


Ok, so I get a lot of shit for calling low level spells weaker or low level, so here’s a guide to actually crafting powerful spells.

What you need to know right off the bat is that you’re layering powers on each other, and if you draw on more powers, you generally get better results. Now, there is some level of balance to this, as doing too much can muddle the intent of your spell, but the “too much” threshold is going to be something you learn to use intuition to find for yourself.

So, let’s begin! Here are components of your spells to layer on top of each other

  • The most basic, your ingredients: what are the correspondences of your oils, waters, herbs, candles, and stones?
  • The time you do it: what day are you doing it? What phase is the moon in? Where are the planets? What day of the week are you doing it?
  • Location: Are you doing it in the woods? Near a river? Can the light of the moon touch you? What cardinal direction are you facing?
  • Visualization: While I don’t believe intent alone is the driving force behind all magical works, that doesn’t mean mental pursuits during your spell work are worthless. Visualization can be an incredibly powerful layer in your spells. What does the magic you’re controlling look like? What is it doing?
  • Who you call on: Will you petition deities, spirits, ancestors, or fae for power? How will you do this?
  • Symbols: What shapes are your stones? Did you use runes or alchemical symbols? Did you make a sigil? How are your symbols incorporated into the spell?
  • Energy: Where are you getting the power for the spell? Yourself? The earth? A charged crystal? The spirits you petitioned?
  • Repetition: How many times has this spell or ritual been done before? An old spell has a lot of power behind it due to the sheer amount of times it has been used. Additionally, how many times do you perform an action or speak an incantation in the spell?
  • Incantation: what are you saying? Are you speaking to an entity or the earth itself? What language is the incantation in? Is the language related to who or what you’re petitioning or is it just the language it was first written in?
  • Numbers: How many ingredients are you using? How many times will you perform an action? How many crystals/flowers/spoonfuls/candles/etc will you use? Numbers have correspondences.
  • Colors: Colors have correspondences too. What color is your candle? Your ink?
  • Tools: What tools are you using? How have those tools been powered or charmed? What have you used them for previously? How old are they? What energies power them?
  • Traditions: What traditions are you using? Where did the correspondences you use come from? If you’re mixing traditions, do those traditions mix well? I do some amount of brauchery, and it doesn’t play well with other traditions.
  • Order: What order do you do things in your spell? Which way do you stir? Do you petition spirits before the spell or during it?
  • And finally: intent and will. Yes, I’m not a fan of this stuff because tumblr sees it as the end all, be all. However, your intent will guide the way the spell goes, and your willpower is going to get you through anything tricky. YOU have to have the power and knowledge to make the spell work. If you’re in a place that is specifically yours (like your house) you have sovereignty and your willpower will decide whether or not entities in the area respect that sovereignty. I could talk for a long time on this but I won’t because this passage isn’t the whole point of the post

To conclude:

Hopefully this illustrates why a cup of tea isn’t the greatest spell when it only includes ingredients and maybe some intent. I know I probably didn’t get every component you can add to a spell, but hopefully I got most of it.

Hope this helps someone out there!


Wording a spell correctly is extremely important! We’ve all heard the stories of someone who cast a spell and technically had it come true, but in a way that wasn’t what they actually wanted at all! Here’s a list of common “loopholes” spells will take to get the job done, and how to make sure you get what you want!

Taking its time- “I want money,” you tell the Universe, hoping to get some help with rent. Well, rent comes and there’s no extra cash in sight! Then, two weeks later, a surprise wad of cash all but lands in your lap. The spell came true, but not in time for when it mattered. This is easily fixed by adding “…by the end of the month,” or specifying what the money is for, which in this case was this month’s rent.

No help needed- “I want money,” you say again. Magic will often take the path of least resistance, so if you’ve already got a paycheck on the way, the spell might not do much besides make sure it doesn’t get lost. There. Money. It can be good to specify that you want your spell to work in addition to everything you’re already doing!

Bare minimum- This time from your money spell, it arrives on time from an unexpected source! But it’s a quarter you found on the ground. Maybe three quarters. Not much help! If your intent would require the money to be close to a certain amount or any other specific like that, let it be known! The universe isn’t there to make assumptions.

For the worst- Let’s say you have two friends that have been flirting, so you cast a nice little spell to let any mutual interest between them blossom into a relationship and save them some trouble. It happens, but it turns out they do NOT work well with each other. They are interested in each other, but argue constantly and bring out the worst in each other. The relationship is hurting them both. You had the absolute best of intentions, but there was no way of knowing that would happen! This is why a lot of witches include the phrase, “for the highest good” in their spells, as a failsafe for any unexpected pitfalls like this that may be lurking. The universe will see them but doesn’t know to care unless you specify.

Another layer- Once I made a dream bear to bring me more dreams. Well, I had lots more dreams, but couldn’t remember any of them! I didn’t think that was something I needed to specify. Make sure you hit every point you need to be satisfied with a result.

As a general rule, if my spell includes a prayer or petition of any sort, I take a few minutes and comb through it for stuff like this beforehand. What am I specifying? What am I leaving up to interpretation? Could any of that manifest in a way I would be unhappy with? Take a little time before you start casting to smooth out all those wrinkles! Best of wishes!

Because magick works best when there are actual real memories and strong emotions tied to the items.

to attract love in life/increase your or someone else’s happiness:

- your (their) most favourite candy
- a colorful ribbon from a gift wrapping
- some kid’s love confession letter you found in a library book

to speed up things:

- burnt matches
- a watch stem
- bus/train tickets
- a few torn off sheets from a daily/weekly calendar

to slow down things:

- a snail shell
- a queue ticket
- a pull-tab from canned food
- a few drops of formalin
- dried fruits

to protect/threaten:

- tin soldiers
- old bullets
- cat nails (naturally shed, obviously. inspect your cat’s scratch post)
- dead wasps
- insect cocoons
- glass bottle caps (you know, these sharp metal ones)

to banish:

- a few drops of sanitizer
- absorbent coal
- a rejection letter
- a one-way ticket (away from your location)

to curse:

- a traffic/parking ticket
- bones from cooked fish that you almost choked on
- your own tears, brought by sincere rage/misery
- flowers from a thrown-away bouquet
- the most obnoxious ad/spam mail you’ve ever received
- a test paper, marked F and mercilessly corrected by a sadistic teacher

Use your senses, your emotions, your own memories and your imagination: what does this item make you feel, what did it possibly make its owner feel? You can add to the list whatever feels right to you. Remember that emotions and memories connected to the item are always a powerful magick fuel, especially in spellwork. Note: some of these things are obviously region-specific. For example, living in a place that once was the war epicentre, it’s a common thing for me to stumble across old rusty bullets while taking a walk in a suburban forest. It may be different for you, but that only means you have certain things which are only unique to your place.

I practice for more than 10 years already, and, honestly, if I were to give one (1) most useful piece of advice about the way I do my spellwork, I’d say that for getting the desired outcome, preparation and planning for the spellcasting is just as important as the actual ritual, because the preparation is already a part of the spellcasting. You’re already working on the manifestation of your desired outcome when you’re simply drafting and preparing, because you begin to think about it and focus on it.

Don’t neglect the drafring and preparation if you really want the spell to be powerful enough to shift the reality. 

Spend some time just making a draft of the spell in your journal. Divide the page on individual aspects of your desired result. For each, write all your ideas, possible correspondences, any things that you think might help with this certain aspect of your desired result (”make things faster = fire?? burnt matches? clock hands???” or “new job means new beginings, so should definitely cast it on the new moon. check the day of the week correspondence later. dont forget to use tarot imagery, the fool definitely will come handy”, etc). 

Be as messy as you want, it doesn’t matter, because, again, by focusing and preparing for the cast you’re already doing the half of the work.  

Carefully and mindfully preparing for a spell alone usually provides, like, 50% of the desired result for me. 

Experienced witches, witches who have made the same mistakes, witches trying to maintain an honest and informative community - please tell me which are the main authors/publishers to avoid while reading up on witchcraft (any topic, we’re not specializing too much here) and which are your personal recommendations

Thanks y’all

There are probably a million reasons why sometimes spells just don’t work. Most of the time it comes

There are probably a million reasons why sometimes spells just don’t work. Most of the time it comes down to needing to do the inner work or just waiting a little longer than you thought necessary for the magic to happen. Just like anything else, witchcraft is a practice and spell work takes time. So if you’ve been feeling out of focus with your casting there’s probably a reason why your spells aren’t checking out. 

Read below for my top ten reasons why sometimes spells just don’t budge. 

1 You didn’t do the inner work

The number one reason why magical intention doesn’t move the energy you wanted it to is because there are blocks, energy blocks. All these blocks are blocking up your ability to push forward to what you really want. Want to focus on more of your magic? Do the work to remove the blocks so you can forge ahead. 

2 Your spell doesn’t align with your highest intention 

Yes we all have the greatest potential, but what if what you’re asking for isn’t really aligning with that? Maybe you’re destined for bigger things…like owning that big company but you’re asking for a small fry raise at a place that drives you crazy with a toxic boss instead? If you have a calling go for it, don’t settle for second best. Your magic will help you more when you’re aligned with what you’re supposed to do. 

3 You don’t have enough focus

Spells are hard to perform. They’re even harder with kids, siblings, noisey housemates or any other interruptions bargingin in during your ritual work. If you really think you weren’t focusing enough, don’t force it. Just try the spell again when you can get a little quiet time instead. 

4 It just didn’t work

For reasons beyond understanding it just wasn’t meant for you (or me). I like to think of cases like this where my spirits are looking down the tunnel of my future and saving me from some really horrible outcome. So I say in instances like these, don’t force it, just go with the flow. 

5 You’re meant to focus your energy elsewhere

Just like the spell not aligning with your highest intention, it could be that your energy is needed elsewhere. Pay attention to where you are being drawn to. Something better could be waiting around the corner. 

6 You just need to practice

Pushing your magical energy out there to attract what you want in your life is not an easy task. It takes many years of dedication and practice to get it right. No one is perfect at it, and especially if you’re just starting out you may just need to practice. Don’t get frustrated, just like anything else, practice makes spells perfect.

7 You really don’t want it

Did someone beg you to perform the spell (the worst). Or is it something you really don’t want to do or happen? Dig deep and really ask yourself those hard questions. Are you manifesting what you truly want for yourself? 

8 The spell you used was off

Spells are weird. And there are a LOT of bad spells. Sometimes it’s hard to see which spells are not it and maybe the one you’re using just isn’t vibing with your energy. If it’s something you really want, switch up the spell and try again. 

9 You don’t believe

Belief is the number one drive in your magical force. If you don’t believe it’s like driving a car with no gas in the tank. Believe, believe, believe. 

10 You’re just having an off day

Maybe you’re just having an off day. It could be the planetary alignment, some funky person bothering your vibe at the gym, or a multitude of reasons why your energy was off. Even the best witches have off days. Dust off your spell and try again. 

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Keeping with the witch theme, a fantasy self portrait digital painting. ✨✨#selfportrait #illustratio

Keeping with the witch theme, a fantasy self portrait digital painting. ✨✨#selfportrait #illustration #bookcover #art #myart #artistsoninstagram #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #blackcat #fullmoon #spellcasting #witchaesthetic #witchsona #digitalpainting #sabrinatheteenagewitch #chillingadventuresofsabrina #darkforest #creepyhouse #pentagram #magiccircle

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A blog that describes my morning on yule. 


I woke up at 5:55 am, before my 6:00 am alarm. I was so excited, I woke up several times in the night to look at the clock and make sure I didn’t wake up late. 

I layered on four skirts, black leggings, two sweaters and my winter coat. When I finally made it outside, it was still dark. I gathered all my magical items on my altar table and set up the candles by the light of my flashlight. Next, the fire was built so that I could light it as soon as the sun rose.

I cast a protective circle, called the elements and sat down to watch the sunrise. My coffee warmed my hands and the steam brushed my face. A plate of cookies sat nearby. Blankets were piled around my shoulders. 


The sun touched the tree tops around me. They blazed like a torch. A signal that it was time to light the fire. I lit my yule log that had my hopes and wishes drawn in chalk.


I chanted a passage from my book of shadows. It spoke of the lengthening days and the end of the longest night. 

Watching the sunrise was one of the most special moments of my life. I watched the sky turn from light blue, to pink, to orange, to blazing yellow. I felt the power of the rising sun run through my body. It left me feeling tingly and warm.

I cast a future happiness spell and filed my cauldron with pine branches and clear quartz.


I sat, covered in blankets, and watched the world brighten little by little. The fire continued to burn happily. All was beautiful and peaceful. The birds sang. I heard a roosters call in the distance. The cold wind bit at my nose. My outstretched fingers warmed by the fire. The sweet taste of jam cookies lingered in my mouth.

I felt happy and alive. The wheel of the year continued to turn. 


Blessed Solstice. 

I’ve noticed a trend in my magical practice as of late. For a while now I’ve been doing less typical spell work and lots more energy work. 

I find the more energy work I do, the less I need specific magical tools when I do cast spells….

Am…am I leveling up? 


How to use lemons in witchcraft (Pt. 4)

Part four: lemon seeds

Basics of lemons:

Zodiac: Cancer and Pisces
Planet: The Moon

Lemon Seeds in witchcraft

  • My favorite way to use lemon seeds in witchcraft is using what nature gave me. I clean some seeds, add to tamp paper towels, place them in a baggy, and hang them on my window for about 2-3 weeks. Once they sprout, I’ll plant no more than two into a tiny little cup planter and keep it on my altar. Every time i go to water it, I’m reminded to care for my altar. Every time I care for my altar, I’m reminded to water it. It’s a simple but extraordinarily effective way to measure my own personal growth as well. Once they’re big enough to need a home outside, I’ll replant it, and start all over with another kind of seed. My orchard is ever-growing.
  • Wearing lemon seeds can be a little difficult to style, but it can be done. I personally let them dry for about a month before I do this. You can take a small lemon seed and slip it into a locket to carry with you. Make a little wire cage, or simply poke a hole in it and string it onto a piece of leather cord. Lemon seeds are little pockets o sunshine for your soul and represent the ability to grow and harvest a new way of life wherever you end up. Gifting someone jewelry with lemon seeds represents you wishing them a lifetime of good health, energy, and spiritual wellbeing.
  • Lemon seeds are also great ways to add lemon essence to things like spell jars. If they’re dried properly, they allow you to harness that lemony effect without needing to watch your spell jar turn into an ecosystem of manifestation and mold.

Please consider this post open for all ideas, comments, tricks, and tips! I use a lot of interaction from my blog to come up with new things to post about - so if you wanna say something, go for it! As always everyone, be safe out there, and Blessed Be :)

Tips and Commissions for a struggling witch: Ko-Fi

You can also support your local witch at my store, Hallow Grove!


How to use lemons in witchcraft (Pt. 3)

Part three: lemon peel

Basics of lemons:

Zodiac: Cancer and Pisces
Planet: The Moon

Lemon peel in witchcraft

  • I love incorporating witchy things into my showers. Even if I melt down a soap bar and add lemon zest, toss in a few lemon slices into the tub, or make a sugar/salt body scrub with lemon zest, I feel like that little touch adds an energizing and wonderful spark in the mornings when I shower!
  • Lemon peel is also FULL of what is essentially… essential oil. You know when you have some orange peel, and you bend it about, a find mist propels into the air around it? Lemon peel does the same thing. Hack a slice off, spritz it onto the front of your shirt, and you’ll carry a light, refreshing, cleansing aura around with you all day! Plus, the effects linger, so when you wash it, your diluting a tiny bit of positivity into all of your clothes.
  • You can also use dried lemon peel as a smoke cleanse. It’s not very pleasant to smell, but it has an amazing effect. Lemon sucks up negativity like a vacuum, so naturally it’ll do just that as it’s wafting around your space. Open a window, turn on a fan, and watch a week’s worth of stress and anxiety rush right out of your home.

As always, if anyone has any other tips, tricks, or witchy hints on the subject, you are all more than welcome to add your ideas into comments, tags, and reblogs! My blog runs off of the ideas that you all give me, so interacting with posts not only get your ideas out there for others, but it also helps me find new topics to post about. As always, be safe, and blessed be!

Tips and Commissions for a struggling witch: Ko-Fi

You can also support your local witch at my store, Hallow Grove!


How to use lemons in witchcraft (Pt. 2)

Part two: Lemon flesh and juice

Basics of lemons:

Zodiac: Cancer and Pisces
Planet: The Moon

Lemon flesh/juice in witchcraft

  • The best lemonade you’ll ever have is also a potent spiritual protection spell/potion! Cut off the peel of 2 large lemons, and slice the flesh into bits. Remove seeds. Add bits to a pot with a sprig of fresh basil, 2 cups of water, and 1 cup of sugar(or to taste, I personally only use ½ a cup). Simmer for 10 minutes and stir occasionally while mashing the lemon bits with a spoon. Remove from heat, cool to room temperature, and strain over 2 cups of ice water in a pitcher. This should give you about 4 or 5 cups of lemonade depending on your sugar taste. You can also add water, use more lemon - whatever calls to you.
  • Lemon juice is just full of cleansing energy and potent negative energy absorption. Add a bit to your water in the mornings to help absorb negativity all day! Easy, fast, delightful in sparkling water (but I am secretly a 65-year-old grandparent in a 22-year-old body so I like sparkling water)
  • Lemon juice is also very protective outside your body. You can dab it onto your clothes, add a tablespoon to your washing machine or dishwasher, or even just sprinkle a tiny bit into your mop bucket (And I mean TINY: a tablespoon to a gallon ratio, or even less). All of that with infuse you and your home with a clean, fresh energy.

Of course, these are just a few easy broom-closet-friendly ideas, so if you aren’t worried about keeping your practice hidden, feel free to add on your ideas and tricks! My blog is geared mostly towards beginners or people living in unfriendly environments, so a lot of my lists, tricks, and tips are for them. As always, remember to do your research and always practice in a cleansed environment! Blessed be!

Tips and Commissions for a struggling witch: Ko-Fi

You can also support your local witch at my store, Hallow Grove!


How to use lemons in witchcraft (Pt. 1)

Part one: whole lemons

I’ve had a few people ask me for more information on lemons in witchcraft, so here’s a new series for you guys! There will be a few parts: whole lemons, flesh/juice, peel, and seeds. For simplicity sake, there will likely only be a max of three or four ideas on each post, so that it’s not overwhelming and I feel like I can go into detail without the posts getting too long. Without further delay, let’s get right into it!

Basics of lemons:

Zodiac: Cancer and Pisces
Planet: The Moon

Whole lemons in witchcraft:

  • This ultra-easy negativity absorption trick
  • This slightly mean but ultimately useful-as-fuck-around-the-holidays spell
  • Bring a whole lemon with you when you’re going somewhere that needs a significant amount of your energy. Lemons are extremely energizing and can offer a boost when you have tests, presentations, or interviews.
  • The first day after a full moon, press a whole clove into the feel of a whole lemon. Do this every day until the next full moon, preferably before you go to bed. The next full moon, bury it somewhere you consider a very peaceful place to invoke good luck and spiritual energy.
  • Throw one at your homophobic Mormon uncle.

Like I said, I’ll probably keep each post at three or four ideas, but if anyone wants to add more ideas or suggest a new kind of posts, my asks are open! Always remember to do your research and always practice in a cleansed environment :) Blessed be!

Tips and Commissions for a struggling witch: Ko-Fi

You can also support your local witch at my store, Hallow Grove!

It’s me! You’re thinking of me! You wanted to see me and here I am for you to see. Now, you suddenly remember just how much and why you love me.

There’s the smile! The contagious smile! You see it, especially when you close your eyes and think of all of the times you put it there and you think of when you’ve neglected it and then you remember you miss it and you want it back in your life.

What’s Been Missing With Your Magick And Updates

Hi loves,

This is gonna be a pretty long read but I ask that you please read it all.

I have had something on my heart for a while now. I have avoided this post for a long time because I was not sure how it would be received. I was not sure even how to say it.

I have been apart of the spiritual community since I was 13 years old. The second I got that lime green Dell laptop… I was in the trenches. Scouring through Youtube videos, reading books about Witchcraft and hiding them from my parents because they didn’t understand (they came around), and practicing spells on a beat up table I had gotten from Goodwill. I live and breathe this shit. 

I eventually found the world of Hoodoo and never looked back. This practice has given me belonging. This practice has put food on my table. This practice has connected me to my ancestors. I LOVE teaching it. I love doing spells for others and using my gifts and my knowledge to bless others. I love baby witches that tell me I’m an inspiration. 

But I have something to say.

Magick, Hoodoo, spellcraft, manifestation, all the forms Witchcraft takes, is simply a bandaid on a large wound.

It works. Of course it works. The miracles I have manifested for myself are otherworldly. The miracles I have co-created with others, the way it works in others lives and rearranges reality and makes the impossible possible.

But it does not change anything, not really.

See, I went around for years thinking that manifesting happened at an altar. And it does. With our candles, and our oils, and our herbs, we focus our intent and our energy on a single object or goal and we send it out into the universe and it rearranges things in our favor. The other part is though, we are manifesting all the time. Everyday. Every second.

Everything in your life, even the bad stuff, you have manifested.

Taking radical responsibility like this is….brutal. A lot of people don’t want to do it. A lot of people might even get mad at me for saying it and say that I am victim blaming, that I can’t possibly know everyone’s circumstances to make a statement like that…but here’s what I know for sure. We get what we are a vibrational match for. Like attract likes. What you seek is seeking you.

So when I say that Magick is a bandaid, I mean just because you can call it in, does not mean you can keep it. 

The true Magick is changing your mindset. Your belief structure.

Your mindset is made up of subconscious belief systems and stories you probably don’t even know you have if you’ve never done the work to unravel them.

Lets take money for an example:

Lets say as a child you experienced living on the poverty line. You somehow usually had enough for the essentials like food and shelter, but not much for anything else. You grew up seeing your mom stress about the rent. You felt the fear in your household around paying bills. There were nights you went to sleep hungry but didn’t saying anything because you didn’t want to stress your parents out any more than they were and you knew things were tight.

You grew up hearing things like:

“There’s never enough hours at work”

Money doesn’t grow on trees”

“Nothing ever changes in the hood”

Then say you come to me for a job spell. You’re tired of the current job because it does not pay enough and you are in a lot of debt and ready to make a change. You pay me, I do the spell, it works amazingly, and you score a job that makes double your old salary.

Then, within a years time, you get fired. Or laid off. Or you quit because it’s just too overwhelming.

You think it was a stroke of bad luck. Too good to be true. Or just not what you thought it would be.

Really, it was so much deeper than that.

You grew up in a household full of scarcity. You were taught there was never enough. That money was a limited resource. And if you grew up anything like me that money wasn’t for “people like us”. You believe you should always have “enough” but never more than that because you’ve never known anything else.

So even though your conscious mind came to me and wanted this job more than anything, your subconscious mind sabotaged it. 

You do not mean to manifest struggle or terrible shit, but its all that you know. Its what you subconsciously think you deserve and are worth.

You can go through a hundred green candles and do spells to manifest the same $1000 twenty times only to watch it fly out of your bank account because it all comes down to one thing,

You are not a vibrational match for money.

Your conscious mind wants it, seeks it, hustles for it, but your subconscious mind says: 

“money isn’t for people like us” 

“money isn’t stable”

“money is scary”

“money isn’t easy to come by”

“money never sticks around”

All based on things you saw, heard, and observed as a child.

This is the same for love spells

I can burn every candle in my stash and manifest you the man of your dreams and if you have beliefs from childhood that say men are unstable, men always leave, men always cheat, love is painful, he will never be able to stick around because you are literally repelling the thing you want. 

Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between a lie and the truth. It is not capable of discerning the things you heard as false. And up until around the age of 8, you are basically a walking subconscious mind because your conscious mind isn’t developed. So when you heard things about money, things about your self worth, things that you could or couldn’t have, you believed them.

So, my point is, this is a temporary fix by itself. 

I can manifest beautiful things for you, and it will just fly right out of your life if you have subconscious beliefs that you don’t deserve it, can’t have it, or are scared of it.

You have to change your mindset. You have to unravel your limiting beliefs.

I started working with clients because I have a calling on my heart to help people change their lives. To redistribute wealth. To show people what’s possible in their lives. To inspire people to live their deepest desires. I thought I could do it through Hoodoo, and I have, and for the time being I will continue to take clients, but in the long term, I want to do so much more than that.

I want to rewire your brain for a beautiful life. I want to help you and teach you to manifest things as well as keep them.

I am now a coach for spiritual people. I teach people how to heal their shit and trauma around money and success so they can live an abundant life and manifest the desires of their heart.

This work is not hoodoo centered and I will not take hoodoo spell request or q’s there.

This blog will probably always exist. It is certainly not going anywhere anytime soon. I will for the time being still be posting spells, answering q’s, taking clients, etc. I will always probably practice Hoodoo in some capacity, if not only to connect with my ancestors.

And if you are Black or a POC, I especially want to help with this work. Everyone is welcome of course and I want you all there but this next message is specifically for black folks and poc) because this shit is in our blood. We are master manifestors. We know how polish shit and make gold. But too many of us struggle with money specifically because we think its our birthright. We don’t know things can be different. We have never seen it be different. 

But it can, it is so fucking out there, but we have to rewire our brains. We have to be willing to face our demons. 

It’s not that this shit doesn’t work, it’s that this shit doesn’t work alone.

So that’s on that. 

I love you guys.

♥ Spellsteal ♥Total 6 poses for the Sims 4 gallery, for a female and male simIf you use my poses ple

♥ Spellsteal ♥

  • Total 6 poses for the Sims 4 gallery, for a female and male sim
  • If you use my poses please give credit, and hashtag me #SakuraLeon
  • Be creative! And please, always be kind ♥

Download female poses HERE

Download male poses HERE

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Decided to do a “ jar spell” a protection spell lately I’ve been feeling a little off like the outside world Is working against me but I decided it’s not going to succeed!! PSA( I’m not a Christian witch I just felt the need to do this spell and)

spell jar for luck and protection

- ✨

this jar is great for having on a necklace, keeping on your nightstand, alter, carrying in your bag/wait-staff apron at work, or you could gift it to a friend! this jar is great at attracting luck of all kinds, especially wealth and wish granting, it works really well for protection against ill intentions and helps curb bad energy :)

[what you’ll need;]

-ground nutmeg

grounding, good luck, fortune, stability, household funds, protection of wealth

-garlic seeds

home stability, financial stability, prosperity, productivity, opportunities, intention setting, financial protection, financial growth, psychic protection, aids intuition, good energies


abundance, communication, growth of wealth, prosperity, career luck, encourages happiness

-dried moss

household stability, financial stability, connection to earth, love, grounding

-whole clove(s)

protection, abundance, stability, growth, prosperity, manifestation, energy, good luck

-black peppercorns

protection, motivation, banishes negative energies, stability, grounding

-dried bay leaf (crumbled)

intuition, wish granting, communication, good luck, abundance, good energies, financial protection, psychic protection


feel free to send in any questions! i personally see this as a bit of a bigger jar spell but ofc the tiny jars will work perfectly as well, and i recommend constructing this jar on a fire or full moon!

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Our 15% off everything sale in our shop ends tomorrow ✨ No code needed, discount automatically applied at checkout. Minimum spend $50 ex shipping.

Spellcrafting: strengthen the power of your Craft by creating and crafting your own spells www.unicornmanor.com ✨

Spellcrafting is a step-by-step guide to writing your own spells and timing them for the best effect. From different types of spells to the intentions and powers of different ingredients, you will have everything you need to create unique magic that works best for you.

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What You’ll Need :

  • Study Guide (Has to be finished!)
  • Yellow/White Candle
  • Calcite
  • Glass Bowl

I. Light the Candle

II. Hold the Calcite in one hand, place the other over the study guide. Imagine the energy of the work absorbing.

III. Rip a little piece [of your Study Guide] and place it into the glass bowl, light it up and inhale the smoke. (If you cannot inhale the smoke, simply place your hand over it and visualize it seeping into your skin.) Then, chant :

Study, study, keep in my mind. Study, know, so I won’t be so blind. Know, know, the correct answer I’ll write. Know, memorize, so I get the test right. Memorize, memorize, this test I shall pass. Memorize, forever, so I’ll pass this class.

Good luck to those who have tests!

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Witch’s Thrall! An Autumnal Photoset.
72 Pics (18+ explicit) and a 10 minute video
Send $10 to cashapp and send me a message to purchase!

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Writing your own spell can seem intimidating and complicated but following these steps will help you to create spells that can be just as effective as ones you learn from books or other witches. 

  1. Boil down the purpose of the spell to a word or short phrase.
  2. Find the ingredients suited to that goal like crystals, herbs, candles and incense (fin suitable ones with correspondence lists and resource books)
  3. Consider the best possible timing for the spell (moon phase ect)
  4. Decide if you want a verbal component (incantation). If so, write it in a manner that includes your components and goal.
  5. Bless all the items you will be working with (ridding them of any unwanted energies)
  6. Consider any actions that might help support the magick and where best to place them in the spell process (eg, lighting a candle at the outset to illustrate your intention)
  7. Focus your will and begin the spell, building energy.
  8. Guide the energy as far as you can mentally, the release it and trust the in the outcome
  9. Keep a journal of you successes and failures for future references and improvements


To all those who need recovery after a psychic/karmic attack, feel as though you are powerless and you need that little extra magical push, or merely for those who have had a not-so-good day,

this is for you.

Take back what belongs to you, little witch. 

Your voice can mend. 

“Calling upon the powers from

North, South, East, and West,

The four corners of the Earth, I take my power back.

Forsake all who threaten to do harm upon me,

I signal the universe to protect me,

and sever me from their toxicity.

Grant me the power to rise above where they had thought I had been sent to fall.

I thank the powers of North, South, East, and West,

The gifts of the Earth and the stars above;

powers of earth, water, fire, and air

with good to all, 

reverse harm that has been done,

by the grace of my own magic,

this spell is done.”

*The following is optional as I am aware that not all witches have access to certain materials. However, making use of the following can accelerate and/or strengthen the intended outcome if you do possess them. You can always replace or add materials as you please; make my spell your spell.


-Sage/Perovskia/Palo Santo


-Onyx, amethyst, smoky quartz (regular quartz may suffice as well)

Candle Color(s):

-Black; for banishing and breaking curses

-White; purification from negative energies

Tarot Cards:

-Nine of Wands


-The Moon

Which Direction to Face when Casting a Spell

Another gift of nature and an important factor to consider when initiating a spell is the direction in which to face. Compass directions north, south, east, and west are very significant when casting a spell. By facing the proper direction, you are utilizing the vibration or energy that it offers. The powers of the four directions are a free gift of nature that is often overlooked.


North corresponds to the element of earth. Face north for health issues, healing of the body, spirituality, increasing or developing your intuition, using some type of divination, for transcending the physical and trying to communicate with someone telepathically, and in asking for guidance from whomever or whatever you call your higher power. This is the most powerful direction


South corresponds to the element of fire. Face south for love issues, relationships of any kind, creative and artistic pursuits, anything of a romantic or emotional nature.


East corresponds to the element of air. Face east for career issues, strength, clarity, new business opportunities, financial matters and any endeavor requiring extra energy, healing of the mind, new beginnings.


West corresponds to the element of water.  Face west for letting go and moving on, increasing self-esteem, forgiving yourself or someone else, cleansing, unconditional love.

Source: Moon Spells by Diane Ahlquist
