hope that you can do the same, even though there are people from both sides who have trouble with boundaries.

Let’s set an example, because in the end, all we want is for Kara to be happy. Mon-El once made her happy, and if it’s Lena’s turn now then so be it.

Hope, help and compassion for all fellows
