#endgame julerose


All I’m going to say is DAMMIT @livrever   (also sorry for the wait!!) I hope you enjoy it!

Fromthis prompt list 


She sighed in pleasure, leaning into Rose’s touch as her wife’s fingers carded through her hair. She had always loved the feeling of having her hair braided, but it was an entirely different feeling when Rose was the one doing it. Rose’s touch was special; she could feel the love in the way her fingers brushed through her hair, weaving it into an overly ornate braid. 

Which wasn’t surprising, given love was Rose’s domain. 

Her eyes slid shut, and she smiled lazily as Rose began to hum again. It was a hymn of love. One of her favourites. Although, all of the love hymns were her favourites. 

“You’re smiling.”

Her smile grew at the sing-song lilt in Rose’s voice. “I am,” she agreed, without opening her eyes. She didn’t need to see to know Rose was smiling behind her. “It’s going to be a good day.”

“It is…” Rose’s sigh was dreamy and excited. Unsurprising, given she had been looking forward to the festival for months. It was one of Rose’s favourite days of the year. 

“Will you be done soon?” As much as she would have preferred to laze in the meadow all day, just the two of them, weaving flowers into each other’s hair, they did have to make an appearance at the festival. And it would be starting soon. 

“Soon,” Rose said absently. “I still need to add the flowers. You can’t go to the festival without flowers in your hair.” 

She snorted but didn’t argue. It was Rose’s day, after all. And even if she rarely wore her hair in such elaborate and adorned braids as the ones Rose always did for her, Rose was right. No one ever went to this festival without flowers in their hair. 

“Speaking of…” she murmured, cracking her eyes open when she felt Rose’s hands still at the ends of her tresses. “I’m finished.” She held up the flower crown she had been weaving as Rose did her hair. After so many years, she could weave flower crowns with her eyes closed. 

And even after receiving flower crowns from her for so many years, Rose still gasped in delight every time she gave her one. 

“It’s beautiful,” Rose squealed as she tumbled past her in a cloud of gold and pink gossamer. Rose took the the wreath of flowers in her hands, and with a delighted and blinding smile, she held the crown of roses aloft in her hands before placing it on her head. “How do I look?” 

She reached out, smiling as she straightened the crown. “Beautiful. The answer is always beautiful.” 

Rose caught her hand in hers, smiling brightly as she interlaced their fingers. Then her love plucked a pink rose from the basket their attendants had left for them and tucked it into her hair. “Beautiful is your job,” she murmured before pressing a kiss to her knuckles. 

Even after all their time together, Rose still never failed to make her blush when she wanted to. Something Rose enjoyed very much. 

She would have been happy to stay in the moment for eternity, but they did have an important festival to prepare for. 

“I suppose we should finish getting ready…” she mumbled. 

“You’re right…” she cracked a smile at the way Rose pouted a little. It was rare for Rose to be put out. Especially on the day of a party. 

Especially on the day of her party. 

“Come on,” she squeezed her wife’s hand. “You said my hair needs flowers. I can’t go without flowers. And maybe I can make you some garlands to go with this,” she said, reaching up to brush her fingers against the rainbow of roses on her wife’s head. A colour for every kind of love. “And you can tell me about all the mortals you plan to bless this year.”

Rose immediately brightened. If there was one thing that was guaranteed to always make her smile, it was the prospect of helping some poor mortal find love. 

Wellll…” Rose sang as she scooted back behind her, reaching for flowers to tuck into her braided hair, “there is this one mortal who’s had the most terrible luck with love so far and she’s so sweet and generous. I’m going to give her the best blessing I can this year. And I know the perfect person for her…” 
