#literally though



Germany so deserves the last place. This is why you send in Electric Callboy








We don’t even need trains to drive themselves. We just don’t need cars. That’s it. There doesn’t need to be automation. There just needs to be a change in our infrastructure.

Why does every faux leftist want to take out cars away? Is it just cause they’re mostly children online and they’ve never had a job let alone own a car…

Beware anyone who would restrict your freedom of movement

Lmao you think cars are freedom, not just another means of control. That’s hilarious. Henry Ford would be proud of your ignorance.

I’m a grown adult who’s tired of being a slave to my car and my town’s hostile infrastructure. Sorry you’re too much of a dork to get that cars and modern American roads absolutely fucking suck. Sorry you hate poor people and want to force us into constant debt and chain us to useless metal coffins.

I don’t want to take anyone’s car. I want a world where hardly anyone needs a car and therefore get rid of theirs willingly. I want a world where I can walk most places I need to go and can ride a bus or train or my bicycle everywhere else. But ok buddy.

Taking public transit in a place where public transit is well-funded and well-designed is a goddamn delight. You want freedom? I can go wherever I want, I don’t have to park, and there’s a tram or bus every ten minutes so I’m not even worried about my schedule. I don’t even fucking like walking and I would love to live in a city where that was an option.

Naturally this is not an experience most Americans have had because even our best city public transit is blown out of the water by what other countries are doing. It’s not easy to explain how life-changing that level of transit access is!

And if you really must drive, well, the roads are a lot clearer when everyone else is on a train.

Car dependency encourages class stratification.

Look, I deeply love driving.  I have been driving something or another since I was five.  I enjoy the fuck out of being behind the wheel of my car, and I have loved two cars – including my current ‘09 Cobalt – as family.  (Don’t judge me, I grew up a redneck.)


I want the option of a train over a plane or over driving!  I wanna cross the country on a train, but Amtrak is so expensive because there just isn’t enough demand for passenger service to make it easy and fast!  I want the option to ride a bus to work instead of driving, so maybe I can read!  I most definitely hate driving in any city larger than small!

For people who love to drive, public transit in all forms is better for everyone, even us.


if peter cushing’s version of the doctor was purely human, does that mean that, if left unchecked, he’d eventually become obsessed with gallifrey in the same way that the gallifreyan doctor is obsessed with earth?

iknowhe’darrive on gallifrey, take one look at rassilon, and loudly announce, “yeah, i could fix him”


wheres the marceline to my princess bubblegum. the homura to my madoka. im a pink hair lesbian without my goth counterpart. im incomplete


Is this not what happened?


For real tho Kaysanova is just

Joe: Stabs Nicky for the 5th time, revives.

Nicky:..You know what, change of plans?

Joe: ….

Nicky: …

Joe: ;)

Nicky: ;)


Listening to Oscar Isaac talk about how his Moon Knight process was “completely falling in love with Steven,” like funny you should mention that, that was my exact Moon Knight process too.


born in the wrong generation but only because i was born to be a video store clerk


when u exit hyperfocus mode and ur immediately hit with every status effect ever


I think that what makes Steve and Eddie’s dynamic so immediately iconic and delightful, is that they have nothing in common except Dustin.

Like, we see them trying to bond a few times, and they are STRUGGLING because they have absolutely no common interest. Whenever they talk, we get gems like Eddie quoting the lord of the rings or mentioning Ozzy to a very confused Steve. They both think that the other is cool but they can’t SAY IT because they basically speak two different languages. It’s a nerd/goth and jock/prep desperately attempting communication, it’s awkwardly wholesome in the best way.

But THEN as soon as it’s about DUSTIN, these two just fucking click and shift full soulmates mode. Dustin does something a little weird or vaguely annoying, and suddenly Steve and Eddie get possessed by an old married couple that has been together for 35 years but also divorced 7 times and keep getting back together to raise their son. Dustin will just breathe, and suddenly Steve “the king” Harrington and Eddie “the freak” Munson are fucking drift compatible out nowhere like “this kid needs to keep his ego in check” “IT’S HIS TONE RIGHT???” or “Henderson you are a butthead” “oh I conclure” or even “Henderson is not possessed is he?” “Oh no he is just deranged”

Whether it’s platonic or romantic, otp or brotp, it’s just think that it’s objectively the most hilarious concept of all time and I want to see more of it in Volume 2 and season 5.


I’ll take whatever Matthew Stover was having when he wrote the Revenge of the Sith novelization-

“This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker, forever: The first dawn of light in your universe brings pain. The light burns you. It will always burn you. Part of you will always lie upon black glass sand beside a lake of fire while flames chew upon your flesh.”

“This was not Sith against Jedi. This was not light against dark or good against evil; it had nothing to do with duty or philosophy, religion or morals. It was Anakin against Obi-Wan. Personally. Just the two of them and the damage they had done to each other.”

“But even in the deepest night, there are some who dream of dawn.”

“In the end, the shadow is all you have left. Because the shadow understands you, the shadow forgives you, the shadow gathers you unto itself—And within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame.”

“This is Obi-Wan Kenobi: A phenomenal pilot who doesn’t like to fly. A devastating warrior who’d rather not fight. A negotiator without peer who frankly prefers to sit alone in a quiet cave and meditate.”

“Everything dies. In time, even stars burn out. This is why Jedi form no attachments: all things pass. To hold on to something—or someone—beyond its time is to set your selfish desires against the Force.”

“Obi-Wan looked down. It would be a mercy to kill him. He was not feeling merciful”

“This story happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. It is already over. Nothing can be done to change it.”


the australian gp really saw me losing interest and was like ok here you go. and i thank her very much for it


i love how the skam fandom migrated to young royals and then heartstopper


Me to the directors of stranger things if they let steve or eddie die:


YouTube media influencers will be like This Shocking In-Depth Analysis Will BLOW YOUR MIND, then spend thirty-four minutes very slowly describing the premise of the show.

I’m gonna say this because I know nobody else is ever gonna say it: Scanner should’ve been in more episodes.


I don’t have many dealbreakers but if I am forced to spend another book in the same four places in velaris, I might just lose it. let us out already.


Tumblr gifmakers are better than $1mil worth of marketing. I’ll see endless ads for a show and be like meh but I’ll see one good gifset and suddenly I’m on s2 ep10 finding blorbo from my gifs
