#ethan dolan tattoo



A/N: Sorry I’m the literal woat and haven’t posted in MONTHS I’m hoping to get back into a schedule now that its summer! Basically this concept was requested where there is a pretty significant age gap between you and Ethan and him being legally allowed to do things causes you to follow along in some things you probably shouldn’t do. 

Disclaimer: Ethan is aged up in this, we’ll make him 21 for the sake of the story, and you’re graduating high school so its almost nice and legal!

y/f/i= your first initial

Warnings: Underage Drinking, Cussing



“Ethan!” You shout to your boyfriend from your bedroom. Ethan was currently sitting in your living room waiting for you to finish getting ready so the two of you could go to a party with his friends. “Are you sure I have to go?”

There’s a few moments of silence which means he was thinking, giving you hope that maybe you wouldn’t have to go. Your parents were out of town but for perhaps the first time in your life you desperately wished they were home as they would never allow you to go to a party with Ethan’s friends. They have enough of a hard time processing the fact that you’re dating someone who can legally do a lot of the things you couldn’t, but a party with more people ‘like Ethan,’ would really be pushing it. 

“I mean…” He shouts back before pausing again. “I guess you don’t have to, but I’d really like it if you came.”

You sigh and roll your eyes. It’s not that you didn’t want to hang out with Ethan, it’s just that you’ve never really vibed with his friends. They look at you like a little kid because you just graduated high school while most of them are almost out of college.

“Okay, I’m ready.” You sigh once you finally met Ethan in the living room. “We won’t stay long, right?”

He shakes his head and grabs your hands so you two can leave before you change your mind. When you arrive at Ethan’s friend Vic’s house, you realize this is going to be nothing like the parties you’re used to. There were no drunk teenagers passed out on the lawn or noise complaint worthy sounds being emitted from the house, just a house full of people holding real wine and beer glasses. 

Little did you know, everyone in that house still had a little high school in them, because by eleven thirty, this college party was exactly like you imagined it to be. 

“Y/n!” You hear Ethan call your name as you fill your cup at the keg. “Come skinny dipping with us!”

“Absolutely not.” You tell him. While you’re slightly more comfortable than you were when you arrived, there was no chance you were going to strip in front of all these people. “Ethan I thought you said we weren’t going to be here long.”

“Come on babe, let loose.” You can smell the alcohol on his breath. “You need something much stronger than whatever shit is in this keg. Come on I’ll get you the good stuff.”

Ethan was rarely like this. Whenever you went to parties together he would closely monitor everything that went into your body and made sure you never had too much. You had to admit it was good to see E acting like the kid he is. 

A few drinks later, Ethan was absolutely shit faced and you were well on your way to inebriation. He grabbed your hand and you ran behind him out to the back where mostly everyone was in the pool. Without hesitation Ethan pulled his shirt off and waited for you to do the same.

“L-listen y/n. You’re coming in with me with or without clothes on. Your choice.” He slurs on his words, the last few drinks you had made going swimming look like a lot better of an idea than before. “Ten. Nine. Eight-”

“Okay fine!” You took of your shirt and jeans just before Ethan throws you over his shoulder and jumped into the warm water. “Ethan!” 

Not even twenty minutes later, Ethan was itching to leave the party he so desperately wanted you to come to. Of course, it was finally when you were having some fun. 

“Have you ever thought of getting a tattoo?” Ethan asks, running his finger just under your bra. “It’d be so sexy of you got one here. Wait, y/n. Let’s go get tattoos.”

As stated before, stupid ideas looked a ton better in your mind after your last couple of drinks. You started to claps your hands and Ethan through you over his shoulder again so you could get out of the pool. You somehow found the clothes you threw before you jumps in and stumbled into the house. 

“Let me call Grayson, he’ll take us.” He held onto the counter for dear life as he pressed Grayson’s name on his phone. “Gray! No I’m not drunk! Okay, maybe a little. Y/n and I want to get tattoos can you take us. I am so responsible, I’m calling you instead of driving aren’t I? Sweet see you in a few.”

You squealed and jumped up and down at the thought of getting a tattoo. You were turning eighteen in a few weeks so it wasn’t a huge deal, but the fact that you were about to probably illegally get a tattoo made you are tingly inside, but that may also be the vodka. 

“Come of you two.” Grayson bursts into the kitchen, grabbing you both by the wrist and out the door. “I’m not saying this is a good idea but this is going to make for such a good story.”

Ethan and Grayson had a friend that would do your tattoo even though you were underaged, another perk of Ethan being older than you. Once you got to the studio it was obviously closed, but Grayson snuck you both into the back of the shop where their friend had everything set up for you two. 

“I never give tattoos to drunk kids, but for you, I make exceptions.” The artist said starting up his machine. “Ever gotten a tattoo pretty lady?”

“Watch it.” Ethan slurred once again, but not really being able to move much. “Only I can call her a pretty lady.”

“Nope,” you completely ignore Ethan. “First one.”

Ethan moves next to you as you lay in the chair, lifts your shirt and points to the place where he thinks you should get your tattoo. 

“Put something cool right here.” Ethan tells the tattoo artist and he just nods. You can’t really feel much as the vodka numbed your whole body, the only thing you could feel was the intense nausea that you held in. The rest of the night all blurred together. 

The next morning you woke up to Ethan snoring rather loudly and your left rib feeling rather sore. You suddenly remember everything that happened the night before. Drinking far too much, swimming in your underwear and getting a very illegal tattoo. You rush over to a mirror and lift your shirt to see a small rose on your left rib. You sigh in relief as it actually looked a lot better than you thought it would. 

“You have loud feet.” Ethan grumbles from behind you. “What are you — oh. Oh my god I let you get a tattoo, did I sign for you? Fuck this is so bad.”

“I like it.” You say, not looking away from your new ink. “What’d you get?”

He sighs before pushing the covers off of him to reveal the small tattoo, also on his left rib. It was a small y/f/iin cursive.

“You better hope we stay together.” You jokingly tell him before jumping back into bed with Ethan. “Kidding, I like it. But, remind me to never agree to go to a party with you ever again. We do way too many things we shouldn’t do.”

