#eri yumi


Nope; I had to make them myself based on the game models. My first attempt was so horrible–she looked tiny compared to the others even though she was the same height DX’ Once I figured out how to copy the style properly, though, it’s been easier for the most part~ Plus, I had my art major friend help me by fixing some things up for me (like making Shiki’s face a little cuter). I got held up for a bit since I lost a lot of data on my computer, but I’m gonna remake most of her UG skits as RG ones eventually, plus add some more in with her holding Mr. Mew.

But, because most of Shiki’s expressions really… really fit her personality, that makes Eri difficult. I don’t want them to look the same, so I’ve tasked myself with also making additional skits for her to make less of an overlap. Plus, I use two of the original ones for her ‘cause I thought they fit her better than Shiki–like Shiki was trying to copy Eri with those. I could probably use some suggestions for more Eri expressions, unless a question calls for a new one… But anyway, here are new Eri expressions right now:


And, most of Shiki’s RG portraits so far can be found here.


Title: The World Beyond Glass (Part 2/8)
 Joshua, Eri, Beat, Rhyme, Shiki, Neku, various OCs; Shiki/Neku, Joshua/Eri
 Violence, swearing, death, serious injury, blood

Summary: After a missed cry for help, Joshua’s found himself in the Game–but not his Game. He’s in the neighboring ward of Setagaya, where Neku and his friends have become Players for another seven days. He teams up with first-time Player Eri Yumi to take on a completely new set of rules–rules they all have to get used to if they want to survive.

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All parts are now up on SubaSekaBang! Again, please take a look if you’re interested, and I hope you enjoy it!


Title: The World Beyond Glass (Part 1/8)
 Joshua, Eri, Beat, Rhyme, Shiki, Neku, various OCs; Shiki/Neku, Joshua/Eri
 Violence, swearing, death, serious injury, blood

Summary: After a missed cry for help, Joshua’s found himself in the Game–but not his Game. He’s in the neighboring ward of Setagaya, where Neku and his friends have become Players for another seven days. He teams up with first-time Player Eri Yumi to take on a completely new set of rules–rules they all have to get used to if they want to survive.

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This… was certainly hard and ended up super long, but it was fun writing another full Game. I know more than once I was worried I wouldn’t finish on time, but my pride as an author wouldn’t let me give up. This took up all of my time, so I still have some stories to do on our timeline before I post it anywhere else. Still, the other parts are in their queue, so if you’re interested, please take a look and keep an eye out for the rest! I hope any of you who read it enjoy it. :D
