#escort dean fic


Escort!Dean x Reader AU

Warnings: Language, Protective!Dean, Jealousy {Think That’s It}

Words: 3,015

Blood Ain’t Love MasterList-My MasterList -Patreon

Dean comes out of the bathroom as you’re strapping on your sandals, but it isn’t until he walks by you that you see what he’s wearing. Holding the clasp between your fingers, you sit up a little, looking at him from head to toe.

“Why aren’t you wearing shorts?” He turns a bit as he grabs his wallet and phone from the table.

“Oh, honey, I don’t do shorts.”

“You’re going to roast in that.” you nod towards his jeans and boots, eyes wide as you know it’s already over seventy five degrees out at eight in the morning. “Do you go swimming in jeans too then?” He just chuckles a bit before leaning against the frame separating the two rooms.

“We aren’t going swimming. We’re going to breakfast.”

“You’re crazy.” you add before going to finish hooking your sandals to your feet. Dean can’t help but take that time to look you over, enjoying your exposed legs before you stand from the bed.

This job ended up being a gift for Dean, honestly. Cause in the end of it all, he was paid to be with women. To have that closeness and even sexual relations with almost all of them but then walk away when it was all over without the dreaded breakup or heartache of being left. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t attracted to all the women he’s worked for and to not check them out would just be a sin of its own. They were allowed to look, touch, take advantage of him, so he’d be stupid to not at least look at them when he could.

Breakfast was held in the same large room as the cocktail party the night before, but now tables and chairs were set up all around, most of them full already as the rest of the family had surely beaten the two of you down there.

Dean gently rests his hand on your lower back and escorts you through the large room. As you got further in and closer to the amazing view, Jackie had spotted you both and called out to you. It was unfortunate that she was sitting with your mom, Tanya, Hannah and Josh, but at least you had her and your dad not to mention Dean to help keep you sane. You knew it would be nearly impossible to avoid these people the whole week, so you just had to toughen up a bit.

The eight of you filled the table to its max capacity, but at least there was still breathing room between each of you for the tables were fairly large.

“You two sleep well?” Your dad asks after the quiet morning greetings and as soon as you both took a seat and got comfortable.

“Yeah.” you nod, glancing towards your boyfriend for the week, a matching smile on both your faces. You caught a glimpse of Jackie right before you met Dean’s gaze and you could just feel her heart eyes staring at the two of you.

“Okay. I know you both just got down here, but I have to ask…” Looking over to your favorite cousin, you can just see the anticipation pouring from her. Clearly she’s been holding something in for a bit too long. “How did you two meet?” Your smile grew at her excitement and you’re sure your cheeks grew a shade or two darker. “I was going to ask last night, but never got the chance.”

“Well…um…I…” you were all ready to lay out the story you came up with but before you could say another word, Dean had cut in unexpectedly.

“At her book store, actually.” You tried to hold back your confusion as you didn’t want to tip anyone off that this was all fake, but you were struggling since you know the story that you came up with had nothing to do with your store.

Dean took that moment to look at you and take your hand, holding it tight on the table top so that everyone could see the intimate gesture. He smiles softly, giving you a look that asks you to trust him. So you do. How you could tell that’s what he was putting off still baffles you, but you took a light breath and let him take over anyway.

“I uh…I went in looking for a book for my moms birthday. The thing is, I went to at least twenty other stores in that week and I kept coming up empty and I was honestly tired of looking for this damn book.” he chuckles a bit, glancing in your direction briefly before turning back to the full table. “So, I just walked up to the counter and saw her standing back there going through some boxes and I asked her for her help. Told her the title, showed her a picture of the cover and she looked it up in her system for me.”

“Did she have it?” Your mom asked with a patronizing tone.

“Unfortunately, no. But…” he paused for a moment to look at you, squeezing your hand as he did in hopes that it’d keep your mind away from your mom’s comment. “…she was able to special order it for me. Took half the time to get to her as it would have if I would have ordered it. So the day before my mom’s birthday she called me up to let me know it had arrived. She saved my ass.” There was a faint ‘aww’ from Jackie, and you were trying not to blush after hearing it.

“After that…I kept coming back. I even bought a few books just so I wouldn’t walk out empty handed and seem like a stalker. But…eventually, I got up the courage to ask her out.”

“How’d you do it?” Hannah’s voice almost took away the magic of the moment, but as Dean ran his thumb over your knuckles, he pulled you back from the interruption.

“I went in and walked up to the counter, just like the first time and she asked if I needed help finding another book. I told her “not today”, and that I was just wondering what time she got off.” You were stupidly mesmerized with this fake story and part of you wished it was real. But you knew that would never happen. “And, she’s been my gorgeous girl ever since.” Giving your hand another squeeze, Dean then lifted it from the table and brought it up to his lips, placing a sweet lingering kiss to the back of your hand.

“Aww. Ugh…I’m tearing up.” As Jackie waves her hand in front of her face you try desperately not to blush too much or stare too hard at the man sitting next to you.

To no surprise to you, your aunt changes the subject; but for once in your life you don’t care. You’re focusing on Dean as he glances around the table and then looks back to you, that same killer grin on his face, and it just blows your mind that this man isn’t taken by some lucky, tight skirted bombshell. He has the looks, the charm, he definitely has the body. It almost baffles you that he’s still single and wasting his time with desperate women like you.

“Oh! Which reminds me!” Your mom’s voice sliced you out of your daze. You found yourself getting lost in Dean’s eyes, so maybe it was a good thing that your mom interrupted before he thought you were having a stroke or something. “I couldn’t find you last night before I went upstairs, but we’re all going snorkeling later. So after breakfast, go get in your swimsuits and meet us on the beach.” Before you could try and get out of it, because you honestly rather lounge in your room, you heard Dean hum softly.

“Sounds fun.” he added, smiling at your mom before giving you a more sincere one.

He was going to get you through this. You just had to remember that.

“So does this mean I actually get to see you in shorts!?” you yell out, hoping he can hear you through the bathroom door.

“Does it really bother you that much that I wear jeans?” The lack of barrier between his voice and you made you flinch. 

“No! It doesn’t bother me. It just…makes me curious on how you can survive in jeans in ninety degree…” your voice is stolen from you as he walks around the bed and comes into view. He quickly removes his shirt and tosses it on the dresser and this time you get a better look at him, but you add that to his exposed, muscular legs…it makes you wonder if this man was designed in a lab. “…weather.” you’re too busy ogling to notice the smirk on his face, but he just stands there for a moment and lets you enjoy it. Hell, he takes a minute to enjoy it himself.

“You okay?” he loves the look of realization on your face before you push yourself to your feet.

“Uh…yeah. Yeah, I’m good.” you nervously shuffle around him, pushing your hair behind your ears as you head for the bathroom to slide your suit on for the afternoon.

When he hears the door shut behind you, he reaches for the water bottle that he brought up from downstairs and drinks it down pretty quickly. Then, when you emerge from the bathroom, the tables turn. Now it’s his turn to ogle.

You stepped out wearing one of those light weight black robes made for going over your swimsuit, which is already sexy considering the thin material and the fact that it’s teasing him with little glimpses of exposed skin underneath. But the suit itself has him captivated. The black and turquoise two piece was bright and fitting for a tropical getaway and with a lace up top that not only hugs your body but also your chest perfectly, he was struggling to keep his mouth closed. It’s almost like you’ve stepped out of a magazine.

As you slide on your sandals he forces himself to be a little less obvious, afraid of how you’ll react to him staring. The last thing he wants to do is upset you, especially since he’s the one that’s supposed to be making this week easier on you.

“You ready?” he asks once he sees your shoes are secure.

“I guess so.” you grumble a bit, clearly not too excited about this.

“It’ll be fine.” he tells you in confidence, and it’s clear in the look you give him that you’re still struggling to trust him completely. “Just…try and focus on me. Not them.” his hand meets your side and he looks at you for a moment before trying to help you towards the door. “Come on.”

The material that the pareo was made out of had him so engrossed, he just couldn’t seem to pull his hand away. Of course, it was that and the fact that he was enjoying holding you close.

The thing is, with all the women he’s worked for in the past, they all seemed to beg for his constant attention and always wanted his hands on them. With you, he was almost afraid to touch you. You were dealing with this whole emotional situation and he was afraid of mauling you as it could send you into a panic attack or something. So, this was just his way of testing the waters a bit.

Thankfully, and to his surprise, you didn’t seem bothered by the closeness. Even in the elevator he kept his hand along your waist and if anything, you ended up moving a little closer to him. It was nice. You even seemed to be less tense while you both descended. Probably the calmest you’ve been since he’s met you.

Then as you both walked along the beach, the second your family came into view he could feel your back tense up again. Hoping it helped, he kept close, keeping you in his embrace as you joined the group by the water.

“Look at you two!” Jackie gushes out, making you smile a bit as you get closer. “Love this suit! Where’d you get it?”

“I honestly can’t remember.” you laugh, glancing down at yourself and trying not to feel subconscious.

“Well, when you do remember, tell me. I want it.”

“You got it.” Jackie squeezes in a quick hug just as your dad is handing out the goggles and snorkels to everyone. He hands one to your mom and then to Hannah, Josh and Tanya before moving over to the three of you. 

As everyone got ready to get in the water, you walked over to the lounge chairs closest to you so you could slip off your shoes and pareo. With your back to everyone though, you were totally oblivious to Dean’s eye on you.

The way the robe slipped down your back, slowly exposing you to him, had his heart racing. This is when he’s grateful for the fact that he’s playing your boyfriend for the week, because otherwise he’d probably come off as creepy. 

He tries to pull himself together and in doing so, he glances towards your family who are huddled a few feet away in their own little circle. Yet, he catches something that makes his lips tug at the corners a bit.

As you tossed your robe down on the chair you felt a large hand slide along your waist and up your back, sending chills throughout your body. You turn just in time to see Dean smile down at you.

“You ready?”

“Yeah.” you smile back, completely unaware of the eyes on you in the distance. So when Dean dips down and lightly brushes his lips to yours, you’re caught off guard. 

“Somebody regrets letting you go.” he whispers softly against your lips, only pulling back a little after he delivers his line.


“You have an audience of one leering at you.” Curiousness grows in your eyes and just as you go to turn your head, his hand comes up to your cheek and stops you. “Don’t look. Don’t give him the satisfaction. Just look at me.” The battle in your head was hard to silence, but you did as he told you.

“How long has he been staring?”

“Since you walked over here and started taking that off.” he nods towards the thin cloth on the chair.

“What do I do?”

“Just stick with me and try not to look at him too much. Just remember what he did to you and completely ignore him. Okay?” You nod softly, not wanting to look too suspicious from Josh’s point of view. “Good.” his smile grows a bit before he captures another kiss. Now you know that the first one was for show. At first you weren’t sure, but the feeling of his lips on yours was something you knew you could get used to. You kind of hoped that Josh wouldn’t stop looking at you just so you could have an excuse to kiss Dean.

“Let’s go.” he mutters softly and gives you another peck before carefully ushering you towards the water. Dean briefly glances over and sees that Josh is trying not to look at you, but is failing miserably and he just knows that he’s going to have fun with this.

It turns out that it wasn’t so hard to ignore Josh after all. At first you struggled a little, but once you and Dean started diving a little further into the water, between him and all the ocean life, you were better off.

At one point a large sea turtle had swam right underneath the two of you and as it passed, Dean grabbed you by the waist and pulled you close. Your back molded to his chest as he rolled you both to face the direction the animal was going so you could watch it swim on.

Both of your legs lightly kicked back and forth to keep you in your spot and you tried to hold your breath for as long as you could so that you could watch the turtle continue on. It was such a surreal and beautiful sight and you just wished you could stay underwater forever.

A light tap to your shoulder had you looking back and Dean pointed up to the surface, letting you know that he was in need of air probably as much as you were. So you gave in. You nod and then push yourself away from him a bit to make your way upwards and he follows right behind.

He breaks the surface seconds after you and pulls his mouthpiece out, a grin forming on his face as he looks at you.

“That was cool!”

“It was!” you giggled a little as you looked below, trying to see if the turtle had come back around or not. 

“I don’t know how long we’ve been out here.” You hear him say, making you look up and follow his gaze back towards the shore where your family had gotten out and were now lounging in the sun.

“A while.” you laugh. “But that’s okay. I rather be out here than with them anyway.” His smile is genuine and it spreads to you.

“You’re doing good at ignoring him.” Your heart leaps a bit at the comment and you barely give a glance over your shoulder.

“Yeah, well…it’s easy to do when you’re having fun.” you get lost in his smile. His eyes. Then he makes it worse by shooting his tongue out across his lips, but again, you welcome the distraction.

“One more dive and then we head back?” You take his offer and think for a moment. For how much you don’t want to go back to shore, you were getting a little hungry, and seeing how much the sun had shifted it had to have been late afternoon by now.

“Yeah. Sounds good.”  

Forever Babes


Dean/Jensen Babes

@deans-baby-momma@backseat-of-deans-67chevy@michellethetvaddict @jerkbitchidjitassbutt@adoptdontshoppets@starsandmidnightblue@lyarr24@torn-and-frayed@jensengirl83@idksupernatural@akshi8278@iamabeautifulperson18@tatted-trina6@thoughts-and-funnies@brilovesdeanwinchester@sexyvixen7@onceuponathreetwoone@cpag7@wirdbeimaufhebengebunden@deandaydreaming@deansgirl215@mikadwinchester@x-mypeopleskillsarerusty-x@pink-sparkly-witch

Blood Ain’t Love Babes

