#eurovision song contest



you give points? you give points like the idiots? jail for the jury, jail for the jury for ONE. THOUSAND. YEARS.


Some Eurovision memes y’all can cry over


okay but if the UK wins post brexit, I’m gonna fucking cackle

yes, yes, organize a super expensive event about unity and European friendship after leaving the EU, suck on these nuts 

The only thing that’s even better would be them having to to this WITHOUT EVEN WINNING THANK YOU UKRAINE


Ha! Justice! No more juries, Eurovision has passed the need for juries!


Germany so deserves the last place. This is why you send in Electric Callboy


France, my beautiful forest-ravers, you deserved so much better


Wait wait. Is uk gonna have to host without having won ?!

Now that would be a great pratical joke.


I’m about to go on a killing spree. Hate and war to the jury <33


Can we exchange the ballads for some rock and metal next year? Plus industrial? Bring back 80’s style Eurodisco while we’re at it?

Wake up baby, new meme format just dropped

i love how eurovision is a contest but year after year you see every country just happy to be there and having the time of their lives

ukraine sounding like the end credits of moon knight

ukraine beating the uk


Eurovision 2022

Inväntar Eurovision Song Contest med lite vin och god mat framför tv:n
Hoppas verkligen på vinst för Sverige, vi har en grym låt (även om inget slår Loreens) och Cornelia gör den helt perfekt med sin riviga röst. Heja Heja!


Photo: Robin Lorentz Allard

Uppdatering: Aja man får vara glad för en fjärde plats. Ingen trodde väl egentligen annat än att Ukraina skulle vinna (; Det förtjänar dom.
