#eternals druig


Family Reunion | Druig x reader

Summary: you and Druig have always been close to each other and thought nothing but as a close friend. Having the powers that could drain life from your hands and being banished because you accidentally killed a human being, Ajak didn’t have a choice but make you leave the family. Years after when Ajak is dead and the deviants are back, you are the last one they needed.

Requested?: Yes by @sergntbarnes.

A/N: I decided to make the reader have a different powers instead of ice and or fire. I hope it was okay and i hope it is possible for the reader having the power of death??

Warnings: violence, trauma, mentions of death, angst.

You didn’t understand why Arishem created you like this. For years, you’ve tried to understand your powers. Tried to control them whenever you touched something, but they would always leave the scent of death.

That’s why you hated physical touch. When people would try to touch you by accident, you would flinch away from them. Druig would always understand how you would think.

That’s why you liked him in the first place. No matter if he could catch a glimpse of you, he would always know what you think. The two of you had a bond like no one had in the family. He would always try and make you laugh, comfort you when you would ask questions about why Arishem created you. You would always think of yourself as a monster that drained people from being alive, but Druig was always there to comfort you.

But not when you accidentally killed someone.

It was one rule that you had when all of you were surrounded by humans. You weren’t allowed to have bare hands since Ajak was afraid that you would use your powers. That they would turn against you because of your powers.

You thought they would understand because you didn’t want to hurt anyone. “Please, you have to understand, it wasn’t my fault,” You begged Ajak, her eyes drifted towards the poor innocent child in front of you, laying dead.

“I didn’t want to hurt her.” You begged her with tears in your eyes. Your eyes drifted towards your family behind her. You saw that they didn’t want to meet your eyes.

“I know, but I can’t let you do this anymore,” Ajak responded with sympathy. “It was a mistake-” You tried to reason, but you stopped when you saw her made the decision.

“Druig?” You pleaded. You looked at him as you saw his gaze on the floor like the rest of your family. For years, you thought they would be your family, they always supported you but not this time.


“Are you sure about this?” Ikaris questioned with uncertainly behind his voice. He stared at the small house on the hill that stood silently and watched them from afar.

“Last time we talked to her was when Ajak banished her…” Ikaris responded and looked at the rest of them gathering around them.

“Let me go first, maybe she will talk to me,” Sersi replied.

“Why do you think that she will go through you?” Druig questioned as she looked at him. “Because she trust me, it took a while to gain her trust back after everything,” She told him. Sersi walked towards the house as Kingo, Sprite, Ikaris, Druig, Thena, and Gilgamesh were down.

Sersi stared at the door before knocking on it. “Y/N? Are you home? It’s Sersi,” She called out. “I just want to talk,” She replied and tried to knock again but received no answer. She let out a sigh before she thought of a moment.

Walking behind the house, she saw a familiar figure in front of her. She smiled when she saw you cutting a three-branch and placing it in your basket.

“Y/N,” Sersi responded before looking at the cherry tree. “It’s beautiful, you always had a thing with plants,”

“I never understood why,” Sersi replied with a light chuckle. You looked at her, unfazed. “You brought them here,” You told her. She looked at you with guilt. “Listen-”

“And I told you not to,” You cut her off.

“I know,” Sersi responded. “But it is important,” You scoffed at her and placed the scissor down. “Last time I remember, I wasn’t involved with your superhero needs,” You scowled at her.

“Ajak is dead,” She blurted out. You stood frozen for a while before you looked at her with an unreadable expression. “The deviants are back and we need you, Y/N,”

“Your the only one who has the power enough to kill them,” Sersi replied. “I may have the power to kill them, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to use them on you if you’re not leaving,” You threatened her.

“Y/N, please…” Sersi begged. “Don’t do this,” She pleaded with you and began to step away. You tilted your head towards her and smirked.

“I’m going to stop if you’re not leaving,” You warned her as your eyes began to glow. Sersi looked at you before you and before you could attack her, you could hear someone scream your name. “Y/N, stop!” Druig used his powers as he pushed Sersi out of his way.

You stopped as you looked at Druig. You scoffed as you saw your family standing in front of you. “I said stop,” He replied and stepped closer. “This will be your final warning,” You told them as you looked at Gilgamesh, Thena, Sprite, Ikaris, and Sersi before walking away back to the house.

“So, what the hell are we doing now?” Sprite asked them. Druig let out a sigh as he watched you walk back towards the house. He understood you more than anyone could and he knew that he could fix the bond between you.

“I will go and talk to her,” He responded before following after you, leaving them with confused expressions.


Characters: Bucky, Druig, Stephen Strange 


Request: “Hi, Hannah! How are you? Well, I’m a Marvel girl and I found out you write about some of my favourite characters I saw that request about Paul Artreids and I wanted to know if you would write for me Bucky, Druig and Doctor Strange reacting to neck kisses, please” Anon




The silken sheets slipped past her hand easily as she shifted. She was waking herself up – something she normally did after an unsettling dream.

Or if she was needed.

Her eyes opened slowly, full of sleep. It was still dark, probably the middle of the night.

Directly in front of her was Bucky, laying on his back atop the sheets. His chest rose and fell with steady breaths, his arms stuck at his sides. His eyes were wide and staring at the ceiling.

This was one of those times when she was needed.

Making sure to sigh loudly as to not startle him, (Y/N) inched forward until she was able to pull on his arm. She wrapped it around her as she laid herself onto his torso.

“Hello,” she whispered.

Bucky swallowed, “Hello.”

The grip he had on her waist was tight, but she didn’t complain. She wound a hand up to his face. “I was just thinking about that summer we spent in California…”

“You were just sleeping.”

“As I was saying – thinking about California – remember the beach?”

They sat in silence for a few moments, (Y/N) still on the edge of sleep. She began to tap a finger on his cheek. She felt it lift as he smiled.

“I remember a large umbrella, sandy shorts, and possibly scarring a little girl.”

(Y/N) tilted her head until her nose was brushing his jawline, “I’m sure that little girl had seen her parents kissing before.” She placed her lips against his neck.

Bucky had that smile in his voice now, “It was embarrassing.”

“Well, I assure you…” she kissed just under his jaw, “We won’t get caught now.”

His fingers dug into her waist, “You should be sleeping.”

“As should you.” She kissed up towards his ear, “But I find you awake.”

“I couldn’t sleep.”

(Y/N) knew this. She often found him lost in thought after a nightmare, scared and unable to move for fear of being away from her.

He needed to take his mind off those intrusive thoughts. And (Y/N) knew the right distraction.

Bucky tilted his head to the side, giving her full access to the sweet skin of his neck. She grinned, nipping and kissing, giving him something much more present to think about.

“I know what you’re doing,” he grumbled, his breaths picking up.

She nuzzled him, itchy against his scruff, “I’d rather be the focus of your thoughts just now.”

“Well, it’s working,” he sighed gratefully, pulling on her until she was fully on top of him now.

She giggled, holding his face while he held the small of her back. “Good.”

He rose his head just enough to capture her lips with his.



(Y/N) walked around the living room with a bowl of potato chips, munching away. She went for the corner of the couch, crossing her legs and resting the bowl in her lap.

The TV rang to life as she fiddled with the remote. She could hear a heavy set of boots tromping down the stairs and the corner of her mouth lifted.

“What are we watching?” Druig came into the room.

“Well,Iwas going to watch The Bachelor,” she said, concentrating on the screen.

He jumped over the back of the couch, bouncing on the cushions, “Sounds good to me.” His hand reached over to grab at the chips, but she smacked him.

“My show, my snack,” she giggled, “Go find your own food.”

“But these are so conveniently within my reach,” he poked her side, making her squirm, “Let me have some.”

She smacked his hand again, “Nope.”

Suddenly her jaw went slack, her shoulders slumped, and she willingly passed the bowl. When she snapped out of it, she was immensely confused.

“Hey!” she shouted, “Mind control is cheating.”

Druig laughed, eating the chips, “I did ask nicely; I resorted to my last resource.”

“Excuse me, I didn’t hear a single please when you asked.” She reached for the bowl and Druig lifted it out of her reach.

“Ask nicely.”

“You didn’t,” she accused, starting to climb over him.

Druig held the bowl over his head, smirking at the way she was now straddling him. “You never listen to me.”

“Say something nice, then.” (Y/N) got close and in his face, nose to nose. They were both smirking at this point.

Her hands were just reaching out to touch his hair when he suddenly stood. (Y/N) fell hilariously to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

Druig munched on another chip, “Oh, I’m sorry – did that hurt?” The sarcasm was clear.

(Y/N) stared at him with an evil eye as he got comfortable on the couch again.

“What? I said sorry.”

She frowned, getting up and walking to behind the couch. Druig stole the remote to turn on the latest episode, triumphant.

(Y/N) knelt down and nuzzled her head next to his. “You sure you want to watch this?” She brushed her nose along his ear.

Druig hummed delightfully, “How else am I supposed to find out who he ends up with?”

She kissed behind his ear, “I guess you’re right.” She made her way down towards his neck, breathy and open-mouthed. Out of the corner of her eye she saw his hand clench against his lap.

“This is a change,” he whispered, getting breathless himself.

(Y/N) giggled against his skin, tickling him. She nipped with her teeth, leaving marks she knew would purple in a few hours. She could feel the deep hum in his throat as she left lingering kisses. His head tilted away to give her more room.

Then she snatched the bowl of chips and ran.


“Who needs mind control,” she laughed.



Stephen floated around the library in his astral form. Waving his hands, he summoned more books needed for his research.

Behind him was his physical body, asleep in a chair. His arms were folded and his head lolling to the side.

He was working on a rather tough case of stolen magic. He had spent the past few days scouring the library and archives for traces of the magic – a kind he didn’t recognize as of yet. It led to his bad habit of losing sleep and caring about nothing else.

As a result, his physical form fell prey to sleepiness.

He was just perusing a tome of ancient spells when he felt an itch on his neck. He leaned over and tried to rub it against his shoulder. But it persisted.

He used his hand and rubbed at it. It started tickling.

Stephen scratched behind his ear and down his neck, starting to get annoyed.

Then suddenly it dawned on him that he just so happened to be in his astral form. He tossed the book away and floated around the shelves to peer at his sleeping body.

There behind his shoulder was (Y/N), leaning over and lightly kissing his neck. It was strange seeing her kiss himself, almost like the beginnings of jealousy. But that was ridiculous – she was kissing him.

His neck tickled again, and he shivered. He was suddenly very anxious to get back into his body.

(Y/N) traced a finger along his jaw as she peppered him with waking kisses. She continued as his eyes started flitting open. But soon after he sighed in contentment, humming deep in his throat.

He reached up and took her tracing finger, pulling it down to where he could kiss her hand.

“Good morning,” she whispered, kissing his neck slower. She was drawing out each peck. “Or should I say afternoon – I believe it’s four o’clock.”

Stephen, voice full of sleep, said, “I couldn’t fend it off any longer.”

“Sorry to wake you then,” she said against his throat, her breath making his shoulders tense slightly.

He was all low and gruff when he said, “I needed a break anyway.”

She combed through his hair with her fingers, pulling him away and kissing up towards his ear. She sucked just behind it, manifesting a bruise to grow there later. Stephen shifted in his seat, trying to keep his breaths even.

“You’ve been reading in your sleep again?”

He tried to take a calming breath, “I couldn’t stop my research because of a little thing like sleep.”

“But you’ve stopped your research now,” she giggled, sending a shiver down his spine.

He waved a relaxed hand, “I’d stop anything and everything to spend a little time with you.”


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Druig x Reader

Summary: After what happened during the Emergence, the reader finds it hard to sleep as the events haunt them. Druig finds them awake and provides comfort. Reader is an eternal and gender neutral.

Warnings: Grief and guilt, mostly comfort.

Word Count: 1450

A/N: I didn’t think I’d be able to crank one out this week since it’s been so hectic but I couldn’t stop thinking about a certain Eternal ;)

It’s the middle of the night and you’re wide awake. You’re lying in bed staring blankly at the darkened ceiling above you, hoping by some miracle that you’ll finally doze off. Your body is physically exhausted, but your brain won’t turn off. You try to close your eyes but haunted images of the past spring to mind and you open them again. You sigh, knowing tonight was another lost cause.

You turn your head to look at your sleeping boyfriend. Druig sleeps by your side undisturbed as he’s been asleep for a while now. You study his peaceful face and smile knowing it isn’t often he gets a moment of peace. You lean over and gently kiss his head before you decide to leave. You carefully remove Druig’s arm from around your waist and, making sure he’s still asleep, you slip out of your bedroom.

You walk through your apartment and turn on only a few lights to make your way to the kitchen. All the while your mind won’t stop racing with memories but you try to focus on the room around you and remind yourself of where you are.

To occupy your time, you decide to make some tea to attempt to calm yourself down. Sometimes it’s able to settle your nerves and right now you could really use it. Your movements are sluggish as you ready the kettle onto the stove. You’re reminded of the expression “a watched pot never boils” but since you have nothing else to do, you stare at it anyway.

That’s when you start to feel yourself slipping. Images of fire, destruction, and death play before you while the echoes of cries and fighting ring in your ears. You grip the countertop and just when you start to panic, you hear, “Y/N?”

You freeze and turn your head before relaxing as you see Druig. You watch him trudge into the living space. He rubs his eyes and the image is adorable. He blinks up at you and says in a groggy voice, “What are you doing?”

He looks just out of sleep, his eyes are half-lidded. You start to feel guilty knowing you probably woke him. “I’m sorry, love,” you say. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

Druig trudges over to you and lazily wraps his arms around you as you continue to face the kettle. “I woke up and you weren’t there,” he murmurs against your neck before placing a soft kiss there.

“Sorry,” you mumble, remembering how peaceful he looked.

He shakes his head and you feel the movement on your neck and shoulder. “Don’t be,” he says and you turn your head to look at him. “I was dreaming of you anyway.” He winks at you and you laugh softly, looking back at the kettle as your expression melts back into a straight face. You see him frown out of the corner of your eye.

“So, why are you up?” he asks you. You shrug your shoulders, not wanting to concern him and not wanting to talk about it either.

“Couldn’t sleep,” you say, your eyes not meeting his.

“Again?” he whispers, softly. You bite your lip. Druig’s been aware of your sleeping problem for a while now, though you try your best not to wake him. You haven’t told him what the cause is. You don’t want to admit to it out of fear. You don’t want him to know how weak you are. You’re supposed to be an eternal, but you feel no different than a human, despite your gift. Druig leans back which brings your attention back to the present. He places his hands on your hips and tugs at you to face him. You relent.

“You know you can talk to me, right?” he says, his eyes filled with nothing but love. You open your mouth to answer when the kettle starts screaming. You turn around to take it off the stovetop.

“Do you want any?” you ask, avoiding the previous topic for now. You know he notices but he doesn’t push you on the subject.

Instead he replies, “Sure.”

You distract yourself by pouring you both some tea, ignoring Druig’s stare for now. “Do you want to sit on the couch?” Druig asks once the drinks are made. You nod. He takes your hand and gently pulls you along to the couch where you both sit down. You finally look at him and you see such a soft look in his eyes that you let go of your worries for a moment.

After a while of silence, Druig puts down his mug and asks, “What’s going on?” You feel so vulnerable in front of him and in the moment, you feel like you can open up. But when you try to speak, you feel tears prick at your eyes and your breath catches. You shake your head and cover your face in your hands.

“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” he says, pulling you into a hug. You grip onto him tightly and he places one hand on your head, the other rubbing your back. The sound of his heartbeat soothes and reassures you as tears roll down your face.

When your breathing calms down, you say, “I could have saved them.” Druig pulls apart from you and looks confused before understanding crosses his face. Ever since you lost three members of your family, so quickly after surviving together for years, everything’s felt different.

“I should have been able to save them, Druig,” you say. “I mean, what’s the point of these fucking powers if I can’t even save my family?” Your lip quivers. “I-I’m supposed to be able to see the future but I can’t even control my own visions. Maybe I’ve grown weaker.”

“You’re not weak,” Druig says, softly.

“Then why do I feel so helpless?” you whisper. “Ever since we lost them, first Ajak, then Gilgamesh e-even Ikaris, I haven’t felt the same. I feel so heavy all the time, and I can’t even sleep. I find myself losing control over my abilities, I keep slipping in and out of reality. I don’t know what’s happening to me, Druig.” You release a sob as you finally let out what’s been eating at you.

Druig tilts your chin up to look at him. “What you’re feeling is grief, love,” he says. “Everyone deals with it differently. That doesn’t make you any weaker.” You shake your head. “It’s true. And that grief is also making you feel guilty.”

“Because I could have–”

“Y/N,” he says so calmly that you stop to look at him. “It’s not your fault. It’s not.” A shaky breath escapes your lips as another tear falls past your cheek. He’s right. You know he’s right. And yet… “There’s nothing you could have done. You can’t blame yourself.”

You have never been able to see the future of an eternal. Just like Druig can’t mind control them. You both feel guilty having a power and not being able to use it to save someone. You look at Druig and realize that he might not just be talking to you at that moment. You lean your forehead against his and place your hand on his cheek.

“It’s not your fault either, you know,” you whisper. He looks at you, a little taken aback.

“I don’t–”

“Druig.” He pauses. He takes a few moments before nodding.

“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right,” he says. He takes your hand and for a moment, you just relish in the fact that you have someone who understands you and is there for you. You squeeze his hand and he squeezes back.

“But you shouldn’t bottle your feelings up like that,” Druig says. You sigh and nod.

“You’re right.”

“Next time, talk to me,” he says. “Don’t ever be afraid to tell me how you’re feeling. I’m here for a reason, you know.” You giggle at his teasing.

“Okay, I promise next time I’ll come to you,” you say.

“Good. I promise to do the same.”

“You better,” you say. You drape your arms around his neck. “Cause I know where you live. You can’t escape me.”

He laughs. “Wouldn’t dream of it,” he smirks and gives you a quick peck on the lips which gets a laugh out of you. He then stands up and holds out his hand. “Shall we go back to bed?”

“We shall,” you say with a smile on your face as you take his hand. You walk back to the bedroom and get yourselves back into bed. That night, you had the best night of sleep you’d had in a while.
