#lord wit



Well, now that I’ve got a number of my blogs up, I can put them all in one place. Here is the full list of blogs and the characters to whom they belong:

[this blog] @the-procurer: Lord Cyrus Phineas Whitaker, aka Lord Wit.

Procurer of information, purveyor of secrets, and philanthropist with a love of the finer things in life. Cyrus currently resides in Boralus, and deals in information, for those who truly know how to seek him out.

@the-astrallurgist: Admiral Sara Eluniia Holt.

Lady Admiral of the Blue Wolf and the Star Seeker, Head of House Sterren, Lady-wife to Lord Ardan Tahmas Holt, mother to twins Richter Erik and Aurora Nina Holt. Lady Admiral Sara has been away at sea, aboard one of her two ships - the Blue Wolf - along with a number of loyal crew and close friends. They were lucky enough to not be near Kul’Tiras when Azshara opened the sea. Her efforts have mostly been in service to King Greymane.

@the-rose-in-the-desert: Juniper Rose Blower, aka June (formerly Asset Lark).

Gilnean shapeshifter, novice of chi healing, dabbler in alchemical healing tinctures, and studier of herbalism. She currently resides in Ramkahen, aiding her partner Kyara’s people and younger brother Matin, teaching him the uses for different healing herbs and plants.

@the-eve-of-twilight: Evelyn Duskrose, aka Eve; Evaxia.

Ren’dorei priestess and twin sister to Irina Duskrose. Skilled in the delicate balance between Light and Shadow bent to the use of dishing out retribution in its most devastating forms. Eve and Irina’s whereabouts have been unknown, though their last known location by anyone was just outside Stormwind following the tragic fall of a young blue dragon to the clutches of an infamous warlock… no doubt with some sort of deal previously struck.

@the-rosecut-jeweler: Allisiana Rosaline Holt, aka Siana.

Master jeweler & craftswoman, business partner to Ilana Lunargaze, youngest sister to Lord Cedrick and Lord Jacob Holt. Siana currently stays in Boralus, in an upscale flat near her brother and sister-in-law’s home, and spends a great deal of time out conducting business with Ilana. Though her gown collection is quite extensive, they are not normally seen when she is out on business.

@the-little-blue-river: Melody Frostmane, aka River; Melogosa.

Young Kaldorei gypsy, estranged (and recently reconnected) daughter to Emmy Bluefire (Sorvegosa), ward of Darian Frostmane, friend to ‘Mina’ Mynaari (Mydori). She currently resides with Darian somewhere in Kul’Tiras - a guarded secret afforded them thanks to Cyrus’ lucrative job offer to Darian and the power to keep them hidden that comes along with it. Even so, little River likes to wander about the city of Boralus sometimes in her boredom.

@the-huntress-songblade: Titaniia Songblade, aka Tawny.

Kaldorei shadowstalker-turned demon huntress, devourer of the Shivarra heart, partner to Aznarr Duskveil, daughter to the late Arrianna Nightstorm and Reth’lazar Songblade. Before her initiation, she was a Sentinel scout, well-versed in traversing the shadows undetected; she dabbled in poisons and alchemy, and worked hard to care for her ailing mother - who raised her alone. Upon her mother’s passing, she set out to seek her father… and found a great deal more along the way. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

Please give my new blogs a follow - soon I won’t be checking the old ones, except to access stories.

Well, now that I’ve got a number of my blogs up, I can put them all in one place. Here is the full list of blogs and the characters to whom they belong:

[this blog] @the-procurer: Lord Cyrus Phineas Whitaker, aka Lord Wit.

Procurer of information, purveyor of secrets, and philanthropist with a love of the finer things in life. Cyrus currently resides in Boralus, and deals in information, for those who truly know how to seek him out.

@the-astrallurgist: Admiral Sara Eluniia Holt.

Lady Admiral of the Blue Wolf and the Star Seeker, Head of House Sterren, Lady-wife to Lord Ardan Tahmas Holt, mother to twins Richter Erik and Aurora Nina Holt. Lady Admiral Sara has been away at sea, aboard one of her two ships - the Blue Wolf - along with a number of loyal crew and close friends. They were lucky enough to not be near Kul’Tiras when Azshara opened the sea. Her efforts have mostly been in service to King Greymane.

@the-rose-in-the-desert: Juniper Rose Blower, aka June (formerly Asset Lark).

Gilnean shapeshifter, novice of chi healing, dabbler in alchemical healing tinctures, and studier of herbalism. She currently resides in Ramkahen, aiding her partner Kyara’s people and younger brother Matin, teaching him the uses for different healing herbs and plants.

@the-eve-of-twilight: Evelyn Duskrose, aka Eve; Evaxia.

Ren’dorei priestess and twin sister to Irina Duskrose. Skilled in the delicate balance between Light and Shadow bent to the use of dishing out retribution in its most devastating forms. Eve and Irina’s whereabouts have been unknown, though their last known location by anyone was just outside Stormwind following the tragic fall of a young blue dragon to the clutches of an infamous warlock… no doubt with some sort of deal previously struck.

@the-rosecut-jeweler: Allisiana Rosaline Holt, aka Siana.

Master jeweler & craftswoman, business partner to Ilana Lunargaze, youngest sister to Lord Cedrick and Lord Jacob Holt. Siana currently stays in Boralus, in an upscale flat near her brother and sister-in-law’s home, and spends a great deal of time out conducting business with Ilana. Though her gown collection is quite extensive, they are not normally seen when she is out on business.

@the-little-blue-river: Melody Frostmane, aka River; Melogosa.

Young Kaldorei gypsy, estranged (and recently reconnected) daughter to Emmy Bluefire (Sorvegosa), ward of Darian Frostmane, friend to ‘Mina’ Mynaari (Mydori). She currently resides with Darian somewhere in Kul’Tiras - a guarded secret afforded them thanks to Cyrus’ lucrative job offer to Darian and the power to keep them hidden that comes along with it. Even so, little River likes to wander about the city of Boralus sometimes in her boredom.

@the-huntress-songblade: Titaniia Songblade, aka Tawny.

Kaldorei shadowstalker-turned demon huntress, devourer of the Shivarra heart, partner to Aznarr Duskveil, daughter to the late Arrianna Nightstorm and Reth’lazar Songblade. Before her initiation, she was a Sentinel scout, well-versed in traversing the shadows undetected; she dabbled in poisons and alchemy, and worked hard to care for her ailing mother - who raised her alone. Upon her mother’s passing, she set out to seek her father… and found a great deal more along the way. Her current whereabouts are unknown.




I don’t care if it’s an OC or a canon character, and while I play a human, I don’t care if your fandom isn’t but for the love of god, why is everyone in their twenties? Give me some mid thirties or even some fourties. Hell, throw me some silver foxes. Please.

(( Shedwyn is in her early- to mid-thirties by canon time. She started out several years older than I was, but I think she’s now younger than I am due to the canon timeline’s wobbly nature. By real time, I think she’s 40 this year? ))

(Lochlan is 45 this year.)

(( Cyrus is 55. And quite a successful if somewhat traditional gentleman.


@the-astrallurgist Sara is 325;

@the-eve-of-twilight Evaxia is a dragon, so she’s definitely older than 30 (even though I don’t have a designated age listed for her);

and by far my oldest, @the-huntress-songblade Titaniia is 8,730! ))

Out of the Shadows: The Procurer

NAME:  Cyrus Phineas Whitaker

FACE CLAIM:  James Spader (Blacklist)


TITLE:  Lord Magister; The Procurer; Master of Whispers, Rumors, and Secrets

AGE:  mid-30’s

HEIGHT:  5’10”



BIRTHDAY:  April 30th

SUN SIGN:  Taurus


SKILLS:  Manipulation, Intelligence & Resource Acquisition; Transmutation & Arcanomancy

DRINK:  Snowplum Port, most high-end liquor

FOOD:  Beer-Basted Boar Ribs


SNACKS:  Kul’Tiras Misu

SONGS:  The Dragster Wave by Ghinzu https://open.spotify.com/track/3w0AsliIPXqqstBSfQ8Rym

PET:  none

COLOR:  crisp colors - gray, blue, black, silver; some gold

FLOWER:  Gilnean Roses

EYE COLOR:  pale blue

HAIR COLOR:  strawberry blonde, graying

BODY TYPE:  military fit, stocky

MORAL ALIGNMENT: Lawful / Neutral Evil

A lawful-neutral evil villain believes in law and order, but only because he recognizes possible exploits for his own gain, and does whatever he can get away with. He is out for himself, pure and simple, and cares nothing for the rights of others. He sheds no tears for those he harms or kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. He understands and even uses order to his advantage, but holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make him any better or more noble. On the other hand, he doesn’t have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has. Some neutral evil villains hold up evil as an ideal, committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies. Neutral evil is the best alignment you can be because you can advance yourself without regard for others. However, neutral evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents pure evil without honor and without variation.


PERSONALITY:   ENTJ-A — The Commander

Commanders are natural-born leaders. People with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal. However, Commanders are also characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they’ve set for themselves.


$ Financial : wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty.

✚ Medical : fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged.

✪ Class or Caste : upper / middle / working / slave / unsure.

✔ Education : qualified / unqualified / studying.

✖ Criminal Record : yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet.


◐ Marital status : married - happily / unhappily / engaged or betrothed / partnered / single / divorced / separated / widowed

◒ Children : has a child or children / has no children / wants children.

◑ Relationship with Family : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased / Has cousins and is close to them

◔ Filtration : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parents


♦ extroverted / introverted / in between.

♦ disorganized / organized / in between.

♦ close minded / open-minded / in between.

calm / anxious / in between.

♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between.

cautious / reckless / in between.

patient / impatient / in between.

♦ outspoken / reserved / in between.

leader / follower / in between.

♦ empathetic / unempathetic / in between.

♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in betweenrealistic.

traditional / modern / in between.

♦ hard-working / lazy / in between.

cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown.

♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown.

♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown.


★ Faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic.

☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.

✮ Belief in an Afterlife : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.

✯ Belief in Reincarnation : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.

❃ Belief in Aliens : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.

✧ Religious : orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious.

❀ Philosophical : yes / no / in between


❤ Sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual.

❥ Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable.

♥ Romance : romance repulsed / romance neutral/romance favorable.

❣ Sexually : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious.

⚧ Potential Sexual Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all.

⚧ Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all.


☠ Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none.

≡ Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none

✍ Artistic Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none

✂ Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none.


☕ Drinking Alcohol : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.

☁ Smoking : trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.

✿ Other Narcotics : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.

✌ Medicinal Drugs : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.

☻ Indulgent Food : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.

$ Splurge Spending : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.

♣ Gambling : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess



You like clarity and intelligent simplicity and you get frustrated at messy thinking. This can make you seem unreasonably pushy to some, but it is actually a virtue: you are motivated by a horror at pointless effort and a longing for precision and insight into how things and people work. Your ability to synthesize and bring order is essential in producing thinking which is truly helpful.


You have delicate, sensitive perceptions; you can be deeply moved by appearances – the right light in a room, or good food, or the texture of a piece of clothing. Expressive, intelligent language has a powerful hold on you; your mind works better when it is inspired and provoked by vivid imagery. It can be sad to live in a world which is often so ugly and not properly looked after. But you know that things can be otherwise, and you have the ability to appreciate the world at its best.


You love it when everything is neat and tidy: when there is a proper way of doing things, and you can tick things off the to-do list and know where everything is. So others, at times, are to you unbearably sloppy and messy. And you run into things that can’t be ordered (a child, a partner, a colleague at work) which drives you slightly nuts. But your desire for order is a good one when it is focussed where it is needed and when you’re okay with a bit of a mess.

Your archetype is the doppelganger.

Traits: manipulative, self deprecating, intelligent, knowledgeable, ambiguous, caring

The doppelganger is most commonly used to symbolize the divide between two egos, or the grey line between good and bad. Doppelgangers are extremely intelligent, and are able to manipulate a persons thoughts and feelings for their own benefit. While they are seen as a darker character, they are closer to being morally ambiguous, if not someone who has been forced into a position they never agreed upon. Doppelgangers wish they could do better, and often find themselves regretting not doing something. While they are capable of manipulating others, they are vulnerable, making themselves susceptible to being manipulated as well. Although many of their traits are negative, they crave attention, validation, and wish they could be a better version of themselves. If you can get under their hard exterior, you’ll find a true friend, and a loyalist.



Scrappy and tough, you’re a pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps kind of person. You don’t give up easily and you often thrive in situations that others would find discouraging. You have an instinct to serve others and see yourself as most useful in times or places of crisis, but you may over rely on your toughness and forget how sensitive you really are.

Like you, dandelion holds steady, even in unfriendly environments. It provides gentle liver stimulation and digestive support, aiding your body’s natural detoxification processes.

Called “the little postman” in Persian because of the belief that dandelion brought good news, dandelion has unfortunately acquired a reputation as a pesky weed. Its liver and digestive benefits have been known for centuries, with reference in Arabic texts dating to the 10th century. Dandelion is a bitter herb, a characteristic that contributes to its digestion-supporting properties. When roasted, dandelion root has a coffee-like flavor that once made it a popular coffee substitute!


You’re quiet, sometimes shy, with a tendency to be reserved. You have a humble, kind nature and often find yourself taking care of others. You can be known to hold things in, and you don’t always speak up for yourself. This tendency to hold things in can lead to disturbances.

Fennel is soothing and supportive, helping to ease digestive upset. For feelings of fullness and bloating, fennel is the friend to call on to help.

Sweet and mildly bitter, with a distinct licorice-like taste, fennel was revered by the ancients for its charming properties. Attributed with the power to bestow long life, courage, strength and even to ward off evil spirits, we modern plant people highly regard fennel for its capacity to ease uncomfortable feelings of fullness, bloating or gassiness, or as an all-around promoter of healthy digestion.


Unflappable. You are cool in the crisis, calm in the storm, collected amongst the chaos. You’re a breath of fresh air, a waft of inspiration to the down-and-out, a refreshing, inspiring, uplifting person to be around. Of course, even a cool cucumber like yourself can run into trouble. You may try to take on too much, which can leave you feeling weighed down and not quite yourself.

With its comforting breath of fresh air and the peppery, sweet familiar scent that tingles your nose, peppermint is a classic candy flavor. But there’s herbal wisdom hiding in those after dinner mints—peppermint oil also has the power to relieve occasional indigestion and soothe your stomach when your digestion needs a little help.

Long before mint became the go-to flavor of everything from gum to candy to toothpaste, the Greeks, Romans and ancient Egyptians were using mint leaves as a digestive aid. Peppermint’s characteristic minty-ness comes from menthol, an important part of its essential oil that, when present in high enough quantities, will be felt in a tingle in your nose and a strong minty scent that carries across a room.
