#eric erlandson


My quarantine routine✨

7:00 I woke up

7:30 I made my bed

8:00 I’ll lie in it

8:40 I made my bed

9:00 I’ll die in it

9:15 My friend

members of Hole + Drew Barrymore, 1995 (Courtney Love, Melissa Auf der Maur, Eric Erlandson)

members of Hole + Drew Barrymore, 1995 (Courtney Love, Melissa Auf der Maur, Eric Erlandson)

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 Hole 1989: Courtney Love, Eric Erlandson, Mike Giesbrecht (RIP), Lisa Roberts and Caroline Rue. - T Hole 1989: Courtney Love, Eric Erlandson, Mike Giesbrecht (RIP), Lisa Roberts and Caroline Rue. - T

Hole 1989: Courtney Love, Eric Erlandson, Mike Giesbrecht (RIP), Lisa Roberts and Caroline Rue. 

- Taken by Jennifer Finch.

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