#entreat me by grace draven




One Sentence Summary:

She’s a plain “beauty” come to stay in his castle and he’s a cursed forest beast creature.

Name That Trope:

  1. batB retelling with more blood, more sexy times, & more terrifyingly awesome magic
  2. Sismance gonna snatch yo heart!
  3. Betatastic beast who’s scary on the skin, but purdy on the heart
  4. Brave AF alpha heroine w/ 0 filter 

What part made you fangirl squeal:

  • The OTP Meet-Cute. (She gives him 2 black eyes!)
  • All the hilarious couple banter; my hearttttttttt!!!
  • Dude! When our gal literally almost shot Gaston 2.0 between the eyes? I swooned.
  • Anytime Mr Beast was respectfully considerate with his kindness towards everyone…[which was 24/7!]
  • Every instance this retelling made the source material badass; bloodthirsty sentient rose, curse origin more compelling, magic mirror not being a 1-time MacGuffin!

Favorite Character:

BOTH! I SHAN’T PICK, YOU EVIL ASS-BUTT! Ballard was a man after my own ass & I wanna be Louvaen when I grow up. Both characters made this book, and this reader, 100% theirs.

How smexy was the smex?

Niiiiiiice! We got a heroine who owns her sexuality who rocks the “I Touch Myself When I Think About You” song. We got enthusiastic consent. We even got Louvaen as the one who pursues humpity-hump! This all makes my heart dance a happy jig.

Whose Line Is It Anyway:

Ballard listened to her passionate dissertation without interrupting. Louvaen Duenda had an answer for most things and an argument for everything else. She didn’t debate; she went to war.


Louvaen: I can’t accept this, my lord. It’s too fine a gift, and I am no queen.

Ballard: You are, Louvaen. You’re simply uncrowned.


“All you have to do is breath, and you seduce me.” - Ballard

Got any bitching to do?

None. While I didn’t fall as hard in love with this book as I did with Radiance, it is still phenomenal! It’s a solid fantasy romance & I want more, dammit.

Visually Depict Yo Book Feels:


Famous last words:

Beauty & the Beast retellings are always my favs, hella more so when they’re done this well! Everyone in this book’s world are compellingly real as our leads. They’re given as much character growth & depth as the romance, and I loved them all the more for it. I just didn’t want the story to end, and that is always a sign of Good Book Noise™!


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