#english student


So I got exactly nothing done yesterday, which was really bad for me mentally but probably good like physically/in terms of my project because it let things stew and develop a little bit. Still made me kind of frustrated and upset with myself though, because my project is due in just over a week and I still have more than half of it to write.

(Calling myself entirely unproductive yesterday isn’t strictly true, because I folded my laundry and finished a book and went grocery shopping with my mom, but I didn’t work on my essay because I was just so tired and couldn’t focus on it and it made me feel awful.)

So today’s all about getting stuff done–at least something, though realistically I need to write two sections/long paragraphs a day in order to finish my draft on time so that’s the minimum goal–and I’m still struggling but at least I’m getting somewhere today. Still feel a bit like I’ve bitten off more than I can chew though (and that’s my fault bc I basically didn’t work on the project all summer/autumn and have left it to the last minute like an idiot).

So I hope everyone else’s day is going better than mine!
