#erlang shen



I want more villains who care about their henchmen. I wanna see the bad guy fly into a rage because the hero hurt their very favorite bungling goon and it was nearly his birthday.

Followup from the previous post + Xiaotian Quan is a German Shepherd + Nezha being Wukong’s lawyer

They probably have the Wuxian and Hei’s father-son dynamic


I just picked up this 40 cm (15.75 in) tall Shiwan (石灣) pottery statue of Erlang shen (二郎神), a.k.a. the only deity to truly defeat the Monkey King. It’s magnificent.

Fun fact- If your friend is covered in fur, then soon enough you’ll be too!

[ID: An old lineless drawing of Erlang Shen against a purple background. He’s glaring down at his arm, which is covered in shed orange fur. End ID]




My favorite bit of 1986 JTTW trivia is how Erlang Shen’s actor, Lin Zhiqian, asked Sun Wukong’s actor, LiuXiaoLingTong, to tag along on a date he didn’t want to go to because he wanted the moral support to turn the lady down, but LiuXiaoLingTong stood him up.

I 100% believe Sun Wukong would do that to Erlang Shen too

his aunt set him up on this and the only reason he didn’t avoid showing up entirely was because he didn’t want to be rude (x)

[Image ID: An uncolored sketch of Erlang Shen and an immortal lady. Erlang Shen is sketched in purple, while the lady is sketched in blue. The lady asks “Do you like tall girls or short girls?” before Erlang Shen cuts her off with the answer “Men.” End ID]


also have a doodle i did yesterday of XiaoTianQuan being a nuisance (it takes Erlang Shen + all six MeiShan bros to get him to spit it out)

[Image ID: Two uncolored sketches of Erlang Shen and XiaoTianQuan. Erlang Shen is sketched in purple and XiaoTianQuan is sketched in magenta-ish purple. The first sketch has XiaoTianQuan lying down, holding something unseen with his paws and mouth. Erlang Shen, facing away from the screen, asks him, “XiaoTian- What’s in your mouth.” The second sketch zooms in on XiaoTianQuan, visibly with his mouth full and looking nervous. Erlang Shen, off-screen, yells “DID YOU JUST START CHEWING FASTER- XIAOTIAN, SPIT IT OUT-” End ID]
