#every palestinian has a story about the nakba


Today is Nakba day, please take the time to educate yourself - 

The Nakba, meaning catastrophe in arabic, is the event marking the mass murder and expulsion of Palestinians in 1948 during Israel’s creation as a deliberate and systemic act to create Jewish Majority state. 

By the numbers: between750,000andone million Palestinians were expelled and made refugees in 1948 by Zionist militias, more than 530 Palestinian villages and towns were destroyed or repopulated by settlers, over 15,000 dead Palestinians, and 70 massacres committed against Palestinians, and approximately 4,244,776 acres of stolen land - when Palestinians say this state is built on our graves - we mean it in the most literal sense. 

On top of all of this, there are over 7 million Palestinian refugees today, which includes Nakba survivors, their descendants, and Palestinians who were expelled in events after the Nakba - who are denied their legal right of return (which is internationally recognized).

It is critical to understand the Nakba if you want to support Palestine, and how Palestinians, 74 years later, cannot reclaim their stolen land, homes, and belongings.  And not only that, but to many, the Nakba never ended. Palestinians are still having their homes stolen or demolished, still in refugee camps, still having to deal with settlers encroaching on their land and committing acts of violence against them, Palestinians are still being murdered and left under brutal settler military occupation. 

If you want to read and learn more about Palestinians from Palestinian voices please check out Decolonize Palestine.Al Jazeera has a database here on destroyed Palestinian villages as well you can look at

And I will leave my friend’s post here about more ways to amplify Palestinian voices.From river to sea, Palestine will be free, we will return. 
