
We are collectively purging so much fear and terror with this virus situation and to me it seems lik

We are collectively purging so much fear and terror with this virus situation and to me it seems like a big global CEREMONY. So I can’t help but be excited as accompanying and facilitating deep transformations is what I deeply love ⚡️
Let’s allow this crisis to be the epic catalyst it can be. It is already happening!! We are preparing for a massive shift on this planet and this is just one very aligned phase of it all.

This week the sun is in the gate of crisis - which is also connected to COMPASSION. These turbulences are a call for humanity and empathy. And it always starts within!

Look at what is truly being triggered by this fear around? Where are you blocking harmony, freedom, safety and peace in your life? If our structures and systems are collapsing we get the chance to reflect on why we are relying on those for fake security? How can we harmonize and unify our being to create unity in the world?

It’s all about healing that inner fragmentation. Recollecting the suppressed aspects. Integrating the shadows we neglected for so long. Allowing for emotions to come up to be transmuted. BUT NOT GETTING TRAPPED IN THE LOWER VIBRATIONAL ENERGY.
Anchor yourself in your heart, root yourself in Gaia’s core and nurture a higher perspective on the current events. THIS JUST AS ANYTHING IS HAPPENING FOR US. We are not the victims of this situation. In fact we came here to be part of it and do what is needed to clean up this human mess and redefine HUMANNESS.

There is this post ceremony bliss… a deeper level of peace and equilibrium and love after doing that deep inner work - I promise it is on the way. But let’s get our hands dirty first and really use the potential of this moment.

#energyupdate #globalceremony #spiritualawakening #shadowwork #coronavirus #lightworker

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I’m sure many of you can feel the density that’s around these days. Even if you don’t consciously en

I’m sure many of you can feel the density that’s around these days. Even if you don’t consciously engage with the virus topic, it still very present all around - and it’s heavy. It’s in the air everywhere and it literally stinks.

Instead of letting yourself get sucked into the fear bubble OR push against it (what you resist persists) - LET’S CHOOSE TO NOURISH LOVE, LIGHT AND JOY WITHIN. Stay in your heart, celebrate yourself, do something that really sparks your bliss, generate gratitude within, fill your body with light ✨✨✨✨
And if you do feel trapped in anxiety and low vibrational energies, ask yourself what fears are being mirrored here. What are you suppressing? What is ready to be transformed? FEEL. And then let go.
Take care of yourself. Sleep enough, hydrate, nourish yourself, strengthen your immune system ♥️ Spread love, not fear. Stress affects your health negatively and makes you a vibrational match to what can harm you. Don’t let this cloud darken your sight. You choose
#chooselove #energyupdate #spiritualawakening

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How are you precious being? ♥️After this more intense wave at the end of last week it’s been rathe

How are you precious being? ♥️

After this more intense wave at the end of last week it’s been rather calm. A moment to integrate. To receive clarity. And as we let go of this dense energy by holding space for old emotions to be released and patterns to be resolved we create more space within - which then can be flooded with high frequent energy if we open up to it ✨ The opportunity to experience a new reality. It might take the conscious choice of a higher perspective, the courageous yes to letting go of the old lens. The mind programming that kept telling us we will never get better, we don’t deserve it, we are forever broken…

We integrate previously rejected aspects of ourselves and thereby get access to so much more of our being. Places that have been numb before are suddenly accessible. Our vibration rises.
And it all happens in divine timing… Layer by layer. Step by step.
Some shadow aspects, certain wounds still might have a purpose for you at this moment. But the more you open up to the possibility of unconditional love, of really owning every part of you - even the most ashamed one - you invite more catalysts to appear in your path.
Trust that it is for you Claim your new version of life. arrive more fully in this beautiful avatar of yours. A fractal of divinity incarnated into human form. Explore your role. Understand its dynamics and functions. It’s not you, but it’s your vehicle for this journey. And it’s beyond perfect for the experience you are here to make. Let the mind take the backseat and joy fill the tank
#ascension #energyupdate #spiritualawakening

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 I‘m feeling tender tonight. Touched by everything that’s going on. So many explosions around me, so

I‘m feeling tender tonight. Touched by everything that’s going on. So many explosions around me, so much heat and death and intensity.

I have been holding space a lot and certain things my loved ones are experiencing are moving me deeply. Still holding it together but ready to collapse into another mini death soon. Grateful for any opportunity to burn any emotional density and birth a deeper level of trust, a higher level of consciousness
And yet I’m also observing it all from a place of curiosity and even excitement, seeing and feeling the massive potential these situations entail - knowing that it will be revealed in time.

Since the 12th of Jan with the Saturn / Pluto conjunction in Capricorn it has been INTENSE. But ultimately this energy is affecting us in a way that allows for deep transformations and alignment with truth. TRUST WHAT IS HAPPENING IN YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW ⚡️✨

You might feel the need to retreat from what’s happening around you to ground yourself and process. You can totally take that step back and create the setting you need to regenerate.
Don’t be afraid to get out of a situation that is not serving you. Don’t stay in a currently toxic environment to keep something going, out of fear what will happen next or to get certain outcome = Ego attachment. Don’t be afraid to express authentically- but it can be helpful to first process your emotions alone or with someone you feel really safe with. (Especially if you have emotional authority in your human design, this is really important.)
Take the steps needed to get some rest and stillness. And collapse if you need to - I’m here with you ♥️

#ascension #spiritualawakening #permissionslip #energyupdate #shadowwork // @chris.zielecki

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 Uuuugh what a day! So much is being put to the test right now ⚡️ and we get to review and question

Uuuugh what a day! So much is being put to the test right now ⚡️ and we get to review and question different aspects of our lives and who we are in relationship to what is happening…
This makes everything that provides grounding and stability even more valuable and important these days: like those few humans that we actually feel really seen by or the routines that offer nourishment and a sense of safety… What’s going on in the world and in our individual realities ultimately brings us back to our core and makes self care and healthy boundaries absolutely vital. It becomes apparent how little we actually ever really know - and how fast things can change. What we can do with these energies is to surrender even more, to embrace what is as much as we can and to dance with the changes that are taking place.

What do you believe in when your perspective on life is being challenged like this? How do you respond to the intensity that is manifesting in different ways? Are you willing to dive into the unknown!?

Immense changes will take place in the next years… And even if it is not yet apparent to you - there is a deeper meaning in all of this. I know it can be brutal… I‘m here with you ♥️ #ascension #spiritualawakening #energyupdate

sustainable look with @zalando #getthelook #sustainablefashion

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New moon in Aquarius tonight Inviting us to think outside the box, rebel against any perceived const

New moon in Aquarius tonight Inviting us to think outside the box, rebel against any perceived constrictions and plant new seeds for the coming lunar cycle.

The current energies are potent for sudden changes and tension as we feel the need to break free. Unexpected things are likely to happen which does give fertile ground for even the craziest intentions and a completely new vision of yourself.
Unlock that inner rebel, allow yourself to dream wild and embrace your weirdness. Aquarius is all about being free spirited and pathing unconventional paths

There has been an uneasiness affecting many of us. Maybe you have been feeling anxious for no apparent reason or there are suppressed emotions or negative thought patterns coming up.

It’s a beautiful opportunity for a cleansing ritual - cleaning your apartment, using sage or other herbs to smudge your space, take a salt bath and allow yourself to process any lingering emotions through crying or any other way of releasing When we let go of the stagnant energies we can more easily shift to a higher perspective and rewrite personal beliefs which is a core then right now.

It does not have to make sense to you why this or that aspect / feeling / limiting belief is coming up once again. We are transmuting things that have been suppressed for many years, generations and lifetimes.
Understanding this allows us to celebrate anything that’s coming up as that IS already the healing. So open your heart, take the risk of being vulnerable and love every wave.

With the absence of light we are invited to close our eyes and connect to our intuition in order to manifest from a deeper truth instead the analytical mind. If you have open questions or decisions to make - what is your gut feeling telling you?
You might also want to check out your human design chart and find out your authority. This can help massively with understanding how to approach decision making. I have sacral authority and learning to harness this has been absolutely powerful!! #newmoonritual #newmoon #aquarius #energyupdate

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