




I don’t care if it’s an OC or a canon character, and while I play a human, I don’t care if your fandom isn’t but for the love of god, why is everyone in their twenties? Give me some mid thirties or even some fourties. Hell, throw me some silver foxes. Please.

(( Shedwyn is in her early- to mid-thirties by canon time. She started out several years older than I was, but I think she’s now younger than I am due to the canon timeline’s wobbly nature. By real time, I think she’s 40 this year? ))

(Lochlan is 45 this year.)

(( Cyrus is 55. And quite a successful if somewhat traditional gentleman.


@the-astrallurgist Sara is 325;

@the-eve-of-twilight Evaxia is a dragon, so she’s definitely older than 30 (even though I don’t have a designated age listed for her);

and by far my oldest, @the-huntress-songblade Titaniia is 8,730! ))
