

Team Neo-Rocket has traveled to Johto, searching for power and legendary Pokémon. Their first targets in the region are the Legendary Beasts: Raikou, Entei, and Suicune. 


More information on the role this region’s legendaries play in Memories of Kanto below the cut! If you’re interested in learning more about this project, check out the Johtoor Memories of Kanto tags.

You will encounter Team Neo-Rocket a few times throughout the region, hassling the locals and researching Johto’s legendary Pokémon. This path leads both you and Neo-Rocket to Ecruteak city, where Team Neo-Rocket, led by an increasingly desperate Dante, attempt to burn a building with three Pokémon inside, aiming to create their own set of legendary beasts.

Instead, the three legendary beasts appear to confront Neo-Rocket and protect the innocent Pokémon. Team Neo-Rocket attempt to catch the beasts, but Dante and his grunts must defeat you and your rival, Indigo, in battle to get the chance. With Neo-Rocket held up in battle, the three legendary Pokémon easily flee. From this point on, they can be found roaming the region, and if you’re lucky, you just might be able to catch them!

Pokémon Keeper Gold joins you, and you retrieve the three Pokémon that Team Neo-Rocket had attempted to burn. The Pokémon had been stolen from Gold in the first place, and they are a set of Johto’s starters: a Chikorita, a Cyndaquil, and a Totodile. Clearly, Gold reasons, these Pokémon need better homes after what they’ve been through. He has too many Pokémon under his care to give them what they need, not to mention they seem to be itching for revenge. You get your pick of the three, and Indigo takes whichever one has type advantage over yours. The third can be found in Professor Elm’s care.

Though the legendary beasts travel all across Johto, and sometimes so far as Kanto, you can also find Suicune in a house on Route 40, on the shore just past Olivine City.


This house is the home of Eusine, a skilled trainer and an expert on Johto’s folklore. You may have seen him once or twice in your travels, but this is where he lives, and though he has not captured Suicune, the Aurora Pokémon can often be found relaxing in Eusine’s home or garden. Suicune cannot be challenged here, but it can be talked to. If you talk to it enough, it will wait up to three turns in battle before fleeing when encountered in the wild.

When and if you catch Suicune, you can leave it temporarily at Eusine’s house, much like you would leave Pokémon at the daycare. This raises Suicune’s friendliness, and if it is left with Eusine without holding an item, it will have a held item when it returns to you. This is most often a comparatively rare berry (including those that increase friendship or weaken the effects of super effective attacks), but may also be an evolution stone or a pearl on rare occasions.


Though Team Neo-Rocket has failed in their attempt to create new legendary beasts, they have their sights set on Lugia and Ho-oh. While you are challenging Cianwood City’s gym, Dante steals the silver wing and rainbow wing from Ecruteak City, where they have been safeguarded.

You follow Dante’s trail to the Whirl Islands, where he tries and fails to capture Lugia. Lugia handily defeats the Neo-Rocket grunts present, while you take on Dante again.

Once you have defeated the Olivine Gym, you will need to take on Team Neo-Rocket again in Ecruteak city, where they have summoned Ho-oh to the bell tower. Here Indigo has returned to help, not wanting you to get all the glory, and Indigo defeats Dante while you tackle Neo-Rocket grunts.

Your next stop will be to go head-to-head with Team Neo-Rocket once more in Mahogany Town, where they are attempting to take control and sway Leader Silver to their cause. This is entirely ineffective, but when the dust settles and Team Neo-Rocket has been driven out of town, it’s discovered that they got away with an important artifact.

The leader of Team Neo-Rocket now holds the GS Ball, a unique, ancient Pokéball said to summon the legendary Pokémon Celebi.

by muu Morty can’t believe this weirdo invited himself over again


Morty can’t believe this weirdo invited himself over again

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I told brain “no more evil fall morty” but then brain said “Oh so you mean evil eusine! ^_^ Role revI told brain “no more evil fall morty” but then brain said “Oh so you mean evil eusine! ^_^ Role revI told brain “no more evil fall morty” but then brain said “Oh so you mean evil eusine! ^_^ Role revI told brain “no more evil fall morty” but then brain said “Oh so you mean evil eusine! ^_^ Role rev

I told brain “no more evil fall morty” but then brain said “Oh so you mean evil eusine! ^_^ Role reversal AU up this bitch ”

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“My friend Eusine has been chasing after the Legendary Pokémon Suicune for ages now.” &q

“My friend Eusine has been chasing after the Legendary Pokémon Suicune for ages now.”

 "He never gives up no matter what, and seeing that has really motivated me.“

"There’s no question that I was able to achieve my dream thanks to his influence.”


Top layer by itself

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You’re in Ecruteak City trying to get your fourth gym badge. You know one of these dudes is the gym leader but you’re not sure who. You ask to challenge the gym leader. They both begin to sit on their orbs and spin as if to mock you. You ask them to stop. They keep spinning. You just watch in bewilderment as they keep on spinning. You realize you’re not getting that badge anytime soon.

⛧ If your dreams don’t come true, then become everyone’s nightmare ⛧Here’s something I was originall

⛧ If your dreams don’t come true, then become everyone’s nightmare ⛧

Here’s something I was originally going to save for spooky season but since Fall Morty did return as part of a banner for the 2.5 anniversary I suppose I can post this early…! Said banner I’m referring to already expired but hey. 

Prompt for this was “what if their capes could turn into wings like Meta Knight”. Got Kirby brain mixing with the Pokemon brain because of Forgotten Land hype lol. Anyways woooooo two dudes are bringing certain dooooooom oooooo 

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For ミナキの日 Drew Eusine on a Suicune themed swing. Added Woopers because they’re my fave Water-type ☺️

For ミナキの日

Drew Eusine on a Suicune themed swing. Added Woopers because they’re my fave Water-type ☺️.


Bonus section! This is mostly scrapped sketches this time around.

The original sketch I was going to draw…I think this is from either late January or early February.

First pass for the swing concept.

Oh I can spare one more doodle since Eusine is in it.

I like to think that Eusine and Erika are good pals and I want Masters to confirm this when Eusine is finally implemented. They both exemplify “Rainbow-colored dreams”…the ultimate wlw/mlm solidarity pair.

Thanks for staying until the end!

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