


imperialist doing a democracy ranking: “hmm Cuba which has the closest thing to a direct democracy right now should go in the ‘dictatorship’ ranking. the UK which has a monarch, a state church and unelected nobles and priests in their government should go very high on the ranking”


i just think that the double standard with how everyone (and i’m not just talking ab the west btw) has treated the ukraine invasion vs issues literally anywhere else is insane. and no i’m not just talking about the straight up racist journalists (although that was also . whew ! shocked but not surprised) but rather how it seems that this time around, everyoneseems to understand that you can’t ‘separate business / art from politics’. remember when a muslim soccer player spoke up against the atrocities that the chinese government perpetuates against the uyghur muslims and then arsenal terminated his contract because they are 'apolitical as an organization’? and yet manchester united players standing up for ukraine have been applauded for it. remember when iceland held up the palestine flag during eurovision as a show of solidarity and they were fined 5000 euros for it? and yet russia is banned from this year’s contest.

and i know white people are going to misunderstand this on purpose, so i’m just stating this upfront: i completely support ukraine, and i think it’s important that russia is shown, on a world platform, that they cannot get away with the invasion of a sovereign state. but the fact that suddenly, mixing politics with sport, business and art has become the new normal and socially acceptable because it’s europeandthe west and not filthy violent brown people is just too ironic for me to not point out. and btw if anyone starts talking about the 'oppression olympics’ or wtv to discredit the very real differences between the treatment of white & brown people on a global level and the dehumanization of asians i will smash your head into a brick wall.

Human Zoo in Norway Re-occupies Space of European SuperiorityThe Norwegian artists Mohamed Ali Fad

Human Zoo in Norway Re-occupies Space of European Superiority

The Norwegian artists Mohamed Ali Fadlabi and Lars Cuzner are recreating, as part of a nationwide commemoration of 200 years of the Norwegian Constitution, a “human zoo” as a way of provoking an engagement with Norway’s colonial past. 

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