#enhypen scenario


Your eyes were looking all over the place as you walked into the venue for the awards ceremony, as ever, there were familiar faces all over the place, making sure that you smiled to as many of those that you recognised as possible whilst staying nice and close to where Jay was too.

Jay had a close eye on you as the two of you walked, standing just a little way back from the rest of the boys as they walked in too, following the members of staff who were pointing the group to where their table was.

“Are you alright?” Jay asked as soon as you reached your table, noticing your names side by side to the left side of the table, looking ahead at the stage.

Your head nodded as you took a shaky breath, trying your best to stay relaxed. As ever, the business of award ceremony season soon started to creep up on you, reminding you of how overwhelming it could all be, even whilst Jay seemed to take it all in his stride.

“I think we might need to go and do an interview before we sit down,” Jay informed you as he listened into conversation, “I promise that we won’t be too long doing it though.”

“Don’t worry, you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.”

Jay smiled appreciatively at how understanding you were as Jungwon began to round them all up, following a member of staff across to where a couple of the broadcast stations were doing interviews. You stayed sat at the table, minding your own business until the chair beside you scraped along the floor, a figure deciding to take a seat in it.

“Why’s Jay left you all alone at a place like this?” The man asked you from your right side.

As you looked across, you recognised Hyunjin’s face straight away. You offered him a weak smile, not quite sure what to do or say as you looked around for where Jay and the group had gone, only to not find them anywhere in sight.

With no one else around the two of you, Hyunjin decided to take the chance to get to know you. It didn’t take long before he was asking all about you, laughing and joking with you, unaware of the group’s interviews finishing up, heading back across to the table.

“Who’s that?” Jay asked any of them as he looked across the table and saw the back of someone sat beside you, spotting you laughing straight away as you spoke to them.

Whilst Jay hung back, Sunghoon and Heeseung kept walking towards the table, soon recognising that it was Hyunjin that you were talking through. Their presence quickly made Hyunjin go silent, turning around to see Jay following behind them too.

“Hello,” Jay nervously spoke as soon as he met Hyunjin’s eyes, folding his arms across his chest. “It seems that you’re in my seat, do you mind if I take my seat back?”

Hyunjin nodded, offering you a warm smile as he stood up from the chair, greeting the boys too. The moment Hyunjin left the chair, Jay sat himself back down in it, placing a hand against your thigh, making sure that Hyunjin caught it before he walked back to where his own group were sat.

“He was nice,” you told the boys as they all sat back down at the table with you too, “you guys would like him too,” you added, only to feel the grip that Jay had against the top of your leg tighten as he listened to you speak.

His actions didn’t go unnoticed by the boys either as they noticed Jay’s expression tensing up. “We prefer to just keep to the people that we trust,” Sunwoo told you, trying his best to encourage a change of subject around the table.

“But he seems really friendly.”

“He’s not as friendly as us though,” Jay muttered underneath his breath.

“I know that, I’m just saying that he was nice to me.”

As you looked across to Jay to reply to him, you noticed his expression for the first time. You were confused as to why he looked so irritated until you looked across to Jake who mouthed the word jealous back across to you.

“I bet his group aren’t as good as you guys are,” you spoke up again, spinning things around as you tried to make Jay feel better. His smile turned up slightly as he listened to you, knowing that he was definitely better than Hyunjin was for you.

Your eyes looked around the table for reassurance as the boys all watched Jay too, with Riki especially nodding at you, letting you know that you were doing the right thing.

“Have you guys got anymore work to do before the ceremony starts, or are you staying here now?” You enquired, reaching under the table to rest your hand over the top of Jay’s, intertwining your fingers in tightly with his to be able to squeeze his hand.

As Jungwon talked you through the group’s plans, you were relieved to hear that they were done. The last thing you needed was for them to go away again and to risk someone else approaching you whilst you were alone.

“That means that I can keep an eye on you,” Jay whispered across to you.

“Why would that be? Were you perhaps a little jealous?”

“No,” Jay firmly stated, tightening his grip against your hand, “if you think that I’m jealous about someone like Hyunjin then you’re very much mistaken.”

Jay’s comment had several of the boys stifling laughs as they struggled not to chuckle to themselves. It was apparent to everyone that Hyunjin’s appearance by your side had gotten under Jay’s skin, no matter how much he wanted to suggest otherwise.

The way he bit down on his bottom lip or stared at every single guy who got a little too close to your table let everyone know that he was unsettled. He hated anyone being around you, much preferring to keep you all to himself.

“It’s a good job that you’re here to protect me now then,” you teased, resting your head down against Jay’s shoulder. “I’m not saying that you were jealous, but if you were, then you really didn’t need to be Jay.”

“I wasn’t jealous of him.”

“Course you weren’t.”

Jake’s mutters had Jay’s eyes flickering across the table, staring across at him. “Excuse me for wanting to keep Y/N safe, especially at an event as busy as this one.”

Your head shook as Jake held his hands up to try and protest his innocence. “You can see in your eyes how jealous you were,” Jake told him, winding Jay up even more as his grip got even firmer on you to keep you by his side.

“Let’s try and forget about it,” you suggested, “you guys aren’t going anywhere for the rest of the night, which means that no one will come near me.”

Jay’s head nodded at your suggestion, shooting a glare at the rest of the boys too. There was no way that he was going to admit to being jealous, especially when he would have to admit to being jealous of Hyunjin of all people.

“Stay by my side for the rest of the night,” Jay whispered to you.

“I’m not going anywhere; I think your grip is too tight to let me go anywhere anyway.”

“Sorry,” Jay weakly chuckled, “I don’t want anyone else to come near you, you’re only supposed to be mine.”

“No one else is, I promise.”



As you walked up the stairs, Heeseung followed behind you, managing to get into the spare room with you before you closed the door on him.

“You can’t just walk away,” he told you, sitting down on the bed as you did, making sure that you didn’t sleep on your argument.

Your eyes rolled, “I’m pretty sure I can.”

“I didn’t mean to take her side over yours earlier,” Heeseung began to tell you, watching your body turn away from him. “I know you think that I was siding with her, but I wasn’t, I just wanted to calm things down.”

“It didn’t come across that way at all Heeseung,” you replied to him, “maybe you worded it wrong, but I felt let down by you, you could have at least heard me out.”

“I would never mean to do that,” he sighed.

“But that’s how I fault,” you explained to him, “it was as if you were coming at me and blaming me for what had gone on.”

“I didn’t mean to make you feel that way,” Heeseung assured you, “I just didn’t know how else to end things.”

“You could have at least sided with me Hee.”

“I agree, I’m sorry.”


Your eyes looked down as Jay placed his hands in front of you, thinking he was telling you to take a few breaths until his mouth opened.

“Drop it,” Jay told you as you found yourself getting more and more irritated with the girl in front of you, “you’re getting loud.”

Your head nodded, “and why’s that Jay?”

“I’m sorry,” he preceeded to tell the girl that you were arguing with. “Y/N can sometimes get a little passionate if she believes that she’s right, if she said anything hurtful to you, then I apologise for her.”

“Are you kidding me?” You yelled back at Jay, “why are you apologising when I didn’t do anything wrong? Why do you just presume that I was rude and hurtful to her.”

“I know what you’re like,” he told you.

“Great,” you spoke, beginning to walk away, only for Jay to pull you back. “You just think the worst of me and nobody else, don’t you?”

“I don’t ever think the worst of you Y/N,” Jake assured you, “but I’ve seen what you’re like in heated arguments.”

“Are you sure? You paint me out like I’m horrible.”

“You’re not horrible at all.”


Your eyes widened as Jake told you to be quiet at the table, turning around to face him as he tried his best to diffuse the argument that was brewing.

“You don’t have to be right all the time,” Jake warned you, resting his hand against your shoulder, only for you to shrug him off.

A scoff came from you, “I see, take her side.”

“I’m not taking anyone’s side, I’m just saying that you need to not react,” he whispered, keeping his voice quiet so that no one else around the table could hear him, “she’s not looking to fight, so you shouldn’t be either.”

“Did you hear what she said to me?” You asked him in confusion, “why are you telling me not to fight back and stand up for myself? I thought you’re supposed to support me.”

“I do, when I think you’re right,” Jake sighed.

“I see,” you groaned, turning away from Jake, “it’s nice to know that you have my back Jake, and not some other random person’s back instead.”

“I’m not having anyone’s back,” Jake replied, getting slightly agitated, “I just don’t see the point of arguing for the sake of it.”

“I’ll be quiet for the rest of the night, don’t worry.”

“Y/N, come on.”


You spun around as soon as you heard Sunghoon yell at you to stop shouting, ignoring the girl that was shouting in front of you too.

“You’re better than this,” Sunghoon told you, turning you away from the girl so that she had no choice but to walk away.

Your stared hardened, “why yell at me?”

“Because I can’t exactly yell at a person that I don’t know, can I?” Sunghoon asked you in his defence, only for your head to nod back at him, wondering why he didn’t stand up for you and shout at her.

“Yelling at me makes it look like I’m the one to blame,” you informed Sunghoon, “she was the one that decided to come and have a go at me, not the other way around.”

“I was just trying to help,” Sunghoon told you.

“If you want to help me, understand what’s going on and stop the person yelling at me,” you suggested, “not just going for me.”

“I didn’t feel comfortable telling her to stop when I don’t know her,” he frowned, running a hand through his hair.

“Now she thinks that you blame me for this.”

“I don’t blame you.”


Your eyes shot across at Sunwoo as he told the girl that you were arguing with to go, telling her that she’d save herself a lot of hassle than arguing.

“I think we should go too,” Sunwoo told you once the girl had gone, trying to hold your hand, only for you to move away.

Your head shook, “what did you mean hassle?”

“I just meant that you’re not exactly the easiest person to argue with,” Sunwoo tried to defend, not realising that he was digging himself a bigger hole, “chances were she probably didn’t mean to upset you anyway.”

“You didn’t hear what she said,” you told him, staring wide eyed across at Sunwoo, “you’re just presuming that I was in the wrong, what sort of person do you think I am?”

“I’ve argued with you Y/N,” Sunwoo reminded you.

“So that just automatically makes you think that I’m to blame,” you huffed, “thanks for your support, Sunwoo, what would I do without you?”

“I didn’t mean it like that,” he tried to tell you, but you were already starting to walk off, “where are you going Y/N?”

“Somewhere that I’m at least supported.”

“I do support you Y/N.”


A hand pulling you back quickly stopped you from launching your drink at the girl in front of you as she continued to bad mouth you to your face.

“Y/N, come on,” Jungwon told you as he tried to pull you back, not wanting to see you get hurt or into any kind of trouble.

Your head shook, “she started it Jungwon.”

“Come on,” he repeated as the girl began to plead innocence too, screaming at Jungwon that the argument was your fault. “I brought you here to support me, not so that you could start fights with people.”

“Me?” You gasped, pulling your hand out of his hold. “I didn’t start anything; I was just standing up for myself. I can’t believe that you’re listening to her and not to me.”

“I’m trying to fix things,” he defended.

“Then why tell me that I’m the one that started the argument,” you enquired, moving out of his hold, “why pick someone over me?”

“I’m not picking anyone,” Jungwon huffed, “if you weren’t the one to start the argument, then I’m sorry for saying it.”

“It’s not if, I wasn’t the one to do it.”

“Alright, I’m sorry Y/N.”


You slammed the front door behind you as the two of you returned home from your evening, blocking Riki out as you threw yourself down on the sofa.

“Are you going to ignore me all night long?” He quizzed as he followed you into the room, “you can’t stay quiet with me forever Y/N.”

Your eyes quickly widened, “do you want to try?”

“Is this still about me siding with the dancer?” He asked, your silence giving him his answer as you ignored him. “I’m sorry Y/N, but you can’t expect me to agree with you when I don’t, she was in the right this time.”

“How was she right?” You scoffed in disbelief, “she told me that I was wrong about what studio to find you in, so when I proved her wrong, I made sure that she knew it.”

“You kicked off for no reason,” he told you.

“How?” You challenged, turning to face him, “you didn’t see the smug smile on her face Riki when she tried to tell me that I was wrong.”

“You should’ve been the bigger person and ignored her,” he explained, “going back didn’t do anyone any favours.”

“Why don’t you spend the night at hers then?”

“That’s unfair Y/N.”

