
“Whoever has the smallest dick has to get in the water completely naked.”More often than not, it was

“Whoever has the smallest dick has to get in the water completely naked.”

More often than not, it was the buffest guy with the largest ego who had the cock not larger than a baby carrot. His friends couldn’t stop laughing after seeing such a sad excuse for a penis. Completely humiliated, he didn’t want to do the dare anymore, but then his friends forcefully ripped him off his speedo and threw him in the ocean. When he finally stood up, he saw his friends running away with his torn-up speedo. He immediately ran after them, not realizing that he was completely exposing his tiny dick to all the beachgoers. By the time he caught up to his friends, everyone in the resort had already seen him with one of the smallest dicks anyone had probably ever seen.

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With only a week away from the big match, Ricardo has been intensifying his training with his coach.

With only a week away from the big match, Ricardo has been intensifying his training with his coach. This day’s training was so physically demanding that Ricardo could barely move afterward. Too tired to even take a shower, Ricardo decided to just strip off his sweat-drenched boxing shorts and just sit down  and close his eyes for a little while. He knew that he had reserved the gym for at least another hour, so only he and the Coach were there at the moment.

Ricardo had accidentally dozed off on the chair, with his shorts just barely resting on his junk. When the coach saw this, he thought of the perfect plan to prank him.

The coach quietly approached the sleeping Ricardo and slowly took his shorts, making sure not to wake his slumber. He then grabbed Ricardo’s bag and towel and noiselessly left the gym, leaving Ricardo completely naked in the middle of the gym.

When Ricardo woke up, he was confused to suddenly see so many other people boxing and exercising at the gym. It has been 2 hours since his training ended. He put his hand on his lap expecting to find his shorts, but that was when he realized that they were gone! He blushed knowing that he was flashing the gym the entire time he was asleep.

He helplessly looked around the gym for his stuff but all he found were some rubber shoes and a small note:

Hey Ricardo! I’ve left a bag with your clothes behind the arena. I know you hate doing cardio, but if finding your clothes while naked won’t motivate you, then I don’t know what will! – Coach

Ricardo dreaded it but he knew there was no other way. He put on the shoes and headed straight for the arena, with his flaccid dick in full display to everyone in the city. It would be a humiliating hour long jog before he could finally get dressed again.

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After every championship win, Kurt would be stripped naked by his team and be paraded ceremoniously After every championship win, Kurt would be stripped naked by his team and be paraded ceremoniously

After every championship win, Kurt would be stripped naked by his team and be paraded ceremoniously around the field for everyone to see. He would get on the shoulders of his tallest teammate and be carried outside, with his ass hanging out and his dick brushing against the hair of his teammate. He would hold their trophy up high and shamelessly pose for the cameras – it was a celebration of another season’s success.

One year, their team lost the final, and they disappointingly place as 1st runner-up. It was such a bitter blow to such a promising season. It was a team effort, but some teammates felt like it was Kurt’s final mess up that truly lost them the game.

“Cheer up, guys! Second place is still something to be proud of!” Kurt stripped off his clothes, trying to lift everyone’s spirits. “Come on, let’s celebrate this just like last year!”

The team was still pissed at Kurt for costing them the championship earlier, but they agreed to do it anyways. They carried him to the field, naked as the day he was born, but this time only brandishing their silver medal.

Normally, after Kurt’s naked parade, the team would bring him right to the locker room to get dressed. Still a bit pissed at Kurt, this time the team decided to drop him in the middle of the field still completely nude and locked him out of the locker room.

The media went crazy, taking pictures of Kurt buck naked out in the open. His team had left him there, leaving Kurt no choice but to make a naked run back home. On the next day, news of Kurt’s naked run of shame went viral, with pictures and videos being shared everywhere. This was a humiliating story that would follow him for the rest of his athletic career.

(Kurt Baker, he has so many photos like this, with many other rugby players copying as well)

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You and Bryce have been working together as lifeguards for years already, but not once have you seen

You and Bryce have been working together as lifeguards for years already, but not once have you seen him late for work. Every morning when you arrive at the beach, you always see him completely ready before everyone else, wearing his speedo, his cap, and with a whistle on hand.

One day, you get to the beach a full hour earlier than usual, and you see only one other car in the parking lot. Someone must have arrived even earlier than you. You change into your swimsuit and head to the shower room. When you get there, you are shocked to catch Bryce standing under a shower softly moaning as he stroked his fully erect cock.

“Oh shit! Sorry, I thought I was alone…” Bryce did his best to cover his hard-on, but you can still see his throbbing head popping out of his hands.

You look all over his muscular body and snicker at how red his face had become. “Is this why you’re always so early, Bryce?”

“Haha, well, I do enjoy the privacy of the beach in the early morning.” He tried to hide his embarrassment with a laugh.

You see that Bryce left his speedo, towel, and bag by the shower room entrance. “Well, maybe you’ll enjoy this too!” You grab all of his things and quickly dash to the beach.

“Hey! What the fuck! Give those back!” He chases after you, running butt naked with his erect dick flopping on his chest.

When you reach the water, you throw all his stuff in the ocean. By the time he reached you, the waves had already taken everything. You get out the water and watch as Bryce desperately searched for his clothes underwater.

Moments after, the other lifeguards started arriving, so you inform them of Bryce’s humiliating situation. “Come out, Bryce. There’s no need to be shy!” They teased him.

“Uhm, it’s okay, I’m fine here…” He was flushed with embarrassment.

Bryce stayed in the water so that nobody would see him naked. Until you all heard a whistle – it was their boss and it meant that it was time for the morning exercise. Everyone left except for Bryce.

“What are you still doing in the water, Bryce? Did you not here my whistle? If you’re not with the others in 5 seconds, then everyone will do 100 push-ups!” The boss scolded. You’ve never seen Bryce as afraid as he was then.

When Bryce emerged from the water completely naked with one hand covering his junk, the boss chuckled and grinned slyly. “I see you’re just enjoying the beach to its fullest. And I’m not one to come in the way of such enjoyment.”

The boss forced Bryce to take the rest of the shift in the nude. You enjoyed watching him uncomfortably walking around the beach with nothing on, but to your surprise, Bryce quickly became accustomed with being the naked center of attention. Since then, he would often come to work without a stitch of clothing, enjoying as the beachgoers ogled him. With a great body like his, who would blame him?

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yopepeus:Wet and good It was a week before the swim meet, and the coach noticed that his team wasn’t


Wet and good

It was a week before the swim meet, and the coach noticed that his team wasn’t taking their training seriously anymore.

“Okay team, you guys have really been slacking off recently. I guess I have to give you a reason to care about training – whoever has the slowest time today will have to strip off and continue his training in the nude.”

Embarrassingly, it was the team captain who had the slowest time. Following the coach’s orders, he took off his speedo and gave it to the coach.

“You’ll get this back when you deserve it.” The coach took the speedo and locked it in his office. Unfortunately for the captain, being forced to swim naked did not improve his performance.

It was the day of the swim meet, and the captain begged the coach for his swimsuit back. Out of disappointment, the coach denied his request, so the captain continued with the swim meet with nothing on. Needless to say, everyone in the crowd enjoyed watching the hot stud flop all over the swimming pool stark naked.

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For the longest time, Jeremy has been hitting on Alex, the girl who lives next door. But every time he makes a move, she would turn him down. One day, they bump into each other in the laundromat, and Jeremy saw this as yet another opportunity to make a move. Alex was about to say no for the nth time, but she suddenly thought of the perfect plan to mess with him.

“Okay Jeremy, I’d like to go on a date with you, but I just don’t think you are man enough.” Alex suggested it coquettishly.

“Of course I’m man enough! I’d do anything to prove it to you.” Jeremy was flexing his biceps and chest, showing off like a peacock.

“Oh, I don’t even think you have the balls to strip off and put your clothes in the laundry.”

“Everything? Even my underwear?” Jeremy hesitated for a bit. ”You just want to see me naked, don’t you?”

Alex got close to him whispered in his ear. “Maybe…”

“For a date? Game on.” Jeremy excitedly stripped off his clothes – his shirt, jeans and even his blue spotted briefs. He put it with his laundry in the washing machine and set it to one wash cycle. The other people in the laundromat were a bit abashed to see a naked man in public, but the only reaction that mattered to Jeremy was the one from Alex. He grabbed a magazine to cover himself with and then sat beside Alex, making sure she can see all his muscle.

Alex was playing coy and acting aroused around Jeremy, until an hour later, his laundry was finally washed and dried.

“Oh Jeremy, one last thing… can you please buy me a soda. Seeing you like this has made me real thirsty.” she said suggestively.

“Anything for you, my dear.” He got up and walked to the vending machine.

While he was away, Alex took all of his clothes from the drier. She then sneaked out of the laundromat and returned home.

When Jeremy got back, he was shocked to see that Alex wasn’t there… and his clothes were missing too! “Fuck, I can’t believe I fell for that!”

He cupped his hands on his cock and ran back to his apartment, passing through busy streets buck ass naked. He knocked on Alex’ door begging for his clothes back, but she never answered. All he could hear was her laughing. It was embarrassing enough to be naked in public, but it humiliated Jeremy more knowing that it was his long-time crush that did this to him.
