#erwin smith fanfiction


e major

erwin smith x fem!reader
18+ mdni
: former college professor/student relationship, age gap, rich boy Erwin, desecration of a piano (do not do this at home), fingering, oral
thanks to @thegetoufatherand@ghost-party for enabling

“You play piano?”

You’re standing over Erwin’s shoulder as he pulls out the wooden bench to sit at the old piano in your parents’ house.

“A little.” His fingers twitch a bit above the keys before he plays a few notes. It’s not at all in tune.

To your knowledge, nobody has ever played it. Your parents no longer live in the house you grew up in, and they got the piano as a condition of the sale of the new one. The old owners didn’t want to pay to move it, so your folks have been using the upright as a shelf to display picture frames on top of.

When Erwin lifts the cover off the keys, it throws a cloud of dust in the air.

“I took lessons when I was young, up until I was 14 or 15 maybe.” Erwin’s fingers dance up the keyboard, deftly crossing over each other as he works his way up and down a melody. “After college, I started taking lessons again to get my chops back.”

“How come I never knew that?” You slide in next to him on the bench until your shoulder brushes his.

Erwin pauses to catch your eye and smile. “I’ve never had the chance to show you.” As his hands move independently, the left playing a different part than his right, your parents wander into the dining room, curious about where the music is coming from.

It’s the first time he’s meeting them, officially, as your boyfriend. You were nervous, having only recently broken the news to them that not only are you in a relationship, but the man you’re with is your former professor and a decade older than you. You’re not in his classes anymore—you’re starting grad school, and he teaches history and mythology to undergrads. They’re taking it surprisingly well, keeping conversation light by discussing his current syllabus instead of prying into his intentions with their child.

By the time he finishes the song he’s playing, your charming boyfriend has won them over for sure.

“You really pulled out all the stops tonight,” you tease him on the car ride home.

“How so?” He doesn’t look away from the road, but you can see him smirking.

“You know, the after-dinner show?”

He’s quiet for a beat. “Should I not have done that?”

“No, it was fine. It was really nice, actually. Just unexpected.”

Erwin chuckles. “If I’m being honest, I was getting a little nervous. I needed something to do with my hands.”

You lean over the center console to rest your head against his arm. “Well, you can play for me any time you want.”

You discover that although Erwin doesn’t own a piano, he makes good use of his faculty ID to swipe himself into practice rooms in the music building. Now that you know his little secret, he invites you to come along and listen to him practice after his classes are done for the day. You sit side by side on the bench, and you flip the pages on the sheet music he printed out while he taps out a new song on a keyboard that’s actually in tune.

When Erwin invites you to spend the next holiday break with his family, you don’t hesitate to accept. You’ve heard wonderful things about his father, and you’re excited to finally meet him. After a couple hours in the car, you arrive at his family’s enormous home in the country.

“Dad is out of town for work, so it’ll be just the two of us here tonight,” Erwin explains as he gives you a tour of the house. 

“Oh, no. What will we do all by ourselves?” 

You do your best not to gawk, but it’s basically a mansion, and there’s just so much to look at, from the art on the walls to the plush furniture to—

“You have a grand piano?” Glass-inset french doors lead into a cozy room off the secondliving room, where the sleek, black instrument takes up the majority of the floor space.

“Actually, it’s only a parlor grand,” Erwin says, matter-of-factly.

“Oh, excuse my ignorance,” you tease before taking a seat on the bench. This one has a tufted cushion, which you take the liberty to bounce on.

Erwin crosses his arms proudly. “It’s a smaller model. A concert grand wouldn’t fit in the room.”

“Of course.” When you lift the cover, there is no dust cloud.

After a few minutes of letting you plink on the keys—they’re nicely weighted and feel great, even to your non-skilled hands—Erwin takes his usual spot on the bench next to you. He doesn’t make it far into the song he’s been practicing before abandoning it to pepper your neck in kisses.

His mouth finds yours while his body gently guides you to his liking. He closes the fallboard and coaxes you up onto it, lips hardly breaking from you.

“We shouldn’t…”

“It’ll be fine. I promise.”

Once you’re seated, Erwin opens your legs to stand between them, deft fingers pushing your skirt up and your panties to the side. He skims fingertips along your folds as he continues to kiss you, stroking you to produce an entirely different kind of music with your moans.

When he sits down on the bench, you think he might have had his fill, but you’re wrong. He delves between your thighs, nose brushing over your sex before he laps you up. His tongue is hot against you, your head thrown back with every slurp and groan he makes. You call out his name, toes curling where they’re braced against the edge of the bench, his fingers digging into the sides of your thighs. After you break, he licks you clean, sending you right back to the edge again.

Together, you stumble to the sofa in the next room, where Erwin strips you down and sinks himself into your heat with one of your legs over his shoulder. He knows exactly how to play you until you both climax in tandem. As you lie together after, basking, you’ve never been more sure that another heartbeat falls perfectly in time with yours.
