#ethnic doll

Asian Barbie DollI’m not an expert on Barbie dolls, but I noticed they are not very diverse. E

Asian Barbie Doll

I’m not an expert on Barbie dolls, but I noticed they are not very diverse. Even darker skin tones are hard to get. Unless you want to look your kid’s toy area like a Lenie Riefenstahl movie, it’s not easy to find a descent doll with features other than the classic blonde. So when Amazon suggested this Asian doll I ordered it right away (I usually don’t fall for these ads that easy). It’s fully articulated, which is also great, since many Barbie dolls are not very playable. She doesn’t come with the clothes shown on the photo. The original outfit is a yoga dress. The name is ‘Made To Move Barbie’. This just a sidenote if anyone out there is looking for something like this 

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