#energy drain


Stopping to Help A Stranger

I like helping friends but I don’t mind stopping to help a stranger

Once I was walking along and I saw… well let’s call it a trainwreck

Maybe a car crash would be better for the story

I’m drawn to drama because it’s interesting so I stop to see the mess

But don’t take that the wrong way

I find it interesting but I DO really want to help

I don’t just slow down to look at the crash and JUST to see what happened

I do want to see what happened though. Plain morbid curiosity, there

But I WANT to help, that’s the important thing. I didn’t slow down just to see what happened

I don’t just want to see it, I want to help fix it

I want to see what happened and if it can be prevented next time

I want to help. Can I help? Do you need help? What has you so lost and alone here?

You tell me you want my help and so I help and you appreciate it but

You also tell me I’m putting too much energy into it

That I shouldn’t try to understand it, what happened here

“Please help me and then go away after you do”

I try to help, and I’m told I give so much support but please just stop talking to you now and leave

That’s fine stranger, I only stopped in the first place because when I saw your crash it sounded like you needed a friend

I’m sorry for trying to stop and understand you

I hope next time you get help from a friend instead of me, a stranger

On the other hand let me know if you ever need a friend

I don’t want to waste too much energy on strangers, as you told me I shouldn’t

But I always have time for my friends
