#energy color



How to find your working energy’s color

Whether you need to cast a circle, mingle your energy with your wand, or charge an object, it can sometimes be hard to visualize it. The easiest way to work with your energy is to see it! So here’s a very simple exercise to find your energy and to work with it! I promise when you see the color of your energy, spells become a LOT easier! 

Get comfy, close your eyes, and take a slow, deep breath in. Hold it for 3 counts and then slowly exhale. Do this 3 times (or as many as you need to relax) before letting your breathing fall into its natural rhythm.

Imagine you’re in darkness. It’s comfortable, warm, safe. As you float there you see a line*. Go to it. This is your thread of energy, follow the thread, touch it, if you want. You will be lead to where it came from, your main energy pool**. This is YOUR personal energy. Get to know it, bask in it a little. When you’re read, slowly open your eyes. You are now ready to cast magic! 

Anytime you feel you can’t cast, or it’s hard, just use this exercise to find your energy again, we all lose sight/feel sometimes! 

*The line will be different for everyone. Some see it as yarn, some as a neon light, some as mist, etc. The color is also different for everyone, as is the thickness and brightness. Occasionally your color will change! Not all the time, maybe never, but sometimes it can! Mine was purple for the longest time, and now it’s blue!

**The shape of the energy pool is different for everyone. Mine is a massive pillar. A friend of mine’s is a sphere, and still another’s is a puddle on the ‘ground’. So don’t worry if yours ‘looks right’. 

Blessed Be! 
